2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Prihatiningsih Prihatiningsih ◽  
Isa Nagib Edrus ◽  
Bambang Sumiono

Ikan ekor kuning (Caesio cuning) merupakan ikan ekonomis penting dan mendominasi hasil tangkapan bubu di perairan Natuna. Pada saat ini, produksinya merupakan dominan ke-2 setelah ikan bawal putih yaitu 2.891 ton/tahun (17,8% dari total produksi ikan). Populasi ikan ekor kuning sejak tahun 2008 menurun, diduga karena tingkat eksploitasi yang cenderung meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji aspek biologi, meliputi reproduksi, pertumbuhan dan mortalitas ikan ekor kuning. Contoh ikan sebanyak 2.627 ekor dikumpulkan melalui tempat pendaratan ikan utama di Kijang, Pulau Bintan (Kepulauan Riau) dan Tanjung Pandan (Kepulauan Bangka Belitung) pada bulan Januari - Nopember 2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebaran ukuran panjang ikan ekor kuning berkisar antara 9,3-43,3 cmTL. Ikan yang tertangkap didominasi oleh belum matang gonad (immature). Musim pemijahannya berlangsung pada bulan Juni-Juli dan September-Oktober. Fekunditas telur yang matang gonad berkisar antara 13.355-151.632 butir. Panjang pertama kali ikan ekor kuning tertangkap dengan bubu adalah lebih kecil dari panjang pertama kali matang gonad (Lc<Lm), sehingga akan mengancam kelestariannya. Analisis pertumbuhan dengan uji-t diperoleh pertambahan panjang secepat pertambahan beratnya (isometrik). Aplikasi model analitik menggunakan program Electronic LEngth Frequency ANalisys-I (ELEFAN-I) diperoleh parameter pertumbuhan (=K) sebesar 0,6/tahun, panjang asimtotis (=L∞) sebesar 43,21 cmFL dan umur hipotesis ikan pada saat panjang sama dengan nol (=to) sebesar -0,24 tahun, sehingga persamaan pertumbuhan Von Bertalanffy sebagai Lt = 43,21 (1–e-0,6(t-0,24)). Parameter mortalitas menunjukkan laju kematian alami (=M) sebesar 1,17/tahun, laju kematian karena penangkapan (=F) sebesar 1,21/tahun dan laju kematian total (=Z) sebesar 2,38/tahun. Berdasarkan nilai F dan Z tersebut maka diperoleh estimasi laju eksploitasi (exploitation rate) sebesar 0,58 atau dalam kondisi sudah melampaui nilai optimum (E=0,5), sehingga pengelolaannya perlu segera dilakukan agar potensi lestarinya terjaga. The yellowtail fusilier (Caesio cuning) is one of the economically important fish caught by trap nets in Natuna waters. At present, the production of the yellowtail fusilier in Bintan regency as a second dominant fish species after white pomfret of 2.891 tons/year (17.8% of total landed). Population of the yellowtail fusiliers is likely decreasing since 2008 due to the increasing exploitation of this species. This study aims to assess the biological aspects including reproduction, growth and mortality of the yellowtail fusiliers. Monthly length frequencies data of 2.627 fish samples were collected through main landing place in Kijang, Bintan Island (Riau islands) and Tanjung Pandan (Bangka Belitung Islands) during January until November 2014. The results showed that the length distribution of the yellowtail fusilier ranged between 9.3 - 43.3 cmTL. The fish caught was dominated by the immature stage. The spawning seasons occurred between June-July and September-October. Fecundity of mature fish ranged between 13.355-151.632 eggs. The length of first capture by trap nets was under the length of first mature (Lc<Lm), so that will threaten its sustainability. Based on t-test it is showed that the weight growth pattern as fast as length growth (isometric). By using the analytical model application with Electronic LEngth Frequency ANalisys-I (ELEFAN-I) program, showed that the growth parameter (=K) was 0.6/yr, asymtotic length (=L∞) was 43.21 cmFl, and age at zero length (=to) was -0.24 yr, so the Von Bertalanffy’s equation growth curve were Lt = 43.21 (1–e-0,6(t-0,24)). Mortality parameters showed the natural mortality rate (=M) was 1.17/yr, fishing mortality rate (=F) was 1.21/yr, and total mortality rate (=Z) was 2.38/yr. Based on the values of F and Z obtained exploitation rate of 0.58 was likely exceed the optimum level (E=0.50) so that, management measures to maintain its potential yield should be applied. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Sevi Sawetri ◽  
Subagdja Subagdja ◽  
Dina Muthmainnah

