scholarly journals Imaginação, memórias e sabores em Baú de ossos / Imagination, memories and tastes in Baú de ossos / Imagination, mémoires et goûts dans Baú de ossos

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Maria Alice Ribeiro Gabriel ◽  
Luciane Alves Santos

Resumo: Patrimônio material e imaterial, a alimentação integra os domínios da literatura e da memória, individual e coletiva. Partindo desse princípio, nosso objetivo neste estudo é apresentar a questão da alimentação como tema específico nas memórias do escritor e memorialista brasileiro Pedro da Silva Nava. Nossa proposta é estabelecer uma abordagem multidisciplinar do tema da alimentação na obra Baú de ossos (1972), com base nos estudos de Gilberto Freyre, Luís da Câmara Cascudo e Séverine Mathieu. A análise assinala que o tema se inscreve no quadro geral das reflexões de Nava sobre a importância da imaginação e da memória na composição do texto literário memorialístico.Palavras-chave: Pedro Nava; memórias; alimentação.Abstract: Regarding tangible and intangible cultural heritage, alimentation integrates the field of literature and the realms of collective and individual memory. Starting from this premise, this study aims to present the issue of food as a specific theme in the memoirs of Brazilian writer Pedro da Silva Nava. Its purpose is to establish a multidisciplinary approach on the theme of food in Baú de ossos (1972), in accordance with considerations of Gilberto Freyre, Luís da Câmara Cascudo and Séverine Mathieu. The analysis shows that the theme of food integrates the reflections of Pedro Nava on the role of imagination and memory in the literary composition of his memoirs.Keywords: Pedro Nava; memoirs; alimentation.Résumé: Patrimoine immatériel et matériel, l’alimentation integre des domaines de la littérature et de la mémoire, individuelle et collective. En partant de ce principe, notre objectif dans cette étude est de présenter la question de l’alimentation comme un thème spécifique dans le mémoires de l’écrivain et mémorialiste brésilien Pedro da Silva Nava. Notre proposition est d’établir une approche pluridisciplinaire de la thématique de l’alimentation dans l’oeuvre Baú de ossos (1972), en s’appuyant sur les écrits de Gilberto Freyre, Luís da Câmara Cascudo et Séverine Mathieu. L’analyse signale que le thème s’inscrit dans le cadre général des réflexions de Pedro Nava sur l’importance du rôle de l’imagination et de la mémoire pour la composition du texte littéraire mémorialistique.Mots-clés: Pedro Nava; mémoires; alimentation.

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Віта Костюк

У рамках імплементації Конвенції про охорону нематеріальної культурної спадщини вивчено заходи культурної політики, що заклали основи для втілення новітніх політичних підходів, механізмів і програм. У контексті виконання міжнародно-правових стандартів UNESCO та положень Конвенції визначено курс на аналіз, збереження й розвиток культурного розмаїття та надбання. Умотивована необхідність формування стратегії культурної політики у галузі збереження нематеріальної культурної спадщини, що полягає у проектуванні й затвердженні культурних проектів національного й регіонального спрямування. Враховано наявну ускладнену ситуацію щодо ролі місцевої влади та обмеженість бюджетного фінансування в країні загалом. Встановлено, що дії, що сприятимуть виявленню елементів нематеріальної культурної спадщини, організації та реалізації заходів щодо її збереження в Україні повинні стати цільовими пріоритетами. Cultural policy measures within the framework of the implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage are examined. A course on the analysis, conservation and development of cultural diversity and heritage in the context of the implementation of UNESCO international legal standards and the provisions of the Convention has been determined. The necessity of developing a strategy of cultural policy formation in the field of preservation of the intangible cultural heritage, which consists in the design and approval of cultural projects of national and regional orientation, is substantiated. The complicated situation regarding the role of local authorities and the limited budget financing in the country are taken into account. It is established that the priority should be given to actions that will help identify elements of the intangible cultural heritage, develop and implement measures for its preservation in Ukraine.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 1369
Tianning Lan ◽  
Zhiyue Zheng ◽  
Di Tian ◽  
Rui Zhang ◽  
Rob Law ◽  

The value co-creation behavior of residents can contribute to the sustainable development of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) tourism. This paper aims to provide a theoretical framework that uses “cognition–affection–behavior” theory to explain how the two variables of tourism development perception and emotional solidarity affect the value co-creation participation behavior of the local residents in the context of intangible cultural heritage tourism while considering the mediating role of emotional solidarity. This study empirically investigates Meizhou Island in Fujian Province, China as an example by using a structural equation model (SEM). Results show that the perception of local residents toward the benefits of tourism development has a significant positive impact on their emotional solidarity and value co-creation participation behavior, whereas their perception toward the costs of tourism development has a significant negative impact. In addition, the emotional solidarity of these residents has a significant positive impact on their value co-creation participation and plays a mediating role in the relationship between the tourism development perceptions of local residents and their value co-creation participation behavior. This study has important theoretical and practical significance for the management of ICH tourist destinations.

