Network-averaged teleseismic P-wave spectra for underground explosions. Part II. Source characteristics of Pahute Mesa explosions

1989 ◽  
Vol 79 (1) ◽  
pp. 156-171
John R. Murphy

Abstract A source scaling analysis is presented based on network-averaged, teleseismic P-wave spectra determined from short-period data recorded from a sample of 20 Pahute Mesa explosions. These explosions, which were all detonated below the water table in saturated tuff/rhyolite emplacement media, cover a range of announced yields from 155 to 1300 kt. The spectra were analyzed using a simple set of source and propagation models consisting of a Mueller/Murphy source coupling model, a conventional, frequency-independent t* model of anelastic attenuation and a “quasi-linear” description of the surface-reflected pP phase. It is demonstrated that these models can account for virtually all the observed spectral variability over the frequency band extending from 0.5 to 2.0 Hz, down to a level which is close to that associated with measurement uncertainty. In particular, the use of network averaged model parameters of t* = 0.75 sec, an average pP/P-amplitude ratio of about 0.4 and an average source medium velocity of 3.5 km/sec reduces the spectral amplitude data from these explosions to an essentially frequency-independent constant value with an associated standard error of estimate which averages to only about 20 per cent over this frequency band.

1989 ◽  
Vol 79 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-155
J. R. Murphy ◽  
B. W. Barker ◽  
A. O'Donnell

Abstract A new procedure is described for estimating network-averaged P-wave spectra from short-period, teleseismic recordings of explosions. This procedure is then applied to a large sample of approximately 1000 digitized Nevada Test Site (NTS) explosion seismograms to simultaneously derive estimates of frequency-dependent station correction factors and network-averaged P-wave spectra for each of the 50 selected explosions. An analysis of the station correction factors is then presented which demonstrates that the Veith-Clawson (1972) B(Δ) curve for time domain mb adequately describes the teleseismic distance dependence of the spectral amplitude data over the entire short-period band extending from 0.50 to 2.25 Hz. A simplified scaling analysis of the network-averaged spectra is described and used to confirm the fact that the P-wave source coupling characteristics below the water table at the Yucca Flat and Pahute Mesa testing areas of NTS are essentially identical. We conclude that this new spectral measure can provide robust means for comparing different explosion testing areas.

1976 ◽  
Vol 66 (3) ◽  
pp. 803-825
William A. Peppin

abstract Some 140 P-wave spectra of explosions, earthquakes, and explosion-induced aftershocks, all within the Nevada Test Site, have been computed from wide-band seismic data at close-in (< 30 km) and near-regional (200 to 300 km) distances. Observed near-regional corner frequencies indicate that source corner frequencies of explosions differ little from those of earthquakes of similar magnitude for 3 < ML < 5. Plots of 0.8 to 1.0 Hz Pg spectral amplitude versus 12-sec Rayleigh-wave amplitude show a linear trend with unit slope over three orders of magnitude for explosions; earthquakes fail to be distinguished from explosions on such a plot. These spectra also indicate similar source spectra for explosions in different media (tuff, alluvium, rhyolite) which corroborates Cherry et al. (1973). Close-in spectra of three large explosions indicate that: (1) source corner frequencies of explosions scale with yield in a way significantly different from previously published scaling laws; (2) explosion source spectra in tuff are flat from 0.2 to 1.0 Hz (no overshoot); (3) the far-field source spectrum decays at least as fast as frequency cubed. Taken together, these data indicate that the following factors are not responsible for Peppin and McEvilly's (1974) near-regional discriminant: (a) source dimension, (b) source rise time, or (c) shape of the source spectrum.

1973 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 587-597
Ta-Liang Teng ◽  
James P. Tung

abstract Recent observations of P′P′ and its precursors, identified as reflections from within the Earth's upper mantle, are used to examine the structure of the uppermantle discontinuities with specific reference to the density, the S velocity, and the Q variations. The Haskell-Thomson matrix method is used to generate the complex reflection spectrum, which is then Fourier synthesized for a variety of upper-mantle velocity-density and Q models. Surface displacements are obtained for the appropriate recording instrument, permitting a direct comparison with the actual seismograms. If the identifications of the P′P′ precursors are correct, our proposed method yields the following: (1) a structure of Gutenberg-Bullen A type is not likely to produce observable P′P′ upper-mantle reflections, (2) in order that a P′P′ upper-mantle reflection is strong enough to be observed, first-order density and S-velocity discontinuities together with a P-wave discontinuity are needed at a depth of about 650 km, and (3) corresponding to a given uppermantle velocity-density model, an estimate can be made of the Q in the upper mantle for short-period seismic body waves.

1976 ◽  
Vol 66 (5) ◽  
pp. 1609-1622 ◽  
Zoltan A. Der ◽  
Thomas W. McElfresh

abstract Average Q values were determined for ray paths to various LRSM stations from the SALMON nuclear explosion by taking ratios of observed P-wave spectra to the estimated source spectrum. Most Q values for P-wave paths throughout eastern North America are in the range 1600 to 2000 while those crossing over into the western United States are typically around 400 to 500. These differences in Q for intermediate distances can sufficiently explain the differences in the teleseismic event magnitudes observed, 0.3 to 0.4 magnitude units, in the western versus the eastern United States, if one assumes that the low Q layer under the western United States is located at depths less than 200 km.

