scholarly journals Seminoma and sertolioma in non-cryptorchid dog – case report

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 281-286
Guilherme Mantuani Silva ◽  
Isabela Cristina de Oliveira ◽  
Rodrigo Samuel de Toledo ◽  
Juliana Evangelista Bezerril ◽  
Gabriela Maria Benedetti Vasques ◽  

The most common testicular neoplasms in dogs are seminoma, leydigocytoma and sertolioma, affecting middle--aged and elderly dogs, where cryptorchidism is a predisposing factor, as well as some breeds. It can occur alone or, less fren-quently, concurrently, generally affecting the same testicle. This study aimed to report the case of a non-cryptorchid 14-year--old mixed breed dog diagnosed with seminoma and sertolioma, each in a testicle. The animal showed an increase in scrotal volume, with no changes in other clinical parameters on physical examination. On ultrasound examination, it was possible to observe alterations suggestive of neoplasia in both testicles and prostatic alteration suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Complementary blood count and biochemical tests were performed and, as treatment, orchiectomy was performed. Fragments were collected from both testicles and sent for histopathological examination. Microscopy of the left testicle showed the presence of round cells, multiple and evident nucleoli, cells in different phases of mitosis and binucleation, these changes being compa-tible with seminoma. In contrast, in the right testicle, spindle and elongated cells (pseudo-lobular) were observed, presence of long cytoplasmic projections with rounded ovoid nucleus, spindle cells and degeneration of seminiferous tubules, compatible with sertolioma. It was observed that physical examination associated with ultrasound was efficient to detect the presence of neoplasms, being validated by histopathological examination. Orchiectomy was an assertive treatment indicated for this case.

2017 ◽  
Vol 56 (1) ◽  
pp. 9

A 7-year old female collie (case 1), a 3-year old male Caucasian-cross (case 2) and three male German shepherds with an age of 11 (case 3), 8.5 (case 4) and 10 (case 5) years, respectively, were admitted with a history of decreased appetite, depression, exercise intolerance, dyspnea and progressive abdominal enlargement, for the last 10 to 60 days. Poor body condition (5/5), muffled heart sounds (5/5), weak femoral pulse (5/5), ascites (5/5), inspiratory or inspiratory-expiratory dyspnea (5/5), pulsus paradoxus (2/5) and jugular vein distension (2/5) were the prominent clinical findings, while mature neutrophilic leukocytosis (3/5), lymphopenia (3/5), eosinopenia (3/5), hypoproteinemia (5/5) and increased urea nitrogen (3/5) were the most prevalent clinicopathologic abnormalities. Apart from a space-occupying lesion onto the right atrial wall of one dog (case 4), radiographic and ultrasound examination showed a globe-shaped cardiac silhouette (5/5), pericardial effusion (5/5), ascites (5/5) and pleural effusion (4/5). A large amount of non-clotting hemorrhagic effusion was drained during pericardiocentesis, resulting in rapid clinical recovery. Physical, chemical and cytological evaluation of the pericardial fluid was non-contributory in the differentiation between neoplastic and non-neoplastic causes of these effusions. Case 3 died 25 days post-pericardiocentesis; right atrium hemangiosarcoma and pulmonary metastases were documented on post mortem histopathological examination. Another dog (case 5) died of unknown causes one month after pericardiocentensis. On the contrary, dogs 1, 2 and 4 were still clinically healthy for a followup period of 16, 2 and 8 months, respectively.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 398-402
Prof Enrico Bigliardi ◽  
Carla Bresciani ◽  
Valeria De Cesaris ◽  
Enrico Parmigiani

A two-years old male mixed breed dog weighing 11 kg was brought to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital by its owner because he noticed a pigmented skin zone with a mass lateral to the penis. The patient was in good clinical condition. On clinical examination, only one testicle was found within the scrotum, and a mass lateral to the right site of the penis was present; upon palpation, the mass was presumed to be a testicle. An ultrasound examination confirmed the presence of an ectopic testicle in that position. The dog had normal fertility and testosterone levels were normal. The patient underwent bilateral orchiectomy and was discharged the following day. The peculiarity of this case is the presence of two independent scrota, an ectopic testicle and its adnexa passing through the abdominal wall, was not supposed to be due a migration along the typical male gonad path during descent.

