scholarly journals The concept of ‘Trinity’ in Dante’s Paradise as reflected in Romanian translations

Diacronia ◽  
2015 ◽  
Cristian Ungureanu

The translator of Dante’s Paradise is faced with a double difficulty. The first results from the limitation—inherent in the human condition—to express the ineffable, which the author experiences; the second stems from the difficulty of language that Dante himself builds in order to overcome the first difficulty. The success or the failure of a translation is measured in terms of how much of the original message the translator manages to make available to the reader in a foreign language, and this percentage can only be revealed by comparative analysis. Therefore, this paper starts from a comparative analysis between the original text of the Paradise and its Romanian translations, with a focus on the contexts that foster the concept of ‘Trinity’; the analysis carried out on the Romanian versions revealed both successful equivalences, semantically and formally faithful to the original, and cases of “betrayal” of the original text.

2019 ◽  
Vol 65 ◽  
pp. 63-83
Alexandre Johnston

This article offers a comparative reading of Solon'sElegy to the Muses(fragment 13 West) and the BabylonianPoem of the Righteous Sufferer, focusing on the interplay of literary form and theological content. It argues that in both poems, shifts in the identity and perspective of the poetic voice enable the speaker to act out, or perform, a particular vision of humanity and its relationship with the divine. The comparative analysis improves our understanding of both texts, showing for instance that Solon's elegy is a highly sophisticated attempt to articulate a coherent vision of divine justice and the human condition. It also sheds light on the particular modes in which ancient literature and theology interact in different contexts, and how this interaction could affect audiences.

Moreana ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 49 (Number 189- (3-4) ◽  
pp. 5-20
Melinda A. Cro

The figure of folly and her tyranny over the human condition are themes that both Erasmus and Louise Labé explore in the sixteenth century, Erasmus in the Praise of Folly and Labé, inspired by Erasmus, in the Débat de Folie et d’Amour. Both works share not only common themes and images, but an emphasis on theatre, both as form and as an important image. Through a comparative analysis of these two works and looking back to Lucian’s Declamatio pro tyrannicida and Erasmus’s response as important sources, it slowly becomes evident that Erasmus and Labé shared a common goal – to highlight the inherent folly of tyranny and to propose models for civic behavior in response to tyranny.

مصطفى صالح السعيد (Mostafa Saleh Saeed)

