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Published By Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University


V. S. Nedzvetsky ◽  
V. Y. Gasso ◽  
S. V. Yermolenko ◽  
I. A. Hasso

The progressive development of technologies in the manufacture and application of nanomaterials in almost all spheres of human life causes penetration in an organism and accumulation of nanoparticles in its cells. Determinations of the risk of using nanomaterials and mechanisms of their cytotoxicity are extremely relevant current problems that should be studied. Fullerene C60 is the most widespread nanomaterial proposed to use inhibition of tumour growth, microbial infections, and purposeful drug delivery. However, there are contradictory data on cytotoxic and/or cytoprotective effects of this fullerene. In the present paper, the action of fullerene C60 on glucose metabolism, the composition of the intestinal microbiota, and an acid-reducing balance were studied in rats. It is shown that fullerene C60 dissolved in olive oil (2 mg/kg/day) induces insulin resistance, activates the peroxidation of lipids in the brain of animals, but not in the liver, under conditions of chronic influence. In addition, fullerene C60 induced changes in the composition of the intestinal microbiota in rats. Determined disorders may be a cause of insulin production, as an adaptive response to the needs of metabolic energy under local oxidative stress in the nerve tissue. At the same time, the growth of insulin resistance can be induced by nonspecific molecular damage in biomembranes and macromolecules, including insulin receptors. In this regard, the explanation of the molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance induced by fullerene C60 together with the effect of fullerene dose will be of particular interest in further studies.

I. A. Ivanko ◽  
A. F. Kulik

Nowadays, deterioration and loss of ecological functions of urban tree and shrub plantations take place in Europe and, in particular, in Ukraine; it was noted that their number is insufficient to counteract the negative impact of global climate change and protect the population against industrial pollution effects. The issue of resistance of native and adventitious tree species used in the plantations of industrial cities remains relevant; it necessitates the assessment of physiological and biochemical aspects of their adaptation to extreme environmental factors, such as moisture limit in the steppe zone, periodic dangerously low winter temperatures and anthropo-technogenic load (in large urban agglomerations). In order to optimize the assortment of tree species of large megalopolises of the steppe zone of Ukraine and determine their potential resistance to anthropogenic pressures the study was conducted in conditionally clean forest biogeocenoses of the Samara River levee zone and in artificial plantations on the territories located in the coastal zone of the Dnipro River within 1500 m from the Prydneprovskaya thermal electric station (PTES, Dnipro city). It well known that the TPP is the source of atmospheric air pollution by such heavy metals as lead and cadmium. A study of the activity of antioxidant protection enzymes in leaves of native and adventive tree species showed that in the zone of Prydneprovskaya TES impact there was an increase of guaiacol peroxidase activity in Acer platanoides, Ulmus minor, Morus alba; benzidine peroxidase in Acer negundo, Ulmus laevis, Acer platanoides; catalase in A. platanoides, A. negundo, U. laevis, Ulmus pumila and Robinia pseudoasasia. High peroxidase activity, which is complemented by higher catalase activity, indicates the relative resistance of these species to atropo-technogenic pressures supported by antioxidant defense mechanisms. Total chlorophyll content (Chla + Chlb) in leaves of native species Ulmus laevis, Acer platanoides and adventive Morus alba decreased in the zone of TPP impact in relation to conditionally clean areas. The ratio of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b in contaminated areas significantly increased in leaves of native species Ulmus laevis, Ulmus minor, Acer platanoides compared with control. The invasive species Acer negundo, Morus alba, Ulmus pumila had no significant changes in this indicator. In invasive species such as Ulmus pumila, Acer negundo there was an increase in leaf mass, which may indicate adaptation of these species to anthropogenically altered growth conditions.