2005 ◽  
Vol 123 (5) ◽  
pp. 253-255 ◽  
Délio Marques Conde ◽  
Renato Zocchio Torresan ◽  
Eiji Kashimoto ◽  
Luiz Eduardo Campos de Carvalho ◽  
Cássio Cardoso Filho

CONTEXT: Supernumerary breast tissue may be affected by the same diseases and alterations that compromise topical breast tissue. Nevertheless, reports of fibroadenoma in supernumerary breast tissue in the axillae are rare. OBJECTIVE: To describe a case of fibroadenoma in an axillary supernumerary breast. DESIGN: Case report. CASE REPORT: A 39-year-old woman was referred to the gynecology and obstetrics outpatient clinic at Hospital Estadual Sumaré, complaining of bilateral axillary masses. The patient reported cosmetic problems and local pain and discomfort. On physical examination, alterations compatible with bilateral axillary accessory breasts, without palpable nodules, were observed. Supplementary examinations (mammography and ultrasonography) revealed a 1.1 cm mass in the right axillary breast. The patient underwent resection of the supernumerary breasts and histopathological examination revealed fibroadenoma of the right axillary breast tissue.

2019 ◽  
Vol 49 (8) ◽  
Renata Dalcol Mazaro ◽  
Rafael Almeida Fighera ◽  
Flávia Serena da Luz ◽  
Alana Pivoto Herbichi

ABSTRACT: A 10-year-old male large mixed breed dog was presented with skin ulcers and fracture on the right hind limb caused by vehicle collision. Given required limb amputation, and as being a shelter senior dog, euthanasia was requested by the owner and a complete post-mortem examination was conducted immediately after death. Gross changes were consistent with marked bilateral nephromegaly. Histopathological examination of the kidneys revealed round cells filling blood vessels. Immunohistochemically, the round cells were positive for CD3 antibody. Based on these findings, in absence of involvement of the bone marrow and peripheral blood, and inexistence of primary extravascular masses, the tumor was classified as T-cell intravascular lymphoma. To the author’s knowledge, this is the first report describing intravascular lymphoma involving the kidneys alone in a dog.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Junita Joseph ◽  
Linda W. A. Rotty

Abstract: In general, lung cancer is all kinds of malignancy of the lung. It consists of malignancy derived from the lung itself (primary) and from out of the lung (metastasis). Clinically, primary lung cancers are malignant tumors derived from bronchial epithelium (bronchial carcinoma). Lung cancer is the main cause of death due to malignancy worldwide. We reported a male of 55-year-old male diagnosed as lung cancer. Diagnosis was based on anamnesis, physical examination, and supporting investigations. Anamnesis included smoking for 10 years ±15 cigarettes/day and complaints of shortness of breath, coughing, chest pain radiating to the back, and significant weight loss. Physical examination revealed enlargement of the right supraclavicular gland and decreased breath sounds in the right lung at the fifth intercostal space. Thorax photo, thorax CT-scan, and histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of lung cancer (adeno-carcinoma). Chemotherapy was administered with a combination of gemcitabine-cisplatin regimens for 12 cycles. The prognosis of this patient was poor because the disease had reached stage 4. However, the patient felt some clinical improvement after one month of chemotherapy.Keywords: lung cancer Abstrak: Kanker paru dalam arti luas adalah semua penyakit keganasan di paru, mencakup keganasan yang berasal dari paru sendiri (primer) maupun keganasan dari luar paru (metastasis). Dalam pengertian klinis yang dimaksud dengan kanker paru primer adalah tumor ganas yang berasal dari epitel bronkus (karsinoma bronkus). Kanker paru merupakan penyebab utama kematian akibat keganasan di dunia Kami melaporkan sebuah kasus kanker paru pada seorang laki-laki berusia 55 tahun. Diagnosis ditegakkan berdasarkan anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik, dan pemeriksaan penunjang yang meliputi adanya riwayat merokok (sigaret) selama 10 tahun sebanyak ±15 batang rokok/hari, dengan sesak nafas, batuk, nyeri dada menjalar sampai ke punggung, dan penurunan berat badan yang nyata. Pada pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan pembesaran kelenjar supraklavikular kanan dan suara nafas menurun pada paru kanan setinggi sela iga V. Pada pemeriksaan penunjang foto toraks, thorax CT-scan, dan histopatologik didapatkan hasil yang menyokong diagnosis kanker paru (adenokarsinoma). Pada pasien ini, telah diberikan penata-laksanaan kemoterapi dengan kombinasi regimen gemcitabine-cisplatin selama 12 siklus. Progno-sis pasien ini buruk karena sudah sampai pada stadium 4, namun dengan kemoterapi yang dijalani sampai saat ini selama 1 bulan, pasien merasakan adanya perbaikan secara klinis.Kata kunci: kanker paru