The Malayan leaf fish or locally named as kepor (Pristolepis grooti) is one of important biotic components in Ranau Lake ecosystems. This study aimed to estimate population dynamic and exploitation rate of kepor in Ranau Lake, South Sumatera. The population parameters are estimated based on length frequency data which were collected in March to October 2013. Growth parameters and fishing mortality rates were calculated using FiSAT software package. The results showed that kepor’s growth was negative allometric, which tended to gain length faster than weight. Kepor population was dominated (42%) by individual length of 10.0 to 11.0 cm. Predicted length infinity (L) was 17.28 cm with high value of growth rates (K) of 1.4 year-1. The natural mortality rate (M) is 2.57 year-1, the fishing mortality rate (F) is 5.36 year-1 and total mortality rate (Z) is 7.93 year-1. The exploitation rate of Malayan leaf fish in Ranau Lake (E = 0.68 year-1) has passed the optimum score.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Andina Ramadhani Putri Pane ◽  
Heri Widiyastuti ◽  
Ali Suman

Tingginya permintaan pasar terhadap rajungan mengakibatkan aktivitas penangkapannya berlangsung secara intensif. Selat Malaka merupakan salah satu daerah penangkapan rajungan yang penting di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengestimasi parameter populasi dan tingkat eksploitasi rajungan (Portunus pelagicus) di perairan Asahan dan sekitarnya. Pengumpulan data bulanan dilakukan pada bulan Juni 2015 sampai dengan Nopember 2016. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa musim penangkapan berlangsung sepanjang tahun dengan puncak pada bulan Juli dan Oktober, puncak pemijahan terjadi pada bulan Januari dan Agustus. Ukuran lebar karapas pertama kali tertangkap dengan gillnet (Lc) dan ukuran pertama kali matang gonad (Lm) masing-masing sebesar 109,6 mm dan 104,1 mm. Laju pertumbuhan (K) sebesar 1,38/tahun dan lebar karapas asimtotik (L) sebesar 183,10 mm. Laju kematian total (Z) rajungan sebagai 4,31 per tahun, laju kematian karena penangkapan (F) dan laju kematian alami (M) masing-masing 2,96 per tahun dan 1,35 per tahun; laju eksploitasi (E) diestimasi sebesar 0,69. Tingkat pemanfaatan rajungan di perairan Asahan diduga telah melewati optimal, sehingga perlu dilakukan pengelolaan melalui pengurangan jumlah unit gillnet rajungan sebanyak 38% dari kondisi saat ini. Blue swimming crab faced intensive fishing pressure due to the high market demand. The Malacca Strait is one of important fishing area for blue swimming crab. The research aims to estimate the population parameters and exploitation rate of blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) in the Asahan and adjacent waters. A monthly data were collected from June 2015 to November 2016 that caught by Gillnet. The results showed that the fishing season takes place throughout the year with peaks in July and October, meanwhile peak of spawning season in January and August. The carapace width at first capture (Lc) and first mature (Lm) were 109.6 mm and 104.1 mm, respectively. The growth rate (K) was 1.38 / year and the asymptotic length (L) was 183.10 mm. Total mortality rate (Z) was 4.31 per year, fishing mortality rate (F) and natural mortality rate (M) were 2.96 per year and 1.35 per year respectively; Exploitation rate (E) was estimated at 0.69. It means that the exploitation rate of swimming crab in the Asahan waters found exceed the optimum level, therefore the management measures needs to reduce effort (unit) of gillnet by a 38% of actual level. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 207
Suradi Wijaya Saputra ◽  
Anhar Solichin ◽  
Wiwiet Teguh Taufani

