2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Bambang Widodo ◽  
Suharjito Suharjito

The goals of the thesis were to create a model enterprise architecture strategic planning of IS / IT college in the form of IT blueprint with Zachman framework in STP Trisakti. Data were compiled by the main supporting documentation college events, questionnaires, interviews and field observations. Development of IT blueprint is done by utilizing the methodology of Ward & Peppard framework and EA (Enterprise Architecture) Zachman Framework is mapped into the Framework as the ultimate form of IT blueprint. Data were analyzed using analysis tools for internal and external environment. Internal environmental analysis using Value Chain, CSF (Critical Success Factor), the current application portfolio and Asset / IT, while the external environment analysis using the PEST (Political, Economic, Social, Technological), Porter's five force and the latest technology trends. It also carried defining enterprise architecture in the form of business architecture, data architecture, application architecture and technology architecture. Results of the Analysis were a blueprint IT shaped matrix cell 36 Zachman. It can be concluded that the can are 5 stages of implementation in the IT blueprint STP Trisakti with three major central system development in four areas of development of the IS / IT is the application portfolio, HR IT, Hardware, Software and Networking

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 114-122
Agustinus Fritz Wijaya ◽  
Mahendra Wahyu Prasetyo

Semarang City Public Works Department is a state-owned enterprise that works in the area of public services in the city of Semarang. Most of the technological conditions in the Public Works Department are still in manual data management, which is hampering business processes from going well. Therefore this research was conducted to design an Information System at the Semarang City Public Works Department using the Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) method which includes a SWOT analysis and Value Chain analysis. The existing framework in the Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) method can help align the data architecture and application architecture to get the expected results, which is achieving the business objectives of the City of Semarang Public Works Department so that business functions can run by the desired business processes. This research resulted in several proposals for the development of Information Systems and Information Technology in organizations including the development of several applications in the next 5 years.

Jurnal Teknik ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Desy Nurnaningsih

Pengembangan sistem informasi memerlukan perencanaan untuk melengkapi arah strategi perguruan tinggi.Perencanaan dibangun dengan mendefinisikan arsitektur data, aplikasi dan teknologi dalam penggunaan informasi untuk mendukung business process kemudian perancangan arsitektur untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan dan membuat skema arsitektur pada Universitas. Pemodelan bisnis utama yang digambarkan pada penelitian ini dalam bentuk value chain memiliki aktivitas utamanya yaitu Penerimaan Mahasiswa, Operasional Akademik, dan Penglepasan Mahasiswa. Ruang lingkup enterprise architecture  planning untuk pengembangan sistem informasi ini meliputi bagian akademik. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam perancangan arsitektur enterprise Enterprise Architecture Planning dengan kerangka kerja zahman (Zachman Framework) yang mengacu baris pertama dan kedua yang merupakan perspektif perencana dan pemilik, serta tiga kolom pertama yaitu kolom data, fungsi dan jaringan. Hasil perancangan arsitektur enterprise berupa cetak biru sistem informasi untuk data, aplikasi dan teknologi.Cetak biru sistem informasi berguna sebagai landasan bagi pengembangan sistem informasi secara keseluruhan yang lebih baik dalam business process perguruan tinggi. Kata kunci: enterprise architecture planning, arsitektur data, arsitektur aplikasi, arsitektur teknologi, business process, value chain, pengembangan sistem informasi.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-64 ◽  
Jefree Fahana ◽  
Ahmad Azhari

LAZISMU as an amil zakat institution has an important role in collecting and managing zakat for public welfare. The existence of Law No. 23 of 2011 and the Minister of Religion Regulation No. 333 of 2015 on Guidelines for Granting Permits for the Establishment of Zakat Institutions requires that the management of zakat, infaq, and sadaq (ZIS) funds be transparent, accountable and prioritize professional principles. For this reason, there needs to be support from information systems and information technology to achieve these business goals. Information systems and technology will be utilized optimally if the development is aligned with the business objectives of the organization. Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a bridge to harmonize the business needs of an organization with Information Systems and Information Technology. Enterprise architecture planning at the LAZ has been designed using The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) with Architecture Development Method (ADM). Data collection is done by interviewing and making direct observations of the organization. Analysis tools used are the Unified Modelling Language (UML) method and the Value Chain method. The results of this study are blue print business architecture, data architecture, application architecture so that it can support the business processes that exist in LAZISMU.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-230
Mukhsin Mukhsin

