scholarly journals Biotopic diversity and ecomorphic analysis of the Gryshkiv lis tract (Poltava)

O. I. Lisovets ◽  
D. S. Ganzha ◽  
O. O. Mylnikova

The study of ecosystem and biotope biodiversity of park ecosystems allows to identify the most valuable plant objects in their composition, to assess the degree of stability of existing groups and to identify current threats of anthropogenic impact on them. Gryshkiv Lis tract (Poltava, Kyiv region) is one of the centers of natural phytodiversity conservation and is an array of deciduous forests with an area of ​​about 50 hectares, located adjacent to residential areas of the city. Research materials were collected during field expeditions in August–September 2021 using generally accepted geobotanical methods. The list of higher plants found on the territory of the Gryshkiv Lis tract includes 154 species belonging to 3 classes, 51 families. The most numerous of them are Asteraceae – 19%, Poaceae – 14%, Rosaceae – 11% and Lamiaceae – 10%. There are two species of plants listed in the Red Book of Ukraine and seven species are regionally rare plants. One plant group was identified in the Green Book of Ukraine. Ecomorphic analysis of species showed that mesophytes, sciogeliophytes and mesotrophs predominate in the study area. Thus, the proportions of hygromorphs, heliomorphs and tropomorphs are close to the structure of the typical flora of the forest-steppe zone, which indicates favorable development conditions for zonal forest vegetation. However, in the spectrum of cenomorphs the share of ruderants is quite significant – almost 20%, the percentage of adventitious species is close to 3%. This indicates a significant anthropogenic transformation of the flora of the surveyed object. Habitat classification was carried out in accordance with the structure of the National Catalog of Habitats of Ukraine. Studies have shown that in the tract "Grishkiv Lis" there are at least 7 habitats, including forest (Eastern European mesophilic eutrophic deciduous forests of forest-steppe and steppe zones), swampy (reedbeds normally without freestanding water, beds of large Carex spp.), shrubbery (lowland and collinar riverine willow scrub, Central European subcontinental thickets), grassy (mesophile fringes), synanthropic (ruderal biotops of perennial nitrophilic type grasses). The dominant habitat of the Gryshkiv Lis tract is natural deciduous forests. The studied object represents a characteristic type of vegetation for the forest-steppe zone – maple-linden oak wood (anthropogenically transformed) with elements of waterlogging. Its central areas are represented by stands with a high degree of preservation of the structure and have good prospects for preservation and restoration with moderate efforts. Recommendations for the preservation of floristic diversity and vegetation of the Gryshkiv Lis tract include the introduction of a system of biotechnical measures to support ecosystems, including restrictions and regulation of recreation, elimination of natural landfills, sewage disposal and elimination of unauthorized buildings. The territory has environmental, scientific, aesthetic and recreational significance. Creation here of a protected area will help preserve the coenotic, landscape and biological diversity of Poltava region.