ملخص البحث:هذه دراسة تقابلية تحليلية  تبين  أهمية الأمانة  في الترجمة،  وذلك   بدراسة  ترجمة أنيس منصور للفصل الأول من كتاب  مايكل هارت  عالم الفلك والرياضيات الأمريكي "المائة: تقييم لأكثر مائة شخصية تأثيراً في التاريخ"  الخاص بالرسول محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، وقام الباحث بمقابلته  بنص أنيس منصور في كتابه "الخالدون مائة أعظمهم محمد رسول الله" الذي زعم إنه نقل ما قاله هارت دون تحريف.  وقد أجاب البحث عن أسئلة مفادها:ما الرسالة التي سعى مايكل هارت إلى توصيلها للناس  في الفصل الأول من كتابه المائة؟هل نقل  أنيس منصور  مضمون كلام  المؤلف الأصلي نقلاً أميناً صادقاً؟أيجب ترجمة مضمون النص الإنكليزي  كما هو أم  تحويره ليتطابق مع عقيدة القارئ المسلم؟ ما تأثير الترجمة غير الصادقة  في  المجتمع؟ وتبين أن أنيس منصور قد أخلَّ بمضمون النص الأصلي إخلالاً واضحاً، بتحريفه النص الأصلي؛ إذ أورده كأنه نص منقول عن كاتب إسلامي ملتزم يؤمن بالله ورسوله، ونتج عن ذلك تضليل المجتمع الإسلامي،  إذ أشاد  بصدق  مايكل هارت وإنصافه وموضوعيته رغم تشويهه الحقائق. وتظهر الدراسة أهمية الترجمة الصادقة للنص دون تحوير أو تكييف.الكلمات المفتاحية:  الأمانة في الترجمة- تضليل-المجتمع المسلم-الإخلال بالمضمون-منصفAbstractThis is a contrastive analytical    study   highlighting the significance of   validity   of translating the first chapter of Michael Hart’s Book “The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History” as adapted by Anis Mansur in Arabic without any violation of the original message as he claims. The research answers the following question:  What message does Hart want to convey in the chapter one of his book," The 100"? Should the translation in Arabic be adapted to be commensurate with beliefs of the Muslim reader? What is the impact of invalid translation on society? Did Anis Mansur render the message of the original text faithfully? The  study shows that Hart believes that Islam is  a human  deed  and Muhammad is the founder of Islam and the author of the Quran. Mansur  did not render the message faithfully , but  he composed a gravely distorted message  revealing to the reader that Hart is  a truly dedicated Muslim  who  believes in Allah and His messenger. The study shows the importance of translating faithfully the original text without adaptation.Key words: Fidelity in translation; deception; the Muslim society; distortion of the message; fair.AbstrakKajian berbentukan alisa perbandingan yang menjelaskan kepentingan ketelusan dalam penterjemahan iaitu dengan mengkaji penterjemahan Anīs Manşūr terhadap Bab 1 daripada karya Michael Hart, ahli astronomi dan Matematik Amerika yang berjudul ‘100: Kedudukan Orang Paling Berpengaruh Dalam Sejarah’ yang menyentuh tentang Rasulullah Muhammad (SAW), yang didakwanya telah diterjemahkan daripada karya tersebut tanpa sebarang perubahan. Kajian menjawab beberapa persoalan: apakah perutusan yang ingin disampaikan penulis asal dalam Bab 1 daripada karyanya? Adakah Anīs Manşūr telah menterjemahkan kandungan sebenar karya penulis secara telus dan benar?Adakah wajardi terjemahkan kandungan teks Inggeris seperti asalnya atau diubah mengikut kesesuaian ‘aqīdah pembaca Bergama Islam? Apakah kesan penterjemahan tidak benar ke atas masyarakat? Jelas bahawa Anīs Manşūrtelah mengurangkan kandungan asal teks secara terang-terangan dengan mengubah kandungan asal di mana seolah-olah beliau mengambil teks tersebut daripada seorang penulis beragama Islam yang beriman kepada Allah dan RasulNya, akibatnya, ia telah menyesatkan masyarakat Islam dengan memuji  kebenaran serta objektiviti  Michael Hart walaupun dia telah memutarbelitkan fakta.  Kajian ini menunjukkan pentingnya penterjemahan yang benar bagi teks tanpa pengubahan atau penyesuaian.Kata kunci: ketelusan dalam penterjemahan – penyesatan – masyarakat beragama Islam – pengurangan kandungan – bersifat benar

Б. В. Эльбикова

Исследование посвящено сравнительному анализу оригинального и переводных текстов калмыцкой народной сказки «Аю Чикт Авха Цецен хойр» («Аю Чикте и Авха Цецен») из репертуара сказителя М. Буринова. В процессе сличения исходного текста сказки на калмыцком языке (1960) и русскоязычного перевода М. Г. Ватагина (1964) отмечается характер разночтений и неточностей, обнаруженных в иноязычном нарративе в передаче смысла отдельных эпизодов сюжета, формульных выражений, словосочетаний, играющих важную роль в сказочном повествовании. Изучение фольклорного текста в его разноязычных воплощениях представляется актуальным в свете проблем, возникающих при взаимодействии текстов дистантных культур. Для передачи национальной специфики сказочной традиции требуется максимальная точность при переводе, имеющим важное значение для понимания исконного смысла оригинального текста. The study is devoted to a comparative analysis of the original and translated texts of the Kalmyk folk tale "Ayu Chikt Avkha Tsetsn khoir" ("Ayu Chikte and Avkha Tsetsen") from the repertoire of the narrator M. Burinov. In the process of comparing the original text of the fairy tale in the Kalmyk language (1960) and the Russian translation by M. G. Vatagina (1964) notes the nature of the discrepancies and inaccuracies found in the foreign language narrative in the transfer of the meaning of individual episodes of the plot, formula expressions, word combinations), which play an important role in the fairy tale narration. The study of a folklore text in its multilingual embodiments is relevant in the light of the problems that arise within the interaction of texts of distant cultures. To convey the national specifics of the fairy - tale tradition, maximum accuracy is required when translating episodes, formulas and some words that are important for understanding the original meaning of an original text.

