scholarly journals Financial Technology Peer-To-Peer Lending Berbasis Syariah Di Indonesia

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 116
Jadzil Baihaqi

<p>This research aims to explain the concept of online peer-to-peer lending based on sharia rules. This research uses a literature study. The findings are, first, online peer-to-peer lending allowed in Islamic law that free from prohibited transactions, using sharia contracts, transparent, and in good manner. Second, there are 6 online peer-to-peer lending models that can be done according to Fatwa DSN-MUI: 1) financing for factoring, 2) financing for procurement ordered good, 3) financing for online seller, 4) financing for online seller through payment gateway, 5) financing for employee, 5) financing for community-based.<em> </em></p>

AdBispreneur ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Chandra Hendriyani ◽  
Sam un Jaja Raharja

Technological developments have encouraged financial technology literacy where Fintech startups came into the world of peer to peer lending to bridge the gap between conventional banking and those who cannot get capital from banks. The technology allows the process of financial facilitation to become more convenient, faster, and more cost-efficient. Fintech has a big opportunity in Indonesia and the government has protected customers by the regulation of Authority of Financial Services Number 77/POJK.01/2016 Indonesian Fintech about money lending services based on information technology. This study is intended to illustrate a strategy business agility in financial technology companies that perform peer-to-peer lending. The method used in this study was qualitative research with descriptive approach. The data collection technique applied is literature study. The results show that P2P lending companies have already performed a strategy business agility to grab customers in the era of digital financial in Indonesia by using platform technology that they have made which is a simple application for gaining competitive advantages.Perkembangan teknologi telah mendorong percepatan  teknologi keuangan di mana startup Fintech peer to peer lending  muncul untuk mengambil peluang pasar konsumen yang tidak bisa mendapatkan modal dari bank konvensional.  Teknologi yang diterapkan membuat fasilitas keuangan menjadi lebih nyaman, cepat dan lebih hemat biaya. Fintech memiliki peluang besar di Indonesia dan pemerintah telah melindungi pelanggan dengan peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 77 / POJK.01 / 2016 Fintech Indonesia tentang layanan peminjaman uang berbasis teknologi informasi. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menggambarkan strategi agilitas bisnis di perusahaan teknologi keuangan yang melakukan peer to peer lending. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan peer to peer lending telah melakukan strategi agilitas bisnis untuk meraih pelanggan di era keuangan digital di Indonesia dengan menggunakan platform teknologi dan membuat aplikasi sederhana untuk mendapatkan keunggulan kompetitif. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 252
Alifia Salvasani ◽  
Munawar Kholil

<p>abstract<br />This article aims to examine the role of Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) in handling illegal peer-to-peer  (P2P)  financial  technology  (fintech)  in  Indonesia.  This  role  includes  the handling carried out by the FSA to minimize the number of illegal fintech in Indonesia, both through supervision and arrangements related to illegal fintech. This type of empirical legal research, is descriptive, with primary data types. Literature study and interview data collection techniques, qualitative analysis techniques. Factors causing the rise of illegal fintech are normative and non-normative factors. Then the role of the OJK in making efforts to handle illegal P2P lending includes establishing Satgas Waspada Investasi, listing registered P2P lending and licensed on the official OJK website, socializing to the public about the characteristics of illegal P2P lending that must be avoided and data of illegal P2P lending in Indonesia, closing illegal P2P lending, blocking applications and illegal P2P lending websites on a regular basis, conducting selective checks on P2P lending companies that  propose opening  new  accounts,  applying  special  rules  for  P2P  lending  companies related to the fintech payment system , and submit information reports to the Criminal Investigation Police regarding cyber crime.<br />Keywords: Otoritas Jasa Keuangan; Illegal Fintech; Peer-to-Peer</p><p>abstrak<br />Artikel  ini  bertujuan  untuk  mengkaji  peranan  Otoritas  Jasa  Keuangan  (OJK)  dalam menangani  financial technology (fintech) peer-to-peer (P2P) lending ilegal di Indonesia. Peranan tersebut  meliputi penanganan yang dilakukan OJK untuk meminimalisir jumlah fintech  ilegal  di  Indonesia,  baik  melalui  pengawasan  maupun  pengaturan  terkait  fintech ilegal. Jenis penelitian hukum empiris, bersifat deskriptif, dengan jenis data primer. Teknik pengumpulan data studi kepustakaan dan wawancara, teknik analisis kualitatif. Faktor penyebab tumbuh maraknya fintech ilegal adalah adanya faktor normatif dan non-normatif. Kemudian peranan OJK dalam melakukan upaya penanganan P2P lending ilegal antara lain dengan membentuk Satgas Waspada Investasi, mencantumkan daftar P2P lending yang terdaftar dan berizin di website resmi OJK, mensosialisasikan kepada masyarakat terkait ciri-ciri P2P lending ilegal yang harus dihindari dan data P2P lending ilegal di Indonesia, melakukan penutupan terhadap P2P lending ilegal, pemblokiran aplikasi dan website P2P lending ilegal secara  rutin, melakukan  pemeriksaan  secara selektif bagi perusahaan  P2P lending yang mengajukan pembukaan rekening baru, memberlakukan aturan khusus bagi perusahaan  P2P  lending  terkait  fintech  payment  system,  dan  menyampaikan  laporan informasi kepada Bareskrim Polri terkait tindakan cyber crime.<br />Kata Kunci: Otoritas Jasa Keuangan; Fintech Ilegal; Peer-to-Peer Lending</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 147

