perceived work ability
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Kuntoutus ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 6-20
Aila Järvikoski ◽  
Kristiina Härkäpää ◽  
Marjo Romakkaniemi ◽  
Esa Nordling

Heikentyneeseen työkykyyn yhteydessä olevien tekijöiden selvittäminen on tärkeää pyrittäessä ehkäisemään työelämästä syrjäytymistä ja parantamaan kuntoutuksen suuntaamista. Työkyvyn muutokset ovat 40 vuotta täyttäneillä yleisempiä kuin nuoremmissa ikäryhmissä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää sosiaalisten resurssien ja psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin liittyvien tekijöiden yhteyttä työkyvyn heikentymiseen Lapissa asuvilla 40–59-vuotiailla henkilöillä. Tiedonkeruu toteutettiin Lapin sairaanhoitopiirissä syksyllä 2012. Postikyselyn otos oli 8200 henkilöä ja vastausprosentti 33. Ikäryhmään 40–59 vuotta kuului vastanneista 959 (vastausprosentti 32). Heikentynyt työkyky määriteltiin työkykypistemäärän avulla (arvo 0–7 asteikolla 0–10). Analyysimenetelmänä oli logistinen regressioanalyysi. Terveys ja työkyky olivat työssä olevilla paremmat ja eläkeläisillä heikommat kuin työttömillä. Psyykkisen hyvinvoinnin ongelmia oli työttömillä ja eläkeläisillä yhtä paljon. Pääasiallinen toiminta, sosiaalinen tuki, psyykkinen roolitoiminta, depressio ja terveydentila olivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi yhteydessä heikentyneeseen työkykyyn kokonaismallissa, joka sisälsi myös sosiodemografiset taustamuuttujat. Tietoja työkykyä selittävistä tekijöistä voidaan käyttää hyväksi pohdittaessa työkykyä ylläpitävän toiminnan ja kuntoutuksen mahdollisuuksia. Abstract Perceived work ability and related factors with middle-aged people living in Lapland Perceived work ability predicts continuing at work or withdrawal to disability pension. The aim of the study was to investigate the associations of social, psychological and health factors with work ability in persons aged 40-59 years, living in Lapland. The total sample of the study was 8200 persons and the response rate 33. The number of persons aged 40–59 was 959 (response rate 32). A single-item work ability measure (work ability compared with the life time best) was used. With the unemployed, health and work ability were weaker than with those at work and better than with those at pension. Logistic regression analysis was used in determining the associations of social, psychological and health factors with work ability. In the total model, life situation, social support, psychological role functioning, depression and state of health were statistically significant predictors among all respondents, whereas health was the most important predictor among those at work. Information of factors associated with work ability is needed when developing strategies for rehabilitation and maintaining work ability.

Kuntoutus ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (4) ◽  
pp. 5-17
Minna Savinainen ◽  
Elina Lindgren ◽  
Hannu Heikkilä

Työurien pidentämisessä ja työhön osallistumisen lisäämisessä oleellista on tukea myös osatyökykyisten henkilöiden työhön kiinnittymistä ja työssä jatkamista. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää erikoissairaanhoidon kuntoutustutkimuspotilaiden (N = 238) työmarkkinatilanteen, sairausetuuksien käytön, elämänlaadun sekä työ- ja toimintakyvyn muutoksia vuoden kuluttua kuntoutustutkimuksesta. Kuntoutustutkimuksessa olleiden osallistuminen työmarkkinoille sekä ammatilliseen kuntoutukseen lisääntyi ja samalla sairausetuuksien käyttö väheni. Potilaiden elämänlaatu, koettu terveys ja työkyky sekä itsestä huolehtiminen paranivat. Vastaavasti kognitiivinen ja fyysinen toimintakyky sekä osallisuus heikkenivät. Systemaattisella ja moniammatillisella työ- ja toimintakyvyn arvioinnilla voidaan saavuttaa vaikuttavia suunnitelmia työllistymisen edistämiseksi. Abstract Follow-up study on the labor market situation, quality of life and perceived work ability and functioning of patients of a rehabilitation outpatient clinicIn order to prolong working careers and increase participation in work, it is also important to support the attachment and continuation of people with partial ability to work. The aim of the study was to find out the changes in the labor market situation, the use of sick leave, quality of life, and work ability and functioning of the outpatient clinic of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (N=238) during one-year follow-up. Participation in the labor market and vocational rehabilitation of those who participated in rehabilitation increased, and at the same time the use of sickness benefits decreased. Patients’ quality of life, perceived health and work ability, and self-care improved. Correspondingly, cognitive and physical functioning as well as inclusion were impaired. Systematic and multi-professional assessment of work ability and functioning can lead to effective plans to promote employment. Keywords: rehabilitation, employment status, quality of life, work ability, functioning