government agencies engaged in infrastructure / building and building construction. One important strategy in dealing with the development of information technology is the use and enhancement of information system support for agencies or agencies. The alignment of the application of information systems with the needs of the organization as an agency that prioritizes community service in the field of development infrastructure is only able to be answered by paying attention to the integrity factor in its development. The purpose of information system integrity with the actual needs of the organization is to reduce the gap that occurs in the system development process. To reduce the gap, a paradigm is needed in planning, designing, and managing information systems. The paradigm or methodology used in the planning of information systems infrastructure construction infrastructure uses TOGAF-ADM. Stages in the development of information systems by modeling business architecture, data architecture, application architecture and technology architecture in accordance with the TOGAF-ADM framework. The output of this stage will produce a reference (blueprint) by the agency to achieve its strategic objectives.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Hanifatus Sa’diyah ◽  
Bambang Soedijono ◽  
M. Rudyanto Arief

Perkembangan teknologi yang memasuki era internet of thing saat ini semakin diminati di setiap elemen masyarakat. Salah satu perkembangan teknologi yang telah diterapkan adalah learning management system guna menunjang sarana pendidikan di Indonesia. Kesempatan pengembangan perangkat LMS masih sangat terbuka, namun para developer lokal di Indonesia masih belum dapat melihat peluang dan tantangan yang ada sehingga menyebabkan minimnya LMS lokal di Indonesia. Metode analisis penelitian ini menggunakan Framework Zachman yang merupakan salah satu metode Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) yang digunakan untuk perancangan sistem dengan cara menyajikan langkah yang sistematis, mudah dipahami, dan dapat dijadikan kontrol untuk pengembangan sistem dimasa mendatang. Penelitian ini menghasilkan blueprint learning management system yang dipetakan kebentuk matrik Zachman yang mewakili sudut pandang penggagas AKRB Yogyakarta, sudut pandang pemilik yaitu instansi pendidikan, dan sudut pandang pengembang yaitu sistem analis sehingga menghasilkan arsitektur data yang disesuaikan dengan aktifitas proses pembelajaran yang berjalan di AKRB Yogyakarta yaitu mencakup data dosen, data mahasiswa, data mata kuliah, data materi kuliah, dan data tugas perkuliahan, serta desain jaringan yang telah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan. Kata Kunci — Teknologi Informasi, Learning Management System, Framework Zachman The development of technology that has entered the internet of things era is increasingly in demand in every element of society. One of the technological developments that has been implemented is the learning management system to support educational facilities in Indonesia. The opportunity to develop LMS devices is still very open, but local developers in Indonesia still cannot see the opportunities, leading to the lack of local LMS in Indonesia. The method of analysis of this study uses the Zachman Framework which is one of the Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) methods used for system design by presenting steps that are systematic, easy to understand, and can be used as controls for future system development. This study resulted in a blueprint learning management system that was mapped to the Zachman matrix which represented the viewpoint of the Yogyakarta AKRB initiator, the owner's point of view, the educational institution, and the developer point of view that the system analyst produced a data architecture adapted to the learning process activities in the Yogyakarta AKRB includes lecturer data, student data, course data, lecture material data, and lecture assignment data, as well as network design that has been tailored to the needs. Keywords — Information Technology, Learning Management System, Zachman Framework

Heri Santoso

<strong><em>Penerapan teknologi informasi pada perguruan tinggi memerlukan perencanaan yang matang agar searah dengan visi dan misi serta rencana strategis dari perguruan tinggi. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan agar penerapan teknologi informasi dapat berjalan baik adalah dengan menggunakan Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP). Metode analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis Value Chain dengan pemodelan arsitektur menggunakan kerangka kerja Zachman. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa arsitektur sistem informasi, arsitektur data, dan arsitektur teknologi yang dapat digunakan sebagai acuan bagi pengembangan sistem informasi, khususnya pada bidang layanan tridharma, sehingga dapat menunjang terpacainya visi dan misi perguruan tinggi.</em></strong>

Wawa Wikusna

Vocational High School (SMK) is established to prepare productive and competitive labor. Each SMK has the vision to be the best school that provides the best service to the stakeholders in generating the smart and competitive Indonesian people. The achievement of the mission would be succeeded by building an integrated information system at school. Currently, many SMKs do not have an information system development plan that suits the core business aspect as the primary drivers, such as the organizational issues, human resources, environment, information technology, and application development aspects. Therefore, the design of enterprise architecture model is needed to generate data architecture, application architecture, technology architecture, and direction of the implementation plan for the school. In this study, the authors designed the enterprise architecture for SMK that can build the achievement of school goals. The method used is Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP). With the design of enterprise architecture, the development of information systems in SMK would have an appropriate and effective direction for achieving the goals.

