scholarly journals Audit Domain Acquire And Implement dengan Cobit 4.1 pada PT Erajaya Swasembada Tbk

Viany Utami Tjhin

The main priority aspect of information and communication technologies is given to control mechanisms, both internal and external in enterprises. It ensures that the reports and the decisions received and generated by the management will support their decision-making. The decisions have honesty and high integrity based on the results of the audit conducted on systems of information and communication technology. The objective of this research is to deliver audit reports of information systems for management and make recommendations on the audit findings in PT Erajaya Swasembada Tbk. Business processes studied included sales, purchasing, finance, and the warehouse. The system used was "Erajaya Live Application Server" and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)-based. This research used thedomain of COBIT 4.1: Acquire and Implement. The domain included several sub-domains, which were:identify automated solutions (AI1), acquire and maintain application software (AI2), acquire and maintain technology infrastructure (AI3), enable operation and use (AI4), procure IT resources (AI5), manage changes (AI6), and install and accredit solutions and changes (AI7). Data were collected from interviewing IT Department, distributing questionnaires to respondents, and observing the business processes of this enterprise. Research obtained 57 audit findings on IT implementation. The results of process reference model formulation are 3 findings on AI1subdomain, 5 findings on AI2subdomain, 9 findings on AI3subdomain, 6 findings on AI4 subdomain, 11 findings on AI5subdomain, 13 findings pada AI6subdomain, and 10 findings on AI7subdomain. The level of maturity model of this domain, Acquire and Implement (AI), was found on level 3.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-124
Wella Wella ◽  
Johan Setiawan

Main priority aspects of information and communication technologies is given to a control or control mechanisms, both internal and external, to ensure that the report and the decision received and generated by the management decision-making is an honest and have high integrity based on the results of the audit conducted on based systems of information and communication technology. The object of research is the PT Erajaya Swasembada, Tbk. This company was founded in 1990, running a business as a distributor of mobile phones, which have widespread outlets in various cities in Indonesia. Business processes studied include sales, purchasing, finance, and the warehouse. The system used is “Erajaya Live Application Server” version of the July-December 2012 and based ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). The research was including a General Controls, Boundary Controls, Input Controls, Process Control, Output Controls, Database Control, Application Communication control, and Operating system controls. Data collection methods by performing interviews with the IT managerial departments, distributed questionnaires to the five respondents form of answer was “Yes”, “No” or “Do not Know”, and also observations to the PT Erajaya Swasembada, Tbk. The collected data were analyzed using techniques COBIT 4.1. The results obtained 15 audit findings. The results of maturity model formulation were known domain Plan and Organize at level 4, Acquire and Implement at level 5, Deliver and Support at level 4, Monitor and Evaluate at level 4. Index Terms - Audit, COBIT 4.1, Maturity Model.

Leonilde Reis ◽  
Clara Silveira ◽  
Renato Duarte ◽  

The use of information and communication technologies in an organizational context allows enhancing performance and defining business support strategies. The objective of this paper is to research the importance of teleworking in order to reflect the conditions for monitoring international project teams, and in this sense to contribute to the optimization of the practices instituted. The most common business processes of organizations are supported by generic software products, also called enterprise resource planning, in which the organization consolidates its experience over time in order to provide increasingly better services. The main contributions of the paper focus on the presentation of the fundamental competences of the teams regarding the performance in configuration projects in view of the practical experience in the international labor market in face of pandemic scenario.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
pp. 4743-4748

The ability to make good decisions on the deployment and use of information and communication technologies has become part of successful governance. The convergence of information, communication and multimedia technologies has created new business opportunities that will play a vital role in the economy and public life over the coming decades. On enterprises development in recent years has been dramatically influenced by the rapid development of technologies for processing and organizing them. These technologies share the role of an information integrator to support decision-making at all levels of the manufacturing enterprise. Enterprise resource planning is a key transactional application of enterprise information systems. Its main features include the ability to automate and integrate key business processes, functions and data across the enterprise.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (38) ◽  
pp. 175-187
Petra Pártlová

Abstract Enterprise Architecture includes organizational and management part and visions and goals of the organization, business processes leading to the goals, innovation processes, control mechanisms, information and communication technologies and others. The paper focuses on one of the most important components of corporate architecture, organizational and management framework of an enterprise in terms of its present state and anticipated changes and the expected development in the context of the emerging new economy. The research was carried out in a sample of 372 enterprises from the whole Czech Republic with the sector (industrial, manufacturing, services and primary sector) and size differentiation (micro-enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises and large enterprises according to the classification of Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic and the EU). The statistical methods were used (p-value with Pearson Chi quadrate output) to analyses the results. The conclusion indicates a possible development in the corporate organization architecture in the context of the paradigm of changes in the external corporate environment.

Skliar D.