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. e228061 ◽  
Ayad Ahmad Mohammed ◽  
Sardar Hassan Arif

A 35-year-old woman presented to the surgical clinic complaining of right hypochondrial pain for 4 days. Abdominal examination revealed tenderness on deep palpation in the right hypochonrdium, with no palpable organs or masses. The patient had repeated attacks of the same pain that mandated repeated admissions to the emergency hospital and treated conservatively. The white blood cell count was 13 000 cells/μL. Ultrasound examination of the abdomen showed thick-walled gall bladder, thick bile, with no visible stones and acalculous cholecystitis was the diagnosis. Decision done for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. After removal of the gall bladder and opening the bladder, a thick milky contents was found to fill the gall bladder with no stones. The diagnosis of limy bile syndrome then done. Histopathological examination of the gall bladder showed features of chronic cholecystitis with no malignancy. The patient discharged on the third postoperative day with no complications.

2022 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
Fernanda Conte ◽  
Adriane Strack ◽  
Amanda Leite Bastos-Pereira ◽  
Marcy Lancia Pereira

Background: Transmissible venereal tumors (TVT) are naturally occurring neoplasms that can be transmitted through copulation or cell transplantation. It is a disease that affects canines, has no preference for sex or breed, and generally noticed in the external genital apparatus. Extragenital occurrence may eventually be seen; however, nasal involvement has been described in only a few reports of studies conducted in Brazil. Therefore, the objective of this study is to report 3 cases of nasal TVT in dogs who were treated in 2 municipalities in the mountainous region of Santa Catarina, Brazil.Cases: This case report includes 3 male mixed-breed canines of age 3-13. Only 1 of the animals was castrated. As per the medical history, some points, such as an enlarged nasal region, sneezing, nasal discharge, and hoarseness, reported by the dogs’ respective owners were similar among all the dogs. Likewise, nosebleed was observed on physical examination in all the cases. The result of cytological examination was inconclusive only in 1 case. Rhinoscopy, incisional biopsy, and histopathological examination were then performed for achieving a definitive diagnosis. In the 2 cases wherein cytology gave conclusive results, the cytological smears showed changes suggestive of TVT, such as cells with eccentric nuclei and little cytoplasm, which had vacuoles inside them. In 2 cases, radiographic examinations of the skull were also performed. The images showed changes in bone radiopacity, conformation of trabeculae with areas of bone lysis and cell proliferation, and irregularity in the contour of the nasal bone. After TVT diagnosis was confirmed, chemotherapy was initiated using vincristine at a dose of 0.75 mg/m2 for 2 cases and 0.025 mg/kg for the remaining case. The number of chemotherapy sessions and duration of treatment until the resolution of lesions and clinical signs varied as per the differences in the patients’ blood counts performed prior to each session.Discussion: TVT occurs between 1 and 7 years of life. It occurs more frequently in sexually active animals and has no preference for breed. Of the 3 cases reported herein, only one of the patients was elderly. All the patients were male mixed-breed dogs, and only 1 of them was castrated. The implantation of neoplastic cells through natural mounts, licks, scratches, or bites of affected areas are the most widely accepted reasons for the transmission of this neoplasm. With regard to the nasal presentation described in the present report, it is hypothesized that the smelling or licking of the neoplastic areas by the animal may favor cell implantation, leading to the subsequent development of a tumor. Nasal TVT should be considered as a differential diagnosis for dogs with chronic symptoms of the upper respiratory tract, such as increased local volume, nasal discharge, nosebleed, and sneezing. These signs are consistent with those described in this report. Radiographic evaluation was performed in 2 cases and both showed changes in bone radiopacity and trabeculae conformation, in addition to areas of bone lysis and cell proliferation, which are common in neoplastic processes. A presumptive diagnosis can be achieved from the medical history, clinical signs, and physical examination. Cytological and histopathological examination are the confirmatory methods; however, it is used less frequently and especially when cytological evaluation does not provide a definitive diagnosis. Antineoplastic chemotherapy with vincristine is the first-choice treatment protocol, which also proved to be effective for the patients in this report. Although TVT commonly affects the external genitalia of dogs, in the cases reported herein, it was located exclusively in the nasal region. Keywords: TVT, dog, nasal, vincristine.Título: Tumor venéreo transmissível (TVT) nasal em cãesDescritores: TVT, cão, nasal, vincristine.

