scholarly journals Teacher Motivation Behavior: The Importance Of Personal Expectations, Need Satisfaction, And Work Climate

Hanggara Budi Utomo

Teachers, as one of the elements in the teaching and learning process, play multiple roles, not only as teachers transferring knowledge but also as guides who encourage the potential of students to develop alternatives in learning. This means that teachers face complex tasks and responsibilities in respect of the achievement of educational goals where they are required to not only master the subject area being taught but are also required to display a personality suitable foracting as a role model for students. Therefore, teachers are required to optimize their performance in carrying out the task. The complex tasks and responsibilities of achieving educational goals relate to teachers’ motivation, so that good intentions will encourage teacher activities. Teachers become educators based on their motivation to teach. If a teacher has no motivation then they are unlikely to be an effective educator. The factors that influence a teacher’s motivation are focused on personal expectations, need satisfaction, and work climate. This paper comprises a literature review of several research findings aimed at deepening self-determination theory as one of the motivational theories that can be used to analyze the motivation of teachers based on both internal and external factors. In particular, it aims to explore the role of personal expectations, need satisfaction, and work climate, which can serve as a basis for further research into optimizing teacher motivation to teach.As the implication, different work climates mean that teachers must adapt to the condition of the school in which they teach. It is important that teachershave this ability as when they are able to adapt to a school’s performance atmosphere, they are in turn able torealize personal expectations according to their needs and thus feel psychologically satisfied, which has a corresponding further impact on their motivation to teach.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 98-112
Eni Nur Anisah ◽  
Evita Widiyati

School is one of the educational institutions that organizes the teaching and learning process to guide, educate, train and develop student’s abilities to achieve educational goals, including human character at MI Al-Falah Kuncung there is a habit, especially in carrying out daily habits.The focus of research on this thesis is as follows: 1) How is the learning of aqidah akhlak in grade IV at the adiwiyata school MI Al-Falah Kuncung Banyuarang Ngoro Jombang?, 2) How is the implementation of the habit forming learning model in the adiwiyata school MI Al-Falah Kuncung Banyuarang Ngoro Jombang?, 3) What is the holistic personality of the fourth grade personality of the fourth grade students at MI Al-Falah Kuncung Banyuarang Ngoro Jombang adiwiyata school?The approach in this research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type. The research setting took place at MI Al-Falah Kuncung Banyuarang Ngoro Jombang. Meanwhile the data sources are teachers of aqidah morals, classroom teachers, students, and directors. Way of unifying data using interviews, observation, and archiving.The research results obtained by the researcher are as follows: 1)  learning aqidah akhlak is carried out by applying a habit that is in accordance with the personality that you want to build on learning aqidah morals, namely by opening greetings, greeting students at the core of reading, listening, and discussing. After that, the cover held a reflection and concluded together, 2) the application of the habit forming learning model starting from (the habit formation model sequence) the steps of habit forming in students habits are carried out continuously and someone or role model, and 3) a holistic personality what is seen in grade IV students is that they are able to apply moral behavior, and also position their behavior as a student, but they have not been able to control their own behavior, this can be seen from the attitudes of some students when learning aqidah morals takes place they do not concentrate and tend not to pay attention to the teacher.

2019 ◽  
Ledy sintia

The curriculum in an education system is a very important component because the curriculum is a role model in the implementation of teaching and learning in the school. The curriculum is a set of learning experiences designed for school students in an effort to achieve educational goals.

2019 ◽  
Kurnia lisda

The curriculum in an education system is a very important component because the curriculum is a role model in the implementation of teaching and learning in the school. The curriculum is a set of learning experiences designed for school students in an effort to achieve educational goals.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 88-93
Mustaniratussa'adah Mustaniratussa'adah

This paper is intended to describe how religiosity management in improving the professionalism of teachers. Religiosity is not synonymous with religion. It should be a religious person it is at once a religious person, too. But a lot happens, the adherents of a religion that is persistent, but with a motivated or career advancement. Educational institutions require professional management in order to provide education to walk dynamically, competetif, and productive. This is done for education in the process should lead to the approach to God and human perfection, directing people to achieve his life goal is a happy afterlife. Management includes planning, execution, control, and monitoring of the (human resources, learning resources, curriculum, funding and facilities) to achieve educational goals effectively and efficiently. Educational planning has an important role and are at an early stage in the process of education management, which serve as a guide for implementation, control, and supervision of education. The essence of planning is a decision-making process that is systematic, relating to future plans, and to achieve certain desired objectives. And to overcome the limitations of the ability, willingness, and its resources in achieving educational goals needed organizing in education. Implementing an educational institution is the key of success of an educational institution. Teachers as professional educators have a good image in the community if it can demonstrate to the public that he is worthy of being a role model or example of the surrounding community. Teacher behavior patterns associated with it will be discussed in accordance with the objectives, namely the teachers' professional attitude towards laws and regulations, professional organizations, colleagues, students, work place, leadership, and work. A teacher not only reflects a profession, but a representation of different positions which is very noble. Teacher is a hero selfless, unsung hero, a hero of science, goodness hero, heroes education, human builders, the builders of civilization, culture bearer, piorir, reformer and reliable, and etc.