Techno Com ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-75
Amar P Natasuwarna

Penggunaan sistem manual pada procurement hutan tanaman industri menimbulkan kesulitan yang berakibat proses pekerjaan procurement menjadi lambat, sehingga menimbulkan keberatan dari user yang terhambat dalam menjalankan pekerjaannya. Selain itu sebagian supplier menjadi tidak mau lagi memasok barang pada perusahaan akibat lamanya pembayaran yang dilakukan oleh finance. Untuk memperoleh penyelesaian terhadap masalah  tersebut maka digunakan beberapa metode seperti wawancara, analisis SWOT, analisis Value Chain, dan menerapkan Zachman Framework sebagai Enterprise Architecture. Metode wawancara digunakan untuk memperoleh informasi dari sumber-sumber langsung yang terlibat dalam proses procurement. Dengan metode analisis SWOT diperoleh kekuatan, kelemahan, kesempatan dan ancaman penerapan procurement selama ini.  Metode analisis Value Chain memperkuat definisi faktor utama dan faktor penunjang terhadap keberhasilan suatu rancangan sistem baru berbasis web yang disebut E-Procurement. Penerapan metode Zachman Framework dapat dengan jelas  memperlihatkan rancangan sistem dari berbagai sudut pandang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan analisis terhadap pelaksanaan sistem procurement dan menghasilkan rancangan baru  E-Procurement menggunakan Zachman Framework pada perusahaan hutan tanaman industri.

Muhammad Yusuf Morais ◽  
Habibullah Akbar

Institute of Business (IOB) is committed to achieve its goals, i.e. becomes a place for economics and business as well as computer science developers, and prepare a ready-to-use Human Resources (HR), especially for Timor Leste. At present, IOB does not have an alignment between business processes and information systems owned. Therefore, this paper proposes an architectural design that bridges the alignment. The methods used to build the framework are include Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP), SWOT, Value Chain, and Mc Farlan Grid. The built frameworks are focused on the needs of the application architecture. The resulted portfolio has 45 applications for various divisions of IOB. In addition, the SWOT analysis shows that IOB's internal and external factors are in the second quadrant. Thus, IOB's position is relatively strong, though it is facing a big challenge. The recommended strategy is the Strengths-Threats (ST) strategy that uses the company’s strength to overcome the threats. This strategy includes improving facilities, adding faculties and departments, developing academic information systems, improving the quality of learning, and improving the human resources quality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Anjas Tryana

With the development of technology today, it is very important for every company to plan and develop a system to support business processes in each company. Achieving the goals of an enterprise faces challenges and changes that require strategies for effective measures and efficient use of resources. One important and increasingly widely used strategy is the use and improvement of information system support for the enterprise. This plan can utilize enterprise architecture planning methodology that produces data architecture, application architecture, technology architecture, and the direction of its implementation plan for the enterprise.CV Biensi Fesyenindo is engaged in retail garment, with branches throughout Indonesia, covering the areas of Kalimantan, Sulawesai, NTB, NTT, Bali, Java and Sumatra. In their daily activities, they carry out production to distribution processes to meet market and employee needs.The enterprise architecture model used in this study is by using Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP). EAP is a process of defining enterprise architecture that focuses on data architecture, applications and technology in supporting business and plans to implement the architecture, where the EAP method has several stages, starting from planning in planning, business modeling , Current System and Technology (Current System & Technology), Data Architecture (Data Architecture), Application Architecture (Applications Architecture), Technology Architecture (Technology Architecture), Implementation Plans (Implementation Plans).The results of this study are recommendations for information systems for Fesyenindo Biensi CV in the form of enterprise architecture planing blue print planning that is successful in defining 5 main business processes, which consist of application architecture data architecture and for technological architecture to produce technology architecture proposals divided into 5 chapters 110 pages .

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