scholarly journals Considerations regarding the dominance of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii under low light availability in a low phosphorus lake

2015 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 448-451 ◽  
Denise Tonetta ◽  
Mariana Coutinho Hennemann ◽  
Débora Monteiro Brentano ◽  
Mauricio Mello Petrucio
2005 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 383-395 ◽  
Silvia Iriarte Vivar Balderrama ◽  
Robin L. Chazdon

The dependence of tree seedling survival and growth on light availability was evaluated over 15 mo in three second-growth, wet forest stands (15–18 y old) in north-eastern Costa Rica. Seedlings of four canopy tree species (Dipteryx panamensis, Hyeronima alchorneoides, Virola koschnyi and Vochysia guatemalensis) were planted into four canopy treatments in three replicated stands and in a pasture site, spanning a nearly complete gradient of light availability. Survival and growth of all species increased in response to increasing light availability, but species differed in survival in shaded microsites (6–20% light transmittance) and in growth increments per light increase. Hyeronima showed the highest mortality at low light levels and the highest relative height growth increase per light increase. In contrast, Virola showed high survival at low and moderate light, but showed the lowest leaf area and above-ground biomass per light increase among all species. Dipteryx and Vochysia maintained relatively high rates of survival and growth across the entire light gradient. Hyeronima and Virola showed trade-offs between growth and survival responses to light, unlike Dipteryx and Vochysia. Differences among species in seedling survival at low light may be determined by a variety of physiological and morphological traits that may or may not be mechanistically linked to growth responses.

2004 ◽  
Vol 82 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-95 ◽  
Jarkko Korhonen ◽  
Minna-Maarit Kytöviita ◽  
Pirkko Siikamäki

Light levels under the forest canopy are low and generally limit plant photosynthetic gains. We hypothesized that in low-light habitats, plant photosynthate acquisition is too low to allow the same magnitude of resource allocation to symbiosis and reproduction as in high-light habitats. We tested this hypothesis in a field study where Geranium sylvaticum L. plants were collected on three occasions during the growing season from shade and light habitats. In addition, we investigated the relationship between mycorrhizal colonization level and soil nutrient levels in shade and high-light habitats over a growing season. We found that light availability affects resource allocation in G. sylvaticum. Plants were intensively colonized with both arbuscular mycorrhizal and dark septate fungi, and the colonization intensities of these two different groups of fungi correlated positively with each other. In comparison with high-light meadows, mycorrhizal colonization levels were as high or higher in low-light forest habitats, but plants produced fewer flowers. This indicates that allocation to symbiosis was of higher priority than allocation to reproduction in low light. Seed size was not affected by light levels and did not correlate with fungal colonization levels. We found no relationship between fungal colonization levels and soil characteristics.Key words: arbuscular mycorrhiza, dark septate fungi, Geranium sylvaticum, reproduction, shade.

2017 ◽  
Vol 37 (9) ◽  
pp. 1140-1150 ◽  
Alec S. Baird ◽  
Leander D.L. Anderegg ◽  
Melissa E. Lacey ◽  
Janneke HilleRisLambers ◽  
Elizabeth Van Volkenburgh

PeerJ ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. e11587
Alexander Brown ◽  
Robert W. Heckman

Light limitation is a major driver of succession and an important determinant of the performance of shade-intolerant tree seedlings. Shade intolerance may result from a resource allocation strategy characterized by rapid growth and high metabolic costs, which may make shade-intolerant species particularly sensitive to nutrient limitation and pathogen pressure. In this study, we evaluated the degree to which nitrogen availability and fungal pathogen pressure interact to influence plant performance across different light environments. To test this, we manipulated nitrogen availability (high, low) and access by foliar fungal pathogens (sprayed with fungicide, unsprayed) to seedlings of the shade-intolerant tree, Liquidambar styraciflua, growing at low and high light availability, from forest understory to adjacent old field. Foliar fungal damage varied with light and nitrogen availability; in low light, increasing nitrogen availability tripled foliar damage, suggesting that increased nutrient availability in low light makes plants more susceptible to disease. Despite higher foliar damage under low light, spraying fungicide to exclude pathogens promoted 14% greater plant height only under high light conditions. Thus, although nitrogen availability and pathogen pressure each influenced aspects of plant performance, these effects were context dependent and overwhelmed by light limitation. This suggests that failure of shade-intolerant species to invade closed-canopy forest can be explained by light limitation alone.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Chanaka Premarathne ◽  
Zhijian Jiang ◽  
Jialu He ◽  
Yang Fang ◽  
Qiming Chen ◽  