2020 ◽  
Haisya Hamini

This article describes the administration of special services. The teaching and learning process requires the support of facilities that are not directly used in the classroom. Facilities that do not directly include school libraries, school cooperatives, school health businesses and school cafeterias. Management of special services in schools is effective and efficient School Based Management (SBM). School is one of the facilities that can be used to improve the quality of Indonesia's population. Schools not only have responsibilities and duties to carry out the learning process in developing science and technology, but must maintain and improve students' physical and spiritual health.Special service management in schools is basically defined and organized to facilitate or facilitate learning, and can meet the special needs of students at school. Special services are provided in schools with a view to facilitating the implementation of teaching in the context of achieving educational goals in schools. Special services include guidance and counseling, libraries, laboratories, school health efforts (uks), canteens, school cooperatives, and transportation.

2019 ◽  
Fadia Kalma Lailani

abstrak— The purpose of making this article is to help prepare quality school management, especially with regard to curriculum management which will be implemented at the level of the education unit at the school, both done by teachers, school committees, principals, and parties related to curriculum development at the unit level of education. Hopefully this article can provide information in order to create quality school management which of course must be based on quality curriculum management as well. curriculum administration is the entire process of activities planned deliberately to the situation of teaching and learning effectively and efficiently in order to help the achievement of educational goals that have been set.

2020 ◽  
Qatrin Nada Sanya Rossevin

Curriculum administration is the whole process of planned and intentional and deliberate activities as well as ongoing guidance to the teaching and learning situation in order to help the achievement of educational goals effectively and efficiently.In this connection, at any school level the principal task of the school is to ensure that there are good teaching programs for students. Because basically the management or management of education focuses on all its efforts on teaching and learning practices (PBM). This seems clear that in essence all efforts and activities carried out in schools or educational institutions are always directed at the success of PBM.

2020 ◽  
Sunyi Angelista

Special service administration is to provide services specifically or a business that is not directly related to the teaching and learning process in the classroom. But specifically given by the school to the students so that they are more optimal in carrying out the learning process Special service management in schools is basically set and organized to facilitate or facilitate learning, and can meet the special needs of students at school. Special services are held in schools with the aim of facilitating the implementation of teaching in the context of achieving educational goals in schools. Education in schools also includes trying to keep students in good condition. Good here concerning physical and spiritual aspects. Special services provided by schools to students, between schools one with other schools are generally the same, but the management process and utilization are different. Some special services available at school include: Library, Labor, UKS (School of Health Business), School Kafetaria, Facilities of worship, Dormitory, Cooperatives and Transportation. Thus, special service management is a process of providing services to students to support learning activities so that educational goals can be achieved effectively and efficiently.

2013 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Abbas Mahmud

The paper examined different areas of management in relation to Nomadic Education programme and looked into policy statement which is enshrined in the National Policy on Education and definition regarding to management. System theory was also used in order to examine issues o f effective management in schools. Administrators roles in schools was discussed such as mutual respect, shared ideas and the process in establishing nomadic schools with a lot of considerations before erecting the structure. School plant planning was discussed in respect of managers/head teachers in managing the schools toward the achieving educational goals. The paper also examined the component that helps in achieving the goals which are management structure, the hierarchical model to the management o f nomadic schools and how it will really help in managing the school activities. Lastly the paper made some recommendations, such as, government should provide the needed teaching and learning materials for successful attaining goals etc.

Andrew Reid ◽  
Julie Ballantyne

In an ideal world, assessment should be synonymous with effective learning and reflect the intricacies of the subject area. It should also be aligned with the ideals of education: to provide equitable opportunities for all students to achieve and to allow both appropriate differentiation for varied contexts and students and comparability across various contexts and students. This challenge is made more difficult in circumstances in which the contexts are highly heterogeneous, for example in the state of Queensland, Australia. Assessment in music challenges schooling systems in unique ways because teaching and learning in music are often naturally differentiated and diverse, yet assessment often calls for standardization. While each student and teacher has individual, evolving musical pathways in life, the syllabus and the system require consistency and uniformity. The challenge, then, is to provide diverse, equitable, and quality opportunities for all children to learn and achieve to the best of their abilities. This chapter discusses the designing and implementation of large-scale curriculum as experienced in secondary schools in Queensland, Australia. The experiences detailed explore the possibilities offered through externally moderated school-based assessment. Also discussed is the centrality of system-level clarity of purpose, principles and processes, and the provision of supportive networks and mechanisms to foster autonomy for a diverse range of music educators and contexts. Implications for education systems that desire diversity, equity, and quality are discussed, and the conclusion provokes further conceptualization and action on behalf of students, teachers, and the subject area of music.

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