А.В. Терешкин ◽  
А.Л. Калмыкова ◽  
Т.А. Андрушко

Вертикальное озеленение с участием различных видов лиан в современных условиях имеет важное эстетическое и санитарно-гигиеническое значение. Особо актуально решение вопросов обогащения флоры городских территорий лианами в степных районах в связи с бедным видовым составом и резким ухудшением экологической ситуации. Объектами исследований являлись 7 видов лиан, различных жизненных форм (однолетние, многолетние), произрастающие в населенных пунктах Саратовской области (Аткарск, Саратов). Цель исследований – изучение эколого-биологических особенностей и мелиоративных свойств лиан и выявление перспектив их использования в вертикальном озеленении селитебных территорий Саратовской области. В ходе исследования видового состава, были выявлены наиболее популярные виды однолетних лиан: ипомея красно-голубая (Ipomea tricolor (L.) Roth) и ипомея пурпурная (Ipomea purpurea (L.) Roth), горошек душистый (Lathyrus edoratus L.), настурция (Tropacolum peregrinum L.) и фасоль огненно-красная (Phaseolus coccineus). Большинство (70%) из них произрастают в местах ограниченного пользования. Изученные виды лиан в исследуемых регионах достигают средних природных показателей (при наличии надлежащего ухода), обладают хорошими показателями жизненного состояния, обильно цветут и плодоносят. При воздействии токсикантами различной концентрации на листовые пластинки лиан установлено их степень устойчивости. Выявлено, что однолетние лианы лучше использовать в декоративных целях, а не в санитарно-гигиенических. Сравнительная оценка однолетних видов с многолетними лианами (девичий виноград пятилисточковый и клематис тангутский) показывает устойчивость многолетних видов (в среднем на 3 балла - 40%). Разработаны варианты декоративных композиций с участием травянистых лиан. По степени декоративности выделены однолетние лианы – Ipomea tricolor, I. purpurea (37 – 41 балл), средней степенью отличаются – Lathyrus edoratus (33 балла), Tropacolum peregrinum (30 баллов) и Phaseolus coccineus (20 – 27 баллов). Преимущество многолетних лиан заключается в их устойчивости к резким изменениям климатических условий (на 40 %) по сравнению с однолетними формами. Поэтому они более предпочтительны для озеленения городской среды. Для усиления декоративного эффекта в сезонном аспекте рекомендуются сочетать расширение видового и формового разнообразия растений (многолетние и однолетние лианы, древесно-кустарниковая, цветочная растительность). Установлено, что природно-климатические условия зоны степи и лесостепи в пределах Саратовской области являются достаточно благоприятными для нормального роста и развития древесно-кустарниковой растительности, в том числе травянистых лиан. Таким образом, обоснованное применение древесных лиан в комплексе с традиционными видами насаждений позволит создать комфортные условия проживания населения, регулировать оптимальный температурный баланс и создавать благоприятные микроклиматические условия. Vertical gardening with different types of vines in modern conditions is important aesthetic and sanitary-hygienic value. It is especially important to address the issues of enrichment of the flora of urban areas with vines in the steppe regions due to poor species composition and a sharp deterioration of the ecological situation. The objects of research were 7 species of lianas, various life forms (annual, perennial), growing in the settlements of the Saratov region (Atkarsk, Saratov). The aim of the research is to study the ecological and biological features and reclamation properties of vines and identify the prospects for their use in vertical gardening residential areas of the Saratov region. In the study, species composition was the most popular species of annual vines: morning glory red-blue (Ipomea tricolor (L.) Roth) and purple morning glory (Ipomea purpurea (L.) Roth), the fragrant pea (Lathyrus edoratus L.), nasturtium (Tropacolum peregrinum L.) and runner beans (Phaseolus coccineus). Most (70%) of them grow in restricted areas. Studied species of vines in the study regions reach average natural performance (with proper care), have good indicators of vital condition, bloom abundantly and bear fruit. When exposed to toxicants of different concentrations on the leaf blades of vines established their degree of stability. It was revealed that the annual vines are better used for decorative purposes, and not in the sanitary-hygienic. A comparative assessment of annual species with perennial vines (maiden grapes and clematis Tangut) shows the stability of perennial species (an average of 3 points-40%). The options and decorative compositions with the participation of herbaceous vines. According to the degree of decoration of the allocated annual vine – Ipomea tricolor, I. purpurea (37 – 41 points), the average degree of differ – Lathyrus edoratus (33 points), Tropacolum peregrinum (30 points) and Phaseolus coccineus (20 to 27 points). The advantage of perennial vines is their resistance to sudden changes in climatic conditions (40 %) compared to annual forms. Therefore, they are more preferable for greening the urban environment. To enhance the decorative effect in the seasonal aspect, it is recommended to combine the expansion of species and form diversity of plants (perennial and annual lianas, tree and shrub, floral vegetation). It is established that the climatic conditions of the steppe and forest-steppe zone within the Saratov region are quite favorable for the normal growth and development of tree and shrub vegetation, including herbaceous lianas. Thus, the reasonable use of wood vines in combination with traditional types of plantings will create comfortable living conditions for the population, regulate the optimal temperature balance and create favorable microclimatic conditions.

