scholarly journals Comparison of different approaches to LS factor calculations based on a measured soil loss under simulated rainfall.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (No. 2) ◽  
pp. 69-77 ◽  
M. Hrabalíková ◽  
M. Janeček

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in combination with soil loss models can enhance evaluation of soil erosion estimation. SAGA and ARC/INFO geographic information systems were used to estimate the topographic (LS) factor of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) that in turn was used to calculate the soil erosion on a long-term experimental plot near Prague in the Czech Republic. To determine the influence of a chosen algorithm on the soil erosion estimates a digital elevation model with high accuracy (1 × 1 m) and a measured soil loss under simulated rainfall were used. These then provided input for five GIS-based and two manual procedures of computing the combined slope length and steepness factor in the (R)USLE. The results of GIS-based (R)USLE erosion estimates from the seven procedures were compared to the measured soil loss from the 11 m long experimental plot and from 38 rainfall simulations performed here during 15 years. The results indicate that the GIS-based (R)USLE soil loss estimates from five different approaches to calculation of LS factor are lower than the measured average annual soil loss. The two remaining approaches over-predicted the measured soil loss. The best method for LS factor estimation on field scale is the original manual method of the USLE, which predicted the average soil loss with 6% difference from the measured soil loss. The second method is the GIS-based method that concluded a difference of 8%. The results of this study show the need for further work in the area of soil erosion estimation (with particular focus on the rill/interrill ratio) using the GIS and USLE. The study also revealed the need for an application of the same approach to catchment area as it might bring different outcomes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 233-241
Padma Paramita ◽  
Sesa Wiguna ◽  
Fathia Zulfati Shabrina ◽  
Aida Sartimbul

Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki potensi tinggi akan kejadian tsunami. Salah satu wilayah tersebut adalah Kabupaten Serang bagian barat. Saat ini evolusi teknologi penginderaan jauh dan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membantu upaya mitigasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis potensi tsunami dan menyediakan peta bahaya tsunami sebagai salah satu upaya mitigasi bencana berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) berdasarkan panduan dari Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode matematis yang dikembangkan oleh Berryman-2006. Metode ini merupakan metode yang sederhana namun cukup akurat dalam memperkirakan daerah yang berpotensi terdampak tsunami. Data Digital Elevation Model (DEM) dan shapefile rupa bumi yang bersumber dari Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG) Indonesia merupakan data utama yang digunakan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa potensi bahaya tsunami di Kabupaten Serang bagian barat terdiri dari 3 kelas yaitu kelas rendah, sedang, dan tinggi yang didominasi oleh kelas bahaya tinggi dengan total luas area terdampak sebesar 377,64 ha. Peta bahaya tsunami ini selanjutnya dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu basis informasi dalam perencanaan mitigasi bencana di Kabupaten Serang.  Indonesia is a country that has a high potential for tsunami events. One of these areas is the western part of Serang Regency. Currently, the evolution of remote sensing technology and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can be utilized to assist mitigation efforts. The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential for tsunamis and provide a tsunami hazard map as one of the efforts to mitigate disasters based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) based on guidelines from the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB). The method used in this research is a mathematical method developed by Berryman-2006. This method is a simple but fairly accurate method for estimating areas potentially affected by a tsunami. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data and the shapefile of the earth's appearance sourced from the Indonesian Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) are the main data used. The results of the analysis show that the potential tsunami hazard in the western part of Serang Regency consists of 3 classes, namely low, medium, and high classes which are dominated by high hazard classes with a total area of 377.64 ha affected. This tsunami hazard map can then be used as one of the information bases in disaster mitigation planning in Serang Regency.