The article describes the specifics and main trends that characterize the world practice of business process management in the field of e-commerce in the context of its impact on the formation of prerequisites for economic development of enterprises in this field in modern conditions. It is determined that the activity in the field of e-commerce is based on the execution of transactions by electronic means of communication, ie, on modern information and communication technologies and significantly depends on their development. The development of these technologies determines the dynamics and variability of the use of leading technological solutions in e-com-merce and causes the rapid rise of e-commerce over the past three decades from an experimental channel of product promotion / sales to a significant field of activity. The management of business processes in the analyzed area is considered in the context of the transition of modern enterprises to practices that have become possible due to the introduction of information technology and significantly reduce operating costs and increase sales of e-commerce products and services. It is determined that the world practice of business process management is focused on the implementation of the following areas of managerial influence on the activities of enterprises in order to increase its efficiency: improving relationships with suppliers; automation of internal processes related to e-commerce; improving the customer experience; optimization of order return and cancellation processes; integration of artificial intelligence. The world practice of business process management in e-commerce is characterized by the widespread use of numerous systems that support the manage-ment of various aspects of e-commerce. The main ones are ERP-systems, enterprise resource planning systems. These are systems that support the management of the company, optimizing the use of its resources and all processes occurring in it. It is advisable to develop management practice at the level of a particular e-commerce enterprise in accordance with these areas, paying attention to the successes and challenges of leading market players at the global and local levels.Keywords: business processes, e-commerce, e-commerce, business process management, management, e-business, information technologies. Охарактеризовано специфіку та основні тенденції, що відображають світову практику управління бізнес-процесами у сфері електронної комерції в контексті її впливу на формування передумов розвитку підприємств даної сфери за сучасних умов. Визначено, що діяльність в сфері електронної комерції заснована на сучасних інформаційно-комунікаційних технологіях та суттєво залежить від їх розвитку, який визначає динаміку та варіативність використання провідних технологічних рішень в електронній комерції. Світова практика управління бізнес-процесами зосереджена на реалізації наступних напрямків: удосконалення взаємовідносин з постачальниками; автоматизація внутрішніх процесів, пов’язаних з електронною комерцією; покращення клієнтського досвіду; оптимізація процесів повернення та скасування замовлень; інтеграція штучного інтелекту. Ключові слова: бізнес-процеси, електронна комерція, електронна торгівля, управління бізнес-процесами, електронний бізнес, інформаційні технології.

2011 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 13-20
Rasma Janeliūnienė ◽  
Ginta Liberytė ◽  
Vida Davidavičienė

Information and communication technologies (ICT) have a decisive influence on the competitiveness of an organization. The efficiency of ICT management is a key factor in the process of production optimization, resource planning and management and other activities concerning the objectives of the organization. ICT like other resources have not only advantages, but also causes certain challenges for organizations. Information systems become an organic part of the organization. Thus, it is hard to imagine a contemporary organization where information and communication technologies are not used. The organizations, where activity success is based on ICT, are affecting external and internal factors as well as the ability to manage ICT and use different information systems. Success is not guaranteed by implementing a new information system or technology, because business processes should be evaluated taking into account the ability to react to potential changes. In order to prevent ICT risk, IT audit becomes extremely important within the organization. The aim of the article is to evaluate the possibilities of applying the existing IT audit methodologies (such as ITIL, CobIT, Val IT, ISO) in small and medium size organizations of Lithuania. The paper analyzes the significance and need of IT audit in small and medium size companies, identifies the features of such companies and proposes the existing IT audit methodologies. The methods of scientific literature analysis and comparison and statistical data analysis have been applied in the article. Santrauka Informacinės technologijos užima svarbią vietą organizacijos veikloje siekiant konkurencinio pranašumo. Efektyvus IT valdymas padeda organizacijai optimizuoti darbą, teisingai valdyti resursus, tinkamai siekti užsibrėžtų tikslų. Kaip ir visi veiklai vykdyti reikalingi ištekliai, informacinės technologijos ne tik teikia naudą, bet kelia ir tam tikrą grėsmę. Informacinės sistemos tampa organine bet kurios organizacijos dalimi. Šiuolaikinių įmonių veikla neįsivaizduojama ir neįmanoma be naujausių informacinių technologijų. Įmonių veiklą, grindžiamą šiuolaikinėmis IT, taip pat jų organizavimą ir valdymą veikia ne tik išorinės aplinkos veiksniai – didelę reikšmę turi ir vidiniai organizaciniai veiksniai bei IS ir valdymo aspektai. Neužtenka tik įsidiegti naują sistemą, ją būtina suderinti su įmonės veiklos procesais, siekiant išnaudoti visus privalumus, būtina vertinti pokyčius ir į juos reaguoti. Siekiant mažinti IT riziką, itin aktualus tampa IT auditas organizacijoje. Straipsnyje analizuojamos egzistuojančios IT audito metodikos, vertinamas IT audito poreikis, Lietuvos smulkaus ir vidutinio dydžio įmonių specifika. Straipsnio tikslas – įvertinti IT audito metodikų taikymo Lietuvos smulkaus ir vidutinio dydžio įmonėse galimybes.