2016 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-97 ◽  
Christina Maags ◽  
Heike Holbig

Abstract:Since “intangible cultural heritage” (ICH) became the new focal point in the global heritage discourse, governments and scholars in many countries have begun to promote this new form of “immaterial” culture. The People’s Republic of China has been one of the most active state parties implementing the new scheme and adapting it to domestic discourses and practices. Policies formulated at the national level have become increasingly malleable to the interests of local government-scholar networks. By conducting a comparative case study of two provinces, this article aims to identify the role of local elite networks in the domestic implementation of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, focusing on the incentives of scholars and officials to participate in ICH policy networks. It finds that the implementation of the Convention has not removed the power asymmetry between elite and popular actors but, instead, has fostered an elite-driven policy approach shaped by symbiotic, mutually legitimizing government–scholar networks.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 93-109
Marta Salvador i Almela ◽  
Núria Abellan Calvet

Currently, many are the phenomena that occur around intangible cultural heritage (ICH), related to its politics and legacy. With a critical analysis perspective, this article aims to describe the processes of patrimonialisation, commodification, and touristification of ICH, especially of the Guatemalan Mayan fabrics. The ongoing movement of Guatemalan weavers to protect and vindicate the cultural value of this art brings to light the role of different actors that intervene in intangible cultural heritage and, of greater relevance, indigenous communities. The following analysis framework on the diverse conceptualisations of heritage, authenticity, commodification and touristification allows for a deeper understanding of the Mayan weavers’ situation. The methodology used in this article consists on a case study, through which the following main conclusions arise: the lack of protection of ICH of this case study given the complex definitions and categorisations; the need to identify the consequences of commodification and touristification of ancestral tapestries, highlighting the importance of tourism management from the communities; and, finally, the key role of women as transmitters and protectors of ICH, who have headed a process of movement and empowerment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (26) ◽  
pp. 126-146

O reconhecimento da capoeira como Patrimônio Cultural Imaterial da Humanidade pela UNESCO contribui para a valorização e a visibilização dessa prática de resistência negra brasileira a ná­vel mundial, mas também implica certas ressignificações em face das possá­veis essencializações. Portanto, consideramos necessário um olhar filosófico sobre a capoeira, dando ênfase aos saberes ancestrais e á  sua articulação no contexto da desigualdade sociorracial. O caminho percorrido neste artigo engendra aportes teóricos multidisciplinares, juntando conceitos que dialogam entre a filosofia da diferença de Foucault, Deleuze e Guattari e as perspectivas e reflexões sociogeográficas. Defendemos a ideia de que o mestre de capoeira representa um filósofo diaspórico que cria um espaço de possibilidades para coletividades marginalizadas e fortalece uma pedagogia da (re)existência negra. Entretanto, a capoeira se inscreve num campo diná¢mico, afetado por diferentes interesses econômicos, polá­ticos e morais, com os quais o mestre precisa articular agenciamentos que salvaguardem os mais perceptá­veis traços filosóficos da capoeira.Palavras-chave: Mestre de Capoeira. (Re)existência. Desigualdade.  THE MASTER OF CAPOEIRA: strengthening philosophies and practices of black (re)existence in the face of socioracial inequalitiesAbstract:  Since capoeira has been recognized as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the UNESCO, this Brazilian practice of black resistance has been increasingly valorized and visibilized at a global level. But this also implies certain resignifications in the face of possible essentializations. Therefore, we consider it necessary to provide a philosophical perspective on capoeira, emphasizing ancestral knowledge and its articulation in the context of socioracial inequality. In this article, we use a multidisciplinary approach, establishing a dialogue between the philosophy of difference of Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari, and socio-geographical perspectives and reflections. We defend the idea that the ”˜mestre”™ (master) of capoeira represents a diasporic philosopher who creates a space of possibilities for marginalized collectivities and promotes pedagogics of black (re)existence. Meanwhile, capoeira is part of a dynamic field affected by different economic, political and moral interests, with which the 'mestre' needs to articulate entanglements that safeguard the most perceptible philosophical traits of capoeira.Keywords:  Mestre of capoeira. (Re)existence. Inequality.  EL MAESTRO DE CAPOEIRA: fortaleciendo filosofá­as y prácticas de (re)existencia negra ante desigualdades socioraciales  Resumen:  El reconocimiento de la capoeira como Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad por la UNESCO contribuye con la valorización y la visibilización de esta práctica de resistencia negra brasileña a nivel mundial, pero también implica ciertas resignificaciones frente a posibles esencializaciones. Por lo tanto, consideramos necesario el desarrollo de una perspectiva filosófica sobre la capoeira, la que hace hincapié en los saberes ancestrales y en su articulación en el contexto de la desigualdad socioracial. Asá­ se elaboraron aportes teóricos multidisciplinarios, reuniendo conceptos que dialogan entre la filosofá­a de la diferencia de Foucault, Deleuze y Guattari y las perspectivas y reflexiones sociogeográficas. En este artá­culo defendemos la idea de que el ”mestre” (maestro) de capoeira representa un filósofo diaspórico que crea un espacio de posibilidades para colectividades marginalizadas y fortalece una pedagogá­a de la (re)existencia negra. Entretanto, la capoeira se inscribe en un campo dinámico, afectado por diferentes intereses económicos, polá­ticos y morales, con los cuales el ”mestre” necesita articular agenciamientos que salvaguarden los más perceptibles trazos filosóficos de la capoeira.Palabras clave:  Mestre de Capoeira. (Re)existencia. Desigualdad.              

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