Application of Long Endurance UAS for Top-Down Methane Emission Measurements of Oil and Gas Facilities in an Offshore Environment

2021 ◽  
Charles Alexander Tavner ◽  
Daniel Francis Touzel ◽  
Brendan James Smith

Abstract Oil & gas (O&G) operators are increasingly focused on decarbonization and reaching net-zero carbon emissions. The O&G industry seeks to minimise methane emissions. Verification of estimated emissions using top down measurement methods represents a critical component of this effort. A novel approach to operationalizing top-down emissions surveys was developed and demonstrated, leveraging expertise in unmanned vehicle application, innovative methane emissions measurement technology, and an O&G industry collaborator. The inspection technique utilizes a fixed-wing unmanned aircraft to perform a remote offshore asset inspection while safely launching and recovering onshore. This method enables the collection of many tens of thousands individual point methane concentration measurements and affords the ability to resolve facility-level methane emissions and in conjunction with appropriate environmental conditions information, derive an accurate emission rate for an individual asset, while accounting for background fluctuation and potential upwind sources.The unmanned aircraft does not require any crew or equipment to be taken offshore or make modifications to the asset, thus allowing inspections to be performed with minimum impact to facility operations. This work overcame significant regulatory hurdles to fly long distance unmanned aircraft in congested airspace, developed detailed operational procedures and demonstrated the safety of the technique to both the O&G and aviation community, and the effectiveness of the measurement technology. The work demonstrated the suitability of the technique for operationalisation for routine measurement programmes.

Drones ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 117
Derek Hollenbeck ◽  
Demitrius Zulevic ◽  
Yangquan Chen

Detecting and quantifying methane emissions is gaining an increasingly vital role in mitigating emissions for the oil and gas industry through early detection and repair and will aide our understanding of how emissions in natural ecosystems are playing a role in the global carbon cycle and its impact on the climate. Traditional methods of measuring and quantifying emissions utilize chamber methods, bagging individual equipment, or require the release of a tracer gas. Advanced leak detection techniques have been developed over the past few years, utilizing technologies, such as optical gas imaging, mobile surveyors equipped with sensitive cavity ring down spectroscopy (CRDS), and manned aircraft and satellite approaches. More recently, sUAS-based approaches have been developed to provide, in some ways, cheaper alternatives that also offer sensing advantages to traditional methods, including not being constrained to roadways and being able to access class G airspace (0–400 ft) where manned aviation cannot travel. This work looks at reviewing methods of quantifying methane emissions that can be, or are, carried out using small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) as well as traditional methods to provide a clear comparison for future practitioners. This includes the current limitations, capabilities, assumptions, and survey details. The suggested technique for LDAQ depends on the desired accuracy and is a function of the survey time and survey distance. Based on the complexity and precision, the most promising sUAS methods are the near-field Gaussian plume inversion (NGI) and the vertical flux plane (VFP), which have comparable accuracy to those found in conventional state-of-the-art methods.

2015 ◽  
Vol 112 (51) ◽  
pp. 15597-15602 ◽  
Daniel Zavala-Araiza ◽  
David R. Lyon ◽  
Ramón A. Alvarez ◽  
Kenneth J. Davis ◽  
Robert Harriss ◽  

Published estimates of methane emissions from atmospheric data (top-down approaches) exceed those from source-based inventories (bottom-up approaches), leading to conflicting claims about the climate implications of fuel switching from coal or petroleum to natural gas. Based on data from a coordinated campaign in the Barnett Shale oil and gas-producing region of Texas, we find that top-down and bottom-up estimates of both total and fossil methane emissions agree within statistical confidence intervals (relative differences are 10% for fossil methane and 0.1% for total methane). We reduced uncertainty in top-down estimates by using repeated mass balance measurements, as well as ethane as a fingerprint for source attribution. Similarly, our bottom-up estimate incorporates a more complete count of facilities than past inventories, which omitted a significant number of major sources, and more effectively accounts for the influence of large emission sources using a statistical estimator that integrates observations from multiple ground-based measurement datasets. Two percent of oil and gas facilities in the Barnett accounts for half of methane emissions at any given time, and high-emitting facilities appear to be spatiotemporally variable. Measured oil and gas methane emissions are 90% larger than estimates based on the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory and correspond to 1.5% of natural gas production. This rate of methane loss increases the 20-y climate impacts of natural gas consumed in the region by roughly 50%.

Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 116
Julian Deuerling ◽  
Shaun Keck ◽  
Inasya Moelyadi ◽  
Jens-Uwe Repke ◽  
Matthias Rädle

This work presents a novel method for the non-invasive, in-line monitoring of mixing processes in microchannels using the Raman photometric technique. The measuring set-up distinguishes itself from other works in this field by utilizing recent state-of-the-art customized photon multiplier (CPM) detectors, bypassing the use of a spectrometer. This addresses the limiting factor of integration times by achieving measuring rates of 10 ms. The method was validated using the ternary system of toluene–water–acetone. The optical measuring system consists of two functional units: the coaxial Raman probe optimized for excitation at a laser wavelength of 532 nm and the photometric detector centered around the CPMs. The spot size of the focused laser is a defining factor of the spatial resolution of the set-up. The depth of focus is measured at approx. 85 µm with a spot size of approx. 45 µm, while still maintaining a relatively high numerical aperture of 0.42, the latter of which is also critical for coaxial detection of inelastically scattered photons. The working distance in this set-up is 20 mm. The microchannel is a T-junction mixer with a square cross section of 500 by 500 µm, a hydraulic diameter of 500 µm and 70 mm channel length. The extraction of acetone from toluene into water is tracked at an initial concentration of 25% as a function of flow rate and accordingly residence time. The investigated flow rates ranged from 0.1 mL/min to 0.006 mL/min. The residence times from the T-junction to the measuring point varies from 1.5 to 25 s. At 0.006 mL/min a constant acetone concentration of approx. 12.6% was measured, indicating that the mixing process reached the equilibrium of the system at approx. 12.5%. For prototype benchmarking, comparative measurements were carried out with a commercially available Raman spectrometer (RXN1, Kaiser Optical Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, USA). Count rates of the spectrophotometer surpassed those of the spectrometer by at least one order of magnitude at identical target concentrations and optical power output. The experimental data demonstrate the suitability and potential of the new measuring system to detect locally and time-resolved concentration profiles in moving fluids while avoiding external influence.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 757
Yongke Pan ◽  
Kewen Xia ◽  
Li Wang ◽  
Ziping He

The dataset distribution of actual logging is asymmetric, as most logging data are unlabeled. With the traditional classification model, it is hard to predict the oil and gas reservoir accurately. Therefore, a novel approach to the oil layer recognition model using the improved whale swarm algorithm (WOA) and semi-supervised support vector machine (S3VM) is proposed in this paper. At first, in order to overcome the shortcomings of the Whale Optimization Algorithm applied in the parameter-optimization of the S3VM model, such as falling into a local optimization and low convergence precision, an improved WOA was proposed according to the adaptive cloud strategy and the catfish effect. Then, the improved WOA was used to optimize the kernel parameters of S3VM for oil layer recognition. In this paper, the improved WOA is used to test 15 benchmark functions of CEC2005 compared with five other algorithms. The IWOA–S3VM model is used to classify the five kinds of UCI datasets compared with the other two algorithms. Finally, the IWOA–S3VM model is used for oil layer recognition. The result shows that (1) the improved WOA has better convergence speed and optimization ability than the other five algorithms, and (2) the IWOA–S3VM model has better recognition precision when the dataset contains a labeled and unlabeled dataset in oil layer recognition.

2021 ◽  
Le Ronan Bayon ◽  
Leah Boyd

Abstract This paper presents a novel approach to finding solutions to unsafe work practices in oil and gas environments—from manufacturing facilities to offshore platforms. The ‘Center of Excellence’ approach is a stepwise process for classifying safety events and harnessing data to reduce incidents during offshore oil and gas E&P activities. The approach includes identifying focus topics related to unsafe practices, forming cross-functional teams with significant field or impacted personnel participation, developing and implementing measures, utilizing the hierarchy of controls to mitigate the issue, and raising company-wide awareness through training and targeted information campaigns. The Center of Excellence process gives top priority to those activities in order to reduce the highest severity and most frequent safety incidents. The teams are then able to more clearly identify feasible solutions, including engineering controls, training, campaigns, and procedures to contain the hazards. The active engagement and involvement of frontline employees who either work in the field or on the factory floor is critical to understand the daily hazards of their work activities and the success of the Center of Excellence approach. With these employees acting as a champion of the developed solution, other workers are more likely to accept and adopt it in their daily routine. This paper reviews practical examples of how the Center of Excellence approach has led to safer practices in the workplace. Examples include improved safety measures for using tightening tools, which led to more than 50% reduction in hand injuries and other safety incidents. A recent example of using the approach to develop safer practices during manual handling of loads (MHL) is also presented. The examples highlight the benefits of bringing multifaceted teams and multiple industry-accepted safety concepts together to resolve common work safety challenges, which can serve as a blueprint for oil and gas companies to reduce incidents across their enterprise.