L. R. Cheltygmasheva

The work presents the results of determining the pollen viability and fertility of three species from genusHemerocallis in the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia. It was noted that H. middendorfii has the most viable pollen,while its value is quite low and amounts to only 5 %. In other species, the maximum value of this indicator varies from 1.9% (H. citrina) to 4.6 % (H. fulva). It was established that the pollen of studied species has a rather high degree of fertilityand takes values from 50.8–56.2 % of H. fulva to 93.4–95.7 % of H. middendorfii.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-91
D. A. Davydov ◽  
L. M. Gomlya

Current progress in botany requires new claims for floristic research. Now the latter is not a simple species inventory of a separate local or regional flora but it needs coordination with recent results of critical taxonomic, nomenclatural and molecular phylogenetic investigations. Based on the fact that detailed research on steppes as a zonal type of vegetation in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine is very important for preservation of current steppe territories, the authors studied several territories with steppe vegetation near Poltava town (Poltava region, Ukraine). The key steppe territories found are situated near Abazivka, Rozhayivka, Kostochky, Buhayivka, Machukhy, Ivonchentsi and Zhuky villages. Data about steppe flora from only the first territory located between Abazivka and Rozhayivka villages including “Rozhayivskyi” local botanical reserve were early reported in literature sources while data about steppe vegetation of the other areas has never been published in detail. The full list of 401 vascular plant species found on these steppe territories with the frequency of distribution, major synonym names and references to current taxonomic papers for separate species are proposed. One of these species (Hemerocallis fulva (L.) L.) is a new alien for Poltava region. Taxonomy for all species was critically revised, nomenclature of several taxa (Dichoropetalum carvifolia (Vill.) Pimenov & Kljuykov, Erophila verna (L.) DC., Campanula canescens (Waldst. & Kit.) Roth) is discussed in detail. The name “Dichoropetalum carvifolium-chabraei (Crantz) Soldano et al.” is an invalid designation based on trinominal and must be rejected. The names Selinum chabraei Jacq. ex Murray, Peucedanum euphimiae Kotov and Hemerocallis lilio-asphodelus var. fulva L. were lectotypified. The studied steppe territories have the great significance in the sozological aspect, they include 32 rare steppe plant species (seven from the Red Data Book of Ukraine and 25 from the list of locally rare plants within Poltava region) so the primary task for further research is to organize their protection as the most valuable steppe areas and the monitoring of their condition in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 00122
Tatyana Sokolova

The article presents the results of long-term research of ravine oak forests of the Rostov region.The term ‘bayrack’ (ravine) forest is associated with the growing of forests of this type on the slopes of ravines in the forest-steppe zone. The conducted ecological and floral classification showed a high syntaxonomic diversity of ravine oak forests of the region. Forest communities are represented by 6 associations: Scorzonero ensifoliae–Quercetum Sokolova ex Semenishchenkov 2020; Vicio pisiformis–Quercetum roboris Semenishchenkov 2012; Pyro pyrastri– Quercetum roboris Poluyanov 2012; Chamaecytiso ruthenici–Quercetum roboris Poluyanov 2012; Fritillario ruthenici-Quercetum roboris Onyschenko, Dyakova et Karpenko ex Goncharenko in Goncharenko et al. 2020, Melico pictae-Ulmetum minoris ass. nov. prov. from 2 classes: Carpino–Fagetea, Quercetea pubescentis and 2 unions: Aceri campestris-Quercion roboris and Scutellario altissimae-Quercion roboris. There are 67 rare plant species listed in the Red Books of the Rostov [1], Volgograd [2] and Voronezh [3] regions in the communities of these associations. Oak forests in the south of the European part of Russia significantly increase the biological diversity not only of the Don region, but also of the entire steppe zone of the country.

Nina Gural-Sverlova

The taxonomic and ecological composition of the autochthonous land mollusc fauna in different parts of the plain Ukraine was analyzed on the basis of the personal data, collection materials of the State Museum of Natural History of the NAS of Ukraine in Lviv as well as numerous literature sources. Excluding representatives of the genus Helicopsis, the taxonomy and species composition of which in the territory of Ukraine still require clarification, and the steppe part of the Crimean peninsula, in four landscape zones of Ukraine, currently, a total of 109 species of land molluscs, which are autochthonous for at least part of the analyzed territory, are registered. The maximum species diversity (103 species and 2 representatives of the genus Helicopsis) is recorded in the zone of deciduous forests, followed by the right-bank part of the forest-steppe zone. The smallest number of the autochthonous species of land molluscs was noted for the right-bank part of the steppe zone. Within the Ukrainian Polesie and the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine, the taxonomic diversity of land molluscs decreases from west to east. The number of the registered autochthonous species decreases, respectively, by 1.5 and 1.7 times, and the generic diversity by 1.3 and 1.5 times. In the steppe zone, the main centre of the species diversity is the Donetsk Upland, located in the east of the country. In taxonomic and ecological composition, land mollusc complexes of the right-bank part of the forest-steppe zone are closer to the zone of deciduous forests, in its left-bank part – to the left-bank steppe. In general, the spatial differentiation of land mollusc fauna in the plain territories of Ukraine is more strongly associated not with the boundaries of landscaped zones, but with the location of these territories with respect to the Dnieper bed and with some uplands, where the species diversity of land molluscs of the zone of deciduous forests and forest-steppe zone (Podolian Upland) and the steppe zone (Donetsk Upland) is concentrated.

