work ability
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Shift work is a social phenomenon with adverse effects on the lives and health of people in various aspects. This adverse effect decreases shift workers’ ability over a time period. The aim of the present study was to survey disturbances due to shift work and some disorders associated with work ability index among nurses in educational hospitals, Ahvaz, Iran. This cross-sectional survey was conducted among 33 nurses at the Golestan Hospital, Ahvaz, Iran. The survey of shift workers questionnaire (SOS) and the Work Ability Index (WAI) questionnaire was used as data collection tools. The related data was analyzed based on the descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation test, and Spearman correlation test using IBM SPSS software version 19. The results showed that 97% of problems related to the effects of shift work on the individuals’ lives, families, and musculoskeletal disorders, 87.9% related to insomnia and social problems, and 75.8% related to mental disorders. Although it showed a significant relationship between the workability index with the variable of experience and mental disorders, it showed no significant relationship between the prevalence of insomnia and musculoskeletal disorders variables. The results of this study showed that shift working disrupts mental, social, and physical health that ultimately adversely affect the ability of shift workers. Therefore, it was recommended to adjust working hours and allocate the appropriate shifts to improve the workability of individuals.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Rebecca Komp ◽  
Simone Kauffeld ◽  
Patrizia Ianiro-Dahm

Background: Since presenteeism is related to numerous negative health and work-related effects, measures are required to reduce it. There are initial indications that how an organization deals with health has a decisive influence on employees’ presenteeism behavior.Aims: The concept of health-promoting collaboration was developed on the basis of these indications. As an extension of healthy leadership it includes not only the leader but also co-workers. In modern forms of collaboration, leaders cannot be assigned sole responsibility for employees’ health, since the leader is often hardly visible (digital leadership) or there is no longer a clear leader (shared leadership). The study examines the concept of health-promoting collaboration in relation to presenteeism. Relationships between health-promoting collaboration, well-being and work ability are also in focus, regarding presenteeism as a mediator.Methods: The data comprise the findings of a quantitative survey of 308 employees at a German university of applied sciences. Correlation and mediator analyses were conducted.Results: The results show a significant negative relationship between health-promoting collaboration and presenteeism. Significant positive relationships were found between health-promoting collaboration and both well-being and work ability. Presenteeism was identified as a mediator of these relationships.Conclusion: The relevance of health-promoting collaboration in reducing presenteeism was demonstrated and various starting points for practice were proposed. Future studies should investigate further this newly developed concept in relation to presenteeism.

Angelo d’Errico ◽  
Chiara Ardito ◽  
Roberto Leombruni ◽  
Fulvio Ricceri ◽  
Giuseppe Costa ◽  

AbstractIn many European countries requirements for retirement have been tightened, causing an increase in work participation of older workers, in spite their potentially poorer health may limit their work ability. This study aimed at assessing the diffusion of health problems and exposure to unfavorable working conditions among ageing workers in two Italian surveys, as well as comparing them with those observed in the same surveys conducted before the 2011 Italian pension reform tightening the normal retirement age. The 2013 National Health Survey (NHS) and Labour Force Survey (LFS) were employed to assess the prevalence of poor perceived health, health conditions and functional limitations, and of exposure to physical, psychosocial and organization factors at work, among 60–64 years workers. Poisson regression models were used to estimate Prevalence Ratios of health outcomes and unfavorable working conditions in the two surveys, compared to data from the 2005 (NHS) and 2007 (LFS) corresponding surveys, respectively. Among both men and women, approximately one quarter had at least one physical disorder or functional limitations and 15% poor mental health. Exposure to different ergonomic factors (15–30%) and working during unsocial hours (19%) were particularly diffused. A significant increase in the prevalence of functional limitations and of working at night or during unsocial hours was found in 2013, compared to corresponding data from 2005 and 2007, respectively. Our results indicate that exposure to ergonomic and organizational hazards should be reduced among ageing workers, to avoid decreased work ability, health damage or early exit from the labour market.

