The Interface Between Religion and Social Welfare ― An Analytical Approach to the Social Responsibility of Religion and Its Welfare Activities ―

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 180-188
Mohd Nizam Barom

Purpose: This paper examines and reflects the ongoing debate on the social responsibility role of Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) in the light of the literature in the area of third sector and three-sector economic model. Subsequently, it seeks to develop a framework that can be used to conceptualise the potential interaction between the different sectors in the economy in relation to social welfare issues and locate the social responsibility role of IFIs within this framework.    Methodology: The paper uses an integrative analysis of Islamic finance and third sector literature, particularly on the American and European conceptions of the interactions between the three main sectors in the economy, i.e. public, private and ‘third’ sectors. Results: The paper develops a modified circular flow of income and expenditure model as a basis for the integrative framework for social welfare provision within a three-sector economic model. Subsequently, it locates the social responsibility role of IFIs within this framework with the understanding that social welfare burden is a collective responsibility and therefore shared among the various potential welfare providers in the economy.  Implications: The integrative framework of social welfare provision within a three-sector economic model as conceptualised in this paper highlights a multi-institutional approach towards promoting socio-economic justice and society's well-being in an Islamic economy, and hence provides a proper and reasonable context for social responsibility roles expected of IFIs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-150 ◽  
Luciano Fanti ◽  
Domenico Buccella

Economists believe that a firm’s engagement in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is motivated by objectives beyond increasing profits. Using a duopoly framework with convex technology and an industry-wide union-setting wage at the central level, this work shows that, when owners cooperatively select a level of CSR engagement, profits under CSR are higher than under standard profit maximisation; thus, the simple self-interest of firms’ owners leads to the adoption of CSR. Moreover, the union, consumers, and the overall social welfare in the presence of CSR activities are higher than without CSR. As such, the social concerns of firms’ owners yield a Pareto-superior outcome. JEL: J51, L13, M14

Amane Wahed Tarwaneh, Fadi Mohammad Alsuhimat, Ameera Mohamm

The aim of the current research is to know the level of Jordanian citizen's awareness of social responsibility standards in light of the Corona epidemic, in order to achieve this objective the research followed the descriptive analytical approach through developing a scale that was distributed to the individuals of the study sample which was chosen in the stratified random method and reached (384) individuals, a total of (324) questionnaires were retrieved and valid for statistical analysis. The results of the research showed that the level of Jordanian citizen’s awareness of social responsibility standards in light of the Corona epidemic came in a moderate degree and that there were no differences in the estimates of the study sample towards the level of Jordanian citizen’s awareness of social responsibility standards in light of the Corona epidemic due to the variables (gender, job, age). The research has come out with a set of recommendations, including the need to increase awareness of the Jordanian citizen of the importance of social responsibility and its great role in helping Jordanian society to achieve economic and social stability, the need for the Jordanian government to be alert and the decision-makers to focus on the importance of social responsibility for members of Jordanian society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 54-60
Hussaien et al. ◽  

The study aimed to know the social responsibility and competitive advantage concept, and determine the impact of disclosure of social responsibility on the competitive advantage of industrial companies in Khartoum State-Sudan. The researchers reviewed previous studies to identify the study gap and formulate its hypotheses through the descriptive and analytical approach, the researchers used the questionnaire to collect data from the study sample. Accountants in industrial companies were targeted, 350 questionnaires were distributed and 319 were collected, of which 311 are valid for analysis. The statistical package of the social science (SPSS) was used to analyze the data, the simple linear regression was used to find out the Impact of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The study concluded that: The disclosure of social responsibility towards society impacts the competitive advantage by 96.3%, the disclosure of social responsibility towards the environment impacts the competitive advantage by 95.4%, The disclosure of social responsibility towards customers impacts the competitive advantage by 93.5%, and the disclosure of social responsibility towards staff impacts the competitive advantage by 91.2%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 265
Rachmat Putro Ferdiawan ◽  
Ari Afriansyah ◽  
Santoso Tri Raharjo ◽  
Nandang Mulyana

ABSTRAKCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) merupakan komitmen perusahaan untuk peduli terhadap lingkungan dan masyarakat dalam upaya mewujudkan kesejahteraan sosial secara berkelanjutan melalui relasi harmonis dengan para pemangku kepentingan khususnya masyarakat sekitar. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan program tanggung jawab sosial (CSR) PT. Astra Internasional dalam membantu kesejahteraan sosial masyarakat. Beberapa indikator CSR untuk menggambarkan implementasi program tersebut adalah tujuan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan, masalah sosial perusahaan, dan program hubungan perusahaan. Indikator kesejahteraan hidup terkait dengan kemajuan dalam bidang kesehatan, pendidikan, dan ekonomi. Peranan CSR kepada masyarakat dapat dipandang sebagai upaya untuk mewujudkan good corporate governance, good corporate citizenship dan good business ethics dalam sebuah entitas kehidupan dunia bisnis. Sejak awal perkembangannya Astra memiliki cita-cita untuk sejahtera bersama bangsa, dengan butir pertama dalam filosofi Catur Dharma Astra, yang berbunyi “Menjadi Milik yang Bermanfaat bagi Bangsa dan Negara”. Untuk meraih cita-cita ini, Astra terus merangsang upaya-upaya pertumbuhan Indonesia yang berkelanjutan dan berimbang baik itu dari segi ekonomi, sosial maupun lingkungan melalui Public Contribution Roadmap. Pelaksanaan program-program tanggung jawab sosial Astra berpedoman pada pengembangan program empat pilar CSR Astra yang sejalan dengan hasil pemetaan sosial, dampak proses bisnis, dan Public Contribution Roadmap 2020. Dengan panduan Public Contribution Roadmap, Astra melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial baik dalam pengelolaan Lingkungan, Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (LK3) serta 4 pilar Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Astra yang berkontribusi dalam upaya peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia.Kata kunci: Kata kunci: CSR, kesejahteraan sosial, pembangunan berkelanjutan ABSTRACTCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a company's commitment to care for the environment and society in an effort to realize social welfare in a sustainable manner through harmonious relations with stakeholders, especially the surrounding community. This paper aims to describe the social responsibility (CSR) program of PT. Astra International in helping the social welfare of the community. Some CSR indicators to illustrate the implementation of the program are the objectives of corporate social responsibility, corporate social issues, and corporate relations programs. Life welfare indicators are related to progress in the fields of health, education, and economy. The role of CSR to the community can be seen as an effort to realize good corporate governance, good corporate citizenship and good business ethics in an entity living in the business world. Since the beginning of its development, Astra has aspirations for prosperity with the nation, with the first point in the philosophy of the Catur Dharma Astra, which reads "Being a Beneficial Property of the Nation and Country". To achieve this goal, Astra continues to stimulate Indonesia's sustainable and balanced growth efforts both in economic, social and environmental terms through the Public Contribution Roadmap. The implementation of Astra's social responsibility programs is guided by the development of Astra's four pillars of CSR in line with the results of social mapping, the impact of business processes, and the Public Contribution Roadmap 2020. With the guidance of the Public Contribution Roadmap, Astra implements social responsibility both in managing the Environment, Safety and Occupational Health (LK3) and the four pillars of Astra's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which contribute to efforts to improve the welfare of the Indonesian people.Keywords: CSR, social welfare, sustainable development

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