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Athenea ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 55-60
Edison Wernher Ceballos Bejarano ◽  
Asencio Alejandro Huaita Bedregal

Engineering is part of one of the most forward-thinking careers in industries. In this work, the elementary principles of engineering projects in university education are evaluated and the minimum criteria that an engineering project should have are established so that the future professional develops the necessary skills for their performance as an engineer. A bibliographic review of engineering education is then carried out and the formulation of projects that make the development of practical skills possible. Keywords: Engineering practices, academic projects, industry 4.0. References [1]A. Olaya, Bioinformática como recurso educativo: Proyecto de ingeniería, Córdoba: Universidad de Córdoba, 2018. [2]L. Antoni, La Industria 4.0 en la sociedad digital, Barcelona: Marge Books, 2019. [3]d. V. José, «Industria 4.0: la transformación digital de la industria,» Universidad de Deusto, Deusto. [4]G. Mendizábal and A. Escalante, «El reto de la educación 4.0: competencias laborales para el trabajo emergentepor la covid-19,» RICSH, vol. 10, nº 19, pp. 261 - 283., 2021. [5]R. Ramirez-Mendoza, R. Morales-Menendez, H. Iqbal and R. Parra-Saldivar, «Educación en Ingeniería 4.0: - propuesta para un nuevo currículo,» de EDUCON, Conferencia Global de Educación en Ingeniería de la IEEE 2018, 2018. [6]T. P. Ngoc and N. M. Tri, «Desarrollar la educación superior en el contexto de la revolución industrial 4.0,» Multicultural Education, vol. 7, nº 6, pp. 208-217, 2021. [7]A. Benešová and J. Tupa, «Requisitos para la educación y calificación de las personas en la industria 4.0,» Procedia Manufacturing, vol. 11, pp. 2195-2202, 2017. [8]C. Huerta and M. Velázquez, «Educación 4.0 como respuesta a la Industria 4.0: un estudio analítico-descriptivo,» Ciencia Latina, vol. 5, nº 1, 2021. [9]R. L. Katz, «Capital humano para la transformación digital en América Latina,» CEPAL, 2018. [10]R. Pallás-Areny, «LA INGENIERÍA ELECTRÓNICA Y LA MEDICINA,» [Online]. Available: [Last access: 27 12 2021]. [11]H. Medellín, G. González, R. Espinosa, E. Govea and T. Lim, «Desarrollo de Aplicaciones de Realidad Virtual y Sistemas Hápticos en Ingeniería, medicina y arte,» de Ciencias de la Ingeniería y Tecnología, San Luis Potosí-Mexico, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, 2014, pp. 77-93. [12]S. Chris, E. Ray, J. Andrew and L. Jason, «Designing cranial implants in a haptic augmented reality environment,» Communications of the ACM, vol. 47, nº 8, pp. 33-38, 2004. [13]G. Sabine, K. Erwin and G. Bernd, «Advances in interactive craniofacial surgery planning by 3D simulation and visualization.,» Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, vol. 24, pp. 120-125, 1995. [14]P. Philipp, G. B. Alexander, P. Andreas, V. S. Norman, P. Bernhard, P. Andreas, H. Karl-Heinz, T. Ulf, S. Ingo and H. Max, «Virtual Dental Surgery as a New Educational Tool in Dental School,» Journal of Cranio- Maxillo-Facial Surgery, vol. 38, pp. 560-564, 2010. [15]C. Castañeda and F. Vázquez, «Realidad Virtual, un apoyo en la Terapia de Acrofobia, Claustrofobia y Agorafobia, » de Memorias del VIII Congreso Internacional sobre Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico (CIINDET 2011), Cuernavaca Morelos, México., 2011. [16]F. Suárez, O. Flor and L. Rosales, «Sistema de interpretación de conductas para identificación de situaciones de riesgo,» Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, vol. E31, pp. 309-317, 2020. [17]La importancia de las letras, «La historia de la educación,» 2010. [Online]. Available: [Last access: 27 11 2021]. [18]V. Guichot, «HISTORIA DE LA EDUCACIÓN: REFLEXIONES SOBRE SU OBJETO, UBICACIÓN EPISTEMOLÓGICA, DEVENIR HISTÓRICO Y TENDENCIAS ACTUALES,» Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativos, vol. 2, nº 1, pp. 11-51, 2006. [19]K. Zambrano, «Línea de tiempo de la historia de la educación,» 13 septiembre 2018. [Online]. Available: [Last access: 24 11 2021]. [20]M. Begoña Tellería, «Educación y nuevas tecnologías. Educación a Distancia y Educación Virtual,» Revista de Teoría y Didáctica de las Ciencias, nº 9, pp. 209-222, 2004. [21]R. Nieto, «EDUCACIÓN VIRTUAL O VIRTUALIDAD DE LA EDUCACIÓN,» Rev.hist.educ.latinoam, vol. 14, nº 19, 2012. [22]S. Levy, D. Romero and R. Pasini, «Implementacón práctica del agilismo en proyecto de Ingeniería de Software, » de XLV Jornadas Argentinas de Informática e Investigación Operativa, Argentina, 2016.

