scholarly journals Eros a Thanatos — všudypřítomné a komplementární leitmotivy próz Jakuby Katalpy

2019 ◽  
Vol 168 ◽  
pp. 391-399
Jiří Byčkov

Eros and Thanatos: Permanent and complementary leitmotifs of novels by Jakuba KatalpaThe article follows, at first in general terms, the depiction of the motive of death and dying in literature and culture, including the transformation of the attitude of man towards death in the context of time. It emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of the subject and mentions relevant professional literature. The study then examines the psychoanalytic concepts of Eros and Thanatos, the instincts of life and death that emerge from the prose of Jakuba Katalpa and make her work original. It also notes the concept of “female writing” and deconstructivism and reveals the specific artistic features of her novels. Among other things, it reflects on the post-war expulsion of the Sudeten Germans and its perception by the younger generation.  Эрос и танатос — постоянные и взаимодополняющие лейтмотивы прозы Якубы КаталпыВ статье представлена специфика изображения темы смерти и умирания в литературе и культуре, в том числе показаны изменения отношения человека к смерти в современном мире. Подчеркивается междисциплинарный характер исследуемой темы и приводятся посвященные ей научные работы. Анализируются психоаналитические понятия „Эрос” и „Tанатос”, т. е. инстинкты жизни и смерти. Мотивы Эроса и Танатоса прослеживаются в прозе писательницы Якубы Каталпы, обращение к исследуемым мотивам придает оригинальное звучание ее произведениям. В статье также рассматриваются концепции деконструктивизма и женского творчества, анализируются специфические художественные особенности романов, написанных авторами-женщинами. Автор также обращается к проблеме депортации судетских немцев и восприятию этой проблемы молодым поколением.

1993 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 271-280 ◽  
Tr. Reuben Uche Okafor

The death-awareness movement is new in Nigeria. Here the subject of death is still a taboo. Throughout history women have occupied the middle place between life and death. They understand and play their gender roles in several other aspects of life in the Nigerian home, but down play their roles as they concern death and dying. This article, therefore, offers a rationale for death education in the home and delineates the role of a mother with regard to death. The likely problems she may encounter in the course of discharging her death duties in the home are also identified.

2020 ◽  
pp. 23-33
Elena A. Zaeva-Burdonskaya ◽  
Yuri V. Nazarov

This article addresses one of the most actively developing types of design activities – light design. The article comprises quotes of the leading Russian and foreign light design specialists published over the previous five years, as well as the authors’ own conclusions. The thoughts quoted in the article are sometimes opposite to each other and reflect the wide spectrum of professional practice. They reflect the initial opinions of analysts and experts which are often diverging. All of the specialists point at the interdisciplinary nature of the new profession, which imposes additional load on a designer overloaded enough already by the scope and speed of the problems being solved nowadays. The discussion of the new profession of light designer initiated on the pages of professional publications is especially important in view of the development of professional standards and standards of design and architectural education, as well as creation of new educational programmes based on various approaches to the subject in technical and humanitarian institutions. The goal of this article is to introduce light design into the field of fully legitimate sections of design culture, to define the authentic scientific basis of the new creative profession, to initiate a foundation for self-determination of the new synthetic area, which materially affects the state of the profession as a whole and the life standards of a wide variety of consumers. In order to reach the set goal, a comparative and analytical method of study was selected, which allows studying the problem to a large extent and from all angles and finding the ways of overcoming the challenges emerging in the area of the new activity.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Evanthis Hatzivassiliou

The departure of the greater part of the Greek community from Egypt is one of the many sad stories of the post-war Mediterranean. This article focuses upon the reports of the Greek Consul-General in Alexandria, Byron Theodoropoulos, regarding the Egyptian ‘Socialist Laws’ of summer 1961, which gave the coup de grâce to the Greek community. It argues that the expulsion of the Greeks was part of a wider redistribution of power in the region. This episode, together with similar experiences in other parts of the Mediterranean, evidently cemented the determination of a younger generation of political leaders and diplomats to seek Greece's future in the cosmopolitan, post-nationalist West, rather than in a ‘Near East’ rife with nationalism and economic failure.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 248-257
Natalia Valerievna Chikina