One of the most-caught shrimp in north coast of Central Java is Penaeus merguiensis. However, little is known on the population biology of the organisms. This study was aimed to investigate length-weight relationship, growth, length at first capture (Lc50), mortality rate, and exploitation rate of P. merguiensis in Western part of Central Java’s northern coastal waters. The study was conducted from May 2016 to July 2017 using survey method. Samples were taken for 15 times (month) from 9 coastal fishing ports. The result shows that the relationship of the carapace length and weight is negative allometry. The growth parameters of CL∞ and K were 52.5mm and 1.3 y-1 (male) and 57.25mm and 1.2 y-1 (female). Total mortality rate (Z), natural mortality rate (M), and fishing mortality rate (F) were 4.51 y-1, 1.86 y-1 and 2.65 y-1 (male), and 5.36 y-1, 1.72 y-1, and 3.64 y-1 (female), respectively. The exploitation rate (E) of male banana shrimp was 0.59, and for female shrimp was 0.68. The result shows that the exploitation level has exceeded the optimum level (E>0.5). Recruitment of P. merguiensis may occur the whole year, but it peaks were in March and August (male), April and August (female). Carapace length of first captured (CLc50) was 20.63mm (male) and 18.28mm (female). It means that the sized of captured P. merguiensis is less than the size of first mature (CLm50) or growth overfishing and as a result, disrupting the availability of adult shrimp. The condition occurs due to the size of cod-end mesh measured 0.75inc.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 49 ◽  
Andi Bahtiar ◽  
Abram Barata ◽  
Dian Novianto

<p><strong> </strong></p><p>Ikan gindara atau escolar <em>(Lepidocybium flavobrunneum</em><em>)</em>, umumnya tertangkap sebagai hasil tangkapan sampingan <em>(bycatch)</em> pada perikanan rawai tuna Indonesia.  Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode observasi onboard pada armada rawai tuna yang berbasis di Pelabuhan Benoa mulai bulan Agustus 2005 - Desember 2009 yang beroperasi di Samudera Hindia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memberikan informasi daerah penangkapan, menganalisis parameter populasi (umur, pertumbuhan, mortalitas) dan laju eksploitasi ikan gindara hasil tangkapan kapal rawai tuna di Samudera Hindia. Hasil penelitian menunjukan  ikan gindara yang tertangkap oleh kapal rawai tuna menyebar pada posisi geografis antara  9<sup>0</sup>-33<sup>0</sup> LS dan 76<sup>0</sup>-127<sup>0</sup> BT dengan nilai laju pancing (HR) ikan gindara tertinggi  pada tahun 2007 sebesar 0,15 dan terendah tahun 2005 yaitu 0,04, atau  rata-rata HR sebesar 0,10.  Ikan  yang tertangkap memiliki ukuran panjang cagak antara 35-193 cm dengan rata-rata 87,4 cm. Parameter populasi yang dianalisa dengan program FiSAT II diperoleh panjang asimtotik (L∞) = 201,60 cmFL, koefisien laju pertumbuhan (K) = 0,21 per tahun dan t<sub>0</sub> = -0,4755 tahun. Nilai dugaan mortalitas total (Z) sebesar 0,85 per tahun, nilai dugaan mortalitas alami (M) = 0,37 per tahun dan laju mortalitas penangkapan (F) = 0,48 per tahun. Laju eksploitasi (E = 0,56) menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan gindara di Samudera Hindia diatas nilai optimum yang disarankan yaitu E = 0,50.</p><p><em>Escolar (Lepidocybium flavobrunneum) commonly caught as bycatch in Indonesia tuna longline fisheries. The study was conducted on August 2005 - December 2009 with onboard observation of tuna longliner  based in Benoa fishing  port. The objectives of this study are provide information about fishing ground, analyzing parameters of population (age, growth, mortality) and exploitation rate of escolar caught by Indonesia tuna longliner in the Indian Ocean. The results showed that escolar caught by tuna fleets longliner spread on latitude and longitude 90<sup>0</sup>-33<sup>0</sup> S and 76<sup>0</sup>-127<sup>0</sup> E with highest hook rate in 2007 at 0.15 and lowest hook rate occurred in 2005 at 0.04, with average HR at 0.10. Length frequency distribution of escolar were 35-193 cmFL with length average of 87.4 cm. The Von Bertalanffy growth parameter for escolar in Indian Ocean were L∞ = 201.60 cm, K = 0.21 year<sup>-1</sup> and t<sub>0</sub> = -0,4755 years. The annual instantaneous rate of total mortality (Z) was 0.85 year<sup>-1</sup>. T</em><em>he natural mortality (M) was</em><em> 0.37 year<sup>-1</sup> and the fishing mortality (F) was 0.48 year<sup>-1</sup>. </em><em>The exploitation rate (E = 0.56)</em><em> </em><em>indicating that escolar</em><em> in the Indian Ocean has reached the optimum limit.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 507-515
Stella Forson ◽  
Samuel KK Amponsah