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 547-572
José-María Figueredo ◽  
Cristina García-Ael ◽  
Andrea Gragnano ◽  
Gabriela Topa

The rising age of retirement may result in a larger number of workers with health problems. This is important since health is a key element in all aspects of life, including work. Although much research has been carried out into how work-life balance influences occupational health, very few studies have focused on how the ability to balance health needs and work demands (work-health balance) affects different organizational variables such as perceived work ability and affective job satisfaction. In a context in that the age of retirement is constantly rising, it is vital to explore those factors may help extend people’s working life in a balanced manner. The aim of this study was, therefore, to explore the mediating role of work-health balance in the relationship between perceived work ability (physical and mental) and affective job satisfaction. Using a cross-sectional sample of 294 workers aged 39 years and over, the study analysed the mediating role of the different dimensions of work-health balance (health climate, work-health incompatibility and external support) in the relationship between work ability (physical and mental) and affective job satisfaction. The data suggest that the health climate and work-health incompatibility dimensions mediate the relationship between work ability (physical and mental) and affective job satisfaction. Our findings are consistent with the current understanding of the role played by the balance between occupational health and the well-being of older workers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 1032-1032
Hyun Kang ◽  
Hansol Kim

Abstract As the number of older workers in the U.S. workforce increases, perceived work ability, which indicates a worker’s capacity to perform job-related tasks or to remain employed, becomes increasingly important. However, age discrimination may undermine the ability of older adults to remain active in the workplace as it poses a significant barrier to their work ability. The purpose of this study was to examine how age discrimination affects perceived work ability among older workers. We also evaluated the role of self-efficacy as a potential mediator between age discrimination and perceived work ability. Self-efficacy can contribute to older adults’ productive aging since it helps them view age-related situations more positively. Using 2,011 respondents (aged 50+) data from the 2018 Health and Retirement Study, structural equation modeling analysis was conducted. Our findings indicated that age discrimination had a direct negative effect on perceived work ability (B = -.230, p < .001). Older workers who experienced more age discrimination were more likely to have low levels of perceived work ability. The indirect effect of self-efficacy (B = -.177; 95% CI = -.240, -.135) was significant. Older workers who experienced more age discrimination were more likely to have low levels of self-efficacy, and this relationship led to lower levels of perceived work ability. These results suggest that greater efforts are required to reduce age discrimination and its negative consequence on perceived work ability and self-efficacy among older workers. Furthermore, age discrimination laws should be more explicitly enforced in the policy direction for older workers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Wantanee Phanprasit ◽  
Pajaree Konthonbut ◽  
Wisanti Laohaudomchok ◽  
Chaiyanun Tangtong ◽  
Tiina M. Ikäheimo ◽  

The association between worksite temperature and perceived work ability (WA) in various educational classes remains unknown. Therefore, we interviewed 286 poultry industry workers in Thailand about their WA and linked their responses to worksite temperature. WA was based on the self-assessment of current work ability compared with their lifetime best ability (scores 0–10). Education was classified as high (university or vocational school) or low (less education). Temperature was classified as cold (−22–10°C) or warm (10–23°C). WA and the occurrence of a low WA were regressed on worksite temperature, education, and their interaction with the adjustment for sex, age, job category, physical work strain, moving between cold and warm sites, thermal insulation of clothing, relative humidity, and air velocity. The average worksite temperature was 10°C for high- and 1°C for low-educated workers. The average WA score was 8.32 (SD, 1.33; range, 4–10) and classified as low (<8) in 23% of the workers. In highly-educated workers, the adjusted mean WA decreased from 9.11 in the warm areas to 8.02 in the cold areas and the prevalence of a low WA increased from 11 to 30%, while no significant change was observed in less-educated workers. The WA score was estimated to decline by 10% more (95% CI, 4–16%) in the cold areas for the more vs. less-educated workers and the prevalence of a poor WA was estimated to increase 3.09 times (95% CI, 1.43–5.45) more. Highly-educated workers in this industry are a risk group that should be given customized advice.

Alicia G. Dugan ◽  
Rick A. Laguerre ◽  
Janet L. Barnes-Farrell ◽  
Jennifer M. Cavallari ◽  
Jennifer L. Garza ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. oemed-2021-107745
Jenni Ervasti ◽  
Ville Aalto ◽  
Jaana Pentti ◽  
Tuula Oksanen ◽  
Mika Kivimäki ◽  

