The Impacts of Virtual Manipulatives and Prior Knowledge on Geometry Learning Performance in Junior High School

2014 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-201 ◽  
Chun-Yi Lee ◽  
Ming-Jang Chen
2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Fitraning Tyas Puji Pangesti ◽  
Endah Retnowati

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar geometri SMP berbasis Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) serta mendeskripsikan kualitas kevalidan, kepraktisan dan keefektifan bahan ajar tersebut. Bahan ajar yang dikembangkan berupa buku pengayaan geometri untuk SMP kelas VII dan VIII sesuai dengan Kurikulum 2006. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan model penelitian desain dari Plomp yang terdiri atas tiga tahap: preliminary research, prototyping phase, dan assessment phase. Subjek coba terdiri dari 32 siswa kelas VII dan 32 siswa kelas VIII dari dua SMP Negeri di Kabupaten Wonosobo, beserta masing-masing satu guru matematika dari sekolah tersebut. Subjek coba yang menggunakan bahan ajar ini telah menguasai kompetensi dasar pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menghasilkan bahan ajar geometri SMP berbasis CLT yang memenuhi aspek kevalidan, kepraktisan dan keefektifan. Hasil evaluasi formatif 1 menyatakan bahwa bahan ajar yang dikembangkan memenuhi kriteria valid. Hasil evaluasi formatif 2 dan evaluasi sumatif menyatakan bahwa bahan ajar memenuhi kriteria praktis. Keefektifan bahan ajar terlihat dari hasil penilaian prestasi belajar yang menunjukkan bahwa persentase siswa kelas VII yang mencapai KKM adalah 78% dengan rata-rata nilai klasikal 78 dan persentase siswa kelas VIII yang mencapai KKM adalah 75% dengan rata-rata nilai klasikal 80. Secara keseluruhan, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar yang dikembangkan layak digunakan.Kata Kunci: bahan ajar, pengayaan, geometri SMP, Cognitive Load Theory.  Developing Geometry Learning Materials for Junior High School Based on Cognitive Load Theory with Regard to Student’s Achievement AbstractThis study was aimed to develop a geometry learning materials for junior high school based on Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) and to describe the quality with respect to the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the developed learning materials consisting of advanced geometry for seventh and eighth graders referring to the Curriculum of 2006. The research was a qualitative study using design research model suggested by Plomp, involving three phases: preliminary research, prototyping, and assessment. Research participants were 32 seventh and 32 eighth grade students at two public junior high schools in Wonosobo, as well as their mathematics teachers. These students had acquired minimum competencies to use the learning materials. This research resulted in junior high school geometry learning materials based on CLT, which satisfies the validity, practicality, and effectiveness aspects. The result of first formative evaluation informed that learning materials were categorized valid. The results of second formative evaluation and summative evaluation revealed that the learning materials were categorized practical. The effectiveness of learning materials could be seen from the results of the achievement test which showed that the percentage of seventh graders who passed the minimum criteria was 78%, with an average test score was 78; and the percentage of eighth graders who passed the minimum criteria was 75%, with an average test score was 80. Overall, the results showed that the developed learning materials can be used widely.Keywords: learning materials, advance, geometry SMP, Cognitive Load Theory.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Indirani Dwi Pursitasari ◽  
Siti Nuryanti ◽  
Amran Rede

Critical thinking skills should be trained and practiced in the learning process. This study aimed to describe the use of Innovative-Thematic Based Integrated Science (ITBIS) Learning Program to improve critical thinking skills of junior high school students in Palu. The study conducted in the 7th grade from one of Palu public schools and one of Palu private schools. Data were collected by observation sheet of learning performance and students activity, also test instrument for measuring students’ critical thinking skills. The data of learning performance and students activity were analyzed quantitatively, whereas the data of critical thinking skills were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The result showed that lTBIS learning can be done well either in public school and private school with average 98,03% and 90,20% respectively. ITBIS learning also improve students activity in the learning process. The average of critical thinking skills improvement (N-gain) was 68% (public school) and 63% (private school), and there were no significant differences between both of them. It showed that lTBIS learning can be used to build critical thinking skills of junior high school students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-116
Ani Nurwijayanti ◽  
Budiyono Budiyono ◽  
Laila Fitriana

This study aims to develop geometry learning media on curved-solid objects using Ispring Suite 8 with 3D effects supported by Google SketchUp. It also aims to find the effectiveness of the media towards the basic geometry skills and the learning result of 9th-grade students of junior high school. This study is a development study which refers to Budiyono’s development model that includes four stages. These stages are the preliminary, product development, product trial on its effectiveness, dissemination and product implementation. The entire stage was imposed on three different schools in Karanganyar, one of a district in Indonesia, by using stratified cluster random sampling. Within the three schools, we took seven classes to join the effectiveness test through the assessment questionnaire and the before-after test, as well as the efficacy test after the expert's judgement using the validation sheet. The result shows that the geometry learning media is valid based on the experts' validation judgement, and also practical based on the teacher and students’ judgement in the trial of the product. The students’ basic geometry skills and learning result are improved after getting the treatment with the media. Finally, we can conclude that this media is effective and able to be used further in the junior high school level.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-28
Roudhotul Hildayani

This research is used quantitative method and the design used in this research was  ex post facto. In collecting the data, the reseacher administer questionairre then share the reading test to the students. In analyzing the data, the reseacher used linear regression in SPSS 16.0.the result of this research  shows that there is effect or influence between prior knowledge of english and reading ability. Based on the calculation linear reggresion, the gain of sig is 0.021  which is less than 0.05  . it mean s that prior knowledge of english at elementary school influence the reading ability of junior high school students. It can be concluded that the students who get  prior knowledge of english at elementary school are having better reading ability than those who do not.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 443
Hasyim As’ari ◽  
Soeparman Kardi ◽  
Tjandra Kirana

Research development of Integrated Science teaching materials connected type with Dick and Carey model on subject matter water pollution and which aims to improve the learning outcomes of students. The research subject of teaching materials which tested on 32 student of junior high school with design one-group pretest-posttest, and analyzed using descriptive quantitative. The results are validation of teaching materials is valid, learning performance is good. Tests of students learning outcomes were analyzed with N-Gain Increased. Psychomotor skills of students is good), and the teaching materials can develop to students attitudes. The conclusion of this research, that the integrated science teaching materials connected type with environment source learning students in junior high school is feasible and can improve the learning outcomes of studentsTelah dilakukan suatu penelitian pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran IPA terpadu tipe connected dengan model Dick and Carey pada pokok bahasan pencemaran air dan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa SMP.  Subyek penelitian perangakat pembelajaran yang diujicobakan pada 32 siswa SMP dengan rancangan one group pretest-posttest,sedangkan analisis data secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil validasi perangkat pembelajaran valid, keterlaksanaan pembelajaran baik. Tes hasil belajar siswa dianalisis dengan N-Gain mengalami peningkatan, kemampuan psikomotor siswa baik, dan perangkat pembelajaran dapat mengembangkan sikap siswa. Simpulan penelitian ini, bahwa perangkat pembelajaran IPA terpadu tipe connected dengan sumber belajar lingkungan sekitar pada siswa SMP layak dan  dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa.

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