1995 ◽  
Vol 85 (4) ◽  
pp. 1244-1248
Eric P. Chael ◽  
Patrick J. Leahy ◽  
Jerry A. Carter ◽  
Noël Barstow ◽  
Paul W. Pomeroy

Abstract We have measured the decay rate of high-frequency (4- to 50-Hz) P waves in the northeastern United States. We analyzed signals from 28 explosions of a 1988 USGS/AFGL/GSC refraction survey recorded at distances between 30 and 400 km. Over this range, the decay rate steadily increases from Δ−2 at 10 Hz to Δ−4 at 45 Hz. If one assumes geometric spreading of Δ−1.3, then the remaining decay is consistent with a nearly frequency-independent Q of about 1000. The results provide a useful parameterization for predicting P-wave spectra at near-regional ranges.

1982 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. 1351-1366
J. R. Murphy ◽  
T. J. Bennett

abstract A new seismic discriminant based on spectral differences of regional phases from earthquakes and explosions recorded at a single station has been tested and found to work remarkably well. The test data consisted of a well-constrained set of 30 Nevada Test Site (NTS) explosions and 21 earthquakes located within about 100 km of NTS which were recorded on short-period seismographs at the Tonto Forest Observatory in central Arizona at an epicentral distance averaging 530 km. The events in the data set cover a magnitude range from 3.3 to 4.8 (mb) for which Pn, Pg, and Lg phases have been analyzed. We found that, although Lg phases from earthquakes are typically more prominent than for explosions with comparable P-wave amplitude levels, simple time-domain Lg/P amplitude ratios do not result in a separation of the earthquake and explosion samples consistent enough to provide reliable discrimination. However, spectral analyses of the data over the frequency band from 0.5 to 5.0 Hz revealed significant differences in the spectra of certain regional phases which proved to be a quite reliable discriminant. In particular, both the Pg and Lg spectra from earthquakes have been found to be richer in high-frequency content than corresponding explosion spectra. A discriminant measure, defined as the ratio of average Lg spectral amplitude level in the 0.5- to 1.0-Hz passband to that in the 2.0- to 4.0-Hz passband, provides good separation of earthquake and explosion populations.

1977 ◽  
Vol 67 (2) ◽  
pp. 463-478
So Gu Kim ◽  
Otto W. Nuttli

Abstract A number of main shock-aftershock sequences in the Eurasian interior contain some aftershocks whose mb:MS values are close to those of underground explosions. This paper is concerned with a study of the amplitude spectra of the P waves and Rayleigh waves for earthquakes of those main shock-aftershock sequences. It is found that for any given sequence studied, there is little if any variation in focal depth or focal mechanism. This rules out variations in these quantities as being the cause of anomalous mb:MS values. A study of the P-wave spectra establishes that one or both of the corner periods of anomalous earthquakes are smaller than those of non-anomalous earthquakes of the same moment. Thus the cause of anomalous mb:MS values of the earthquakes studied is a relative enrichment of the short-period portion of the spectrum of the anomalous events, which cannot be attributed to focal depth or focal mechanism.

1991 ◽  
Vol 81 (5) ◽  
pp. 1726-1736
Susan L. Beck ◽  
Howard J. Patton

Abstract Surface waves recorded at regional distances are used to study the source parameters for three of the larger aftershocks of the 18 October 1989, Loma Prieta, California, earthquake. The short-period P-wave first-motion focal mechanisms indicate a complex aftershock sequence with a wide variety of mechanisms. Many of these events are too small for teleseismic body-wave analysis; therefore, the regional surface-waves provide important long-period information on the source parameters. Intermediate-period Rayleigh- and Love-wave spectra are inverted for the seismic moment tensor elements at a fixed depth and repeated for different depths to find the source depth that gives the best fit to the observed spectra. For the aftershock on 19 October at 10:14:35 (md = 4.2), we find a strike-slip focal mechanism with right lateral motion on a NW-trending vertical fault consistent with the mapped trace of the local faults. For the aftershock on 18 October at 10:22:04 (md = 4.4), the surface waves indicate a pure reverse fault with the nodal planes striking WNW. For the aftershock on 19 October at 09:53:50 (md = 4.4), the surface waves indicate a strike-slip focal mechanism with a NW-trending vertical nodal plane consistent with the local strike of the San Andreas fault. Differences between the surface-wave focal mechanisms and the short-period P-wave first-motion mechanisms are observed for the aftershocks analyzed. This discrepancy may reflect the real variations due to differences in the band width of the two observations. However, the differences may also be due to (1) errors in the first-motion mechanism due to incorrect near-source velocity structure and (2) errors in the surface-wave mechanisms due to inadequate propagation path corrections.

1965 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 510-542 ◽  
M. Ichikawa ◽  
P. W. Basham

A study of the relative recording ability of some of the Canadian seismograph stations has indicated a pattern of P-wave amplitude anomalies varying from station to station and, at any one station, showing a significant regional variation which does not seem to be entirely produced by source mechanism effects. Rather local crustal effects appear important, and spectral studies indicate that significant effects can be produced in low velocity upper crustal layers. The initial investigation of early P-wave trains and theoretical models suggests that these crustal effects can best be examined by the use of apparent incident angles, and that spectral amplitude decrements change significantly from station to station, although this is unexplained.It appears that the different recording ability of stations can be explained by a combination of shallow crustal effects operating on the signal amplitude and the local noise properties.

1977 ◽  
Vol 67 (5) ◽  
pp. 1355-1362
Kailash Khattri

abstract This paper presents an optimum search procedure known as the Fibonacci Technique for abstracting the earthquake-source parameters from the amplitude data of seismic waves. The power of the method has been demonstrated by determining the fault-plane solution of a deep-focus earthquake using the P-wave spectral amplitude data.

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