The paper analyzes the works of a well-known poet and rock musician S. Karhu, who writes in the Karelian language. The aim of the study is to highlight the author’s artistic system of images. The following tasks were set for the study: to formulate the poet’s original concept, to scrutinize and comment on the images in Karhu’s lyrics. The object is verses from the first and so far only volume. The subject of the study is the specific ethnic traits of Karhu’s poetry, as seen in the system of images. Literary-historical and comparative methods were used in the analysis. The scientific novelty is in the absence of similar studies on the poet’s works. Systemic analysis of the ethnic sources, the evolution and genre choices of the Karelian language literature associated with the changing artistic consciousness are coming to the foreground in this time of global change, when preserving the people’s cultural heritage is especially important. The poet’s personal background has brought him into the sphere of artistic creativity, enabled him to verbalize the world of ethnic life that had been opened up to him. The article points out some specific features of the world of images, language and culture of the Karelian people. Karelian literature shows a tendency to use folklore heritage. The transformation of folk poetic symbolic images is arguably the most characteristic trait of folklorism in contemporary Karelian-language poetry, where folk poetry symbols tend to be equaled with the image of the native land. Karhu’s philosophical verses increasingly pose and confidently resolve the questions of good and evil, happiness and pain, life and death. It is essential for him that the character retains the folklore origins, for he deems it to be the spiritual source of modernity.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 2735
Sefa Usta ◽  
Abdulvahap Akıncı

In the formation of a transparent and accountable public administration system and an understanding of administration, such institutions like the Ombudsman have important functions. The Ombudsman Institution, which undertakes an effective role in the solution of the problems experienced between the state and the citizen, has important responsibilities to institutionalize human rights and democratization, reduce the bad administration practices and most importantly, make the accountability mechanism the built-in in public administration. The Ombudsman Institution, which has been formed with different names in many countries in the world, has been established in Germany with the name of “the Defense Ombudsman,” and it carries out its activities under this framework.The main objective of the study is to examine the Ombudsman Institution as an extension of accountability mechanism in public administration and to asses “the Defense Ombudsman Institution”, which operates in Germany. Under the study prepared for this purpose, it is treated the concept of accountability in public administration with its general terms and examined the Ombudsman Institution, departing from the case of Germany. The study is terminated with an overview and a chapter of conclusion.In the study, it has been benefited from the scientific methods of descriptive analysis and critical review of the literature and set out from the secondary sources written about the subject and the primary sources like constitutional and legal regulations that are the basis of the Ombudsman Institution in Germany. ÖzetŞeffaf ve hesap verebilir bir kamu yönetimi sisteminin ve yönetim anlayışının oluşumunda Ombudsmanlık benzeri kurumlara önemli işlevler düşmektedir. Devlet ve vatandaş arasında yaşanan sorunların çözümü noktasında etkili bir rol üstlenen ombudsmanlık kurumuna, insan haklarının ve demokratikleşmenin kurumsallaşmasında, kötü yönetim uygulamalarının azaltılmasında ve en önemlisi kamu yönetiminde hesap verebilirlik mekanizmasının yerleşik hale gelmesinde önemli sorumluluklar düşmektedir. Dünyada birçok ülkede farklı adlarla oluşturulmuş olan Ombudsmanlık Kurumu, Almanya'da Savunma Ombudsmanlığı ismiyle kurulmuş ve faaliyetlerini yürütmektedir.Çalışmanın temel amacı, kamu yönetiminde hesap verebilirlik mekanizmasının bir uzantısı olarak Ombudsmanlık kurumunun incelenerek, Almanya'da faaliyet gösteren "Savunma Ombudsmanlığı Kurumu"nun değerlendirmeye tabi tutulmasıdır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda hazırlanan çalışma kapsamında, kamu yönetiminde hesap verebilirlik kavramı genel hatlarıyla ele alınmakta, Ombudsmanlık Kurumu Almanya örneğinden hareketle irdelenmektedir. Çalışma genel bir değerlendirme ve sonuç kısmıyla nihayetlendirilmektedir.Bu kapsamda hazırlanan çalışmada, betimsel analiz yönteminden ve eleştirel literatür taramasından yararlanılmış, konu ile ilgili yazılmış ikinci kaynaklardan ve Almanya'da Ombudsmanlık Kurumu'nun dayanağı olan anayasal ve yasal düzenlemeler gibi birincil kaynaklardan faydalanılmıştır.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2(6)) ◽  
pp. 109-123
Alla Ozhoha-Maslovska