Christian Whalen

AbstractArticle 24 reflects the perspective of the drafters that the right to health cannot be understood in narrow bio-medical terms or limited to the delivery of health services. Rather, in its reference, for example, to food, water, sanitation, and environmental dangers, it recognises the wider social and economic factors that influence and impact on the child’s state of health. Thus, the text of Article 24 sets out: a broad right to health for all children combined with a right of access to health services a priority focus on measures to address infant and child mortality, the provision of primary health care, nutritious food and clean drinking water, pre-natal and post-natal care, and preventive health care, including family planning the need for effective measures to abolish traditional practices harmful to children’s health a specific obligation on States Parties to cooperate internationally towards the realisation of the child’s right to health everywhere, having particular regard to the needs of developing countries. The right to health is a prime example of the interelatedness of child rights as it is contingent upon and informed by the realization of so many other rights guaranteed to children under the convention. This chapter analyses the child’s right to health in relation to four essential attributes. The first attribute of the child’s right to the highest attainable standard of health emphasizes what an exacting standard this human rights norm contains. Taking a social determinants of health perspective the right entails not just access to health services but programmatic supports in sanitation, transportation, education and other fields to guarantee the enjoyment of health. The second attribute focuses on the Basic minimum criteria of the right to health as reflected in Article 24(2). A third attribute is the insistence upon child health accountability mechanisms using the Availability, Accessibility, Acceptability and Quality Accountability Framework. Finally, given the wide discrepancies in enjoyment of children’s right to health across the globe, a fourth attribute focuses upon international cooperation to ensure equal access to the right to health.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1212 (1) ◽  
pp. 011002

All papers published in this volume of IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing. • Type of peer review: Single-blind Each submitted paper reviewed by two minimum of reviewers after meet the minimum criteria. The review based on the following aspects: 1) Technical Criteria (Scientific merit, Clarity of expression, and Sufficient discussion of the context of the work, and suitable referencing); 2) Quality Criteria (Originality, Motivation, Repetition, Length); and 3) presentation criteria (Title, Abstract, Diagram, figures, tables and captions, Text and mathematics, and Conclusion). We also used iThenticate for plagiarism detection. • Conference submission management system: Easychair • Number of submissions received: 125 • Number of submissions sent for review: 117 • Number of submissions accepted: 90 • Acceptance Rate (Number of Submissions Accepted / Number of Submissions Received X 100): 90/125 = 72% • Average number of reviews per paper: 2 Reviewers • Total number of reviewers involved: 36 • Any additional info on review process: No • Contact person for queries: Name : Dr. Anita Ahmad Kasim Affiliation: Universitas Tadulako, Indonesia Email : [email protected]

2022 ◽  
pp. 110-129
Sadia Jabeen ◽  
Jawad Ali

Due to globalization; utilization of new innovations; adapting to a tempestuous climate; and political, cultural, and economical challenges, organisations face progressing cycles of change. They relegate the duty of expecting change and giving direction to their employees for their professional growth. Because of the change-oriented behavior of employees, the study proposed the importance of understanding the phenomena while examining the subject of change readiness and psychological empowerment of employees during the current era of change. This study examines the mechanism of the effect of servant leadership on change-oriented behavior. The study employed a survey-based method, and data is collected with the help of a questionnaire. The rate of response was 50%, qualifying for the minimum criteria of response rate. For the data analysis, SEM-PLS is used. Results of the current study supported the hypothesised relationships.