O.V. Larina ◽  

Rare perennials are very valuable ornamental plants that are very different in their morphological properties. They also differ in the rhythms of their seasonal development. The research goal is to make a comprehensive description of the studied introduced species according to their economically valuable characters and to recommend them for use in land-scape design of the Altai Region. This paper presents the results of long-term studies of 10 taxa that were recom-mended over the past 5 years. The research was carried outin the forest-steppe zone of the Altai Region. The following species were the research targets: Ajuga reptansChocolate Chip,Ajuga reptansMulticolor,Aster novi-belgiiBlue Gem,Aster novi-belgiiEthel Ballard,Aster novi-belgiiMarye Bal-lard,Ligulariatangutica, Heuherella tiarelloides, Sedum kamtschaticum, Hylotelephium spectabile, Eupatorium pur-pureum. In terms of height, structure of vegetative and gen-erative shoots, the introduced species belong to different morphobiological groups, and that allowsusing them in vari-ous types of plantations. The recommended taxa have a high degree of winter hardiness with the exception of Ajuga reptansMulticolor which rots slightly in winters with high snow levels. The flowering of the studied species lasts from May 26 to September 26. There are 4 cultivars with an early flowering period, 1 -middle, 5 -late flowering. Flowering duration is 19-52 days. The plant height is from 18 to 130 cm. The comprehensive evaluationreaches 12-13 score points out of possible 15points. The influence of weather conditions on the quantitative indices of ornamental and morphophysiological qualities of the cultivars was deter-mined. Wide use of highly ornamental perennials recom-mended for landscaping may increasethe ornamental valueof flower beds.

Galina N. Gordeeva ◽  

According to the International Agenda for Botanic Gardens in Conservation about 500 species of woody plants, which represent six regions of the world, are conserved in the collection of the Research Institute of Agricultural Problems of Khakassia. The arboretum is located in the dry steppe zone of the Republic of Khakassia. There are 44 species of trees, shrubs and lianas of different rarity. Many of them are beautifully flowering, and therefore can be used for landscaping. The aim of the work is summing up the introduction of rare and endangered plants for their further usage in the improvement of residential areas of the Khakasia steppe zone. The research objects are 21 species of rare plants of the arboretum of the Institute. The periods of phenological stages of species, their growth and development rhythm, winter hardiness, period and duration of flowering, and ways of reproduction were determined. As a result, an introduction point was given to each plant and its perspectivity was estimated. The average age of rare plants was 40.7 years. All studied plants are early growing (from April 10 to May 10). In new growing conditions 72 % of species pass through a full life cycle, 19 % flower, but do not bear fruit, 9 % do not flower. According to the flowering period, 53 % of rare shrubs are early flowering (May). The longest flowering period was found in 19 % of species. The main phenological stages of plants occur during the stable periods, the low level of standard deviation confirms it. Self-seeding is typical for 28 % of the studied species. In the arboretum conditions 42 % reproduce both by seeds and vegetatively; 33 % – vegetatively and 23 % – by seeds. The introduction point shows the degree of adaptation to the new environment. As a result, 10 species have 5 and 4 points (96 %), Menispermum dahuricum, which annually freezes to the soil level, has 3 points. Perspectivity of the studied plants was identified based on the analysis of their viability parameters: 4 % of species turned to be non-perspective while 20 % are less perspective. Long-term studies of the biological features of rare woody plants indicate that rather perspective (38 %) and perspective (38 %) of the plants can be used in the improvement of residential areas of Khakasia. New species are introduced into the production for single and group planting: Deutzia glabrata, Armeniaca mandshurica, Prinsepia sinensis, Spiraea trilobata, and Rosa spinosissima. For citation: Gordeeva G.N. Effectiveness of Introduction of Rare Plants in the Arboretum of Khakassia. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2021, no. 3, pp. 24–36. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2021-3-24-36