Barbara Wagner ◽  
Margarete Steiner ◽  
Lovro Markovic ◽  
Richard Crevenna

Summary Background Post-COVID-19 fatigue is a frequent symptom in COVID-19 survivors, which substantially limits patients to achieve full recovery and potentially restrains return to work. The previous literature has not yet reported the use of pulsed electromagnetic fields in this indication. Methods Over the course of 5 weeks, 10 sessions of pulsed electromagnetic field treatment with a high magnetic flux density were applied to a patient suffering from post-COVID-19 fatigue syndrome. Fatigue, work ability, quality of life as well as anxiety, depression, stress level, and resilience were evaluated using validated patient-reported outcome measures. Results Fatigue, work ability, quality of life, and psychological well-being improved clearly over the course of the treatment and showed stable results 6 weeks later. Conclusion The use of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy with a device that allows sufficient penetration of the body tissue might be a promising physical modality to manage post-COVID-19 fatigue syndrome, which could reduce clinical and economic health consequences. Clinical sham-controlled studies are needed to evaluate the effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields in this indication.

2022 ◽  
kathrine vandraas ◽  
Ragnhild Sørum Falk ◽  
Synne Bøhn ◽  
Cecilie Kiserud ◽  
Hanne Lie ◽  

Abstract work ability (WA) is scarce. We aimed to identify factors, including social support, associated with excellent WA in a nation-wide population of long-term BCS. MethodsAll long-term BCSs (20-65 years) diagnosed with early-stage BC in 2011 or 2012 were identified by the Norwegian Cancer Registry in 2019 and invited to participate in a survey (n=2803). WA was assessed using the Work Ability Index. Factors associated with excellent WA were identified using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses, adjusted for sociodemographic-, health- and cancer related variables. ResultsThe final sample consisted of 926 BCSs with a mean age of 56 years at survey. WA was reduced from 8.9 (SD 2.3) at diagnosis to 6.3 (SD 3.1) eight years later. One in three BCSs reported poor WA, and seven out of ten reported that their physical WA was reduced due to cancer. Survivors with excellent WA reported high social support from supervisors and colleagues compared to BCSs with low WA. Additionally, cognitive impairment and fatigue were negatively associated with WA. ConclusionWA remains a significant challenge in long-term BC survivorship, with a substantial proportion of BCSs reporting poor WA eight years after diagnosis. Collegial support appears to be a protective factor for sustained WA, whilst survivors struggling with fatigue and cognitive impairments may represent a particularly vulnerable group for discontinued employment. Increased attention to WA in follow-up care is warranted.

Kuntoutus ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 6-20
Aila Järvikoski ◽  
Kristiina Härkäpää ◽  
Marjo Romakkaniemi ◽  
Esa Nordling

Heikentyneeseen työkykyyn yhteydessä olevien tekijöiden selvittäminen on tärkeää pyrittäessä ehkäisemään työelämästä syrjäytymistä ja parantamaan kuntoutuksen suuntaamista. Työkyvyn muutokset ovat 40 vuotta täyttäneillä yleisempiä kuin nuoremmissa ikäryhmissä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää sosiaalisten resurssien ja psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin liittyvien tekijöiden yhteyttä työkyvyn heikentymiseen Lapissa asuvilla 40–59-vuotiailla henkilöillä. Tiedonkeruu toteutettiin Lapin sairaanhoitopiirissä syksyllä 2012. Postikyselyn otos oli 8200 henkilöä ja vastausprosentti 33. Ikäryhmään 40–59 vuotta kuului vastanneista 959 (vastausprosentti 32). Heikentynyt työkyky määriteltiin työkykypistemäärän avulla (arvo 0–7 asteikolla 0–10). Analyysimenetelmänä oli logistinen regressioanalyysi. Terveys ja työkyky olivat työssä olevilla paremmat ja eläkeläisillä heikommat kuin työttömillä. Psyykkisen hyvinvoinnin ongelmia oli työttömillä ja eläkeläisillä yhtä paljon. Pääasiallinen toiminta, sosiaalinen tuki, psyykkinen roolitoiminta, depressio ja terveydentila olivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi yhteydessä heikentyneeseen työkykyyn kokonaismallissa, joka sisälsi myös sosiodemografiset taustamuuttujat. Tietoja työkykyä selittävistä tekijöistä voidaan käyttää hyväksi pohdittaessa työkykyä ylläpitävän toiminnan ja kuntoutuksen mahdollisuuksia. Abstract Perceived work ability and related factors with middle-aged people living in Lapland Perceived work ability predicts continuing at work or withdrawal to disability pension. The aim of the study was to investigate the associations of social, psychological and health factors with work ability in persons aged 40-59 years, living in Lapland. The total sample of the study was 8200 persons and the response rate 33. The number of persons aged 40–59 was 959 (response rate 32). A single-item work ability measure (work ability compared with the life time best) was used. With the unemployed, health and work ability were weaker than with those at work and better than with those at pension. Logistic regression analysis was used in determining the associations of social, psychological and health factors with work ability. In the total model, life situation, social support, psychological role functioning, depression and state of health were statistically significant predictors among all respondents, whereas health was the most important predictor among those at work. Information of factors associated with work ability is needed when developing strategies for rehabilitation and maintaining work ability.

