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Ahmad Al-Jarrah ◽  
Amer Albsharat ◽  
Mohammad Al-Jarrah

<p>This paper proposes a new algorithm for text encryption utilizing English words as a unit of encoding. The algorithm vanishes any feature that could be used to reveal the encrypted text through adopting variable code lengths for the English words, utilizing a variable-length encryption key, applying two-dimensional binary shuffling techniques at the bit level, and utilizing four binary logical operations with randomized shuffling inputs. English words that alphabetically sorted are divided into four lookup tables where each word has assigned an index. The strength of the proposed algorithm concluded from having two major components. Firstly, each lookup table utilizes different index sizes, and all index sizes are not multiples of bytes. Secondly, the shuffling operations are conducted on a two-dimensional binary matrix with variable length. Lastly, the parameters of the shuffling operation are randomized based on a randomly selected encryption key with varying size. Thus, the shuffling operations move adjacent bits away in a randomized fashion. Definitively, the proposed algorithm vanishes any signature or any statistical features of the original message. Moreover, the proposed algorithm reduces the size of the encrypted message as an additive advantage which is achieved through utilizing the smallest possible index size for each lookup table.</p>

Sakshi Dhall ◽  
Ashutosh Dhar Dwivedi ◽  
Saibal K. Pal ◽  
Gautam Srivastava

With social media becoming the most frequently used mode of modern-day communications, the propagation of fake or vicious news through such modes of communication has emerged as a serious problem. The scope of the problem of fake or vicious news may range from rumour-mongering, with intent to defame someone, to manufacturing false opinions/trends impacting elections and stock exchanges to much more alarming and mala fide repercussions of inciting violence by bad actors, especially in sensitive law-and-order situations. Therefore, curbing fake or vicious news and identifying the source of such news to ensure strict accountability is the need of the hour. Researchers have been working in the area of using text analysis, labelling, artificial intelligence, and machine learning techniques for detecting fake news, but identifying the source or originator of such news for accountability is still a big challenge for which no concrete approach exists as of today. Also, there is another common problematic trend on social media whereby targeted vicious content goes viral to mobilize or instigate people with malicious intent to destabilize normalcy in society. In the proposed solution, we treat both problems of fake news and vicious news together. We propose a blockchain and keyed watermarking-based framework for social media/messaging platforms that will allow the integrity of the posted content as well as ensure accountability on the owner/user of the post. Intrinsic properties of blockchain-like transparency and immutability are advantageous for curbing fake or vicious news. After identification of fake or vicious news, its spread will be immediately curbed through backtracking as well as forward tracking. Also, observing transactions on the blockchain, the density and rate of forwarding of a particular original message going beyond a threshold can easily be checked, which could be identified as a possible malicious attempt to spread objectionable content. If the content is deemed dangerous or inappropriate, its spread will be curbed immediately. The use of the Raft consensus algorithm and bloXroute servers is proposed to enhance throughput and network scalability, respectively. Thus, the framework offers a proactive as well as reactive, practically feasible, and effective solution for curtailment of fake or vicious news on social media/messaging platforms. The proposed work is a framework for solving fake or vicious news spread problems on social media; the complete design specifications are beyond scope of the current work and will be addressed in the future.

Oleksandr Kravchenko

The object of the thesis is the use of steganographic methods for organizing a covert communication channel in a public channel, providing resistance to lossy compression. The aim of the thesis is to develop an algorithm for embedding data into bitmap images that is resistant to JPEG compression and attacks on the container. In this thesis, the features of the JPEG algorithm are investigated, steganographic methods of information protection are analyzed, and a steganographic algorithm is designed that is resistant to JPEG compression and attacks on the container. Additional security is provided by the polyalphabetic substitution cipher and user secret key used to encrypt the original message. The algorithm was developed using the Python 3 programming language, the NumPy, SciPy, MatPlotLib libraries and the Jupyter Lab package. The task was completed using standard mathematical and statistical methods and tools of the high-level programming language Python 3.

Disha Satyan Dahanukar ◽  
Durva Sanjay Shelke

With the explosively growing internet that has been merging with our lives for the past few decades, data and network security has been of utmost importance as society moves towards the age of digital information. As the number of users connected to the web increases, the threat faced by the network because of attackers also increases. Cryptography, the science of information security derived from the inherent needs of humans to converse and share information or communicate selectively at times, has the primary function of sending correct data over the network without any undesirable modifications. In cryptography, the original message is masked or encrypted by the sender and has to be decoded or decrypted by the receiver using a predefined set of algorithms decided before the commencement of the data transmission. Thereby, successfully avoiding redundant people from accessing or understanding the message as it is converted to content unreadable by the human eye.

2021 ◽  
Akula Vamsi Krishna Rao ◽  
V.N. Aditya Datta Chivukula ◽  
Sri Keshava Reddy Adupala ◽  
Abhiram Reddy Cholleti

In recent years, security has become a big issue for many applications to defend attacks from intruders. Exchanging credentials in plaintext might expose it to stealers. Many techniques are required to protect the data of the consumers from attackers. Cryptography has come up with a solution to provide security for the users to exchange data securely by the means of the process called as Encryption/ Decryption. In this field, there are basically two techniques of cryptography i.e Symmetric and asymmetric, developed to achieve a secure connection between the sender and receiver. These techniques provide specific goals in maintaining privacy by converting original message to non-readable form and sends it over a communication channel. The unauthorized members try to break the non-readable form but the difficulty depends upon the techniques that were used to encrypt the data. In this paper, we proposed a quadruple encryption algorithm consists of novel phase-shift algorithm, AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), TwoFish and RC4 and making it hard to attack by common methods.