2019 ◽  
Vol 47 ◽  
Isabel Oliveira Cosentino ◽  
Mario Felipe Alvarez Balaro ◽  
Ana Beatriz Da Silva Carvalho ◽  
Juliane Teramachi Trevizan ◽  
Felipe Zandonadi Brandão ◽  

Background: Seminomas are germ cell tumors mainly originating from spermatogonia in the seminiferous tubules and has been described in several domestic animal species, even though has rarely been described in goats. Moreover, seminomas tumors are not usually metastatic and rarely trigger paraneoplastic syndrome. In this sense, this is a case report of a 12-year-old male Alpine goat, suspected of testicular neoplasm based on clinical examination and ultrasound imaging, diagnosed as a seminoma with metastasis in liver by histopathology upon necropsy.Case: A 12-year-old male Alpine goat presented a 10 month history of progressive weight loss, prostration, and scrotal sac enlargement. The major clinical findings were pale conjunctival mucus, bilateral nasal catarrhal secretion, obstructive dyspnea, an increased abdominal component, crackling at trachea auscultation, silence upon lung auscultation of the ventral area and wheezing upon auscultation of the dorsal area, and enlargement of the left testicle with contralateral atrophy. At the Ultrasonography scan, the enlarged left testicle presented architecture loss, as well as circumscribed masses differing in echogenicity and echotexture with scattered small hyperechoic nodules. The shrunken right testicle showed acoustic shading across the surface suggestive of calcification. Due to the poor prognosis and regard for animal welfare, the goat was euthanized. The main necropsy findings on testicles were: enlarged left testicle with white parenchyma on the dorsal side as well as diffuse yellow elliptical lesions of 0.5-2.5 cm on the surface in association with two circumscribed areas at the cranial and caudal poles, firm upon cutting. The right testicle was half the typical size, slightly pale, firm at cutting of the tunica albuginea, and presented dark parenchyma with abundant calcification dots suggestive of microlithiasis. The histological findings included diffuse tumoral stroma of the left testicle composed of large, polyhedral, discretely demarcated circular cells exhibiting a large nucleus varying in size with little cytoplasm and a high mitotic rate. The right testicle exhibited areas of necrosis and fibrosis of the testicular parenchyma, contiguous with the area of degeneration and normal parenchyma, caseous necrosis, and focal calcification. The liver presented some foci of the same cellular pattern of the seminoma, as described in the parenchyma. The findings summarized at necropsy and histopathological evaluation were seminoma in the left testicle, with metastasis to the liver; degeneration and necrosis of the right testicle with abscess and calcification.Discussion: Seminoma has been described in several species, even though rarely in goats. This report was the second ever seminoma reported in caprine species, and particularly this case presented liver metastasis, showing the pathologic potential of this neoplasia for this species, and it differed from first reported which described ulcerative lesions in, and adhesion of the skin covering the testis. Regarding the US scan, even though this technique cannot be considered as a conclusive diagnostic, it may help to reach a prognosis by the tumor’s characteristics. An US scan along with cytology or biopsy enables an earlier diagnosis of testicular lesions and prognosis. Orchidectomy, when unilateral, can be carried out to increase the animal's productive life.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Mariani V. Lasut ◽  
Rita S. Tanamal ◽  
Grace M. Kapantow

