scholarly journals Drug utilization study and prescribing patterns in psychiatry patients at a tertiary care hospital

Venkatesh Perumal M. ◽  
Surendra Kumar Bouddh ◽  
Nirmal S. R. ◽  
Ashok Deshpande ◽  
Jai Singh ◽  

Background: The Drug utilization research (DUR) compares drug use between different countries and regions and is used to assess the rationality of prescribing pattern of the drug therapy. With this background we decided to evaluate antipsychotic drugs prescribing pattern in the psychiatric patients in a tertiary care hospital.Methods: the study was carried out at Department of Psychiatry, DSMCH. It was open label, cross - sectional, prescribed Documents based study. Duration of the study was one month (May-2017). Out-Patient number, age, sex, diagnosis, prescribed generic name, brand name, dose, route of administration, duration of therapy obtained from the Prescription register of Out - Patient Department of the Psychiatry.Results: The clinical experiences of the Psychiatrist I, II and III were 17 years, 35 years and 10 years respectively. The Psychiatrist I, II and III prescribed treatment for 36 (31.9%), 61 (54%) and 16 (14.2%) patients respectively. Among overall (n=113) patients (average age 38.9 years), male n=56 (49.6%) and female=57 (50.4%) were treated by all the three psychiatrists. The percentage of prescription of various drugs used were: Escitalopram (15.7%), Clonazepam (14.6%), Sertraline (8.7%), Risperidone (7.5%), Propranolol (6.7%), Olanzapine (6.3%), Quetiapine (5.9%), Trihexyphenidyl (5.5%), Amitriptyline (5.1%) and Other prescribed drugs, were between (0.4 to 2.8%).Conclusions: From this study, it can conclude that rational usage of drugs were followed in this study. All three prescribers (Psychiatrist I, II, and III) prescriptions were found to be rationale.

Usharani H. Patted ◽  
Hema N. G. ◽  
Anil Kumar Mysore Nagaraj

Background: Psychiatric disorders are one of the major causes of morbidity and the burden of illness is enormous and remains grossly under represented. Psychotropic drugs have had a remarkable impact in psychiatric practice. Currently a large number of atypical antipsychotics available in the market are endorsed as better options for treating schizophrenia than the typical antipsychotics. The main objective of the study was to find the commonly prescribed antipsychotics in schizophrenia patients in a tertiary care center.Methods: After Institutional Ethics Committee approval, a retrospective cross-sectional drug utilization study of 400 prescriptions was under taken from 1st July 2015 to 30th July 2016 in the outpatient department of psychiatry of a tertiary care hospital. The prescribing pattern of antipsychotics in schizophrenia patients (N=107) was measured.Results: Out of 400 cases in the outpatient department, schizophrenia cases were predominant (N=107 i.e. 27%) out of which 42.1% were females and 57.9% were males. This was followed by mood disorders and neurotic & somatoform disorders. The most common antipsychotic used was olanzapine followed by risperidone. Least commonly used antipsychotic was haloperidol. Most of the patients who received risperidone also received an anticholinergic trihexyphenidyl (91.8%).Conclusions: Olanzapine and risperidone are the most commonly used antipsychotics. Anticholinergics should be used only in selected patients on antipsychotics as tolerance develops to extrapyramidal side effects. Anticholinergics are unnecessary after 3-6 months in all except 10% of patients. Moreover, it has its own side effects and adversely interacts with antipsychotics.

Arun Patil ◽  
Darshana Dighe ◽  
Shrikrishna Kolte ◽  
Pradeep R. Jadhav ◽  
Y. A. Deshmukh

