2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (19) ◽  
pp. 202004
Gilberto de Miranda Rocha ◽  
Marjorie Barros Neves ◽  
André Farias

REGIONAL INSERT OF THE BELO MONTE HYDROELECTRIC PLANT AND TERRITORIAL GOVERNANCEINSERCIÓN REGIONAL DE LA PLANTA HIDROELÉCTRICA BELO MONTE Y LA GOBERNANZA TERRITORIALRESUMOA relação entre a implantação de grandes projetos de investimento (GPI), em especial, os grandes projetos hidrelétricos e as populações locais, tem se constituído, um aspecto recorrente, desde a década de 1970, no âmbito dos debates sobre o desenvolvimento regional há décadas. A literatura técnica e científica sobre as hidrelétricas tem revelado não somente a sua natureza impactante, evidenciando as transformações territoriais delas advindas, como também o caráter de enclave e, mesmo, de empreendimentos de múltiplos propósitos no que respeita ao desenvolvimento regional. A natureza de enclave aponta a evidente subordinação do conjunto de interesses regionais ao cumprimento de um fim único: a geração de energia elétrica para abastecer demandas espacialmente distantes e potencializar os processos de acumulação de capital extra-regionais, com mínimos benefícios para a região de implantação. O presente trabalho tem assim por objetivo refletir sobre os processos de inserção regional de usinas hidrelétricas na Amazônia e a governança territorial implementada, considerando os aspectos mencionados acima e sua influência nas concepções de planejamento que orientaram a construção da usina hidrelétrica Belo Monte na década de 2011 a 2019.Palavras-chave: Hidrelétrica; Belo Monte; Amazônia.ABSTRACTThe relationship between the implementation of large investment projects (GPI), in particular, large hydroelectric projects and local populations, has been a recurring aspect since the 1970s, in the context of debates on regional development for decades. The technical and scientific literature on hydroelectric dams has revealed not only their impactful nature, highlighting their territorial transformations as well as the character of an enclave and even of multi-purpose ventures with regard to regional development. The nature of the enclave points to the evident subordination of the set of regional interests to the fulfillment of a single purpose: the generation of electric energy to supply spatially distant demands and to potentiate the processes of accumulation of extra-regional capital, with minimal benefits for the region of implantation. The present work aims to reflect on the processes of regional insertion of hydroelectric plants in the Amazon and the implemented territorial governance, considering the aspects mentioned above and their influence on the planning concepts that guided the construction of the Belo Monte hydroelectric plant in the 2011 decade to 2019.Keywords: Hydroelectric Power Plant; Belo Monte; Amazon.RESUMENLa relación entre la implementación de grandes proyectos de inversión (GPI), en particular, grandes proyectos hidroeléctricos y poblaciones locales, ha sido un aspecto recurrente desde la década de 1970, en el contexto de debates sobre desarrollo regional durante décadas. La literatura técnica y científica sobre represas hidroeléctricas ha revelado no solo su naturaleza impactante, mostrando sus transformaciones territoriales, así como el carácter de un enclave e, incluso, de emprendimientos multipropósito con respecto al desarrollo regional. La naturaleza del enclave apunta a la evidente subordinación del conjunto de intereses regionales al cumplimiento de un solo propósito: la generación de energía eléctrica para satisfacer demandas espacialmente distantes y potenciar los procesos de acumulación de capital extrarregional, con beneficios mínimos para la región de implantación. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre los procesos de inserción regional de las centrales hidroeléctricas en la Amazonía y la gobernanza territorial implementada, considerando los aspectos mencionados anteriormente y su influencia en los conceptos de planificación que guiaron la construcción de la central hidroeléctrica Belo Monte en la década de 2011 hasta 2019.Palabras clave: Central Hidroeléctrica; Belo Monte; Amazonia.