The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential of Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Lending Financial Technology (FinTech) Sharia to reach the non-banking financing. There are four Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Lending FinTech Sharia operators in Indonesia used as the sample. The data used in this study was obtained from direct interview with the FinTech operators and literature study of similar subject. The analysis method used in this study is SWOT analysis. The results of the study which used SWOT analysis model found that the Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Lending FinTech Sharia are not a threat to existing Sharia financial institutions and can also increase the penetration of sharia financial industry in Indonesia because they offer cost efficiency, ease of access, speed of financing distribution, and the low rate of non-performing financing. However, there are still small quantity of FinTech Sharia registered at OJK, no specific regulation for FinTech Sharia and no Sharia Supervision Board in many FinTech Sharia can be obstacles for FinTech Sharia operators

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 65
Ika Yunia Fauzia

This research tries to improve financial literacy through sharia fintech, especially in payment gateway, peer to peer lending, and crowdfunding. It focuses mainly on how the X, Y, and Z generations may improve financial literacy. The research uses a qualitative approach in analyzing its case study, involving 30 informants in Indonesia who have the knowledge or other ways and access sharia fintech. The research will then select 30 informants and ten people to represent each X, Y, and Z generations. The research shows that X generations are more literate in sharia fintech than Y and Z generations to disseminate and spread sharia fintech and improve its infrastructures and services in its products.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (4) ◽  
pp. 789
Hendrawan Agusta

Perkembangan teknologi informasi sangat pesat, adanya kolaborasi antara teknologi informasi dengan berbagai bidang kehidupan melahirkan berbagai macam inovasi yang membuat kehidupan masyarakat semakin mudah. Inovasi di bidang teknologi informasi melahirkan model bisnis baru yang pada gilirannya mampu menghasilkan efisiensi bagi masyarakat. Revolusi teknologi informasi tersebut terus berkembang dan sekarang memasuki bidang keuangan yang regulasinya ketat. Kolaborasi antara teknologi informasi dengan bidang keuangan melahirkan Teknologi Finansial atau Financial Technology (Fintech), salah satunya pinjam-meminjam uang berbasis teknologi informasi (Peer to Peer Lending/P2P Lending). Masyarakat menjadi lebih mudah mengakses kebutuhan keuangannya melalui P2P Lending. Di sisi lain, muncul tantangan dalam P2P Lending mengenai perlindungan data (data pribadi, data transaksi dan data keuangan). Dalam penelitian ini yang akan dibahas hanya data pribadi Penerima Pinjaman, dimana data pribadi tersebut perlu dilindungi agar tidak terjadi penyalahgunaan yang menimbulkan permasalahan hukum

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
pp. 1584
Anisa Fadilah Zustika ◽  
Ana Toni Roby Candra Yudha

The technology-based financial management system or so-called financial technology (fintech) has become a trend in the millennial era, both with sharia or conventional labels. This study aims to determine and examine the operational mechanisms and implications of the application of the peer to peer lending system, which is used as a transaction method both in funding and financing. The approach used is qualitative, an approach that prioritizes the subjectivity aspects of researchers and informants. The informants of this study are experts from several stakeholders such as the MUI of East Java, Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah (MES) branch of Semarang, and 2 sharia fintech business owners and practitioners in East Java. The study results obtained are fintech based on a peer to peer lending system (P2PL) in the perspective of hifdzu mal (Investree company case study) is an online loan transaction that is consistent with the theory of hifdzu maal. The suitability of the transaction with hifdul maal, because each agreement is clear and in accordance with sharia provisions such as fair, mutually committed, and protect ownership. Suggestions from this study are the need for the addition of sharia supervisory board (DPS) for fintech, collaboration with universities in business development so that literacy and inclusion of fintech can be more extensive and developed.Keywords: fintech, peer to peer lending (P2PL), protection of wealth

Ayup Suran Ningsih

In fulfilling everyday needs, certainly needing equipment and supporting equipment in practice. However, due to limited capital, the background of the birth of legal entities from the government to the private sector offered a program to lend money which was then used for capital. In the process, this loan is often called a credit agreement in which the minimum requirement is a guarantee that will later be used as a collateral object. The guarantee acts as an addition (accesoir) to the main agreement which is to convince the creditor of the assets of the debtor and their ability to make payments later. Because not everyone has sufficient assets to make a loan, a guarantee institution arises that provides a loan program without using collateral. In connection with the development of technology, a new program was born, namely peer to peer lending based on financial technology. Ease in requirements and track record written in a system is the attraction of this type of loan, but because it is regulated by the system, there can be a mismatch of what is promised.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 2025
Cheyzsa Mega Andhini S.P

E-commerce yang merupakan bentuk perdagangan elektronik menjadi tren dalam perdagangan di Indonesia saat ini. Tidak hanya perdagangan secara elektronik saja melainkan diiringi dengan adanya pembayaran secara elektronik yang kita kenal dengan Financial Technology (Selanjutnya disingkat fintech). Fintech adalah sebuah inovasi di dalam bidang jasa keuangan. Fintech yang bermunculan di Indonesia ini menjadi salah satu alternatif dalam hal pembayaran berbasis online. Salah satu jenisnya adalah sistem kredit secara online yang disebut dengan P2P Lending. P2P Lending secara legal diatur dalam Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 77/ POJK.01/2016 Tentang Layanan Pinjam Meminjam Berbasis Teknologi Informasi, sebagai dasar hukum terkait sistem pinjam meminjam dengan system elektronik. P2P Lending yang bermunculan di Indonesia membuat pihak bank konvensional juga menawarkan fasilitas yang sama pada perbankan yaitu sistem kredit online. Kesamaan fasilitas antara P2P Lending dan Kredit Online Sistem ini menimbulkan persaingan usaha tidak sehat, karena mereka berada pada relevant market yang sama.

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