Abstract: Chromoblatomycosis is a chronic fungal infection in the skin and subcutaneus tissue caused by pigmented fungi. It occurs most in males in tropical and subtropical countries. The causal fungi were found isolated in woods, decomposed plants, and soil.  Early lesions manifest as papules that become hypertrophy plaques, and in years they develop to become hyperkeratotic masses. Chromoblastomycosis is difficult to treat. We reported a female of 37 years with lesions on the right foot for 20 years in the forms of plaques, papulonodules, multiple verrucous lesions. Lesions had hard consistency and were associated with erosion, crustae, and minimal pus. Several supporting tests were carried out. KOH 20% test resulted in sclerotic bodies; fungal culture revealed Fonsecaea pedrosoi; and histopathological examination showed chronic granulomatous inflamation. The patient was treated with itraconazole 2 x 200 mg daily, which was planned for 8-12 months. After 2 months of treatment, the lesions improved. Conclusion: Based on anamnesis, physical examination, KOH test, tissue culture, and histopathology examination, this case was diagnosed as chromoblatomycosis. Fonsecaea pedrosoi was found as the causative agent. Oral antimycotic itrakonazole 2 x 200 mg/day showed lesion improvement after 2 months of treatment. The patient will be evaluated until full treatment  has been achieved. Keywords: chromoblastomycosis, Fonsecaea pedrosoi, itrakonazole     Abstrak: Kromoblastomikosis merupakan infeksi jamur kronis pada kulit dan jaringan subkutan, disebabkan jamur berpigmen, umumnya pada laki-laki, banyak ditemukan di daerah tropis/subtropis, terisolasi di lingkungan dari kayu, sisa tanaman, dan tanah. Lesi awal berupa papul yang membesar membentuk plak hipertrofi dalam beberapa tahun menjadi massa hiperkeratotik. Kromoblastomikosis sukar disembuhkan. Kami melaporkan seorang perempuan 37 tahun dengan lesi pada kaki kanan sejak 20 tahun lalu berupa plak, papulonodul, verukous multipel, konsistensi keras, disertai erosi, krusta, pus yang minimal. Pada pemeriksaan KOH 20% didapatkan badan sklerotik, pemeriksaan kultur jamur ditemukan Fonsecaea pedrosoi, histopatologis menunjukkan radang kronik granulomatik. Terapi itrakonazole 2x200 mg/hari akan diberikan selama 8–12 bulan. Setelah 2 bulan pengobatan terdapat perbaikan. Simpulan: Pada kasus ini, diagnosis kromoblastomikosis ditegakkan berdasarkan anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik, dan pemeriksaan penunjang berupa KOH, kultur jaringan, dan histopatologi. Hasil kultur menunjukkan Fonsecaea pedrosoi sebagai penyebab kromoblastomikosis. Pemberian antimikotik oral itrakonazole 2 x 200 mg/hari menunjukkan perbaikan setelah 2 bulan pengobatan. Evaluasi akan terus dilanjutkan sampai pengobatan selesai. Kata kunci: kromoblastomikosis, Fonsecaea pedrosoi, itrakonazole

2018 ◽  
Vol 70 (6) ◽  
pp. 1907-1910 ◽  
M.L.A. Mistieri ◽  
I.C.K. Cruz ◽  
J.P.E. Pascon ◽  
F.W. Strey ◽  
S. Dill ◽  

ABSTRACT Muscle injuries are often reported in humans, but uncommon in dogs. The etiology is degenerative or traumatic, and traumatic is more common in athletes. The diagnosis is obtained by a combination of orthopedic physical examination and imaging diagnosis, such as ultrasonography. Therapy aims to optimize healing and avoid complications. The present study reports a case of partial rupture of thigh adductor muscle in a dog presenting acute lameness of the right pelvic limb. Swelling and pain in the medial region of the thigh was noticed. Ultrasound examination confirmed partial rupture of the thigh adductor muscle. The treatment included non-steroid anti-inflammatory, warm compresses, and rest. Ultrasound examinations were useful in this case to evaluate the progression of the lesion, which was rapid and satisfactory.

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