Bruna Duarte de Sousa ◽  
José Queiroz de Miranda Neto

BELO MONTE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANT AND THE ROLE OF AGENTS IN RESTRUCTURING OF THE CITY OF ALTAMIRA-PAUSINA HIDROELÉCTRICA DE BELO MONTE Y EL PAPEL DE LOS AGENTES EN LA REESTRUCTURACIÓN DE LA CIUDAD DE ALTAMIRA-PARESUMOEste artigo tem como objetivo analisar o papel dos agentes produtores do espaço urbano na cidade de Altamira-PA após a instalação da Usina Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte. O trabalho se propõe a estudar as mudanças nas localizações dos espaços que compõem a cidade, como o centro urbano e novas áreas residenciais produzidas na periferia, resultando em um processo de reestruturação da cidade. Portanto, busca-se evidenciar como as empresas, o Estado, os agentes fundiários, os grupos imobiliários e a população excluída agem para a obtenção de seus objetivos. O método utilizado é o materialismo histórico e dialético e a fonte de dados foi obtida com base em trabalhos de campo, relatórios da Norte Energia S.A e fontes de organizações sociais como FVPP. Como resultados, evidencia-se o impacto da instalação desse empreendimento de grande porte em Altamira-PA, produzindo redefinições que estão baseadas na relação entre diferentes agentes públicos e privados. A reestruturação da cidade a partir da instalação da hidrelétrica gerou como consequência a expansão imobiliária e novas infraestruturas que pouco favorecem à população atingida e os mais pobres da cidade.Palavras-chave: Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte; Agentes Produtores do Espaço Urbano; Localizações Residenciais.ABSTRACTThis article aims to analyze the role of urban space producing agents in the city of Altamira-PA after the installation of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant. The work aims to study the changes in the locations of the spaces that make up the city, such as the urban center and new residential areas produced in the periphery, resulting in a process of restructuring the city. Therefore, it seeks to show how companies, the State, land agents, real estate groups and the excluded population act to achieve their goals. The method used is historical and dialectical materialism and the data source was obtained based on fieldwork, reports by Norte Energia S.A and sources from social organizations such as FVPP. As a result, the impact of installing this large undertaking in Altamira-PA is evident, producing redefinitions that are based on the relationship between different public and private agents. The restructuring of the city after the installation of the Hydroelectric Power Plant resulted in the expansion of real estate and new infrastructures that do little to favor the affected population and the poorest population of the city.Keywords: Belo Monte Hydroelectric; Urban Space Producing Agents; Residential Locations.RESUMENEste artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el papel de los agentes productores de espacio urbano en la ciudad de Altamira-PA tras la instalación de la Central Hidroeléctrica de Belo Monte. El trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar los cambios en la ubicación de los espacios que componen la ciudad, como el centro urbano y las nuevas áreas residenciales que se producen en la periferia, resultando en un proceso de reestructuración de la ciudad. Por ello, busca mostrar cómo las empresas, el Estado, los agentes inmobiliarios, los grupos inmobiliarios y la población excluida actúan para lograr sus objetivos. El método utilizado es el materialismo histórico y dialéctico y la fuente de datos se obtuvo en base a trabajo de campo, informes de Norte Energia S.A y fuentes de organizaciones sociales como FVPP. Como resultado, el impacto de la instalación de este gran emprendimiento en Altamira-PA es evidente, produciendo redefiniciones que se basan en la relación entre diferentes agentes públicos y privados. La reestructuración de la ciudad tras la instalación de la Central Hidroeléctrica resultó en la movilidad residencial y nuevas infraestructuras que poco hacen para favorecer a la población afectada y la población más pobre de la ciudad.Palabras clave: Hidroeléctrica de Belo Monte; Agentes Productores de Espacio Urbano; Movilidad Residencial.

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 35
Miguel Rosas Maximiliano ◽  
Salome Gonzales Chávez ◽  
Alex Poccomo Coquil

En una Central Hidroeléctrica multigrupo que opera a cargas parciales, la máxima eficiencia de cada grupo y el de la combinación aleatorias de estos, difieren de la eficiencia de diseño de la central a plena carga. Estas centrales están condicionadas a operar a cargas parciales, tanto en épocas de estiaje como en tramos de sobreoferta eléctrica del sistema interconectado nacional. El periodo de estiaje en Perú alcanza a nueve meses del año, situación que implica pérdidas económicas debido a la inadecuada regulación del caudal y elección de grupo, a condiciones de eficiencias por debajo de sus valores óptimos. El objetivo de este trabajo es el desarrollo de un proceso de optimización de la eficiencia de una Central Hidroeléctrica multigrupo, para cualquier nivel de potencia a generar en el programa diario de generación interconectada. Como resultados se obtiene la maximización de la eficiencia y combinación de turbinas-grupo para cada potencia de salida de la central fuera de sus condiciones nominales; asimismo se construye un programa computacional en Matlab que alimenta al sistema automatizado de la central. Su aplicación está permitiendo reducir costos de generación y disponibilidad de la central, a su vez conforma un patrón metodológico de uso en otras centrales hidroeléctricas multigrupo. Palabras clave.- Central hidroeléctrica multigrupo, Cargas parciales, Maximización, Despacho económico, Estiaje, Sistema interconectado nacional.. ABSTRACTIn multigroup hydroelectric plant operating at partial loads, the maximum each group efficiency and the random combination of these, differ from the design efficiency of the plant at full load. These plants are conditioned to operate at partial loads, both in times of drought and periods of oversupply national electric grid. The period of drought in Peru is nine months per year, a situation that involves economic losses due to inadequate flow regulation and group choice efficiencies conditions below their optimum values. The aim of this work is the development optimizing efficiency process of a multigroup hydroelectric power plant, for any level of power generated in the daily interconnected generation program. The results are maximizing turbine efficiency and combined-group for each power output of the plant, outside its nominal conditions, also a computer program is constructed in Matlab to integrate the automated system of hydroelectric power plant. Its application can reduce generation costs and increases plant availability; also forms a methodological pattern of use in other multigroup hydroelectric plants . Keywords.- Multigroup hydroelectric plant, Partial loads, Maximization, Economic dispatch, Time of drought, National grid.