Eutrophication, dredging, agricultural and urban runoffs, and epiphyte overgrowth could reduce light availability for seagrass. This may affect “blue carbon” stocks in seagrass beds. However, little research is available on the effect of light intensities on carbon sequestration capacity in seagrass beds, especially small-bodied seagrasses. The dominant seagrass Halophila beccarii, a vulnerable species on the IUCN Red List, was cultured in different light intensities to examine the response of vegetation and sediment carbon in seagrass beds. The results showed that low light significantly reduced leaf length and above-ground biomass, while carbon content in both above-ground and below-ground tissues were not affected. Low light reduced both the above-ground biomass carbon and the total biomass carbon. Interestingly, while under saturating light conditions, the subsurface and surface carbon content was similar, under low light conditions, subsurface sediment carbon was significantly lower than the surface content. The reduction of subsurface sediment carbon might be caused by less release flux of dissolved organic carbon from roots in low light. Taken together, these results indicate that reduced light intensities, to which these meadows are exposed to, will reduce carbon sequestration capacity in seagrass beds. Measures should be taken to eliminate the input of nutrients on seagrass meadows and dredging activities to maintain the “blue carbon” storage service by enhancing light penetration into seagrass.

Harmful Algae ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 46 ◽  
pp. 11-17 ◽  
Mattia Pierangelini ◽  
Slobodanka Stojkovic ◽  
Philip T. Orr ◽  
John Beardall

2019 ◽  
Vol 39 (9) ◽  
pp. 1551-1560 ◽  
Kelsey A Martinez ◽  
Jason D Fridley ◽  
Riichi Oguchi ◽  
Masahiro Aiba ◽  
Kouki Hikosaka

Abstract Temperate forests are widely invaded by shade-tolerant shrubs and trees, including those of Eastern North America (ENA). However, it remains unknown whether these invaders are ‘preadapted’ for success in their new ranges due to unique aspects of their evolutionary history or whether selection due to enemy release or other postintroduction processes have driven rapid evolution in the invaded range. We sampled leaf traits of populations of woody understory invaders across light gradients in their native range in Japan and in their invaded ENA range to examine potential phenotypic shifts related to carbon gain and nitrogen use between ranges. We also measured leaf traits in three co-occurring ENA native shrub species. In their invaded range, invaders invested significantly less in leaf chlorophyll content (both per unit leaf mass and area) compared with native range populations of the same species, yet maintained similar rates of photosynthesis in low light. In addition, compared with ENA natives, ENA invaders displayed greater trait variation in response to increasing light availability (forest edges, gaps), giving them a potential advantage over ENA natives in a variety of light conditions. We conclude that, for this group of species, newly evolved phenotypes in the invaded range are more important than preadaptation for their success as shade-tolerant forest invaders.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Belinda C. Martin ◽  
Deirdre Gleeson ◽  
John Statton ◽  
Andre R. Siebers ◽  
Pauline Grierson ◽  

2008 ◽  
Vol 24 (05) ◽  
pp. 569-573 ◽  
Fabiano Micheletto Scarpa ◽  
I. F. M. Valio

A close relationship has been reported between seed size and many different plant traits such as seedling size, relative growth rate, seedling survival, distance of dispersion, colonization and density of seeds in the soil (Coomes & Grubb 2003, Jurado & Westoby 1992, Lahoreauet al. 2006, Saverimuttu & Westoby 1996, Souza & Valio 2001). Although the association of seed size and shade tolerance is unclear (Westobyet al. 1996) some authors have suggested that a larger-seeded species is better able to tolerate low light availability (Foster 1986, Foster & Janson 1985, Leishman & Westoby 1994) by producing a vigorous seedling with a higher ability to withstand predation (Armstrong & Westoby 1993, Foster 1986) and delaying the beginning of carbon fixation so as to increase survival under a canopy and under leaf litter.

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