2020 ◽  
pp. 236-264
E. B. Dzaparova

The results of a comparative analysis of multilingual texts - the original and the translation - of poetic works by Ossetian authors (M. Tsirikhova, A. Tsarukaev, R. Asaev, G. Dzugaev, H.-M. Dzuzzati, D. Darchieva, T. Tettsoeva) in the light of the translation interpretation by famous Russian poets of the sixties (E. Evtushenko, B. Akhmadulina, R. Kazakova, B. Okudzhava, Yu. Morits) are presented. In the course of comparative analysis, it was found that some translators resorted to adapted rethinking of the lines of a foreign language text (Yu. Morits, B. Akhmadulina). It was shown that for this purpose, in some places, translators violated the formal organization of the verse, expanded the original text by adding stanzas (R. Kazakov) or, conversely, narrowed the verse of the original (B. Okudzhava, B. Akhmadulina), but changes in the structure of the original did not affect the adequate perception of the text to recipients. The features of the implementation of the original pragmatic potential in translation are commented. It is noted that translators not only find lexical means characterized by semantic affinity with the words of the original, but also embody the aesthetic component of the literary text (R. Kazakova, Yu. Moritz) and others. It is stated that some poets deliberately resorted to rethinking the artistic reality captured by the author: in the language of translation, a new work is actually created based on the poem in the original (E. Evtushenko, B. Akhmadulina).

Б. В. Эльбикова

Исследование посвящено сравнительному анализу оригинального и переводных текстов калмыцкой народной сказки «Аю Чикт Авха Цецен хойр» («Аю Чикте и Авха Цецен») из репертуара сказителя М. Буринова. В процессе сличения исходного текста сказки на калмыцком языке (1960) и русскоязычного перевода М. Г. Ватагина (1964) отмечается характер разночтений и неточностей, обнаруженных в иноязычном нарративе в передаче смысла отдельных эпизодов сюжета, формульных выражений, словосочетаний, играющих важную роль в сказочном повествовании. Изучение фольклорного текста в его разноязычных воплощениях представляется актуальным в свете проблем, возникающих при взаимодействии текстов дистантных культур. Для передачи национальной специфики сказочной традиции требуется максимальная точность при переводе, имеющим важное значение для понимания исконного смысла оригинального текста. The study is devoted to a comparative analysis of the original and translated texts of the Kalmyk folk tale "Ayu Chikt Avkha Tsetsn khoir" ("Ayu Chikte and Avkha Tsetsen") from the repertoire of the narrator M. Burinov. In the process of comparing the original text of the fairy tale in the Kalmyk language (1960) and the Russian translation by M. G. Vatagina (1964) notes the nature of the discrepancies and inaccuracies found in the foreign language narrative in the transfer of the meaning of individual episodes of the plot, formula expressions, word combinations), which play an important role in the fairy tale narration. The study of a folklore text in its multilingual embodiments is relevant in the light of the problems that arise within the interaction of texts of distant cultures. To convey the national specifics of the fairy - tale tradition, maximum accuracy is required when translating episodes, formulas and some words that are important for understanding the original meaning of an original text.

Alistair Fox

The analysis in this chapter focuses on Christine Jeffs’s Rain as evidence of a shift that had occurred in New Zealand society whereby puritan repression is no longer perceived as the source of emotional problems for children in the process of becoming adults, but rather its opposite – neoliberal individualism, hedonism, and the parental neglect and moral lassitude it had promoted. A comparison with Kirsty Gunn’s novel of the same name, upon which the adaptation is based, reveals how Jeffs converted a poetic meditation on the human condition into a cinematic family melodrama with a girl’s discovery of the power of her own sexuality at the core.

Paragraph ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-90
Damiano Benvegnù

From Hegel to Heidegger and Agamben, modern Western philosophy has been haunted by how to think the connections between death, humanness and animality. This article explores how these connections have been represented by Italian writers Tommaso Landolfi (1908–79) and Stefano D'Arrigo (1919–92). Specifically, it investigates how the death of a nonhuman animal is portrayed in two works: ‘Mani’, a short story by Landolfi collected in his first book Il dialogo dei massimi sistemi (Dialogue on the Greater Harmonies) (1937), and D'Arrigo's massive novel Horcynus Orca (Horcynus Orca) (1975). Both ‘Mani’ and Horcynus Orca display how the fictional representation of the death of a nonhuman animal challenges any philosophical positions of human superiority and establishes instead animality as the unheimlich mirror of the human condition. In fact, in both stories, the animal — a mouse and a killer whale, respectively — do die and their deaths represent a mise en abyme that both arrests the human narrative and sparks a moment of acute ontological recognition.

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