How to create an online investment and its impact on economic growth in Iran and comparing it with seven developed and developing countries including China, Japan, Malaysia, Korea, Indonesia, India and Singapore

Mohsen Mohammadhashem

This research is a description of correlational type in terms of applied purpose and methodology, because it seeks to discover the relationships of each of the variables of the research and It is applicable because its expected results can be applied in Iran. The statistical population of this study includes data on Iran and the seven developed and developing countries of China, Japan, Malaysia, Korea, Indonesia, India and Singapore, which are data for 2016 and 2017. According to the limited population of the statistical community, the whole number method has been used to determine the sample size. In this research, the tools for evaluating and measuring the considered variables are time series. To analyze the data of this research, Excel software has been used. The outcomes indicate that Internet investment affects economic growth in Iran and the seven developed and developing countries of China, Japan, Malaysia, Korea, Indonesia, India and Singapore.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Salman Hanif ◽  
Dong Mu ◽  
Saranjam Baig ◽  
Khalid Mehmood Alam

The modern logistics industry has opened new strategic perspectives in establishing its interrelation with economic growth. In recent years, understanding such an overlap has become a policy issue considering ever-increasing factors and their influence on this relation. Most existing studies have explored this interaction from a general perspective, or for developed countries. This paper explores time-series analysis of the dynamic variables and their inter-related influence in both the short and long run on the relationship between modern logistic industry and economic growth—a more specific perspective, particularly for developing countries. Accordingly, we exemplify our analysis by employing the vector autoregression (VAR) model to the most updated time series data of investment in the logistics industry and the economic growth of Pakistan from 1990 to 2018. The empirical findings endorse the previous studies’ outcomes and recognize the importance of sustainable economic development concerning continuously improving the logistics industry. However, a unidirectional relation is observed that economic growth leads to developing the logistics industry—economic growth exerts a significant demand-pull effect on Pakistan’s logistics. It implies that logistic industrial development is comparatively quicker in the geographical areas where economic growth is higher than those areas where economic growth is low. To conclude this study’s findings, logistics industry reforms should prioritize the selected geographical areas in improving the economy that would lead to the modern logistics industry’s development. As the model adopts Pakistan’s context, the overall statistical analysis can be generalized to other developing economies. These results would be of particular interest to strategy makers working in developing countries and help them design and develop modern transportation and logistics, coupled with interlinked technological factors, which would attract investment in the logistics industry for sustainable economic development.

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Hartati Hartati

Inflation is a problem which haunts the economy of each country. Its development is which continually increasing make a drag on economic growth to a better direction. Inflation tends to occur in developing countries like Indonesia which is an agricultural country. To overcome the instability of inflation, one way to do is to predict the time series data. Methods Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) has the ability to capture the necessary information about the wood as well as able to cope with the instability of inflation of inflation. This is because ARIMA is a method of forecasting time series are suited to predict the number of variables in a fast, simple, inexpensive, accurate, and only requires the data variables to be predicted. Inflasi merupakan suatu masalah yang menghantui perekonomian setiap negara. Perkembangannya yang terus-menerus mengalami peningkatan menjadi hambatan pada pertumbuhan ekonomi ke arah yang lebih baik. Perubahan laju inflasi cenderung terjadi pada negara-negara berkembang seperti halnya Indonesia yang merupakan negara agraris. Untuk menanggulangi terjadinya ketidakstabilan laju inflasi, salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan meramalkan data time series. Metode Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) memiliki kemampuan untuk menangkap informasi-informasi yang diperlukan mengenai laju inflasi serta mampu menanggulangi ketidakstabilan dari laju inflasi. Hal ini dikarenakan ARIMA merupakan suatu metode peramalan time series yang cocok digunakan untuk meramal sejumlah variabel secara cepat, sederhana, murah, dan akurat serta hanya membutuhkan data variabel yang akan diramal.

2004 ◽  
pp. 66-76
E. Hershberg

The influence of globalization on international competitiveness is considered in the article. Two strategies of economic growth are pointed out: the low road, that is producing more at lower cost and lower wages, with increasingly intensive exploitation of labor and environment, and the high road, that is upgrading capabilities in order to produce better basing on knowledge. Restrictions for developing countries trying to reach global competitiveness are formulated. Special attention is paid to the concept of upgrading and opportunities of joining transnational value chains. The importance of learning and forming social and political institutions for successful upgrading of the economy is stressed.

Addissie Melak

Economic growth of countries is one of the fundamental questions in economics. Most African countries are opening their economies for welcoming of foreign investors. As such Ethiopia, like many African countries took measures to attract and improve foreign direct investment. The purpose of this study is to examine the contribution of foreign direct investment (FDI) for economic growth of Ethiopia over the period of 1981-2013. The study shows an overview of Ethiopian economy and investment environment by the help of descriptive and econometric methods of analysis to establish empirical investigation for the contribution of FDI on Ethiopian economy. OLS method of time series analysis is employed to analyse the data. The stationary of the variables have been checked by using Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) Unit Root test and hence they are stationery at first difference. The co- integration test also shows that there is a long run relationship between the dependent and independent variables. Accordingly, the finding of the study shows that FDI, GDP per capita, exchange rate, total investment as percentage of GDP, inflow of FDI stock, trade as percentage of GDP, annual growth rate of GDP and liberalization of the economy have positive impact on Ethiopian GDP. Whereas Gross fixed domestic investment, inflows of FDI and Gross capital formation influence economic growth of Ethiopia negatively. This finding suggests that there should be better policy framework to attract and improve the volume of FDI through creating conducive environment for investment.

1994 ◽  
Vol 33 (4I) ◽  
pp. 327-356 ◽  
Richard G. Lipsey

I am honoured to be invited to give this lecture before so distinguished an audience of development economists. For the last 21/2 years I have been director of a project financed by the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research and composed of a group of scholars from Canada, the United States, and Israel.I Our brief is to study the determinants of long term economic growth. Although our primary focus is on advanced industrial countries such as my own, some of us have come to the conclusion that there is more common ground between developed and developing countries than we might have first thought. I am, however, no expert on development economics so I must let you decide how much of what I say is applicable to economies such as your own. Today, I will discuss some of the grand themes that have arisen in my studies with our group. In the short time available, I can only allude to how these themes are rooted in our more detailed studies. In doing this, I must hasten to add that I speak for myself alone; our group has no corporate view other than the sum of our individual, and very individualistic, views.

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