scholarly journals Klauzule o ochronie mniejszości narodowych w Polsce w traktatach dobrosąsiedzkich po 1989 roku

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-144
Tomasz Browarek ◽  

Agreements on friendly cooperation with all neighbors signed by Poland in the first half of the 1990s contain a clause on the rights of minorities. The regulations of these agreements guarantee the rights of Poles residing in these countries and the rights of the representatives of these nationalities (proper national minorities) in Poland and give right to free contact with their compatriots in their country of residence and abroad. The basic principle in these treaties is the recognition that the membership of a minority is an question of the individual choice of a person and from this choice no adverse results may occur. These clauses contain, first of all, the rights of those people to learn their native language and to use their language in private and public life. They also contain the guarantees of the freedom of formation their own organizations and freedom in practicing their religions. Taking into consideration providing security a great attention in the treaties is also put on the issue of the loyalty of people belonging to national minorities in relation to their country of residence and on guarantees from the part of this country for providing such people the protection of their rights in the same way as for other citizens. The basis for all analyzed here clauses was their conformity to the international standards concerning minorities. Poland, in adopting a new legal status of a minority included in the analyzed agreements, emphasized the breaking with the policy of discrimination and adoption of the open access policy and the acceptance of minorities. The rights of minorities included in the analyzed treaties marked also a direction in Polish internal law, adapting it to international standards in this scope.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 21-29
Alexander Vladimirovich Konovalov ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of the general principle of law — ensuring guarantees of individual rights and the inalienability of his legal status. According to the author, they are provided by the synergistic action of private and public law regulation. The article convincingly shows that private and public law is a single system of values with different levels of generalization of terms and different methodology. At the same time, it is the private legal mechanisms that are the basis, the core of the rule of law.

Aleksandr Podmarev

The 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation as one of the principles of the legal status of an individual establishes the possibility of restricting human and civil rights and freedoms, while also providing for the necessary conditions for imposing such restrictions (the existence of a constitutional goal of restriction; setting restrictions only by federal law; proportionality; compliance with international standards of restrictions; prohibition restrictions on rights based on social, racial, national, linguistic or religious affiliation). The need for the existence of restrictions on the rights and freedoms of the individual is due to various reasons: the protection of the foundations of the constitutional order, the rights and freedoms of other persons, and the interests of the state. However, certain human rights and freedoms cannot be restricted under any circumstances; this so-called absolute rights and freedoms. But neither national legislation nor international law contain a precisely defined list of absolute rights and freedoms. The aim of the article is to identify in the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 and in international acts unrestricted (absolute) rights and freedoms of a person and citizen. The relevance of the research topic for the Russian constitutional legal science is due to the fact that certainty in the understanding of the list of unrestricted rights and freedoms is necessary for the improvement of lawmaking and law enforcement activities. The article examines the provisions of the Constitution of Russia, the main international legal acts on human rights, the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 170-177
V. V. Bogdan ◽  
A. A. Kalinovskaya

In this article, the authors consider the modern legislation system on consumer crediting. The authors dwell on the problems of the correlation of certain legal acts in this sphere and focus on the Federal Law "On Consumer Credit (Loan)". Also they note the role of departmental and local acts regulating consumer crediting. The authors state the idea that the special mechanism for the implementation of the rights of borrowers, laid by the legislator, contains additional duties and restrictions for banks and other credit organizations that sell credit products to citizens, as much as is necessary to protect public interests. Such regulation of the legal status of borrowers correlates with the general ideas about the convergence of private and public law. Establishing a special legal status of the consumer citizen, the legislator reflects the interests of citizens, the interests of their counterparties, as well as public interests related to the need to ensure balanced interests of the individual, society and the state. In the process of research, the authors used analytical, formal-legal methods, the method of abstraction, which allowed to formulate conclusions on the conducted research. The authors come to the conclusion that the legislation on consumer crediting is designed not only to protect the rights of a particular borrower, but also to ensure the stability of banking relations, avoiding abuses both on the part of borrowers and banks. At the same time, the legislation on consumer creditng is oriented not only to perform protective functions, but also regulatory.