Background: Skin diseases are common and cause a huge disease burden globally. Different class of drugs and combinational products are available in dermatology for treatment. Periodic prescription analysis in the form of drug utilization study can improve the quality of prescription and curb the menace of irrational prescribing. Aim and objective of the study were to study the prescribing pattern and drug utilization trends in Dermatology outpatient department at a tertiary care hospital in Navi Mumbai.Methods: A cross-sectional, observational study was conducted over a period of three months in dermatology department of a tertiary care teaching hospital, Navi-Mumbai. A total of 102 adult patients visiting dermatology OPD were included and their prescriptions were analyzed with WHO prescribing indicators and additional indices.Results: Analysis showed that the average number of drugs per prescription was 3.27. Percentage of drugs prescribed by generic name was 31.1%. Percentage of drugs prescribed from National Essential drug list (NEDL) was 44.2%. The commonest prescribed drugs were antihistaminics followed by antifungals. Oral tablets were the commonest prescribed dosage form.Conclusions: Antihistaminics and antifungals dominated the prescribing pattern in this study with restraint on polypharmacy, but showed ample scope for improvement to prescribe generic and selection of essential drugs.

Rakesh R. Jadhav ◽  
Asha D. Jadhav ◽  
Sudhir L. Padwal ◽  
Anand S. Kale ◽  
Harshal N. Pise

Background: Inappropriate drug prescribing is a global problem affecting the healthcare system. Aim and objective of the study was to study the drug utilization pattern in geriatric patient at rural tertiary care hospital.Methods: This was a cross- sectional observational study involving 600 geriatric outpatient. This study was carried out from Nov 2015 to May 2016. The data were collected using predesigned proforma specially designed for this purpose. Relevant information was obtained by analyzing prescription for World Health Organization (WHO) core drug indicators.Results: Total number 600 prescriptions analyzed at the end of six months were from general medicine department. The mean age of the patients was 63.9 years in which male (61.33%) outnumber the female. Total number 2598 drugs were prescribed to 600 patients for different diseases. The mean number of drugs per prescription were 4.33, drugs were prescribed by generic name 26.42%. drugs were prescribed from WHO essential drug list86.33. The type of formulations used were tablets and capsules in 88.5%, syrups in 5%, injections 3.5 % and inhalers 2%. Drug for Cardiovascular diseases were the most common (29.66) followed gastrointestinal (16.67), vitamins and minerals (14.66). Analgesic and NSAIDS (14.13) also prescribed commonly. Antimicrobial drugs prescribed in (7.46%) and common antibiotic prescribed were Amoxicillin ciprofloxacin and metronidazole.Conclusions: This study also effectively provides very useful baseline data also demonstrates the prescribing patterns of drugs in the geriatric patients.

Vineet Kumar ◽  
Manmeet Topno ◽  
Manju Gari ◽  
Megha Bansal ◽  
Kishor Chakraborty ◽  

Background: Diabetes is rapidly gaining the status of a potential epidemic in India with more than 62 million diabetics currently diagnosed with the disease. Drug utilization studies are of paramount importance for the optimization of drug therapy and promote rational drug use among health care providers. The aim of this study was to investigate the drug utilization pattern in type-2 diabetic patients. The objective of the study was to analyse the prescribing pattern of anti-diabetic drugs in a tertiary care hospital.Methods: A prospective, cross-sectional study was carried out in medicine outpatient clinic of tertiary care hospital, RIMS Ranchi for a period of 7 months. The data was analysed using WHO core indicators and Microsoft Excel 2013.Results: The total number of encounters surveyed was 94. Avg no of drugs per prescription was 3.04. Percentage of drugs prescribed by generic name was found to be 34.2%. Percentage of prescriptions was a) with antibiotics was 27.6%, b) with insulin was 14.89%, c) from essential drugs list 44.05%. Most common co morbid disease was found to be hypertension present in 27.6% cases.Most commonly use drug was found to be metformin followed by glimepiride.Conclusions: Implementation of WHO core prescribing indicators by the prescribers would help us to reduce the cost, to recognize and prevent potentially dangerous drug- drug interaction and antibiotic resistance.