V. Y. Gasso ◽  
S. V. Yermolenko

Amphibians play an important role in the formation of biodiversity and functioning in most terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. Urbanization threatens to survive many species due to the destruction of natural ecosystems whose remains become fragmented, isolated, and modified by urbanization processes. The floodplain and coastal ecosystems along both banks of the Dnipro River within the limits of the Dnipro city agglomeration are investigated. The current diversity of amphibians in this territory is represented by six species, which is 55% of the total amount of amphibian fauna of the Dnipropetrovsk region. They are Lissotriton vulgaris, Pelophylаx ridibundus, Pelobates vespertinus, Bombina bombina, Hyla orientalis, and Bufotes viridis. The largest diversity of amphibians was found on the site near the Samara Gulf, where small urbanization and anthropogenic influence are observed. The smallest diversity of amphibians was found for the site of residential community "Pobeda", where only two species of amphibians were revealed. The assessment of the similarity of amphibian communities shows that their diversity is the most similar for ecosystems of the right bank of the Dnipro River near the residential communities "Chervony Kamin", "Pokrovsky", and "Parus" and the ecosystems on the left bank near the Samara Gulf. The most numerous and widespread species is the marsh frog P. ridibundus, which lives along the coastline of the Dnieper River. Its populations are relatively stable according to their high number and distribution. The populations of L. vulgaris, B. bombina, and H. orientalis are under the threat of declining, as evidenced by their low number and dependence on small water bodies. Therefore, the reconstruction of the coastline and any earthwork and building activity should be accompanied by the measures on the preservation of small reservoirs along the Dnieper River. The obtained results develop our knowledge about the actual state of biodiversity and species wealth abundance of the Dnieper River within the northern steppe subzone of Ukraine and may be used for planning of the environmental protection measures.

O. I. Lisovets ◽  
D. S. Ganzha ◽  
O. O. Mylnikova

The study of ecosystem and biotope biodiversity of park ecosystems allows to identify the most valuable plant objects in their composition, to assess the degree of stability of existing groups and to identify current threats of anthropogenic impact on them. Gryshkiv Lis tract (Poltava, Kyiv region) is one of the centers of natural phytodiversity conservation and is an array of deciduous forests with an area of ​​about 50 hectares, located adjacent to residential areas of the city. Research materials were collected during field expeditions in August–September 2021 using generally accepted geobotanical methods. The list of higher plants found on the territory of the Gryshkiv Lis tract includes 154 species belonging to 3 classes, 51 families. The most numerous of them are Asteraceae – 19%, Poaceae – 14%, Rosaceae – 11% and Lamiaceae – 10%. There are two species of plants listed in the Red Book of Ukraine and seven species are regionally rare plants. One plant group was identified in the Green Book of Ukraine. Ecomorphic analysis of species showed that mesophytes, sciogeliophytes and mesotrophs predominate in the study area. Thus, the proportions of hygromorphs, heliomorphs and tropomorphs are close to the structure of the typical flora of the forest-steppe zone, which indicates favorable development conditions for zonal forest vegetation. However, in the spectrum of cenomorphs the share of ruderants is quite significant – almost 20%, the percentage of adventitious species is close to 3%. This indicates a significant anthropogenic transformation of the flora of the surveyed object. Habitat classification was carried out in accordance with the structure of the National Catalog of Habitats of Ukraine. Studies have shown that in the tract "Grishkiv Lis" there are at least 7 habitats, including forest (Eastern European mesophilic eutrophic deciduous forests of forest-steppe and steppe zones), swampy (reedbeds normally without freestanding water, beds of large Carex spp.), shrubbery (lowland and collinar riverine willow scrub, Central European subcontinental thickets), grassy (mesophile fringes), synanthropic (ruderal biotops of perennial nitrophilic type grasses). The dominant habitat of the Gryshkiv Lis tract is natural deciduous forests. The studied object represents a characteristic type of vegetation for the forest-steppe zone – maple-linden oak wood (anthropogenically transformed) with elements of waterlogging. Its central areas are represented by stands with a high degree of preservation of the structure and have good prospects for preservation and restoration with moderate efforts. Recommendations for the preservation of floristic diversity and vegetation of the Gryshkiv Lis tract include the introduction of a system of biotechnical measures to support ecosystems, including restrictions and regulation of recreation, elimination of natural landfills, sewage disposal and elimination of unauthorized buildings. The territory has environmental, scientific, aesthetic and recreational significance. Creation here of a protected area will help preserve the coenotic, landscape and biological diversity of Poltava region.