Karoline Fernandes Siqueira Campos ◽  
Marcelo Rodrigues Mendonça ◽  
Vinícius Batista Campos

TERRITORY (DES) KNOWN IN JARI RIVER WATERS: the effects of Santo Antônio do Jari's Hydroelectric Power Plant in the traditional community of Iratapuru/APTERRITORIO (DES) CONOCIDO EN LAS AGUAS DEL RÍO JARI: los efectos de la Usina Hidreléctrica de San Antonio del Jari en la comunidad tradicional del Iratapuru/APEm tempos em que muitos projetos hidrelétricos são construídos na Amazônia, torna-se necessária a realização de pesquisas que busquem compreender os efeitos da implantação dos novos territórios em comunidades tradicionais atingidas. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho objetiva compreender o território (des)conhecido da Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Iratapuru (RDSI) no Sul do Amapá, introduzido com a implantação da Usina Hidrelétrica (UHE) de Santo Antônio do Jari, na percepção dos moradores sobre o espaço vivido, as territorialidades, as relações afetivas e simbólicas do e no território, a (re)organização cultural e a (re)construção identitária. Para a realização deste estudo, foram levantadas informações bibliográficas e documentais sobre território, comunidade tradicional, espaço social, cenário energético no Amapá e os Estudos e Relatórios de Impactos Ambientais (EIA/RIMA) do Empreendimento. Na fase exploratória, realizou-se a etapa de observação para reconhecimento da comunidade, diagnosticando as relações que mantinham com o rio e a natureza; os saberes tradicionais e culturais; a simbologia e afetividade do espaço habitado e o perfil dos moradores, permitindo assim a delimitação do objeto e sujeitos da etapa de entrevistas e elaboração dos mapas falados. Os resultados apontaram que a (re)criação territorial da nova vila, concedida como medida compensatória aos moradores que tiveram suas casas inundadas às margens do rio Jari, pouco se assemelhou com a realidade vivenciada pela comunidade, obrigando-os a (re)organizar seus espaços e readequarem as novas dinâmicas de um território (des)conhecido.Palavras-chave: Grandes Projetos; Amazônia Oriental; Efeitos Socioespaciais; Povos da Floresta.ABSTRACTIn times when many hydroelectric projects are built in the Amazon, it is necessary to carry out research that seeks to understand the effects of the implantation of the new territories in affected traditional communities. In this sense, the present work aims at understanding the territory (dis) known from the Iratapuru Sustainable Development Reserve (ISDN) in southern Amapá, introduced with the implementation of the Santo Antônio do Jari Hydroelectric Plant (HPP), in the perception of the inhabitants about The territoriality, the affective and symbolic relations of the and in the territory, the cultural (re) organization and the (re) construction of identity. For the accomplishment of this study, bibliographical and documentary information about territory, traditional community, social space, energy scenario in Amapá and the Studies and Reports of Environmental Impacts (EIA/RIMA) of the Enterprise were collected. In the exploratory phase, the observation stage was carried out to recognize the community, diagnosing the relationships they had with the river and nature; Traditional and cultural knowledge; The symbology and affectivity of the inhabited space and the profile of the residents, thus allowing the delimitation of the object and subjects of the stage of interviews and elaboration of the spoken maps. The results showed that the (re) territorial creation of the new village, granted as a compensatory measure to the residents who had their houses flooded on the banks of the river Jari, did not resemble the reality experienced by the community, forcing them to (re) organize their Spaces and re-adapt the new dynamics of a (un) known territory.Keywords: Great Projects; Eastern Amazonia; Socio-spatial Effects; Forest People.RESUMENEn tiempos en que muchos proyectos hidroeléctricos se construyen en la Amazonia, se hace necesario la realización de investigaciones que busquen comprender los efectos de la implantación de los nuevos territorios en comunidades tradicionales afectadas. En este sentido, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo comprender el territorio (des) conocido de la Reserva de Desarrollo Sostenible del Iratapuru (RDSI) en el sur de Amapá, introducido con la implantación de la Usina Hidroeléctrica (UHE) de Santo Antônio do Jari, en la percepción de los habitantes sobre El espacio vivido, las territorialidades, las relaciones afectivas y simbólicas del y en el territorio, la (re) organización cultural y la (re) construcción identitaria. Para la realización de este estudio, se levantaron informaciones bibliográficas y documentales sobre territorio, comunidad tradicional, espacio social, escenario energético en Amapá y los Estudios e Informes de Impactos Ambientales (EIA / RIMA) del Emprendimiento. En la fase exploratoria, se realizó la etapa de observación para el reconocimiento de la comunidad, diagnosticando las relaciones que mantenían con el río y la naturaleza; Los saberes tradicionales y culturales; La simbología y afectividad del espacio habitado y el perfil de los habitantes, permitiendo así la delimitación del objeto y sujetos de la etapa de entrevistas y elaboración de los mapas hablados. Los resultados apuntaron que la (re) creación territorial de la nueva villa, concedida como medida compensatoria a los habitantes que tuvieron sus casas inundadas a orillas del río Jari, poco se asemejó con la realidad vivida por la comunidad, obligándolos a (re) organizar sus Espacios y reajustar las nuevas dinámicas de un territorio (des) conocido.Palabras clave: Grandes Proyectos; Amazonia Oriental; Efectos Socioespaciales; Pueblos del Bosque.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 865-876
Heidi Michalski Ribeiro ◽  
Jose Rubens Morato