2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 1022-1037 ◽  
George D Malaperdas ◽  
Vayia V Panagiotidis

One of the hardest terms for students new to geographic information systems to understand is the meaning and application of Aspect. When taking one’s first steps in spatial analysis using data in the form of rasters, the first three things new users are called to learn and use are exporting a digital elevation model, the Slope (land incline) and finally the Aspect (orientation of a slope). While the first two are quite straightforward and easily comprehended even from newcomers to spatial analysis in geographic information systems, Aspect continues throughout the learning process to be difficult as a function with one out of three new students not able to decipher it. This paper attempts to give a simpler definition to Aspect including its analytical significance in geographic information systems.

2022 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 371-380
Asril Zevri

Abstrak Kota Meulaboh adalah salah satu daerah di provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam yang berada di wilayah perairan Lautan Samudra Hindia sebagai sarana Pelabuhan. Pelabuhan Meulaboh sangat berperan penting dalam meningkatkan perekonomian dan memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat khususnya di Wilayah Kabupaten Aceh Barat. Daerah perairan pantai sangat rentan terhadap banjir pasang (rob) akibat fluktuasi muka air laut dengan kejadian pasang tertinggi (Highest Water Level) yang berpotensi mengakibatkan daerah genangan banjir di sekitar wilayah pemukiman penduduk. Studi penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisis pemetaan potensi daerah genangan banjir pasang (rob) menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Elevasi tinggi pasang surut dianalisis dengan metode Admiralty, penggambaran elevasi kontur permukaan tanah dan banjir pasang (rob) dianalisis berdasarkan data Digital Elevation Model (DEM), dan pemetaan potensi daerah genangan banjir antara elevasi permukaan banjir pasang (rob) dengan peta administratif Kota Meulaboh dilakukan dengan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) yang menggunakan software Arcgis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan elevasi muka air banjir pasang (rob) tertinggi berada di ketinggian 0.78 m di atas permukaan laut rata-rata (MSL) dan mengakibatkan potensi luas daerah genangan banjir mencapai 18.18 Km2. Luas daerah genangan banjir mengakibatkan 11 desa terkena dampak dan mengakibatkan kerugian bagi masyarakat khususnya di wilayah Desa Kampung Pasir, Suak Indrapuri, Suak Raya, dan Suak Nie. Kata-kata Kunci: Meulaboh, pasang surut, admiralty, dan sistem informasi geografis. Abstract Meulaboh City is one of the regions in the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam in the territorial waters Indian Ocean as a port. Meulaboh Port is very important in improving the economy and meeting the needs of the community, especially in the District of West Aceh. Coastal waters are very susceptible to tidal flooding (rob) due to sea level fluctuations with the highest water level which has the potential to cause flooding areas around residential areas. The research study was conducted to analyze the mapping of potential tidal flood areas (rob) using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Tidal height analysis is carried out using the Admiralty method, depiction of ground surface contour elevation and tidal flooding (rob) is analyzed based on Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data, and mapping of potential inundation areas between tidal flood surface elevations (ROB) with administrative maps of Meulaboh City carried out with a Geographic Information System (GIS) that uses Arcgis software. The results showed that the highest tidal flood water level (rob) was at an altitude of 0.78 m above the mean sea level (MSL) and resulted in the potential area of ​​flood inundation areas reaching 18.18 Km2. The total of ​​flood inundation area affected 11 villages and caused losses to the community, especially in the villages of Kampung Pasir, Suak Indrapuri, Suak Raya, and Suak Nie. Keywords: Meulaboh, tides, admiralty, and geographic information systems.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 423-429
Ummi Kalsum ◽  
Yuswar Yunus ◽  
T Ferijal