2009 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 511-522
Krzysztof Drzewicki

This article is an introductory note to this special issue of the International journal on Minority and Group Rights on the tenth anniversary seminar of the Lund Recommendations. Its intention has not been to give an overview of all the individual contributions published in this issue of the journal. Instead the editor has intended to attract attention to his comments on a few specific questions and tendencies of particularly meaningful significance. Among them, the editor commented on the process and results of the strengthening of legal and political frameworks for national minority participation and the notable development of advisory and consultative bodies. Divergent views have been expressed on the degree of judicialisation of national minority participation. The article also discussed the benefits of the commendable relationship reached between the Lund Recommendations and Advisory Committee's Commentary No. 2 as well as against revision of Lund Recommendations but in favour of filling their gaps by a separate instrument within a set of recommendations to be devoted to integration in multi-ethnic societies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 479-494 ◽  
Ellen Gordon-Bouvier

AbstractWomen's domestic work is largely deemed to be a ‘labour of love’ and lacking any value outside the private family. This reflects an ‘ideology of domesticity’, whereby women's natural place is deemed to be in an imagined private sphere. In this paper, I examine the status of housework in the context of asserting property rights in the home upon relationship breakdown. Using Valverde's legal chronotope as a lens, I argue that the ideology of domesticity is not merely present in legal discourse, but also takes on material form through the spatiotemporal ordering of the home. Housework is spatially and temporally concealed behind the powerful veneer of the imagined ideal family home, with corresponding invisibility in the law. For domestic work to be acknowledged, the individual often has to demonstrate that her work transgresses boundaries between private and public. However, as I argue, this transgression is particularly difficult for women, who remain spatiotemporally anchored in the home.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2(4)) ◽  
pp. 51-68
Edmondo Grassi

In a society based on technology, the human being loses their centrality and triggers the fourth revolution by means of scientific advancement and digital progress: that of the rupture of anthropocentrism, of industry 4.0 and of the infosphere. The scientific and academic debate must focus its attention, among various elements, on the formulation of new ethical principles that can guide a person in their interaction, interconnection and, in some cases, “fusion” with the “machine” and its accompanying values. The advent of artificial intelligences is producing changes in the management of common liberties, of private and public life, of the individual and of the community, which increasingly seek in the “artificialisation” of the self and in their relationship with machines, places, subjects, reflections of interaction with each other and with the other self. The sophistication of technology and, therefore, of reality indicate the need to rethink the relationship between the tangibility of the natural and its mechaniseddigitalised representations. What will be the ethics of the future? What are the values to support in the new revolution that sees the person flanked by the machine? What are, at present, the global choices on these issues?

SEEU Review ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 159-165
Albana Metaj-Stojanova

Abstract With the independence of Republic of Macedonia and the adoption of the Constitution of Macedonia, the country went through a substantial socio-political transition. The concept of human rights and freedoms, such as religious freedoms in the Macedonian Constitution is based on liberal democratic values. The Macedonian Constitution connects the fundamental human rights and freedoms with the concept of the individual and citizen, but also with the collective rights of ethnic minorities, respecting the international standards and responsibilities taken under numerous international human rights conventions and treaties, of which the country is a party. Republic of Macedonia has ratified all the so called “core human right treaties” and now the real challenge lies in the implementation of the international standards. Some of these international conventions and treaties of the United Nations and of the Council of Europe are inherited by succession from the former Yugoslavian federation. Religious freedoms are guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of human rights (1948), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966), the European Convention on Human Rights (1953), the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief (1981) (all documents ratified by the Republic of Macedonia). According to the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia “The freedom of religious confession is guaranteed. The right to express one's faith freely and publicly, individually or with others, is guaranteed„. After the conflict of 2001 the Ohrid Framework Agreement secured group rights for ethnicities that are not in majority in the Republic of Macedonia. The present Law on the legal status of the church, religious communities and religious groups of 2007, repealed the Law on religion and religious groups of 1997.