2022 ◽  
Vol 87 ◽  
pp. 103250
Josephine Lyngh Steenberg ◽  
Karsten Thielen ◽  
Jakob Møller Hansen ◽  
Åse Marie Hansen ◽  
Vivian Rueskov ◽  

ergopraxis ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (01) ◽  
pp. 30-31
Michèle Häberli ◽  
Thomas Nyffeler ◽  
Tim Vanbellingen

Welche Unterstützung benötigt ein Mensch mit erworbener Hirnschädigung, um wieder seinen Beruf auszuüben? Dieser Frage geht die Work-ability Support Scale auf den Grund. Das Besondere an dem Assessment: Neben dem persönlichen Unterstützungsbedarf erfasst die WSS außerdem die Kontextfaktoren rund um den Arbeitsplatz.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. e8
Hyrean Jeong ◽  
Jeehee Pyo ◽  
Minsu Ock

Introduction: In order to strengthen the core competencies of workers, systematic education tailored to their needs is necessary. In this study, a survey was conducted on workers in public health care service in Ulsan Metropolitan City (Ulsan) to investigate the demand for education according to core competencies.Methods: A total of 70 workers who work for public health care service in Ulsan participated in this online survey. The questionnaire consisted of socio-demographic factors, work ability, education demand, and preference of education form.Results: The core competency with a high level of work ability is ‘Expertise on health and disease’ (41, 58.6%). On the other hand, the core competency with a low level of work ability was found to be the ‘Evaluation-related theories of public health care service’ (57, 81.4%). The core competencies with the highest demand for education were “Resident-centered service implementation” and “Public health care service strategy development” (64, 91.4%), followed by ‘Public health care service cases review’ and ‘knowledge of public health service plan’ (63, 90.0%). The preferred form of education is offline education (49, 40.8%). The most important factor in education was ‘work utilization’ (Offline: 57, 81.4%; Online: 48, 68.6%), both online and offline.Conclusions: Through the research results, it was possible to find out education demand according to core competencies and preference of education form. Based on these results, we will develop a core competency education program tailored to actual demand. In the future, it is necessary to continuously conduct research on such education demand.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-190
Tasniem Fauzia ◽  
Zalida Afni ◽  
Elfitri Santi

Changing trends in business and finance have an impact on accounting learning and curriculum. This study aims to see how the college accounting curriculum produces competent graduates and their conformity with the IQF competency standards, the competencies needed to prepare graduates to enter the accounting profession and the competencies expected by users (employers). This study uses a mix-method with a sequential exploratory model (content analysis and descriptive statistical analysis). The results of this study show that colleges provide graduates with competencies in accounting, business, general competencies and other competencies that can support graduates' careers. The compatibility between graduates competencies based on the college accounting curriculum and the IQF competency standards has been appropriate, while the compatibility between graduates competencies with the professional organizations competency and user expectations competency has not been appropriate. In their curriculum, some college have included courses related to digital technology. We hoped there will be further harmonization and adjustment between the accounting curriculum and graduate competency standards to improve graduates work ability.

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