The study evaluated some population parameters of Decapterus rhonchus in coastal waters of Elmina, Ghana. A total of 210 samples were collected from Elmina landing beach in the Central region of Ghana from July 2019 to December 2019. The total length of individual fish samples was measured and analyzed using TropFish R package. Von Bertalanffy parameters were estimated as asymptotic length (L∞) = 40.6 cm, growth rate (K) = 0.14 per year, and growth performance index (Φ′) =2.367 per year. The length at first capture and maturity were 28.2 cm and 23.2 cm, respectively. Mortality parameters were calculated as total mortality rate (Z) = 1.09 per year, natural mortality rate (M) = 0.29 per year and fishing mortality rate (F) = 0.80 per year. The exploitation rate (E) was 0.73 which suggests that Decapterus rhonchus fishery in coast of Elmina, Ghana is highly overexploited. Reduction of fishing efforts through the removal of subsidies and the introduction of closed fishing season are some of the recommended management measures to sustain the Decapterus rhonchus fishery in Ghana. Res. Agric., Livest. Fish.7(3): 507-515,  December 2020

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-148
Abdul-Razak M. Mohamed ◽  
Ali H. Al-Hassani

The growth, mortality and stock parameters of greenback mullet, Planiliza subviridis from Iraqi marine waters, northwest Arabian Gulf was assessed using FiSAT II software for length-frequency data collected from February 2020 to January 2021. P. subviridis is one of the species caught in large quantities as commercial by artisanal fishers. Fish samples were collected by the Shaheen steel-hulled dhow and from the artisanal fishermen. The total length and body weight relationship of fish was estimated as W= 0.034L2.670, indicating negative allometric growth. Of 3350 specimens, growth and mortality parameters were evaluated. The asymptotic length (L∞), growth rate (K) and growth performance index (Ø') were 33.8 cm, 0.30 and 2.535, respectively. The total mortality rate (Z), natural mortality rate (M), and fishing mortality rate (F) were 1.11, 0.74 and 0.38, respectively. The present exploitation rate (Epresent) of P. subviridis computed as 0.34. Length at first capture (L50) was 17.47 cm. Recruitment of P. subviridis was observed throughout the year, with a peak during July. The yield per recruit analysis indicates that the current exploitation rate was below the biological target reference points (E0.1 and Emax), which refers to the stock of P. subviridis is underexploited. Virtual population analysis results showed that mid-lengths (16-22 cm) experienced the highest fishing mortality. The length at first capture (L50) was higher than the length at first maturity (Lm) of the species. So, for management purposes, more yields could be obtained by increasing the fishing activities on this species for a substantial harvest.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 129
Tegoeh Noegroho ◽  
Umi Chodrijah

Perikanan neritik tuna di perairan Barat Sumatera berkembang pesat beberapa dekade terakhir ini. Sementara belum banyak diperoleh hasil penelitian tentang populasi ikan tongkol lisong (Auxis rochei). Penelitian tentang parameter populasi dan pola rekruitmen ikan tongkol lisong dilakukan pada bulan Februari-Desember 2013 di beberapa lokasi pendaratan ikan di Barat Sumatera. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh laju pertumbuhan, panjang asimptotik, laju kematian, laju eksploitasi, dan pola rekruitmen ikan tongkol lisong (Auxis rochei). Estimasi parameter populasi menggunakan model analitik berdasarkan program “Electronic Length Frequency Analysis (ELEFAN 1)”. Data frekuensi panjang dikumpulkan berkesinambungan di beberapa tempat pendaratan utama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan panjang cagak ikan tongkol lisong yang tertangkap berada pada kisaran 11-42 cmFL. Parameter pertumbuhan Von Bertalanffy diperoleh nilai laju pertumbuhan (K) sebesar 0,54/tahun, panjang asimptotik (L ) sebesar 43,5 cm FL, dan umur ikan pada saat panjang ke-0 (-t0) sebesar -0,076/tahun. Laju mortalitas total (Z) sebesar 1,96/tahun. Laju kematian karena penangkapan (F) sebesar ,07/tahun, dan laju kematian alami (M) 0,89/tahun. Laju eksploitasi (E) tongkol lisong di Barat Sumatera adalah 0,49/tahun atau berada pada tingkat eksploitasi moderat. Pola rekrutmen tongkol lisong terjadi dua kali dalam setahunnya, yaitu mencapai puncak pada bulan Maret dan Juni.Neritic tuna fishery in theWest Sumatra waters was developed very intensively in the captured.Meanwhile, study population of bullet tuna (Auxis rochei) in those are still limited. Research in population parameters and recruitmen pattern of bullet tuna has been conducted in February-December 2013 based on several landing place inWest Sumatra. The aim of this study is to obtain asymptotic length, mortality rate, exploitation rate, and recruitment pattern of bullet tuna (Auxis rochei). Estimation of population parameters using an analytical model based on the program “Electronic Length Frequency Analysis (ELEFAN 1)”. Length frequency data collected continuously in themain landing places The results showed the fork length of bullet tuna was caught in the range 11-42 cm FL. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters obtained the growth rate value (K) of 0,54/year, asymptotic length (L ) of 43,5 cm FL, and fish age when the length to the-0 (-t0) of -0,076/year. Total mortality was 1,96/year. Fishing mortality rate (F) was 1,07/year and natural mortality rate (M) 0,89/year. The exploitation rate (E) of bullet tiuna in West Sumatra was 0,49 / year or are at a moderate level of exploitation. Recruitment patterns of bullet tuna happen twice in a year, which reached a peak in March and June.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 6-10
Samuel K. K. Amponsah ◽  
Berchie Asiedu ◽  
Selasi Yao Avornyo ◽  
Seyramsarah Blossom Setufe ◽  
Pierre Failler