يونس عبد الله ما تشنغ بين الصيني

الملخّص إن بقاء الإسلام، ورغبة المسلمين في الحفاظ على عقيدة الإسلام، وشريعته السمحاء في الصين راجعة إلى جهود علمائنا الأجلاء الذين نَهَلُوا العلم الصافي من مَعِينِ القرآن والسنة. وخدمتهم من خلال ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم، وتبسيط العقيدة والشريعة باللغة الصينية خير دليل على ذلك. ويحاول الباحث تسليط الضوء من خلال هذا البحث على طبيعة الإسلام في أرض الصين، كاشفا أمر وضع الإسلام وطبيعة حال المسلمين، وتحدياتهم قديما وحديثا، مبينا محاولتهم على حفاظ دين الإسلام، وأداء شعائره. ويؤمن الباحث من خلال توصيف حالة الإسلام والمسلمين، أن صلاح المسلمين، وبقاءهم كأمة مسالمة لا رغبة لها؛ إلا في الإصلاح، والتعمير في الأرض، فهو لا يتحقق إلا بإصلاح النفس، وعودتها إلى طاعة الله سرا وعلانية دون الإنغماس في تحقيق الرغبات المادية، وإشباع المطامع الشهوانية من خلال جمع حطام الدنيا دون الالتفات إلى حلال وحرام، وطاعة ومعصية.    الكلمات المفتاحيّة: جهود العلماء، ثقافة الإسلام، مصادر الإسلام الأصلية، التحديات، الصين، الدعوة.                                                                                             Abstract The continuation of Islam in China and the aspiration of the Muslims to maintain Islamic faith and its true tolerant legal system retract to the struggles of our respected scholars who learnt the knowledge of the Qurʼan and the Prophetic traditions (al-Sunnah). The services they rendered in translating the meaning of the Qurʼan, simplifying the creed and the legal system of Islam into Chinese language are good indications in that context. In this paper, the researcher is trying to highlight the normal nature of Islam in China by exploring the position and nature of the Muslims, their contemporary and past challenges, and revealing their attempts to preserve the religion of Islam in discharging the religious rites. Through the depiction of Islam and the Muslims, the researcher believes that the wellbeing of Muslims and their continuous survival to be a peace-loving nation could not be achieved without the reform and proper development through self-reformation and its return to full submission to Allah both in private and public life, and without indulging in attainment of material desires and satiating the lust of accumulating ephemeral materials of this world without paying any heed to lawfulness or unlawfulness, or to being obedient or disobedient. Keywords: Effort of the Scholars, Islamic Culture, Noble Origin of Islam, Challenges, Propagation of the Religion.

يونس عبد الله ما تشنغ بين الصيني

الملخّصإن بقاء الإسلام، ورغبة المسلمين في الحفاظ على عقيدة الإسلام، وشريعته السمحاء في الصين راجعة إلى جهود علمائنا الأجلاء الذين نَهَلُوا العلم الصافي من مَعِينِ القرآن والسنة. وخدمتهم من خلال ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم، وتبسيط العقيدة والشريعة باللغة الصينية خير دليل على ذلك. ويحاول الباحث تسليط الضوء من خلال هذا البحث على طبيعة الإسلام في أرض الصين، كاشفا أمر وضع الإسلام وطبيعة حال المسلمين، وتحدياتهم قديما وحديثا، مبينا محاولتهم على حفاظ دين الإسلام، وأداء شعائره. ويؤمن الباحث من خلال توصيف حالة الإسلام والمسلمين، أن صلاح المسلمين، وبقاءهم كأمة مسالمة لا رغبة لها؛ إلا في الإصلاح، والتعمير في الأرض، فهو لا يتحقق إلا بإصلاح النفس، وعودتها إلى طاعة الله سرا وعلانية دون الإنغماس في تحقيق الرغبات المادية، وإشباع المطامع الشهوانية من خلال جمع حطام الدنيا دون الالتفات إلى حلال وحرام، وطاعة ومعصية.   الكلمات المفتاحيّة: جهود العلماء، ثقافة الإسلام، مصادر الإسلام الأصلية، التحديات، الصين، الدعوة.                                                                                   AbstractThe continuation of Islam in China and the aspiration of the Muslims to maintain Islamic faith and its true tolerant legal system retract to the struggles of our respected scholars who learnt the knowledge of the Qurʼan and the Prophetic traditions (al-Sunnah). The services they rendered in translating the meaning of the Qurʼan, simplifying the creed and the legal system of Islam into Chinese language are good indications in that context. In this paper, the researcher is trying to highlight the normal nature of Islam in China by exploring the position and nature of the Muslims, their contemporary and past challenges, and revealing their attempts to preserve the religion of Islam in discharging the religious rites. Through the depiction of Islam and the Muslims, the researcher believes that the wellbeing of Muslims and their continuous survival to be a peace-loving nation could not be achieved without the reform and proper development through self-reformation and its return to full submission to Allah both in private and public life, and without indulging in attainment of material desires and satiating the lust of accumulating ephemeral materials of this world without paying any heed to lawfulness or unlawfulness, or to being obedient or disobedient.Keywords: Effort of the Scholars, Islamic Culture, Noble Origin of Islam, Challenges, Propagation of the Religion.

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