Abstrak.  Erosi dapat memicu degradasi lahan. Potensi erosi akan meningkat dengan semakin berkurangnya tutupan lahan dan minimnya tindakan konservasi. SIG diterapkan dalam berbagai ilmu antaranya yaitu dalam bidang bidang sumberdaya alam (inventarisasi manajemen dan kesesuaian lahan untuk pertanian). Rumusan masalahnya adalah sebagai berikut, Apakah kelas erosi yang terjadi di DAS Meureudu berada dalam kategori sedang ? Bagaimana penerapan upaya konservasi vegetatif dan mekanik ? Apakah terdapat korelasi antara besarnya erosi dengan upaya konservasinya ?. Kelas erosi yang terjadi di DAS Meureudu berada dalam kategori sedang. Upaya konservasi vegetatif dan mekanik di DAS Meureudu dapat diterapkan. Terdapat korelasi antara besarnya erosi yang terjadi di DAS Meureudu dengan upaya konservasinya. Jumlah erosi total yang terdapat di DAS Meureudu sebesar 109,52 ton/ha/thn, termasuk kedalam kelas laju erosi yang sedang. konservasi yang disarankan dapat mengurangi laju erosi yang terdapat di DAS Meureudu menjadi 24,62 ton/ha/thn. Penerapan konservasi dengan jenis tanaman dan pengelolaan yang tepat dapat mengurangi kelas laju erosi sedang menjadi ringan.Kata kunci : Erosi, SIG, KonservasiAbstract. Erosion triggers soil degradation and its rate will increase due to a decline topsoil quality with no real conservation. By using GIS (Geographic Information Systems) to examine the soil erosion and the conservation practices on the Drainage Basin (DAS) Meureudu.The formulation of the problem is as follows, Do class erosion in the watershed Meureudu in a category is? How the application of vegetative and mechanical conservation efforts? Whether there is a correlation between the magnitude of erosion by conservation efforts?. Class erosion in the watershed Meureudu are in the medium category. Vegetative and mechanical conservation efforts in the watershed Meureudu can be applied. There is a correlation between the magnitude of the erosion in the watershed Meureudu with conservation aims. it was found that the total erosion in that area was 109,52 ton/ha/year (categorized as average rate of soil erosion). Concerning this result, the conservation practices needed was 24,62 ton/ha/year. Applying appropriate conservation such as using proper management and plants will decrease the rate of soil erosion.Keywords: Erosion, GIS, ConservationAbstract. Erosion triggers soil degradation and its rate will increase due to a decline topsoil quality with no real conservation. By using GIS (Geographic Information Systems) to examine the soil erosion and the conservation practices on the Drainage Basin (DAS) Meureudu.The formulation of the problem is as follows, Do class erosion in the watershed Meureudu in a category is? How the application of vegetative and mechanical conservation efforts? Whether there is a correlation between the magnitude of erosion by conservation efforts?. Class erosion in the watershed Meureudu are in the medium category. Vegetative and mechanical conservation efforts in the watershed Meureudu can be applied. There is a correlation between the magnitude of the erosion in the watershed Meureudu with conservation aims. it was found that the total erosion in that area was 109,52 ton/ha/year (categorized as average rate of soil erosion). Concerning this result, the conservation practices needed was 24,62 ton/ha/year. Applying appropriate conservation such as using proper management and plants will decrease the rate of soil erosion

Gizachew Tiruneh ◽  
Mersha Ayalew

Accelerated soil erosion is a worldwide problem because of its economic and environmental impacts. Enfraz watershed is one of the most erosion-prone watersheds in the highlands of Ethiopia, which received little attention. This study was, therefore, carried out to spatially predict the soil loss rate of the watershed with a Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS). Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) adapted to Ethiopian conditions was used to estimate potential soil losses by utilizing information on rainfall erosivity (R) using interpolation of rainfall data, soil erodibility (K) using soil map, vegetation cover (C) using satellite images, topography (LS) using Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and conservation practices (P ) using satellite images. Based on the analysis, about 92.31% (5914.34 ha) of the watershed was categorized none to slight class which under soil loss tolerance (SLT) values ranging from 5 to 11 tons ha-1 year-1. The remaining 7.68% (492.21 ha) of land was classified under moderate to high class about several times the maximum tolerable soil loss. The total and an average amount of soil loss estimated by RUSLE from the watershed was 30,836.41 ton year-1 and 4.81 tons ha-1year-1, respectively.Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 5 (2): 21-30, December, 2015

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