market situation
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2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 113-128
T. A. Izutina

The relevance of the study is explained by the fact that the spread of the coronavirus epidemic has become a serious challenge to achieve the goals and objectives set by the national project, especially taking into account the need to obtain relevant results already in 2030. The author analyzed the impact of the pandemic on the results of achieving the corresponding milestones of federal projects in the short term - in particular, the degree of achievement of the parameters of federal projects in the dock 2019 and in the crisis year 2020 was considered. The long-term implications of the coronavirus-related restrictions are also considered, including in the aspect of a qualitative change in the national project as a whole, associated with a change in the federal projects that fill it. Based on the results of studying the issue, the author presents scenarios about the possibility of implementing a national project by 2030, taking into account the existing market situation, and also gives recommendations on possible mechanisms for the successful completion of all project activities within the timeframes determined by the President of the Russian Federation.

Significance Electricity companies wanted a near-38% rise amid soaring international market prices, but the ERC wanted to avoid a price shock. In November, the government declared an ‘energy crisis’ at the ERC’s request, thanks to reduced domestic electricity supply and the global market situation, and extended it in December for six months. Impacts Investment in infrastructure and technologies should contribute to economic growth and create jobs. Care will have to be taken that closing established mines and power plants do not depress economies locally and raise unemployment. Rising domestic utility prices will inflict political damage on a fragile government. Phasing out coal will improve air quality and population health and well-being, with knock-ons for healthcare priorities and spending.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-163
Lawal Lateef ADEFALU ◽  
Oluwafemi Peter OLABANJI ◽  
Habeeb Ifedolapo BHADMUS ◽  

Access to accurate, timely and reliable information has crucial roles in production efficiency of wildlife hunters. An understanding of information needs could propel actors in the agricultural information business to provide information that will meet the needs. To this end, the present study investigated the information needs of wildlife hunters in Kwara State, Nigeria. A three-stage sampling technique was used to select 120 respondents for the study. Primary data collected with the use of interview schedule were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistical tools. The result revealed that hunters’ group (M = 2.48) and consultation with older/experienced hunters (M = 2.02) were the prominent channels of information accessible to the hunters. Information on market situation (M = 2.16), games search techniques and ethics (M = 2.07) and hunting locations (M = 1.98) were the major areas of information needs of the hunters. Also, lack of awareness of extension information source (M = 1.96), inaccessibility of extension workers (M = 1.86) and trust of the information source (M = 1.79) were the major identified obstacles to accessing information from extension channels. The study further showed that age of the hunters, level of education and years of experience have a significant relationship with their information needs at p < 0.05. The study concluded that the hunters have ample information needs and recommends that an arm of extension service operation should be devoted to wildlife with the mandate of hunters’ education on vital areas of wildlife management for improved livelihood.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (12) ◽  
pp. 961-975
Agista Windanastiti ◽  
Supriyadi Supriyadi ◽  
Agung Kurniawan

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to obtain an overview of the waste management system applied in Kamulan Market and a description of the behavior of traders in managing waste. This study uses a descriptive survey method with a case study design. While the approach used is a qualitative approach. The targets of this research are market residents who are considered to know about the market situation including market coordinators, cleaners, and market traders. Targeting is done by purposive sampling technique. The results of the research show that the overall trash management activities carried out in Kamulan Market have not been in accordance with the provisions. The discrepancy lies in the activities of sorting and processing trash. In addition, regulations regarding trash management and market cleanliness are still not running optimally. The traders have carried out their obligations by paying dues to market managers as their responsibility to maintain cleanliness. Nevertheless, there are traders who do not maintain the cleanliness and leave it at a fish's rubbish its on-site selling. Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh gambaran sistem pengelolaan sampah yang diterapkan di Pasar Kamulan dan gambaran perilaku pedagang dalam mengelola sampah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei deskriptif dengan rancangan studi kasus. Sedangkan pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Sasaran penelitian ini adalah penghuni pasar yang dipandang tahu tentang situasi pasar diantaranya koordinator pasar, petugas kebersihan, dan pedagang pasar. Penentuan sasaran dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara keseluruhan kegiatan pengelolaan sampah yang dilakukan di Pasar Kamulan belum sesuai dengan ketentuan. Ketidaksesuaian terletak pada kegiatan pemilahan dan pengolahan sampah. Selain itu peraturan mengenai pengelolaan sampah dan kebersihan pasar masih belum berjalan secara maksimal. Sejauh ini pedagang sudah menjalankan kewajibannya dengan membayar iuran kepada pengelola pasar sebagai tanggung jawab mereka dalam menjaga kebersihan. Meskipun demikian terdapat pedagang yang tidak menjaga kebersihan dan meninggalkan sampahnya di lokasi berjualan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 1544-1549
Nadezhda Viktorovna Ukolova

