Substantive Justice International Journal of Law
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Published By Universitas Muslim Indonesia


I Wayan Putu Sucana Aryana

Trafficking in persons is a cross-border crime which injures human dignity. The mode of trafficking in persons is to take advantage of the economic conditions of potential victims by luring them a better job. This research will discuss the profile of victims of trafficking in persons, gender analysis in human trafficking, and international policies in victim protection that are gender equality oriented. This research is a normative juridical study examining the analysis of international legal instruments, laws and court decisions. The research was conducted using the statute approach, legal concepts and the concept of gender. The victims of trafficking in persons are dominated by women, although it does not rule out the possibility that men can also be the victims. Women are considered as commodities that can provide benefits because they can be bought and sold to do work without requiring high education, and even provide sexual services. The perpetrators of the criminal network carry out the recruitment of potential victims by involving the householder of the potential victim, in this case the husband or father of the potential victim. This condition cannot be separated from the deep rooted patriarchal culture in the society, in which the men play a role as the decision makers in the family. Power relations play an important role in analyzing this crime of trafficking in persons. Efforts to combat trafficking in persons are carried out within the framework of a gender-equitable policy. However, the existing legal instruments have not addressed the fundamental problems of trafficking in women. Reconstruction of the legal culture of society is very important in protecting women from various forms of violence.

Pipi Susanti ◽  
Rafiqa Sari

In fact, there are still many people living in poverty where they cannot fulfil their basic needs, be it food or clothing, there are still many children who drop out of school which causes ignorance. Education is one of the things that can change a family to be prosperous, therefore the government is obliged to fulfil this right. The problem in this paper is what form of government responsibility to fulfil the basic rights of the unprosperous people in education? The writing method used is normative with more emphasis on positive legal norms in the form of statutory regulations. The result of the discussion of this writing is that education is the basic right of the unprosperous people fulfilled by the government. In carrying out its responsibilities, the government fulfils the basic rights of the unprosperous people in several programs. Education which is the basic right of the unprosperous people is provided by the social service through PKH, while the Education Office provides these rights through (PIP) As stated in Article 31 of the 1945 Constitution, the community is required to get an education and the government is responsible for this, with some Indonesian program has fulfilled the rights of the unprosperous people in education.

Andi Hidayat Anugrah Ilahi ◽  
Titien Pratiwi Adnas

Peter Jeremiah Setiawan ◽  
Xavier Nugraha ◽  
Elma Putri Tanbun

The nature of law enforcement in resolving multi-dimensional information disputes has a logical consequence on the need for constructive law enforcement. This research aims to examine the forms of law enforcement that exist in resolving disputes over requests for public information and to formulate a constructive mechanism to realize a series of law enforcement procedures with legal certainty. This research is normative legal research using a statutory and conceptual approach. The results showed that law enforcement in the settlement of public information disputes consists of the objection, non-litigation adjudication, and litigation covering civil, state administration, and criminal law. In this case, The Criminal law instruments are placed as the final law enforcement if the relevant public agency does not carry out a decision that has permanent legal force. In addition, in the context of realizing comprehensive and constructive law enforcement, a Memorandum of Understanding was held between the Information Commission and the Police to synergize and effectively implement the criminal law as a final resort.

Suwari Akhmaddhian ◽  
Ria Virigianti ◽  
Erga Yuhandra

Environmental issues are interesting subjects that are related to the earth’s sustainability. While Garbage is basically an obstacle, it also has the potential to prevent environmental damage and increase the community's economy if it is well managed. This research aims to analyze local government policies in waste management based on the value of ecological justice to achieve natural preservation. The research method used is qualitative with primary data from interviews and observations supported by laws and regulations related to waste management. The research was conducted in Kuningan Regency and Ciamis Regency. The results showed that the Ciamis local government policy in waste management was equipped with local regulations, government officials, infrastructure, community participation, and program innovation, namely waste sorting, waste bank, maggot, and garbage alms. The conclusion is that local government policies, especially in Kuningan, still need improvement related to optimizing the role of the local government in institutional and funding of waste management and increasing public education regarding waste management. Good waste management can create environmental sustainability and community welfare.