Growth, mortality and exploitation rate of Selene dorsalis (Gill, 1863) from the continental shelf of Ghana (West Africa) were examined between July 2018 and June 2019. The study provided results on fishery dynamics parameters needed to estimate the stock status and characteristics of S. dorsalis in the coast of Ghana. Monthly length-frequency data were collected from 629 samples and analysed using fisheries models fitted in TropFishR package in R software. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters were utilised to analyse the population dynamics of the species using ELEFAN Simulating Annealing. Based on the estimates, the asymptotic total length (L∞) was 22.2 cm, the coefficient of growth (K) was 0.76 year-1, and the calculated growth performance index (phi) was 2.58 with Rn value of 0.55. The total mortality rate (Z) was 3.32 year-1 with a natural mortality rate (M) of 1.21 year-1 and fishing mortality rate (F) of 2.11 year-1. The exploitation rate (E) estimated for the species was above the optimum level of 0.5, which indicates that S. dorsalis is overexploited in the coast of Ghana. It can be concluded that the exploitation rate of S. dorsalis has exceeded the optimum limit, hence the need for enforcement and improvement of fisheries management measures such as mesh size regulations, capping of canoes, closed fishing seasons and compliance with fisheries policies.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Pratiwi Lestari ◽  
Tirtadanu Tirtadanu ◽  
Duratnat D Kembaren ◽  
Wedjatmiko Wedjatmiko

Parameter populasi udang dogol (Metapenaeus ensis) di Selat Bangka merupakan informasi penting sebagai bahan masukan dalam opsi kebijakan pengelolaan perikanan udang yang berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji parameter populasi dan tingkat pemanfaatan udang dogol di perairan Selat Bangka berdasarkan pada data biologi (struktur ukuran, jenis kelamin dan tingkat kematangan gonad). Pengumpulan data biologi dilakukan selama bulan Februari – November 2014 di Pusat Pendaratan Ikan Banyuasin. Pendugaan parameter populasi dilakukan dengan bantuan program FiSAT II, hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata udang dogol yang tertangkap belum melakukan pemijahan (Lc<Lm). Puncak pemijahan udang diduga terjadi pada bulan Juli. Panjang karapas asimtotik (CL∞) udang dogol jantan sebesar 45,0 mm dan betina sebesar 49,5 mm. Laju pertumbuhan (K) udang dogol jantan sebesar 1,40 per tahun dan betina sebesar 1,45 per tahun. Laju mortalitas total (Z) udang dogol jantan sebesar 4,56 per tahun, laju kematian alamiahnya (M) sebesar 2,02 per tahun dan laju kematian karena penangkapan (F) sebesar 2,54 per tahun. Laju mortalitas total (Z) udang dogol betina sebesar 3,98 per tahun, laju kematian alamiahnya (M) sebesar 2,01 per tahun dan laju kematian karena penangkapan (F) sebesar 1,97 per tahun. Laju eksploitasi udang dogol (E) di Selat Bangka yaitu 0,56 pada jantan dan 0,49 pada betina. Hal tersebut menunjukkan udang dogol jantan di Selat Bangka telah dimanfaatkan secara penuh (fully exploited) dan perlu kewaspadaan dalam pemanfaatannya. Pengaturan mata jaring, jumlah armada dan pengaturan musim penangkapan perlu dilakukan agar pemanfaatan perikanan udang dapat berkelanjutan.The estimation of the parameter population of greasyback shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis) in Bangka Strait was an important information as a fisheries management policy for sustainable shrimp fisheries. The aims of this research was to assess population parameters and exploitation rate of greasyback shrimp in Bangka Strait based on biological data (size distribution, sex ratio and gonad maturity). Biological data collected from February – November 2014 at landing base in Banyuasin. The Method to estimate population dynamic was analyzed by using FiSAT II, the results showed that the average of greasyback shrimp that was captured had not spawned yet (Lc<Lm). The spawning season occurred in July. Carapace asymptotic length (CL∞) of male shrimp was 45,0 mm and the female was 49,5 mm. The growth parameter of greasyback shrimp was 1,40/year for male and 1,45/year for female. Total mortality rate (Z), natural mortality rate (M) and fishing mortality rate (F) for male shrimp were 4,82/year, 2,06/year and 2,76/year. Total mortality rate (Z), natural mortality rate (M) and fishing mortality rate (F) for female shrimp were 3,98/year, 2,01/year and 1,97/year. Exploitation rate of greasyback shrimp in Bangka Strait were 0,57 for male and 0,49 for female. The exploitation of male greasyback shrimp was fully exploited so that it needed careful regulation. Therefore, the regulation about mesh size, amount of fishing fleet, periodicity of fishing were needed for sustainable shrimp fisheries.