M. S. Yakuba ◽  
V. A. Gorban

Field protective forest plantings of the steppe zone of Ukraine are one of the most important links in the system of protective forest plantations on arable lands. The presence of well-functioning field protective forest belts is a fundamental condition for efficient agricultural production in the steppe regions of Ukraine. The paper presents the facts about the expediency of creating protective forest belts as an important measure to support the agricultural potential of the steppe zone of Ukraine. The current state of forest belts is analyzed and historical literature information on the creation and prospects of development of protective afforestation in the steppe of Ukraine is presented. The legal aspect of the mode of operation of field protective plantations is highlighted. Given the low forest cover of a large area of Ukraine, the difficult and ambiguous situation of afforestation of forest-deficient areas of the country, the creation of new and preservation of existing protective forest belts in the steppe zone of Ukraine is an extremely important task today. The problem of ensuring the effective functioning of field protective plantations in the conditions of ecological inconsistency of forest vegetation conditions for the existence of woody vegetation in Dnipropetrovsk region, in the zone of weeds-fescue-feathergrass steppes is acute. Against the background of a number of well-known indisputable facts about the positive impact of forest belts on the soil and climatic properties of steppe landscapes, the condition of most existing protective plantations today is unsatisfactory, and some of them – critical. Almost everywhere in Ukraine, in conditions of high plowed lands and the absence of forest strips or their neglected condition, there is a rapid destruction of the upper fertile layer of soil. This leads to soil degradation, reduced yields and causes great economic damage to the country. Mass uncontrolled logging, destruction of protective forest belts, their irrational use and lack of proper care are a critical problem of national scale and may soon turn into an environmental disaster. An acute modern problem in the existence and functioning of forest belts is the solution of the legal regime of field protective tree strips and the introduction of appropriate legislative state regulation. An equally painful problem for field protection strips today is the lack of reliable information about their real condition. Therefore, obtaining a general idea of the current state and dynamics of field protection strips is possible only if they conduct a detailed comprehensive study and conduct a thorough inventory. For successful planning and implementation of measures to increase the forest cover of forest-deficient regions with difficult forest vegetation conditions and create an effective system of protective forest belts should take into account the history and many years of experience in creating forest plantations in the steppe of Ukraine.

O. I. Lisovets ◽  
I. S. Serchenko

In the course of research conducted in the laboratory of radioecology of DNU, information was obtained on the beta-radioactivity of nine species of medicinal plants from two types of habitats – meadow biocenosis on the outskirts of the village. Kirovsky Dnipro region and a weed-meadow group near the town of Kamyanske, Dnipro area. Beta-radioactivity of the studied medicinal plants varied in the range from 1.18×10-5 Bq to 19.09×10-5 Bq at relatively clean habitats and from 18.35×10-5 Bq to 82.95×10-5 Bq on the anthropogenically polluted area. In a relatively clean habitat, the lowest indicators of beta-radioactivity in aboveground organs are characterized by Artemisia vulgaris L. and Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medikus, the highest – Hypericum perforatum L. and Achillea submillefolium Klokov & Krytzka. In the underground organs, the highest indicators of beta-radioactivity were recorded in Artemisia vulgaris and Hypericum perforatum, the lowest – in Melissa officinalis L. and Valeriana officinalis L. Under conditions of industrial pollution, the lowest indicators of beta-radioactivity in aboveground organs were found in Artemisia vulgaris and Matricaria recutita L., in underground – in Tanacetum vulgare L. and Achillea submillefolium. The highest values of beta-radioactivity in these conditions were registered in the aboveground organs of Tanacetum vulgare and Hypericum perforatum and in the underground parts of  Melissa officinalis and Hypericum perforatum. The analysis showed that the anthropogenic factor (pollution) has a statistically proven effect on the beta-radioactivity of the studied medicinal plants (with a probability of P = 0.999). Indicators of the strength of influence were high – from 67 to 85%. Anthropogenic pollution has the greatest impact on the beta-radioactivity of underground organs. The identified trend reflects a well-known natural dependence – the farther along the transport chain from the root is the body, the less, as a rule, it accumulates radionuclides. The detected values of beta-radioactivity, including in the industrially contaminated area are not dangerous with a single use of the studied medicinal plants. However, medicinal plants collected in the contaminated area due to increased beta-radioactivity can cause damage with prolonged systematic use due to the cumulative effect and are therefore not recommended for use.