Prawitra Thalib ◽  
Sri Hajati ◽  
Faizal Kurniawan ◽  
Komari Aldiansyah

Baitul Maal wat Tamwil is a financial institution with a sharia concept that was born as a choice that changes the concept of maal and tamwil in one institution. The concept of maal was born and became part of the lives of Muslim communities in terms of collecting and distributing funds for zakat, infaq and shadaqah) productively. While the Tamwil concept was born for purely business activities to benefit from the middle to micro sectors of society. One of the financing activities carried out by BMT is financing based on profit sharing principles. Profit sharing is done by two types with mudharabah and musyarakah contracts. musyarakah is derived from the word syirkah, also called syarikah, which means a cooperation agreement between two or more parties for certain businesses, each party providing the assistance fund, and will be borne together in accordance with the aid fund, or mutual agreement. The methods used in the writing of this article are normative research using a statute approach and a conceptual approach.the result of this research indicates distribution of funds or financing must pay attention to various matters relating to caution both from within and from outside the Islamic Financial Institutions of Islamic Banks and Non-Islamic Banks. Matters issued from internships are in the form of Legal Lending Limit (LLL), financing guidelines, operational aspects. Aside from internal, things that are of caution are also excluded from the external supported by 5C analysis (Character, Condition, Capacity, Capital, Guarantee) and sharia compliance). This analysis must be considered in channeling financing to avoid elements forbidden in Islam.

Muhammad Kamal

This research aims to identify and understand the position of legal protection for workers with a system of fixed-term employment contracts in the aspects of work relations, protection, and wages based on Employment laws and regulations. This research uses an empirical normative research method which combines the normative legal approach with empirical research. The results of this study indicate that there are still many companies in Makassar City that do not implement statutory regulations, especially regarding workers 'rights, for example, workers' status based on fixed time or a Non-Specified term employment contract and wages that are not in accordance with the city's minimum standard. As for the conditions of the workers, based on the analysis result from the prescriptive aspect, there were 95 or 47.50% of 200 workers starting a cooperative relationship without making a written agreement. Furthermore, there are as many as 55 or 27.50% of 200 workers assess that in their work activities, they do not get rights, there are also as many as 110 or 55.00% of 200 workers do not know what the form of worker rights is. Furthermore, there were as many as 140 or 70.00% of the 200 workers who received compensation that did not match the minimum wage in 3 (three) companies in Makassar City. These problems can be resolved appropriately if Law no. 13 of 2003 is properly implemented by Labor Inspectors and Specialist Labor Inspectors as the person in charge based on Minister of Manpower Regulation (Permenaker) No. 33 of 2016.

Muhammad Hatta Roma Tampubolon

Social movements of the legal community of Tau Taa Wana Custom is a struggle to release threats and structural shackles and want recognition of customary (communal) rights that they deserve. This study aims to analyze and explain the factors that led to the birth of the Tau Taa Wana indigenous peoples' social movements. The research design is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach. Research informants as many as 5 people selected purposively. Data collected through observation, in-depth interviews and literature study. the results showed that the social movement of the Tau Taa Wana indigenous people was driven by three determinants namely, the threat of capitalist expansion through an expansion of oil palm plantations, the threat of loss of communal natural resources due to oil palm expansion, the creation of solidarity in maintaining customary rights and local wisdom. It was concluded that Tau Taa Wana customary law community social movements are caused by policy imbalances, weak state protection functions and the lack of state recognition of the existence of Tau Taa Wana indigenous peoples

Moh. Fadhil

Systems regarding the legal remedy of communication interception can be found in several regulations. However, those systems are not supported by horizontal harmonization since each regulation governs the mechanism differently, so there is a disparity among interception regulation. This paper analyzes the harmonization of wiretapping regulations in Indonesia from a law enforcement perspective with an inventory of regulations governing the current mechanism of interception. The results concluded that first, the disparity in intercepting authority of communication interception practice regulated by several institutions in the same form of crime eradication authority must be reformulated to restore overlapping regulations. Secondly, the interception regulation as a coercive force that derogates the right to privacy must contain detailed provisions in terms of a permit request and the wiretapping authority. The permit application must contain the purpose of the request for wiretapping permission descriptively. Moreover, these provisions must explicitly regulate legal subjects that are authorized to conduct wiretapping practice in the form of clear mechanisms and coordination with the direct superiors and court supervision regulating the interception procedure as well as the cooperation between law enforcement officials and telecommunications service providers. Third, prospectively interception regulations can be assessed from the political will of the legislators. The decision of the Constitutional Court No. 5/PUU-VIII/2010 mandates the need for horizontal harmonization of interception regulations in the form of the Interception Bill, which is also included in the 2019 National Legislation Program.

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