In an ever-changing environment, strategic decisions are made when implementing changes in the technology transfer process. Currently, it is important to implement effective measures to stimulate the development of technology transfer in the agro-industrial complex in modern conditions; to develop ways to stimulate the demand of agricultural enterprises for modern technologies, including by optimizing prices for them. Insufficient demand for innovative technologies also arises due to possible risks. In this regard, it is necessary to develop ways to reduce risks in the process of technology transfer in agriculture. The authors investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on technology transfer and the way the coronavirus forced people to change their habits and isolate themselves from each other. During this period of time, the role of digital technologies has increased and technology transfer has come to help build new ties between inventors and consumers of scientific achievements. The authors tried to consider the scenario of technology transfer development in agriculture by proposing an algorithm for implementing the technology transfer process in the country’s agriculture. Methods of benchmarking, comparative analysis and a systematic approach were used to process information obtained from electronic databases, online publications, the legal reference system, and Internet information resources. As indicated in the article, an important task today is to organize effective interaction between participants in the technology transfer process, including in the virtual space on the Internet sites. For the effective functioning of the technology transfer market in agriculture and its infrastructure, it is necessary to regularly monitor the market situation in order to meet the interests of both buyers and sellers as much as possible.

2021 ◽  
pp. 63-80
Oleg K. Zyablov Zyablov ◽  
Olga V. Alekseeva Alekseeva ◽  
Yuri A. Alekseev Alekseev

The market situation, as in the global. so on a local scale, it is quite changeable and reacts sensitively to the state of the political situation, socio-economic indicators of the country, changes in legislation, etc. Depending on the changing market situation, the company also needs to reorient the scope of its activities, depending on the requirements of the market, in order to be able to provide services or goods in demand in the new market conditions with the greatest efficiency. The presence of several directions of the company's development leads to some tension in making a management decision. This requires research and analysis of the current market situation. The article discusses the rapid analysis of the market situation in order to make a management decision in relation to an asset: a cargo ship. A methodology for conducting express analysis based on information published in open sources has been obtained

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 371-382

Összefoglaló. Jelen tanulmányunk a biztonság társadalmi aspektusait egy speciális csoport, a mélyszegénységben élő családok és az őket segítő szakemberek körében vizsgálja a COVID–19 idején. Kvalitatív módszerrel (csoportos és egyéni interjúk) a makro- (szociális támogatórendszer) és a mikrotársadalmi biztonság dimenziók összefüggését, valamint a mikroszintű biztonság dimenziók közti viszonyokat elemezzük. Ez utóbbi dimenziók leírásánál a kisgyermekes családok munkaerőpiaci és ezzel együtt anyagi helyzetére, mentális egészségi állapotukra, valamint az oktatási helyzet bemutatására koncentrálunk. Az egyes témák leírásánál az érintett családok és az őket segítő szakemberek helyzetértékelése is megjelenik a velük készített interjúk elemzése alapján. Summary. This study examines the social aspects of security among a specific group of families living in extreme poverty and the professionals helping them during Covid-19. Using a qualitative method (group and individual interviews), we analyse the relationship between macro (social support system) and micro social dimensions of security, as well as the linkages between micro-level dimensions of security. In describing the latter dimensions, we will focus on the labour market situation of families with young children, and hence on their financial situation, their mental health situation and their educational situation. The description of each theme also includes an assessment of the situation of the families concerned and the professionals who help them, based on an analysis of the interviews conducted with them. In the first phase of the study, social problems were identified on the basis of interviews with experts. In the second phase, individual interviews were conducted with the people concerned, the disadvantaged. 11 interviews were conducted with experts: 5 individual and 6 group interviews. In the second phase, 50 disadvantaged people were interviewed individually. In general, it can be concluded that the daily life of people living in disadvantaged areas has been further affected by the pandemic. The labour market situation has changed and, in this context, the financial situation of the interviewees has further deteriorated. Single-parent families were particularly affected by these problems. The transition to online education has created difficulties for families, children, and teachers and additional tasks for social workers. In many places, the lack of accessible services, the low availability of equipment and low level of digital literacy have prevented distance learning from taking place, and the negative consequences for the population under study can only be predicted. The epidemic has affected the population not only financially but also mentally. The reduction in social life has led to an increase in domestic violence. In some areas, the number of births in disadvantaged families has increased, especially among minors. In fact, the epidemic has brought to the surface the problems that disadvantaged people face on a daily basis: unemployment and deprivation, compounded by educational underachievement. The workload of those working in the social field has also become more visible: a shortage of staff and a lack of resources. At the same time, the enormous potential and flexibility of the current human resources have been revealed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (13) ◽  
pp. 77-86
Baiba Rivza ◽  
Uldis Plūmīte