L. V. Dotsenko ◽  
V. I. Chorna ◽  
Yu. I. Hrytsan ◽  
N. V. Voroshylova ◽  
V. V. Katsevych

Сlimatic factors play the most important role in the plant associations formation. Sunlight is one of the leading factors that determine the appearance of a particular community and very often plays the limiting factor role. In the conditions of the Steppe Dnipro Region, its limiting role can be expressed only in its excess. The great majority of autochthonous steppe flora plant species has strongly pronounced adaptations to excessive solar insolation. With the development of forest biogeocenology and steppe forestry, more and more attention is paid to the issues of forest climatology. It is shown that climatic factors have an imperative effect on the formation of soils, plant associations, fauna and ecosystems in general. Artificial plantations consisting of fast-growing hardwoods, such as Robinia pseudoacacia, have been studied. The complex of abiotic factors in robinia plantations and in open areas has its own characteristics. The processes of reflection, transformation and accumulation of solar energy in tree plantations have a slightly different character than in forest-free areas. In the Dnipropetrovsk region, the populations of Robinia pseudoacacia are represented mainly by young plants that have already entered the phase of active fruiting. No plants older than 100 years were found in the populations. Thus, the price spectrum of the age composition of the population of Robinia pseudoacacia in the Dnipropetrovsk region has a pronounced left-sided character, ie shifted towards young individuals that are actively fruiting. This indicates that the processes of expansion of Robinia pseudoacacia to natural biogeocenoses will be actively continued. Despite the fact that this breed has a number of positive qualities (excellent medonis, root mycorrhiza with azotobacter, high gas resistance, etc.), the processes of uncontrolled active settlement of this species is a matter of serious concern. This breed is capable of rapid spread and disruption of successional processes occurring in the area. In the conditions of the forecasted climate changes towards temperature increase and precipitation decrease this breed receives more and more advantages.

K. K. Holoborodko ◽  
M. V. Shulman ◽  
I. M. Loza ◽  
O. Ye. Pakhomov

We studied characteristics of invasion by Parectopa robiniella Clemens, 1863 the black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia Linnaeus, 1753) plantations used for field protection and anti-erosion purposes on the example of an artificial forest belt in Mayorka village in Dnipropetrovsk district, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast (Mykilsky Forestry of the Dnipro Forest Enterprise). Monitoring surveys were conducted during the growing seasons of 2014–2021. The invasion of field-protective forest belts does not appear evenly; we found that the tree age is the main factor in this process. Because black locust plantings occupy the most significant area among artificial field-protective plantings in Ukraine, we studied the characteristics of their invasion by the insect species. It was found that R. pseudoacacia manifests itself relatively actively in almost all natural zones in Ukraine, mainly due to its spread by root growth. The forest belt surveys allowed us to distinguish three age-related variants of R. pseudoacacia trees (initial trees planted in composition of a forest belt (50–70 years), sprouting trees (15–25 years), and young trees (up to 15 years)). Monitoring surveys have shown varying degrees of P. robiniella invasion of three age groups of trees. It was discovered that the invader mainly develops mines on the leaves of young trees (up to 15 years old). According to the results of calculating the average number of mines on a simple leaf, it turned out that P. robiniella most often formed the mine on the lower (near the petiole) leaf segment in all three age tree groups. Determination of the characteristics of the relative invasion of simple leaflets from the total number of damaged leaflets showed that the invasion of the leaf blade was highest within the location of the middle leaflets on Robinia complex leaf. Such characteristics of invasion can be explained by the different growth rates of R. pseudoacacia leaf blade and the quality characterization of leaf tissues. Thus, our survey confirmed the assumption of O. V. Sinchuk (2016) that the topical specificity of invasion derived from the peculiarities of divergent leaf development and acropetal leaf development of the feeding plant.