Pritpal Singh Ahluwalia ◽  
Mirza Shiraz Baig ◽  
Meenakshi Bhattacharya

Background: The increasing prevalence of hypertension influence the prescribing patterns of antihypertensive drug. Prescribing against evidence-based guidelines in hypertension treatment leads to the increase cost of medications and problems in providing affordable prescriptions to population. The aim of present study was to analyse anti-hypertensive prescribing pattern in Government Medical College and Hospital, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.Methods: Study was prospective, observational, open label and descriptive clinical study. It included 336 patients admitted in MICU during January 2018 to June 2019 fulfilling inclusion criteria.Results: 54.46% patients were between 51-70 years of age, followed by 33.63% in 31 to 50 age group. Of total enrolled hypertensive patients 69% patients had various comorbidities. Drug prescribed was 28.27% ARBs, 26.84% CCBs, 17.62% beta blockers, 6.14% high ceiling diuretics, 4.50% ACE inhibitors, 2.45% thiazide diuretics and 2.04% received alpha blocker. As monotherapy, 31.82% patients received telmisartan as most commonly prescribed drug followed by 27.31% patients received Amlodipine followed by other drugs. In combination therapy telmisartan and hydrochlorothiazide was prescribed most commonly followed by beta blocker and CCB and ARB and CCB. 33.60% of drugs were prescribed in generic names while 66.39% of drugs prescribed in brand names. Average number of drugs prescribed per prescription was 1.45 of which 33.60% of drugs were prescribed by generic names.Conclusions: With average number of drugs per prescription in hypertension 1.45, the study showed that poly pharmacy is unavoidable in hypertension due to associated comorbid conditions.

Manjari Advani ◽  
Trupti Jadhao

Background: In view of the high prevalence rates and the fact that medication is the primary line of treatment in POAG, an understanding of prescribing patterns can provide an insight into rational use of antiglaucoma drugs.Methods: This prospective, cross-sectional study was conducted in the glaucoma clinic of a tertiary care teaching hospital over a period of 12 months. Data from prescriptions of patients with POAG was recorded to study the prescribing pattern of antiglaucoma medications, completeness of the prescription and analysis of the prescriber’s influence.Results: Total of 103 prescriptions were included in which all the 141 anti-glaucoma drugs were prescribed as eye drops. Average number of drugs prescribed in present study was 1.36.   β blockers, particularly Timolol (58%) was the most frequently prescribed drug. Timolol with dorzolamide (15%) was the only prescribed fixed dose combination. Prostaglandin analogues (5%) were least commonly prescribed. 53% drugs were prescribed by generic names and 43% were prescribed from hospital formulary. Instructions regarding the route and frequency of drug administration with duration of treatment were present in all prescriptions; however, instructions regarding method of instillation of eye drops were missing. Authors observed prescriber’s influence in present study.Conclusions: Overall prescribing pattern in our set up is satisfactory. There is a need to sensitize the prescribers regarding the importance of writing method of instillation in prescription as this could improve efficacy reduce side effects, prevent drug wastage and reduce cost. To encourage the physicians for rational prescribing such type of studies should be done more often for periodic auditing of prescriptions.

Sumit Kumar Gupta ◽  
Siddhartha Ghosh

Background: Antimicrobials form the cornerstone of prescriptions for treating infection. Surgical management cannot be possible without the use of antibiotics. Severity of infection, suspected spectrum of organisms and their sensitivity, co-morbidities of the patient, route of antibiotic administration are the important parameter to consider before selecting antibiotic.Methods: Cross-sectional, hospital based, descriptive study was conducted in the ward of Surgery Department of IQ City Medical college, Durgapur over a period of 1 year. The relevant information was entered into the pretested preformats (containing name, age, sex, diagnosis, ongoing treatment as recorded from patients’ prescription slips or CRFs) and analyzed. Necessary permission was granted by the Institutional Ethical Committee and written informed consent was obtained from the patients prior to collecting their prescription slips/CRF.Results: Commonest cause of hospitalization was cholelithiasis (318 (32.7%)). Antimicrobials were the most commonly prescribed drugs (1626 (31.6%)). Single antibiotic prescribing frequency are similar to two antibiotic prescribing (both 44%). Piperacillin+Tazobactum combination most commonly prescribe antibiotic.Conclusions: Beta lactam antibiotic specifically Piperacillin (ATC class: J01D) were the most commonly prescribed antibiotic agents both before and after surgical procedures.