PurposeThis proposal is a case study of the Belo Monte dam. The article deals with human rights and environmental violations arising from the construction of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant in the northern region of Brazil. This paper aims to evidence human rights violations brought by the construction Belo Monte dam, a glimpse of the COVID-19 scenario and how Brazilian regulation allowed those violations.Design/methodology/approachTo achieve the objective of this article, the Brazilian norms, public policies and the current situation of the affected communities were analyzed, focusing on the human rights violations and the historical timeline of this mega-project. The analysis was directed to the hardcore social sciences, considering analytical and qualitative research.FindingsThe data gathered and the references consulted proved that many human rights violations occurred and that the vulnerability of indigenous and local people increased with the construction of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant in the northern region of Brazil. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated this adverse scenario since indigenous and local people already had their vulnerabilities increased with the construction of Belo Monte.Research limitations/implicationsThe Belo Monte Dam has had severe and irreversible impacts on the lives of local communities, especially indigenous peoples, as it had destroyed their culture and the environment. The authors were not able to do fieldwork, due to the great distance of the dam. In this sense, the research does not cover all the social–environmental issues, as an ethnographic approach is necessary.Originality/valueThe authors intend to bring attention to harms caused to indigenous people and the local communities, expecting to create an alert of what this kind of project can do to vulnerable peoples' life, especially now with the pandemic scenario, which makes indigenous and traditional communities more vulnerable to diseases due to the loss of their territories.

Iva´n F. Galindo-Garci´a ◽  
Antonio Tavira-Mondrago´n ◽  
Sau´l Rodri´guez-Lozano

A simulation model of the hydraulic system of a hydroelectric power plant is developed and implemented in a real time simulator. The main purpose of the simulator is to test the performance of actual governor control systems using hardware-in-the-loop techniques, in which the actual governor control system is connected to a real time simulator instead of being connected to real equipment. This paper focuses on the modeling of the hydraulic system to be implemented in the simulator. The model consists of an unrestricted reservoir, conduits to transport water, and a turbine to convert the potential energy of the fluid into mechanical power. A nonlinear mathematical model for a non-elastic water column is implemented. Effects due to a surge tank and to various turbines connected to a common tunnel are included in the model by considering head and flow variations at the junction of the common tunnel and the individual penstocks. The model is evaluated by comparing results from simulations with field tests from a four-unit hydroelectric power plant (55 MW per unit). Comparisons show that the model reproduces the general behavior of the field tests. However some deviations are observed during the transient response, in particular the simulation results appear to respond faster than field data.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (98) ◽  
pp. 677-709
Venícios Oliveira Alves ◽  
Maria Gracinda Carvalho Teixeira

Abstract This research seeks to analyze the contributions of repertoires of collective actions in the organization of those affected by dams based on a study of the Itapebi Hydroelectric Power Plant. The repertoires of collective actions in this article are inspired by the author Charles Tilly and originate from the field of the theory of political sociology of social movements, defined as a set of forms of action in which there is political motivation. The initial assumption of the research is that the repertoires of collective actions created at the local level play a crucial role in the organization of those affected by the hydroelectric plant under study and help sustain the national demands of the Movement of Those Affected by Dams. The results of the research indicate that, through local experience, lived over the years by those involved, these repertoires have performed not only a central function in the organization of those affected in relation to compensatory issues proposals by the company responsible for the Itapebi enterprise, but also in the creation and strengthening public policies that will absorb local demands and their articulation with the national movement of the those by dams.