Ritika Sinha ◽  

Subtitling, a subfield of translation studies has witnessed a recent upsurge in India. The rise of subtitling services can be attributed to the fact that the number of viewers from outside the country is increasing phenomenally, thanks to the global streaming platforms. Subtitling is an art; it involves translation of the language of the video to another language with an objective to retain the temper of the original message for the target audience. The subtitler is faced with the daunting task of preserving the idiom of the source text (ST) and the target text (TT). Since, the meaning in both source and target language is profoundly affected by the cultural context, it is important to undertake the practice of translation while respecting and reflecting cultural ethos of each language. This research aims to investigate the English subtitles of selected famous rap sequences by Indian rapper ‘Badshah’ in Bollywood songs released from 2016 to 2021. With an aim to assess the quality of translation of the selected song sequences, an analysis is made of the sematic peculiarities that are lost in translation from Hindi/Punjabi to English. The loss can be mainly attributed to Hindi and Punjabi cultural references or culture-bound terms which do not have a suitable equivalent lexical item in English language.

Kairos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-150
Monika Bajić

The Bible was not originally written for the modern reader, but the testimony of the Church is that it continues to speak God’s word to readers/hearers today. However, many modern Bible readers come across texts that need further explanation because the biblical authors did not offer clarification of their writings. They assumed the readers of their time were familiar with the background and could understand the reported events without further explanation. To achieve a “legit” interpretation of Old Testament texts, we first need to understand Scripture correctly, meaning that the biblical text must be read in its narrower and broader context. Only within a context does it become clear what the author meant to say. The main argument of this article is to exhibit that the Bible can only be fully understood against the backdrop of the Ancient Near East (ANE). The broader context consists of the knowledge of surrounding nations during Bible times (i.e., Hebrew Bible). By examining ANE texts and archeological findings we achieve a more complete and enriched comprehension of a given scriptural text or passage. This article exhibits through some concrete examples how archeological findings, inscriptions, and Ancient Near East texts can aid in understanding the broader context of the Old Testament world. In return, the wider context of the Bible world can enlighten or clarify a difficult, incomprehensible, or ambiguous biblical text and henceforth scriptural interpretation become more accurate and closer to the original message and meaning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
Malik Zia Ullah Bashir ◽  
Rashid Ali ◽  

In this paper, we cryptanalyzed a recently proposed encryption scheme that uses elliptic curves over a finite field. The security of the proposed scheme depends upon the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. Two secret keys are used to increase the security strength of the scheme as compared to traditionally used schemes that are based on one secret key. In this scheme, if an adversary gets one secret key then he is unable to get the contents of the original message without the second secret key. Our analysis shows that the proposed scheme is not secure and unable to provide the basic security requirements of the encryption scheme. Due to our successful cryptanalysis, an adversary can get the contents of the original message without the knowledge of the secret keys of the receiver. To mount the attack, Mallory first gets the transmitted ciphertext and then uses public keys of the receiver and global parameters of the scheme to recover the associated plaintext message. To overcome the security flaws, we introduced an improved version of the scheme.

Anastasiia Boichuk ◽  
Larysa Oleksyshyna

The commercial success of any business enterprise in the age of globalization and internationalization depends on the choice of marketing strategy. To remain competitive, all industries must follow new trends and face new challenges. In the context of the current market requirements, a new strategy for translating advertisements and slogans called transcreation has been attracting more attention and is an emergent trend for the Ukrainian market. In this study, we examine the phenomenon of transcreation and present an analysis of texts resulting from the application of the translation strategy. The problem of advertisement translation has been attracting attention of the modern linguists as the main task of a translator is 1) to choose the appropriate translation strategy so as 2) to clearly convey to the recipient the intended information of the original text considering all implicit as well as explicit shades of original message. One of the challenges in translating advertisements is the preservation of the communicative functions embedded in the original text or slogan. In our work, we covered the concept of "transcreation", analysed the translation of advertising slogans of world-famous German companies, as well as conducted a psycho-linguistic experiment using an online Google Forms questionnaire. Fifty-two informants evaluated nuances of the meanings on which advertising slogans and their translations were focused by transcreation. The results of our study can be used in training programs for future translators. Key words: translation, translation strategy, translation of advertising texts, advertising slogans, transcreation, adaptation, psycho-linguistic experiment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (4) ◽  
pp. 356-369
T.E. Van Spanje

This article considers the question of the difference between NT documents and their contemporary religious and philosophical thought world on ‘life after death’. Consideration of only a few themes discloses that the NT differs widely from Hellenistic views, and that it is closely connected to some views in early Judaism as far as these stand in continuity with the OT. The NT view on ‘life after death’ stands far more on its own than the History of Religions School suggests. Modern thought on the ‘afterlife’ reveals that the NT is still relevant; theological methods should not blur its original message, nor biblical authority (OT and NT) be minimized.

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