Effects of Growth Regulator Herbicide on Downy Brome (Bromus tectorum) Seed Production

2013 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-64 ◽  
Matthew J. Rinella ◽  
Robert A. Masters ◽  
Susan E. Bellows

AbstractPrevious research showed growth regulator herbicides, such as picloram and aminopyralid, have a sterilizing effect on Japanese brome (Bromus japonicus Thunb.) that can reduce this invasive annual grass's seed production nearly 100%. This suggests growth regulators might be used to control invasive annual grasses by depleting their short-lived seed banks. The goal of this study was to extend the previous Japanese brome research to downy brome (Bromus tectorum L.), the most damaging invasive annual grass of U.S. grasslands. In a greenhouse, we found picloram did not greatly influence downy brome seed production, while point estimates suggest aminopyralid reduced seed production 55 to 80%. If not for a highly abnormal retillering response that we somewhat doubt would occur in the field, point estimates suggest aminopyralid would have reduced downy brome seed production approximately 90% when applied at the heading stage and approximately 98% when applied at three earlier growth stages. Our greenhouse study should encourage field studies designed to further explore the potential for using growth regulators to control downy brome and other invasive annual grasses.

2010 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-16 ◽  
Matthew J. Rinella ◽  
Marshall R. Haferkamp ◽  
Robert A. Masters ◽  
Jennifer M. Muscha ◽  
Susan E. Bellows ◽  

AbstractAuxinic herbicides, such as 2,4-D and dicamba, that act as plant growth regulators are commonly used for broadleaf weed control in cereal crops (e.g., wheat, barley), grasslands, and noncroplands. If applied at late growth stages, while cereals are developing reproductive parts, the herbicides can reduce seed production. We tested whether growth regulators have this same effect on the invasive annual grass Japanese brome. The herbicides 2,4-D, dicamba, and picloram were applied at typical field use rates to Japanese brome at various growth stages in a greenhouse. Picloram reduced seed production nearly 100% when applied at the internode elongation, boot, or heading stages of growth, whereas dicamba appeared to be slightly less effective and 2,4-D was much less effective. Our results indicate it may be possible to control Japanese brome by using growth regulator herbicides to reduce its seed production, thereby depleting its short-lived seed bank.

Weed Science ◽  
1987 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 277-281 ◽  
Jesse M. Richardson ◽  
David R. Gealy ◽  
Larry A. Morrow

Ethyl ester of DPX-Y6202 {2-[4-[(6-chloro-2-quinoxalinyl)oxy] phenoxy] propanoic acid} and butyl ester of fluazifop {(±)-2-[4-[[5-(trifluoromethyl)-2-pyridinyl] oxy] phenoxy] propanoic acid} applied during the reproductive phase of development at 0.07 and 0.28 kg ai/ha prevented seed formation in downy brome (Bromus tectorumL. # BROTE). Fluazifop prevented seed formation over a wider range of application rates and growth stages than did DPX-Y6202. Seed production was prevented most readily by herbicide applications made early in the reproductive phase. Environmental factors during reproduction affected herbicide performance. Foliar absorption and translocation of14C-fluazifop into the developing spikelets was greater than that of14C-DPX-Y6202 in downy brome.

1991 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 557-562 ◽  
Robert E. Blackshaw

Field studies were conducted to determine the most effective rate of several herbicides applied at various growth stages to control downy brome in conservation fallow programs. Downy brome growth stage affected the efficacy of all herbicides. All herbicides were less effective when application was delayed until the boot stage of downy brome. Fluazifop-P and sethoxydim must be applied prior to tillering to effectively control downy brome. Glyphosate, the commercial mixture of glyphosate plus 2,4-D, paraquat, and HOE-39866 consistently controlled downy brome up to the 3- to 5-tiller stage. Glyphosate at 180 to 200 g ha-1, paraquat at 250 to 300 g ha-1, and the commercial mixture of glyphosate plus 2,4-D at 600 to 660 g ha-1controlled downy brome 80 to 90%. The effective rates were lower than rates currently registered for downy brome control in western Canada, and thus there is potential for making conservation fallow programs more economical when downy brome is the predominant weed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-68 ◽  
Matthew J. Rinella ◽  
Josh S. Davy ◽  
Guy B. Kyser ◽  
Fadzayi E. Mashiri ◽  
Susan E. Bellows ◽  