P. A. Mochalkin ◽  
A. P. Mochalkin ◽  
E. G. Stepanov ◽  
L. A. Farvazova ◽  
N. V. Popov

Aim. Of the study was to specify the factors responsible for outbreaks of domestic cluster HFRS morbidity during winter period in the Republic of Bashkortostan as the basis for preventive measures substantiation. Materials and methods. Analyzed have been the data from the Rospotrebnadzor Administration in the Republic of Bashkortostan (RB) on the HFRS incidence in 54 administrative districts of RB during winter season 2016-2017. Summarized have been the results of epidemic foci eradication with domestic HFRS morbidity during winter months of 2010-2017 in the territory of RB. Results. Winter sporadic HFRS incidence is registered annually among the rural and urban population residing in steppe, forest-steppe and forest zones of RB. It is outlined that epidemic foci with domestic cluster HFRS morbidity emerge more frequently in the territory of forest-steppe zone. It is established that HFRS infections of domestic type take place in residential areas adjacent to some forestry to one extent or another, as well as on visiting country, out-of-town objects situated in the territory of active natural HFRS foci. Thereat, the risks of domestic HFRS infection are entirely defined by the sanitary-hygienic state of accommodation and manufacturing facilities. Conclusion. The main tactical option for the prevention of epidemic foci emergence with domestic cluster HFRS morbidity among rural and urban population of RB is simultaneous barrier and semi-rural deratization and disinfection in areas of high risk of infection.

V Shevchyk ◽  
I. Tymochko ◽  
І. Solomakha

An interesting aspect is the issue of acquiring natural features by artificially created tree plantations on the territory of the forest steppe zone of Ukraine. This paper analyzes the conditions of emergence and formation of new habitats rare plant species populations in different types of artificial trees and shrubs of the Forest Steppe of Ukraine. Complexes of natural and anthropogenic factors of necessary conditions creation for realization of this process are defined. The peculiarities of the negative impact of various economic measures on the reduction of the number of individuals of sozophyte plants and even the disappearance of some of their populations are reflected. The peculiarities of the negative impact of various economic measures on the reduction of the sozophyte plants individuals’ number and even the disappearance of some of their populations are reflected. To improve the protection of sozophytes in the forests of the forest steppe zone, it is advisable to review the implementation of certain methods of forest management measures. In particular, it is necessary to completely ban continuous felling in forests of natural origin and the allocation of biofields for natural reforestation. To improve the condition of forest coenoses of protective plantations, including field protective forest strips, it is necessary to conduct a series of experiments with the subsequent development of technology for their coenotic correction in order to increase the general ecological, including phytososological, significance. The implementation of a set of phytomeliorative measures in the creation of protective forest plantations to some extent will help prevent possible climate change, local disasters and will have a positive impact on the processes of crop formation. The creation of sustainable forest plantations will allow the application of environmental protection measures using the regulatory and protective functions of forest ecosystems. Compliance with all these conditions will contribute to the manifestation of various environmental measures for the development and conservation of biological diversity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 00116
Natalia Sheremet ◽  
Tatiana Lamanova ◽  
Vladimir Doronkin

The study of meadow fescue agropopulations was conducted in the agricultural phytocoenoses, established on the leveled coal mining spoils in the forest-steppe zone of the Kuznetsk Basin mining region in Russia. In agrophytocoenoses the fescue is not a dominant species, as in the natural meadows of herbs and fescue, which occupied the area prior to spoiling. However, the presence of the meadow fescue in the newly established plant communities resulted in increasing their biological diversity and improving the forage quality. The species was shown to sustain in agricultural communities on the coal mining spoils for more than 25 years, whereas when sown on the zonal soils it maintains it presence for 4-6 years. The ontogenetic groups of the plant in all communities were found to be dominated by virginile, young and mid-aged generative specimen. By the 25th year of agricultural phytocoenoses development the vitality of the agropopulations decreased on the coal mining spoils, composed of both Quaternary and Permian sediments. The study showed for the first time that meadow fescue is a species with good potential to restore vegetation cover in the areas disturbed by the open coal mining.

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