Amusement parks have grown rapidly in Latvia over the last 20 years. The development of Latvian amusement parks is determined by several factors related to the economic, political, geopolitical and international market situation. According to the CSB data, the country has a population of 1.9 million and a total of 14 amusement parks or companies providing attractions and entertainment. Part of the problem that the authors emphasize in the paper is that in Latvia, data on amusement parks are not collected separately, but are included in overall data on the tourism industry. This topic has been little studied in all Baltic countries. The topicality of the research relates to the future directions of sustainable development of Latvian amusement parks, which would add value to the growth of this industry. The aim of the research study is to determine the possible directions of development of amusement parks and their main influencing aspects, which determine the future development of these aspects.

Kuntoutus ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (4) ◽  
pp. 5-17
Minna Savinainen ◽  
Elina Lindgren ◽  
Hannu Heikkilä

Työurien pidentämisessä ja työhön osallistumisen lisäämisessä oleellista on tukea myös osatyökykyisten henkilöiden työhön kiinnittymistä ja työssä jatkamista. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää erikoissairaanhoidon kuntoutustutkimuspotilaiden (N = 238) työmarkkinatilanteen, sairausetuuksien käytön, elämänlaadun sekä työ- ja toimintakyvyn muutoksia vuoden kuluttua kuntoutustutkimuksesta. Kuntoutustutkimuksessa olleiden osallistuminen työmarkkinoille sekä ammatilliseen kuntoutukseen lisääntyi ja samalla sairausetuuksien käyttö väheni. Potilaiden elämänlaatu, koettu terveys ja työkyky sekä itsestä huolehtiminen paranivat. Vastaavasti kognitiivinen ja fyysinen toimintakyky sekä osallisuus heikkenivät. Systemaattisella ja moniammatillisella työ- ja toimintakyvyn arvioinnilla voidaan saavuttaa vaikuttavia suunnitelmia työllistymisen edistämiseksi. Abstract Follow-up study on the labor market situation, quality of life and perceived work ability and functioning of patients of a rehabilitation outpatient clinicIn order to prolong working careers and increase participation in work, it is also important to support the attachment and continuation of people with partial ability to work. The aim of the study was to find out the changes in the labor market situation, the use of sick leave, quality of life, and work ability and functioning of the outpatient clinic of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (N=238) during one-year follow-up. Participation in the labor market and vocational rehabilitation of those who participated in rehabilitation increased, and at the same time the use of sickness benefits decreased. Patients’ quality of life, perceived health and work ability, and self-care improved. Correspondingly, cognitive and physical functioning as well as inclusion were impaired. Systematic and multi-professional assessment of work ability and functioning can lead to effective plans to promote employment. Keywords: rehabilitation, employment status, quality of life, work ability, functioning

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 127-130
Alex Han

Covid-19 has impacted the world in an unprecedented way. The astounding rate that Covid-19 spreads has made it a universal and ubiquitous threat, affecting every facet of our daily life, causing changes in behavioral characteristics among individuals, communities, and governments. Accordingly, there have been drastic changes in domestic markets, governmental policies, and decision-making processes in this environment in supply and demand. This paper reviews the current market situation facing Covid 19, economic sector’s responses so far and its impact on post-pandemic era. Covid-19 has been a    warning sign that we have to do better. Although the world was unprepared for this global crisis, this could be an opportunity for governments and businesses to learn from the experience and harden up to do better under abrupt challenges that could arise in the future.

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