AbstractExotic annual grasses such as medusahead [Taeniatherum caput-medusae(L.) Nevski] and downy brome (Bromus tectorumL.) dominate millions of hectares of grasslands in the western United States. Applying picloram, aminopyralid, and other growth regulator herbicides at late growth stages reduces seed production of most exotic annual grasses. In this study, we applied aminopyralid toT. caput-medusaeto determine how reducing seed production in the current growing season influenced cover in the subsequent growing season. At eight annual grassland sites, we applied aminopyralid at 55, 123, and 245 g ae ha−1in spring just beforeT. caput-medusaeheading. The two higher rates were also applied pre-emergence (PRE) in fall to allow comparisons with this previously tested timing. When applied in spring during the roughly 10-d period between the flag leaf and inflorescence first becoming visible, just 55 g ae ha−1of aminopyralid greatly limited seed production and subsequently reducedT. caput-medusaecover to nearly zero. Fall aminopyralid applications were less effective againstT. caput-medusae, even at a rate of 245 g ae ha−1. The growing season of application, fall treatments, but not spring treatments, sometimes reduced cover of desirable winter annual forage grasses. The growing season after application, both spring and fall treatments tended to increase forage grasses, though spring treatments generally caused larger increases. Compared with other herbicide treatment options, preheading aminopyralid treatments are a relatively inexpensive, effective approach for controllingT. caput-medusaeand increasing forage production.

1999 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 120-126 ◽  
Oleg Daugovish ◽  
Drew J. Lyon ◽  
David D. Baltensperger

Field studies were conducted from 1990 through 1997 to evaluate the long-term effect of 2- and 3-yr rotations on the control of downy brome, jointed goatgrass, and feral rye in winter wheat. At the completion of the study, jointed goatgrass and feral rye densities averaged 8 plants/m2and < 0.1 plant/m2for the 2- and 3-yr rotations, respectively. Downy brome densities averaged < 0.5 plant/m2for both the 2- and 3-yr rotations, with no treatment differences observed. Winter annual grasses were not eradicated after two cycles of the 3-yr rotations, but weed densities were reduced 10-fold compared to densities after one cycle and more than 100-fold compared with the 2-yr rotations. Wheat grain contamination with dockage and foreign material followed a similar trend. The 3-yr rotations were economically competitive with 2-yr rotations and provided superior control of the winter annual grass weeds.

1998 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 391-396 ◽  
Tom D. Whitson ◽  
David W. Koch

Long-term control of downy brome with an integrated approach is needed in order to sustain range productivity. Studies were conducted to study the effectiveness of a combination of downy brome control practices. In two studies, glyphosate and paraquat were evaluated at various rates for up to three successive years for control of downy brome in rangeland. A third study evaluated the competitiveness of perennial cool-season grasses against downy brome in the absence of herbicides. Glyphosate, at 0.55 kg/ha, and 0.6 kg/ha paraquat provided selective downy brome control on rangeland when applications were combined with intensive grazing. Downy brome control was greater than 90% following two sequential years of 0.6 kg/ha paraquat at either the two- to eight-leaf stage or bloom stage at both study locations. At one study location, 0.55 kg/ha glyphosate provided 97% control after the first application at both growth stages. In the second study, control averaged greater than 92% following three sequential applications of glyphosate. When perennial cool-season grasses were seeded in the spring following fall tillage (no herbicides) and allowed to establish for three growing seasons, three of the five species were effective in reducing the reestablishment of downy brome. ‘Luna’ pubescent wheatgrass, ‘Hycrest’ crested wheatgrass, ‘Sodar’ streambank wheatgrass, ‘Bozoisky’ Russian wildrye, and ‘Critana’ thickspike wheatgrass controlled 100, 91, 85, 45, and 32% of the downy brome, respectively. Yields of perennial grass dry matter were 1,714, 1,596, 1,135, 900, and 792 kg/ha. Replacing noncompetitive annual grasses with competitive cool-season perennials will provide a longer term solution to a downy brome problem than the use of herbicides alone or with intensive grazing.

Weed Science ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 57 (3) ◽  
pp. 346-350 ◽  
Lawrence E. Steckel ◽  
C. Owen Gwathmey

Field studies were conducted to examine both density and duration of glyphosate-resistant (GR) horseweed interference in cotton. Two studies, one examining the effect of horseweed density and a second the duration of horseweed interference, were conducted on a site with a natural population of horseweed that were treated with glyphosate at 0.84 kg ae ha−1prior to planting and at the 2nd and 4th cotton node growth stages. GR horseweed density effect on cotton height, maturity, and lint yield was determined at horseweed densities of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 plants m−2. Duration of horseweed interference was evaluated when 20 horseweed m−2were allowed to interfere with cotton from emergence to 2nd node, 6th node, 10th node, 12th node, and 1st bloom stage of cotton. The maximum cotton lint yield loss (46%) occurred when horseweed was allowed to compete with cotton from emergence to maturity at the two highest densities (20 and 25 horseweed m−2). When the data were fit to the Cousens model the estimateda(maximum yield loss) andi(yield loss per unit density as density approaches zero) were 53 ± 7.3 and 2.8 ± 0.6 SE, respectively. In both years of the study, horseweed interference from emergence to the 2nd cotton node did not reduce cotton lint yields. In 2006, cotton lint yield loss was 28% compared to 39% in 2005 when horseweed interfered with cotton from emergence until the 6th cotton node. Cotton lint yield loss was 37 and 44% when horseweed competed to the 8th cotton node in 2005 and 2006, respectively. Maximum horseweed seed production was 134,000 to 148,000 seeds m−2.