ObjectivesTo examine the associations of COVID-19-related changes in work with perceptions of psychosocial work environment and employee health.MethodsIn a cohort of 24 299 Finnish public sector employees, psychosocial work environment and employee well-being were assessed twice before (2016 and 2018=reference period) and once during (2020) the COVID-19 pandemic. Those who reported a change (=‘Exposed’) in work due to the pandemic (working from home, new tasks or team reorganisation) were compared with those who did not report such change (=‘Non-exposed’).ResultsAfter adjusting for sex, age, socioeconomic status and lifestyle risk score, working from home (44%) was associated with greater increase in worktime control (standardised mean difference (SMD)Exposed=0.078, 95% CI 0.066 to 0.090; SMDNon-exposed=0.025, 95% CI 0.014 to 0.036), procedural justice (SMDExposed=0.101, 95% CI 0.084 to 0.118; SMDNon-exposed=0.053, 95% CI 0.038 to 0.068), workplace social capital (SMDExposed=0.094, 95% CI 0.077 to 0.110; SMDNon-exposed=0.034, 95% CI 0.019 to 0.048), less decline in self-rated health (SMDExposed=−0.038, 95% CI −0.054 to –0.022; SMDNon-exposed=−0.081, 95% CI −0.095 to –0.067), perceived work ability (SMDExposed=−0.091, 95% CI −0.108 to –0.074; SMDNon-exposed=−0.151, 95% CI −0.167 to –0.136) and less increase in psychological distress (risk ratio (RR)Exposed=1.06, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.09; RRNon-exposed=1.16, 95% CI 1.13 to 1.20). New tasks (6%) were associated with greater increase in psychological distress (RRExposed=1.28, 95% CI 1.19 to 1.39; RRNon-exposed=1.10, 95% CI 1.07 to 1.12) and team reorganisation (5%) with slightly steeper decline in perceived work ability (SMDExposed=−0.151 95% CI −0.203 to –0.098; SMDNon-exposed=−0.124, 95% CI −0.136 to –0.112).ConclusionEmployees who worked from home during the pandemic had more favourable psychosocial work environment and health, whereas those who were exposed to work task changes and team reorganisations experienced more adverse changes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Paul Shawcross ◽  
Melinda Lyons ◽  
Victoria Filingeri

Abstract Background Healthy lifestyle behaviours are associated with protection against health disorders and pain. Exercise participation is one such behaviour, associated with improved outcomes in those experiencing pain. Musculoskeletal pain is highly prevalent in the workplace, particularly in factory workers and associated loss of work function is recognised as having a great impact on individuals, society and the economy. A worker’s ‘readiness to change pain behaviour’ is an important factor to consider in achieving a healthy lifestyle behaviour and potentially improved function. This study aimed to examine the relationship between a cohort of factory workers ‘readiness to change pain behaviour’ such as exercise and their ‘perceived work ability’. Methods A cross-sectional study design was used to establish the relationship between ‘readiness to change pain behaviours’ and ‘perceived work ability’. The Multidimensional Pain Related Change Questionnaire 2 (MPRCQ2) was used to measure readiness to change various pain behaviours including exercise. The Work Ability Index (WAI) was used to assess ‘perceived work ability’. Seventy-five factory workers, aged over 18 (66 male, 9 female) were recruited using convenience sampling between September–November 2019. Correlation and multiple regression were used for statistical analysis. Results Mean WAI, MPRCQ2 and MPRCQ2 exercise component were 41.89 (SD 5.28), 4.26 (SD 1.01) and 4.40 (SD 1.69). MPRCQ2 and MPRCQ2 exercise component were not significant predictors of WAI in factory workers (F (2, 72) = 2.17, p > 0.001). There was no significant relationship between MPRCQ2 and WAI (rs = .09, p > .05). However, there was a significant positive relationship between MPRCQ2 exercise component and WAI (rs = .23, p < .05). Conclusions This study suggests that readiness to change pain-related exercise participation has a positive association with ‘perceived work ability’. Further research should explore the causal relationship and consider strength training as a specific type of exercise.

Cancers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. 2444
Kete M. Klaver ◽  
Sanne B. Schagen ◽  
Jacobien M. Kieffer ◽  
Allard J. van der Beek ◽  
Saskia F. A. Duijts

Many non-central nervous system (CNS) cancer survivors experience cognitive symptoms, which may affect their self-perceived work ability. Little is known about trajectories of self-perceived cognitive functioning in cancer survivors in the period after work disability assessment. Therefore, we evaluated: (1) trajectories of self-reported cognitive functioning, in cancer survivors with work capacity, (2) differences in trajectories of self-reported cognitive functioning between three work disability groups, and (3) explanatory factors of trajectories of self-reported cognitive functioning. Participants (n = 206) were assessed on self-reported cognitive functioning at three time points between two and four years after first day of sick leave. A statistically significant improvement in cognitive functioning was found in the total group (β = 4.62, SE = 0.91, p < 0.001). When comparing cancer survivors in different work disability groups, similar trajectories of cognitive functioning were observed. Fatigue was the only factor found to be associated with the reported trajectory (β = −0.23, SE = 0.086, p = 0.08). Self-perceived cognitive functioning scores remained considerably lower than the mean score of the general Dutch population, indicating that cognitive symptoms are a persistent problem in sick-listed cancer survivors and that evidence-based treatment options are warranted.

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