The stages of the formation of Japanese art collections on the territory of Ukraine from the beginning of the 19th century to the present are highlighted on the basis of archival materials, periodicals and professional literature. Information about Japanese collections of the pre-war and post-war periods are systematized, while their composition and sources of formation are determined. The influence of the socio-political system on the development of the process of collecting Japanese art in Ukraine is also analysed. The sources of the formation of collections of Japanese art in the collections of The Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko National Museum of Arts in Kyiv, Odessa Museum of Western and Oriental Arts, the Chinese Palace of “Zolochiv Castle” Museum-Reserve, as well as Kharkiv Art Museum are explored. Finally, modern tendencies in the collection of Japanese art in Ukraine are determined.

1955 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 738-739

The first edition of this textbook, published during the difficult years 1943-1946, has long since been out of date. With the participation of some 40 contributing authors the 3 original editors, whose names are well known to pediatricians everywhere, have extensively revised their original text and have incorporated the principal advances gleaned during the highly productive post-war period. Their 2 volumes cover quite thoroughly the subject matter of clinical pediatrics and may be regarded as truly representative of the modern French school.

Józef Wróbel

This chapter discusses the theme of Jewish martyrdom in the works of Adolf Rudnicki. Without losing sight of the universal dimensions of the theme he was taking up, Rudnicki enriches the subject-matter with characteristics that are specifically Jewish. First, the situation of Jewish society during the occupation differed from that of other nations. Jews were pushed to the very bottom of the invader's hierarchy. Their life and death depended not only on Germans but also on the aid of Poles among whom they lived, which was not always forthcoming. A second specific feature is derived from Rudnicki's chosen artistic genre, which monumentalized the suffering of Jews by including them in the biblical circle and the almost 2,000-year history of the Diaspora, the wandering and persecution with which God tries his chosen people. This problem dominated the writing of Rudnicki for at least ten years. Undoubtedly, the literary situation in the first half of the 1950s was decisive in Rudnicki's abandonment of the theme, since the subject of the war was quickly recognized as outdated. The chapter then studies occupation literature.

2019 ◽  
pp. 244-263
David Phillips

This chapter examines the work of E.R. Dodds during preparations for the post-war occupation of Germany. In 1940, Dodds joined Arnold Toynbee’s ‘Foreign Research and Press Service’, which had moved to Oxford, and he began to work on the history of education in Germany. Arnold’s group eventually became the Foreign Office Research Department (FORD), and Dodds produced for it lengthy memoranda to inform others working on the subject. He also lectured at many meetings and published a pamphlet, Minds in the Making, a study of the hollowness and barbarity of Nazi ideology and its effects on education. For FORD he also chaired committees on re-education and on textbook production. In 1947, he led a delegation to Germany of the Association of University Teachers, which produced a damning report on the state of German universities. He proved to be one of the most significant people involved in shaping educational policy as it developed in the British Zone of Germany.

Miriam Leonard

In …Pleasure Principle, Freud juxtaposes his discussion of the life and death instincts in “elementary organisms” to the tragic drama he sees enacted in his grandson’s fort-da game. Freud’s insights into the death drive are given an added tragic dimension in Lacan’s reading of Oedipus at Colonus. Here Lacan establishes the anti- or even post-humanist credentials of tragedy by insisting that it is the death of the subject which is Sophocles’ ultimate preoccupation. By placing Greek tragedy’s confrontation with the death drive in dialogue with the instincts of the “germ-cell”, the chapter demonstrates how psychoanalysis offers a perfect model for understanding antiquity’s contribution to posthumanism.

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