Sonal M. Parekar ◽  
Girish K. Maindarkar ◽  
Vishal V. Maindarkar

Background: Drug utilization study is essential, as safe and effective therapeutic regimen in paediatric population is challenging. Pattern of use of drugs in pediatrics vary as compared to adults, also there is limited data available. The objective of this study was to study drug utilization pattern in pediatric patients attending pediatric outpatient department of Maindarkar pediatric hospital, Latur.Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out for a period of six months from September 2019 to February 2020, by analysing a total 1000 prescriptions of patients who had visited the OPD of Maindarkar pediatric hospital. Prescriptions were selected by simple random sampling method.Results: In our study, out of the total of 1000 prescriptions, 244 (24.4%) were of neonates, 556 (55.6%) were of infants (1 month to 1 year) and 200 (20%) were of children above 1 year. 547 (54.7%) prescriptions were of male patients and 453 (45.3%) were of female patients. The most frequent classes of drugs prescribed were nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 704 (70.4%), followed by drugs used for respiratory disorders 655 (65.5%) and supplements (60%). Antimicrobials were prescribed in 498 (49.8%) prescriptions. The average number of drugs per prescription was 2.45. About two third of all the prescribed drugs (74.41%) were from national essential medicine list. Most of the prescriptions had oral drug formulation 825 (82.5%) followed by inhalational 208 (20.8%) followed by injectables 150 (15%). All the drugs were prescribed by brand names.Conclusions: Our study helps health-care system to understand, interpret and improve prescribing, administration, to minimize adverse events and promote rational use of medicines.

Ayan Roy ◽  
Nayan Kumar Patel

Background: Cardiovascular morbidity plays a villainous role globally as well as countries like India. Additionally, irrational prescription incurs greater damage to health and wellbeing. Drug utilization studies scrutinize the appropriateness of treatment and provide favorable feedbacks to strengthen clinical practices. The objective of the study was to describe treatment practices in cardiology outpatient and drug utilization pattern using core prescribing indicators by World Health Organization (WHO).Methods: A cross-sectional, observational study of 4-month duration was undertaken for cardiology Outdoor patients at a tertiary care hospital. 615 prescriptions were screened and analyzed.Results: Males (59.84%) were more in number than females (40.16%). Average number of the prescribed drugs per patient were 4.32±2.7 and (3.73±1.1 for cardiovascular drugs). Generic prescription was 60.98%. Percentage encounters with antibiotics 4.11, injectables 2.92%, fixed-dose combinations (FDCs) (11.8%) were documented. Drugs from the National List of Essential Medicines were 75.89%. The most common diagnosis was ischemic heart disease (68.29%). Hypolipidemics (78.25%) followed by antiplatelets (71.14%) were toppers in cardiovascular drug. Antiulcer drugs (PPI/Antacids) comprised 58.54% of total prescriptions.Conclusions: Less adherence to EDL, less generic prescriptions, use of FDC are major shortcomings. Areas to further rationalization like optimal use of evidence based medication like beta-blockers, newer anticoagulants/anti-platelet agents and newer anti-anginal agents are identified.


Objective: Our objective of the study was to evaluate the prescribing patterns of drugs with cost analysis in pediatric inpatients at tertiary care hospital. Methods: It is an observational prospective study carried out in pediatric inpatients with a sample of 180 patients based on age, inclusion, and exclusion criteria for period of 3 months. The patient’s data were collected using patient case record form and analysis of the data was done. Results: Of 180 patients data were collected, the results show that majority of gender admitted in the hospital were male children 94 (52%) and many are from age group of early childhood (2–5 years) 67 (37%). Respiratory tract infections are diagnosis most commonly analyzed and off overall 236 prescribed antibiotics cephalosporins 86 (43%) and combination of amoxicillin + clavulanic acid 25 (71%) is the class of antibiotics prescribed higher than other class of drugs. Parental 173 (73%) route of administration was observed to be followed more than other route. The percentage of cost variation of antibiotics observed in the study reveals that the huge variations were seen in the cost of medication in maximum and minimum cost. Conclusion: The present study reveals that the prescribed antibiotics were as per the diagnosis of the patient and not by proceeding proper culture sensitivity testing. Hence, awareness about antibiotic must be created among practicing physicians to increase the therapeutic compliance of the patient.

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