1998 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 478-483 ◽  
R. L. Anderson

Producers rely on cultural practices to manage downy brome, jointed goatgrass, and feral rye in winter wheat because there are no effective herbicides for in-crop control. This study characterized seedling emergence, growth, and development of these winter annual grasses, with the goal of suggesting or improving cultural control strategies. Feral rye seedlings emerged within 4 wk, whereas downy brome and jointed goatgrass seedlings emerged over a 10-wk period. Emergence patterns of these grasses suggest that delay of winter wheat planting may be effective in reducing feral rye densities, but this strategy most likely will be ineffective with downy brome or jointed goatgrass. Downy brome began anthesis 1 to 2 wk earlier than the other two grasses and winter wheat. Both downy brome and jointed goatgrass were shorter than winter wheat during the growing season, whereas feral rye was at least as tall as wheat. Producers mow infested wheat to prevent weed seed production, but this practice may not be effective with jointed goatgrass and downy brome because of their short stature and downy brome's earlier development. Conversely, mowing has potential in preventing feral rye seed production. The grasses produced between 340 and 770 seeds/ plant.

Weed Science ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-94 ◽  
Daniel A. Ball ◽  
Sandra M. Frost ◽  
Larry H. Bennett

In spring 2005, a downy brome population with possible resistance to fluazifop-P, an acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) inhibitor (group 1) herbicide was found in a commercial creeping red fescue seed production field, near La Grande, OR, where fluazifop-P had been used to control downy brome repeatedly over 7 yr. Greenhouse experiments were conducted to confirm resistance to a number of group 1 herbicides. The suspected resistant downy brome accession was tested for resistance to fluazifop-P and tested for cross-resistance to other aryloxyphenoxy propionate (APP) and cyclohexanedione (CHD) herbicides, including quizalofop-P, sethoxydim, and clethodim. Data recorded included plant-mortality counts and biomass. Tests revealed that the La Grande downy brome accession was highly resistant to fluazifop-P and sethoxydim at all tested rates. The La Grande accession suffered no mortality from fluazifop-P or sethoxydim treatments up to the maximum tested rate of eight times (8×) the labeled recommendation. The La Grande accession was resistant to quizalofop-P and clethodim at the labeled rate or less but was susceptible to application rates higher than the labeled rate. The control downy brome accession was completely susceptible to fluazifop-P, quizalofop-P, and clethodim at all rates and exhibited increasing susceptibility with increasing sethoxydim rate. This pattern of cross-resistance differs from that of a previously reported case of ACCase resistance in downy brome.

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 561-564 ◽  
Daniel A. Ball

AbstractPrevious research has shown that pyridine growth regulator herbicides can affect seed production in annual grasses including downy brome, Japanese brome, wheat, and other cereal grain crops. Aminocyclopyrachlor is a pyridine carboxylic acid growth regulator herbicide that has recently been registered for broadleaf weed and brush control in nonagricultural areas, which may help facilitate release of native perennial grasses in native plant restoration sites. The influence of aminocyclopyrachlor on downy brome seed production was evaluated at multiple application rates and timings under controlled field conditions. The effect of aminocyclopyrachlor on seed production was compared with aminopyralid, another pyridine growth regulator herbicide. When applied to downy brome plants in the early vegetative stage (EPOST) at approximately 580 growing degree days (GDD), aminocyclopyrachlor at 320 g ae ha−1 reduced seed germination by 50 to 88% in the first and second study years, respectively. Aminopyralid reduced seed germination by 94% in the first study year, but only 20% in the second year. When applied to downy brome plants in the early heading stage at approximately 1,235 GDD (LPOST), aminocyclopyrachlor at 320 g ae ha−1 reduced seed germination by 100% both years. Aminopyralid reduced seed germination by 95% in the first year, and 81% in the second year. Other than the observed reduction in seed germination, herbicides did not produce any visible changes in downy brome aboveground plant growth or development. Because downy brome seeds are relatively short-lived in soil, aminocyclopyrachlor and aminopyralid applications to downy brome–infested rangelands and other natural areas could result in reductions in downy brome population densities over time. No published data exist on the effect of aminocyclopyrachlor on seed production of desirable perennial grasses in natural ecosystems, thereby suggesting the need for further research.

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