2012 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 140
Putu Wuri Handayani ◽  
J.W. Saputro ◽  
Achmad Nizar Hidayanto ◽  
Indra Budi

Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) di Indonesia telah dapat berkontribusi terhadap PDB (Produk Domestik Bruto) nasional sebesar 55.56% berdasarkan data Biro Perencanaan Kementerian Negara Koperasi dan UKM Republik Indonesia, pada tahun 2008. Untuk memperluas pangsa pasar dan meningkatkan daya saing UKM, UKM membutuhkan suatu aplikasi yang dapat mengintegrasikan dan mengotomatisasi proses bisnis UKM. Aplikasi ERP dapat menjadi salah satu solusi untuk UKM dikarenakan keuntungan yang dapat diberikan seperti memberikan informasi dengan waktu respon yang cepat, meningkatkan interaksi antar bagian dalam suatu organisasi, meningkatkan pengelolaan siklus pemesanan barang, dsb. Beberapa isu kritis yang dihadapi oleh UKM adalah terbatasnya dana dan kapabilitas teknologi informasi yang dimiliki. Dalam memahami kebutuhan layanan yang diperlukan oleh UKM untuk aplikasi ERP dan untuk menyediakan arahan bagi UKM serta menanggapi kurangnya riset ERP di Indonesia maka riset ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan peta rencana jangka panjang dari agenda riset ERP yang akan dilakukan untuk UKM di Indonesia. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia has been able to contribute to the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of 55.56% based on national data Planning Bureau of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs of the Republic of Indonesia, in 2008. To expand market share and improve the competitiveness of SMEs, SMEs need an application that can integrate and automate business processes of SMEs. ERP applications can be one solution for SMEs because of the advantages that can be provided such as providing information with fast response time, increase the interaction between the departments of an organization, improving the management of ordering goods cycle, etc. Some of the critical issues faced by SMEs are the limited funds and information technology capabilities they have. In understanding the needs of the services required by SMEs for ERP applications and to provide guidance for SMEs and response to the lack of research about ERP in Indonesia, this research aims to describe the long-term plan maps of the ERP's research agenda that will be made for SMEs in Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (11) ◽  
pp. 42-50

The article will consider information and communication technologies used in business processes, inter-preted for effective work in the educational process, of a teacher with students. Also, the article will describe several business management tools that have worked well in the Russian market: Bitrix24 and the Planfix management system. The author analyzes the entities that contribute to increasing the profit of enterprises having these automated information systems that will be used as enhancing the effectiveness of students, that is, students and the teacher will be considered as clients and the company negotiating through CRM or ERP systems. Since it is such cooperation that sets them apart and leads them to the leaders in the Russian and international markets. An analysis of 30 students divided into two groups will be conducted. A teacher works with one group using an unconventional method, using business tools, while the process proceeds in the other with traditional teaching methods. The key objective of this study is to show related aspects of the functioning of ICTs that are subtle to business processes in the education system. Since a growing number of universities are instilling their teachers to work on various cloud systems, for example, DGUNH has a Cisco platform that allows teachers to track students' actions at various intervals.

2002 ◽  
Vol 16 (s-1) ◽  
pp. 99-113 ◽  
Sally Wright ◽  
Arnold M. Wright

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems inherently present unique risks due to tightly linked interdependencies of business processes, relational databases, and process reengineering. Knowledge of such risks is important in planning and conducting assurance engagements of the reliability of these complex computer systems. Yet, there is little empirical evidence on this issue. To examine this topic, a semi-structured interview study was conducted with 30 experienced information systems auditors (from 3 of the Big 5 firms) who specialize in assessing risks for ERP systems. This approach allowed us to obtain detailed information about participants' views and client experiences. The results indicate that the implementation process of ERP systems has an important impact on system reliability. Further, interviewees identified a number of common implementation problems (e.g., improperly trained personnel and inadequate process reengineering efforts) that result in heightened risks. Interviewees also reported that ongoing risks differ across applications and across vendor packages. Finally, in providing assurance on ERP systems participants overwhelmingly indicate a focus on testing the process rather than system output.

Rima Shishakly

Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is one of the major IT innovations in this decade. ERP solutions seek to integrate and modernize business processes and their associated information and work flows. Nonetheless, ERP usage in educational management is still new. Educational institutions for various appropriate factors have begun to implement this technology. The school ERP enterprise solution system offers complete school management software, which covers all the functions related to the smooth functioning of school activities. This chapter provides a complete analysis of ERP solutions in the educational sectors and focuses on ERP usage and utilization in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) public (government) schools.

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