2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 215 ◽  
Zairion Zairion ◽  
Nefi Islamiati ◽  
Yusli Wardiatno ◽  
Ali Mashar ◽  
Rudi Alek Wahyudin ◽  

Dinamika populasi merupakan aspek penting sebagai dasar pengelolaan perikanan dan informasi tentang aspek tersebut pada lobster pasir masih minim di perairan Palabuhanratu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji aspek pertumbuhan, pola rekrutmen, mortalitas dan laju eksploitasi lobster pasir (Panulirus homarus) di perairan Palabuhanratu. Penelitian ini dilakukan periode Juni 2015-Mei 2016 dengan metode sensus. Lobster pasir hasil tangkapan jaring insang dasar dengan jumlah total sampel 483 ekor mempunyai panjang karapas antara 28-100 mm. Pola pertumbuhan berdasarkan hasil regresi linear memperlihatkan allometrik negatif. Hasil analisis menggunakan metode ELEFAN I (Electronic Length Frequency Analysis) menunjukan koefisien pertumbuhan lobster pasir jantan (K = 0,29 per tahun), lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan betina (K = 0,40 per tahun). Rekrutmen terindikasi dua puncak dalam setahun: yaitu pada Februari-Mei dan September-Oktober). Laju mortalitaskarena penangkapan (F) mencapai 1,9-2,2 kali laju mortalitas alami (M). Nilai Lc<Lrmemperlihatkan lobster pasir sudah tertangkap sebelum mencapaiukuran rata-rata mengerami telur atau ukuran kematangan reproduktif. Laju eksploitasi lobster pasir mencapai 32-38% di atas laju eksploitasi optimum, sehingga lobster pasir sudah mengalamieksploitasi yang berlebih.Population dynamics is an important aspect as basic of fisheries management and little information of this aspect for spiny lobster fishery in Pelabuhanratu waters. This research aims to evaluate of growth aspects, recruitment pattern, mortality, and exploitation rate of scalloped spiny lobster (Panulirus homarus) in Palabuhanratu waters. This research was conducted in June 2015 until May 2016 using census method. The size of P. homarus captured using bottom gill-net with total sample 483 specimen was between 28-100 mm carapace lengths (CL). Linear regression showed that growth pattern was negative allometric. The growth coefficient of male (K = 0.29 per year) was found smaller than female (K = 0.40 per year) based on ELEFAN I (Electronic Length Frequency Analysis) method. Recruitment seems to be accrued twice peaks a year (February to May and September to October) and the highest was at February to May. Fishing mortality (F) reached 1.9 to 2.2 times of natural mortality (M). The LcÂLr value showed that female has been caught before reached the average size of bearing eggs or reproductive maturity size. The exploitation rate of spiny lobsters reaches 32-38% above optimum level. This study suggests that the spiny lobster fishery in Palabuhanratu in the state of overexploitation.

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