2021 ◽  
Ali Khalid ◽  
Qasim Ashraf ◽  
Khurram Luqman ◽  
Ayoub Hadj-Moussa ◽  
Nasir Hamim

Abstract A prime objective of oil and gas operators is to maximize reservoir productivity and increase the ultimate recovery from all depleting fields. Underbalanced drilling is one such enabling technology that has been adopted world wide to achieve a number of objectives in maximizing the reservoir potential. Chief among these objectives are to reduce formation invasion damage, identify sweet spots in the reservoir, and reduce well costs. Underblanaced operations however introduces more complexity into the successful drilling and completion of a candidate well. An improperly executed underbalanced operation can result in having less productivity in contrast to a conventionally drilled and completed well. Pakistan a country currently highly dependent on foreign hydrocarbon fuels, once had total independence in at least natural gas. The southern part of Pakistan is known for its rich hydrocarbon potential, but most fields were discovered decades ago and have depleted at a rapid pace. Numerous fields in the vicinity have depleted to an extent that the reservoir pressure has reduced to a mere 3.9 PPG in EMW. In the most recently drilled well the pressure depletion caused massive circulation losses while drilling the reservoir formation and the operator had resorted to pumping of heavy LCM pills and blind drilling to complete the section. After completing the well conventionally the operator made multiple attempts to kick off the well but observed no production. Subsequently multiple acid stimulation jobs were performed to reduce the formation damage, but all efforts were in vain. It was evaluated that the heavy LCM and drilled cuttings had bridged off and choked the reservoir skin completely from which there was no return. Ultimately the well had to be plugged and abandoned. In relatively higher pressured and non-fractured formations the option exists to drill a well in underbalanced mode and trip the running string by balancing the well with a light weight fluid. For the subject case however, this option was impossible due to the highly fractured nature of the formation. A plan was devised to include a downhole casing isolation valve in the last casing string and drill the well with an extremely light weight multiphase fluid. A rotating control device would be used to strip the running string in and out of the well. The completion packer was also to be stripped into a live well and set in place without the need of ever killing or balancing the well. By executing the mentioned methodology, the operator was able to drill and complete a well all the while keeping the reservoir formation in a virgin state. The paper discusses the planning, design, execution, and lessons learnt in underbalanced drilling and completion operations in the subject field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (09) ◽  
pp. 50-50
Ardian Nengkoda

For this feature, I have had the pleasure of reviewing 122 papers submitted to SPE in the field of offshore facilities over the past year. Brent crude oil price finally has reached $75/bbl at the time of writing. So far, this oil price is the highest since before the COVID-19 pandemic, which is a good sign that demand is picking up. Oil and gas offshore projects also seem to be picking up; most offshore greenfield projects are dictated by economics and the price of oil. As predicted by some analysts, global oil consumption will continue to increase as the world’s economy recovers from the pandemic. A new trend has arisen, however, where, in addition to traditional economic screening, oil and gas investors look to environment, social, and governance considerations to value the prospects of a project and minimize financial risk from environmental and social issues. The oil price being around $75/bbl has not necessarily led to more-attractive offshore exploration and production (E&P) projects, even though the typical offshore breakeven price is in the range of $40–55/bbl. We must acknowledge the energy transition, while also acknowledging that oil and natural gas will continue to be essential to meeting the world’s energy needs for many years. At least five European oil and gas E&P companies have announced net-zero 2050 ambitions so far. According to Rystad Energy, continuous major investments in E&P still are needed to meet growing global oil and gas demand. For the past 2 years, the global investment in E&P project spending is limited to $200 billion, including offshore, so a situation might arise with reserve replacement becoming challenging while demand accelerates rapidly. Because of well productivity, operability challenges, and uncertainty, however, opening the choke valve or pipeline tap is not as easy as the public thinks, especially on aging facilities. On another note, the technology landscape is moving to emerging areas such as net-zero; decarbonization; carbon capture, use, and storage; renewables; hydrogen; novel geothermal solutions; and a circular carbon economy. Historically, however, the Offshore Technology Conference began proactively discussing renewables technology—such as wave, tidal, ocean thermal, and solar—in 1980. The remaining question, then, is how to balance the lack of capital expenditure spending during the pandemic and, to some extent, what the role of offshore is in the energy transition. Maximizing offshore oil and gas recovery is not enough anymore. In the short term, engaging the low-carbon energy transition as early as possible and leading efforts in decarbonization will become a strategic move. Leveraging our expertise in offshore infrastructure, supply chains, sea transportation, storage, and oil and gas market development to support low-carbon energy deployment in the energy transition will become vital. We have plenty of technical knowledge and skill to offer for offshore wind projects, for instance. The Hywind wind farm offshore Scotland is one example of a project that is using the same spar technology as typical offshore oil and gas infrastructure. Innovation, optimization, effective use of capital and operational expenditures, more-affordable offshore technology, and excellent project management, no doubt, also will become a new normal offshore. Recommended additional reading at OnePetro: SPE 202911 - Harnessing Benefits of Integrated Asset Modeling for Bottleneck Management of Large Offshore Facilities in the Matured Giant Oil Field by Yukito Nomura, ADNOC, et al. OTC 30970 - Optimizing Deepwater Rig Operations With Advanced Remotely Operated Vehicle Technology by Bernard McCoy Jr., TechnipFMC, et al. OTC 31089 - From Basic Engineering to Ramp-Up: The New Successful Execution Approach for Commissioning in Brazil by Paulino Bruno Santos, Petrobras, et al.

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