2017 ◽  
Vol 27 (48) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Simone Pereira Ferreira ◽  
Rita de Cássia Marques Alves ◽  
Flavio Varone Gonçalves

hidrelétrica Serra do Facão utilizando imagens Landsat TM. A metodologia desenvolvida neste trabalho compreende as etapas das correções geométricas e radiométricas, recorte e processamento das imagens. Para realizar a estimativa foi necessário calcular índices de vegetação e identificar características como biomassa, índice de área foliar, atividade fotossintética, produtividade. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho são do metano estimado durante o enchimento do lago da represa da usina hidrelétrica Serra do Facão. Os valores estimados de metano variaram entre 2,38 e 64,08 kg/km2/dia e estão de acordo com os dados publicados no Relatório de Referência do Ministério de Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT) e com outros trabalhos desenvolvidos em reservatórios tropicais. A metodologia aqui descrita pode servir para mitigar os efeitos resultantes do enchimento de grandes reservatórios. Com a técnica pode-se identificar regiões prioritárias para a supressão da vegetação que ficará submersa.Palavras–chave: Sensoriamento remoto, Landsat, Cerrado, Índices de vegetaçãoAbstract The aim of this study is to estimate methane emissions during the filling of the reservoir of the Serra do Facão hydroelectric plant using Landsat TM images. The methodology developed in this work comprises the steps of radiometric and geometric corrections, cropping and image processing. To estimate methane emissions, we had to calculate vegetation indices, identify features like biomass, leaf area index, photosynthetic activity, productivity. The results obtained in this work are the estimated methane during the filling of the Lake of the dam of Serra do Facão hydroelectric power plant. The estimated values of methane varied between 2.38 and 64.08 kg/km2/day and are according to the data published in the report of Ministry of science and technology (MCT) and with other projects developed in tropical reservoirs. The methodology described here can serve to mitigate the effects of filling of large reservoirs. With the technique can identify priority regions for the removal of vegetation that will be submerged. Keywords: Remote sensing, Landsat, Cerrado, Vegetation index. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (97) ◽  
pp. 398-421
Diego Mota Vieira

Abstract This work analyzes the performance of stakeholders and advocacy coalitions in processes of gradual institutional change based on the case study of the Belo Monte hydroelectric power plant. The methodology adopts content analysis, using shorthand notes of hearings held in the National Congress, and other publicly available documents. In-depth semi-structured interviews were also conducted, collecting data from individuals involved in the history of the power plant. The study allowed to characterize stakeholders pro or against the enterprise, observing their degree of influence and the role played. In addition, the work used the Advocacy Coalition Framework to verify how stakeholders formed three advocacy coalitions and exerted the strategies of institutional change ‘displacement,’ ‘conversion,’ and ‘layering’ following the gradual and transformative institutional change model. Empirical evidence indicates that the composition of coalition members may determine the type of institutional change and that institutional changes can also result from learning among coalitions, as the incorporation of socio-environmental considerations that have altered the original design of the hydroelectric power plant.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 184
Pedro H. M. Nascimento ◽  
Vinícius A. Cabral ◽  
Ivo C. Silva Junior ◽  
Frederico F. Panoeiro ◽  
Leonardo M. Honório ◽  

Hydroelectric power plants’ operational decisions are associated with several factors, such as generation planning, water availability and dam safety. One major challenge is to control the water spillage from the reservoir. Although this action represents a loss of energy production, it is a powerful strategy to regulate the reservoir level, ensuring the dam’s safety. The decision to use this strategy must be made in advance based on level and demand predictions. The present work applies supervised machine learning techniques to predict the operating condition of spillage in a hydroelectric plant for 5 h ahead. The use of this method, in real time, aims to assist the operator so that he can make more assertive and safer decisions, avoiding waste of energy resources and increasing the safety of dams. The Random Forest and Multilayer Perceptron methods were used to define the architecture compared to the forecasting capacity. The proposed methodology was applied to a 902.5 MW Hydroelectric Power Plant located on the Tocantins River, Brazil. The results demonstrate effective assistance to operators in the decision-making, presenting accuracy of up to 99.15% for the spill decision.

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