S. V. Yermolenko ◽  
V. Y. Gasso ◽  
V. A. Spirina ◽  
A. O. Huslystyi

Pyrethroid and neonicotinoid pesticides are synthetic substances that are distributed in different economic activity spheres and until recent times were considered one of the safe types of insecticides. It is known that the use of pyrethroid and neonicotinoid insecticides have certain environmental risks for animal populations. Reptiles manifest a significant sensitivity to this family of insecticides. Lizards (Lacertilia) is a numerous group of animals, a large number of species of which is associated with biotopes located in the landscapes influenced by pesticides. Features of toxic effects of pyrethroid and neonicotinoid insecticides are investigated on a small number of Lacertilia species and mainly on small lizards. An analysis of previous studies allowed identifying certain features of the toxic effect of pyrethroids and neonicotinoids on the lizards. Affecting this group of insecticides in lizards may increase mortality and neurological deviations, whose symptoms may reduce over time. Laboratory studies indicate that these substances can lead to increased lizard lethality and to hormonal, biochemical, and neuralgic deviations. The conducted studies indicate that these insecticides have an antiandrogenic effect that may decrease the reproductive success of lizards. The metabolism of insecticides in the lizard organism causes the formation of toxic metabolites, which may be accompanied by a greater poisoning of the lizard body than detoxification. Enantiomers of the investigated insecticides, exhibit a different degree of toxicity. A number of parameters of toxic effects are proposed as biomarkers of intoxication with pyrethroid and neonicotinoid insecticides. Lizards can be used for bioindication of synthetic insecticides, but the research activities on this issue began to grow in recent decades.

V. I. Chorna ◽  
L. V. Dotsenko ◽  
N. V. Voroshylova

The change of forest cover in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast within the framework of the concept of agroforestry reclamation development in Ukraine was investigated. It was established that the forested area in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast is currently about 5%, which does not correspond to the optimal level of forest cover for this area, which is determined at 8%. The increase of forested areas within the surveyed territory was observed because of the two such processes, as reforestation and afforestation. In recent years, these processes have shown a steady downward trend in the number of forested areas. Succession series can be fundamentally different in the reproduction of forest plantations due to reforestation and afforestation. During reforestation, the succession series will be much slower, but it will be able to reach climax stage can due to the fact that the plantations will include indigenous plant species. When fast-growing species will be selected during afforestation, plantations will develop more rapidly, but will be much less stable and need constant care. Thus, the processes of forest plantations development in the Dnipropetrovsk region need significant processing and intensification. Until recently, there was no doubt about the beneficial effects of forest vegetation on air quality.  A large number of wood species can not only emit volatiles, but also absorb in their biomass a significant amount of toxic elements, such as heavy metals, radionuclides and others.  However, recently, due to the large anthropogenic and man-made load on the atmosphere (industrial emissions, transport, pesticides, herbicides, etc.), the process of so-called secondary air pollution has been observed.  This is manifested as follows – woody vegetation absorbs toxic substances, processes them into even more toxic and releases them into the air. Significant impact of forests is also observed on the stability of systems.  It is known that the higher the species diversity – the lower the dominance index, and the more stable the system.  The introduction of new species of woody plants, and behind them new species of fauna increases the diversity of the ecosystem, which is undoubtedly favorable.  But on the other hand, this leads to the extinction of typical steppe species, for example, in forest biogeocenoses live a large number of small predators, and most species of steppe birds nesting on the ground can be easily destroyed by them. Forest vegetation significantly changes the landscape.  Any woody plants in the steppe create an ecotone, ie the zone of contact of different habitats, which increases the species diversity and, in general, alpha diversity of the territory and, consequently, increases its resistance to anthropogenic and man-made loads.  On the other hand, it contributes to the even more intensive disappearance of zonal steppe landscapes, of which there are very few left in the Dnipropetrovsk region due to high population density and a high degree of agricultural development. Forest plantations in the region can be created in two fundamentally different forms – forest belts and forests.  It is clear that the creation of forest belts will be timed to the massifs of agricultural land as their main function is to create an optimal microclimate.  The creation of forests, first of all, should be aimed at increasing and maintaining species diversity, secondly, it will undoubtedly expand the recreational potential of the region, which is currently clearly insufficient. Currently, when creating any of these types of plantations, there are serious environmental miscalculations.  First of all, it is the creation of plantations from allochthonous, that is, from the very beginning species not peculiar to this territory.  As a rule, it is a pine or an acacia white.  These unpretentious breeds grow quite quickly, well acclimatized, which, of course, makes their use more cost-effective and attractive.  But on the other hand, the plantations created from them are much less long-lived than, for example, oak groves typical for this region and, unlike them, require constant care, because they are practically unable to reach menopause.

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