scholarly journals Does International Migration Pay Off? The Labor Market Situation of Finnish Return Migrants Based on Longitudinal Register Data

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 49
Saara Koikkalainen ◽  
Ritva Linnakangas ◽  
Asko Suikkanen

International mobility is a form of flexible labor market adaptation available for young Nordic nationals who have the privilege of relatively easy return if life abroad does not work out. The article considers mobility as a labor market transition and examines the pre- and post-migration situation of two Finnish return migrant groups—those who lived abroad in 1999 and in 2004—based on longitudinal register data. It considers the consequences of return for an individual migrant: is it a form of failure in labor market integration in the country of destination or rather a sign of success whereby the skills, resources, and experiences gained abroad are brought back to the country of origin. Migrants who leave Finland nowadays often opt to move to other Nordic countries and are younger, more educated, and have a better socio-economic status than previous migrant generations. The article demonstrates that international migration does not deteriorate the returnees’ labor market status. While re-entry into the Finnish labor market may take some time and flexibility, mobility seems to pay off and have beneficial consequences: return migrants earn higher taxable incomes and have lower unemployment rates than their peers who only stayed in the national labor markets..

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 171 ◽  
Armela Xhaho ◽  
Erka Çaro

The aim of this research paper is three fold: (1) to shed some light on the struggles Albanian return migrants are facing in their psycho-social, cultural and labor market reintegration in the origin country, looking as well to the gendered trajectories of return and re-emigration(2) to highlight their gendered strategies in transferring back in their home country their financial, social and human capital;(3) to better understand the dynamic paths of their migration trajectories and finally (4) to push policy makers to put with high priority the returnees reintegration plan into the policy agenda. We base our analyze on 42 life stories of Albanian migrants, from which, 12 interviews with return migrants from Greece, 30 migrants that are actually in Greece (from which 50% have at least made an 1 attempt to return in Albania and 5 are circular migrants).The study found that: many Albanian migrants return to Albania to stay either temporary or permanently with the idea of investing in home country, though not all of them who return stay in Albania. Returnees and at a greater degree women, face lot struggles and difficulties in their psycho-social, cultural and economic reintegration upon their return, which make them mentally and psychologically vulnerable. Women experienced a sense of disempowerment, reconfiguration and re-traditionalisation of gender relationships upon their return. Labor market integration seem more problematic especially for returned women who faced a gendered gap in labor force participation . Moreover, despite migrant willingness to invest their financial and social remittances in Albania by bringing new ideas in the labor market trend, they experience a sense of disillusion. Therefore, having no support system back home, remaining jobless and in many cases failing in their investment endeavors, make returnees consider further re-emigration as a surviving strategy. This study suggest that it is time for policy makers to compile with high priority and with a gender lens analysis a new National Migration Strategy and Return Reintegration strategy, while developing concrete and coherent measures upon returnees successful reintegration in the home country. This policy research brings at the policy agenda an holistic and multidisciplinary approach to returnee reintegration through better multi- level/stakeholder collaboration and dialogue.

2005 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-105 ◽  
Chulhee Lee

This article explores the labor market status of older males in the early twentieth century, focusing on how the extent of pressure toward retirement differed across occupations and how it changed over time. A comparison of the probability of retirement across occupations shows that men who had better occupations in terms of economic status and work conditions were less likely to retire than were those with poorer jobs. The difficulty faced by older workers in the labor market, as measured by the relative incidence of long-term unemployment, was relatively severe among craftsmen, operatives, and salesmen. In contrast, aged farmers, professionals, managers, and proprietors appear to have fared well in the labor market. The pattern of shifts in the occupational structure that occurred between 1880 and 1940 suggests that industrialization had brought a growth of the sectors in which the pressure toward departure from employment at old ages was relatively strong.

2016 ◽  
Vol 75 (Suppl 2) ◽  
pp. 1244.1-1244
F.M. Pimentel-Santos ◽  
I. Peyroteo ◽  
A.F. Mourão ◽  
E. Sousa ◽  
J. Costa ◽  

Kuntoutus ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (4) ◽  
pp. 5-17
Minna Savinainen ◽  
Elina Lindgren ◽  
Hannu Heikkilä

Työurien pidentämisessä ja työhön osallistumisen lisäämisessä oleellista on tukea myös osatyökykyisten henkilöiden työhön kiinnittymistä ja työssä jatkamista. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää erikoissairaanhoidon kuntoutustutkimuspotilaiden (N = 238) työmarkkinatilanteen, sairausetuuksien käytön, elämänlaadun sekä työ- ja toimintakyvyn muutoksia vuoden kuluttua kuntoutustutkimuksesta. Kuntoutustutkimuksessa olleiden osallistuminen työmarkkinoille sekä ammatilliseen kuntoutukseen lisääntyi ja samalla sairausetuuksien käyttö väheni. Potilaiden elämänlaatu, koettu terveys ja työkyky sekä itsestä huolehtiminen paranivat. Vastaavasti kognitiivinen ja fyysinen toimintakyky sekä osallisuus heikkenivät. Systemaattisella ja moniammatillisella työ- ja toimintakyvyn arvioinnilla voidaan saavuttaa vaikuttavia suunnitelmia työllistymisen edistämiseksi. Abstract Follow-up study on the labor market situation, quality of life and perceived work ability and functioning of patients of a rehabilitation outpatient clinicIn order to prolong working careers and increase participation in work, it is also important to support the attachment and continuation of people with partial ability to work. The aim of the study was to find out the changes in the labor market situation, the use of sick leave, quality of life, and work ability and functioning of the outpatient clinic of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (N=238) during one-year follow-up. Participation in the labor market and vocational rehabilitation of those who participated in rehabilitation increased, and at the same time the use of sickness benefits decreased. Patients’ quality of life, perceived health and work ability, and self-care improved. Correspondingly, cognitive and physical functioning as well as inclusion were impaired. Systematic and multi-professional assessment of work ability and functioning can lead to effective plans to promote employment. Keywords: rehabilitation, employment status, quality of life, work ability, functioning

Irina Tomescu-Dubrow ◽  
Joshua Kjerulf Dubrow ◽  
Anna Kiersztyn ◽  
Katarzyna Andrejuk ◽  
Marta Kołczyńska ◽  

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