2022 ◽  
Vol 955 (1) ◽  
pp. 011002

All conference organisers/editors are required to declare details about their peer review. Therefore, please provide the following information: • Type of peer review: Double-blind • Conference submission management system: Open Acces (Confbay) • Number of submissions received: 48 • Number of submissions sent for review: 48 • Number of submissions accepted: 30 • Acceptance Rate (Number of Submissions Accepted / Number of Submissions Received X 100): 62,50 • Average number of reviews per paper: 5,6 • Total number of reviewers involved: 17 • Any additional info on review process: The peer-review assessment process is carried out with 5 criteria, namely - Relevant to the conference, - Originality of Work, - Suitability of Research Methodology, - Novelty of Findings, - Contribution to Research Advancement and Policy. Each criterion has a value range of 1-5 and a weight value of 4 for each value unit so that the total value of the overall criteria when added up is a maximum of 100. The minimum criteria for accepted manuscripts is a minimum of 40 points. If below that point, the manuscript will be rejected. • Contact person for queries: [email protected] List of Appendix are available in the pdf.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 190-196

This study aims to ensure the implementation of online learning at SDN Krembangan Selatan III during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to measure the ability of teachers to design and implementing creative and innovative online learning according to students' conditions during School From Home (SFH). Teachers carry out digital-based learning by using applications in delivering learning materials to students. Canva application is one of the preferred applications that is considered very appropriate for presenting subject matter online. Canva for Education is an add-on fiture for interactive and comprehensive online learning, also the teaching and learning process can be conducted virtually. Canva for Education can help facilitate a learning environment that matches the continuity, access, and structure of education that makes online learning important. In this study, the researcher using the Research and Development (R&D) methods. The results of the analysis show that online learning creativity at SDN Krembangan Selatan III Surabaya in 2020 has achieved the expected goal, namely after students use the Canva application, learning is not monotonous, and the results have an impact on student academic achievement. Their average score rose, which was initially only 67.4 to 82. The use of the Canva application also affects the percentage of students who pass the mínimum criteria of mastery learning (KKM) from 33% increas to 87% after learning using Canva. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memastikan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran daring di SDN Krembangan Selatan III selama pandemi COVID-19, dan mengukur kemampuan guru dalam merancang serta melaksanakan pembelajaran daring yang kreatif dan inovatif sesuai dengan kondisi siswa selama School From Home (SFH). Guru melaksanakan pembelajaran berbasis digital dengan menggunakan aplikasi Canva dalam menyampaikan materi pembelajaran kepada siswa. Aplikasi canva merupakan salah satu aplikasi pilihan yang dirasa sangat tepat untuk menyajikan materi pelajaran secara daring. Canva untuk Pendidikan adalah fitur tambahan untuk pembelajaran daring yang interaktif, pembelajaran menyeluruh, dan proses pembelajaran bisa dilakukan secara virtual. Canva untuk Pendidikan digunakan sebagai media lingkungan belajar yang menyamai kelangsungan, akses, dan struktur pendidikan yang membuat pentingnya pembelajaran daring. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian pengembangan atau Research & Development (R&D). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kreativitas pembelajaran daring di SDN Krembangan Selatan III Surabaya Tahun 2020 telah mencapai tujuan yang diharapkan yaitu setelah siswa menggunakan aplikasi Canva pembelajaran tidak monoton, dan hasilnya berdampak pada prestasi akademik siswa. Nilai rata-rata mereka naik, yang awalnya hanya sebesar 67,4 menjadi 82. Penggunaan aplikasi canva juga mempengaruhi besarnya presentase siswa yang lolos KKM, dari 33% meningkat menjadi 87% jumlah siswa yang lolos KKM setelah melakukan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan canva

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (12) ◽  
pp. 1001-1005
T. Sumner ◽  
A. Fiore-Gartland ◽  
M. Hatherill ◽  
R. M. G. J. Houben ◽  
T. J. Scriba ◽  

BACKGROUND: Tests that identify individuals at greatest risk of TB will allow more efficient targeting of preventive therapy. The WHO target product profile for such tests defines optimal sensitivity of 90% and minimum sensitivity of 75% for predicting incident TB. The CORTIS (Correlate of Risk Targeted Intervention Study) evaluated a blood transcriptomic signature (RISK11) for predicting incident TB in a high transmission setting. RISK11 is able to predict TB disease progression but optimal prognostic performance was limited to a 6-month horizon.METHODS: Using a mathematical model, we estimated how subsequent Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection may have contributed to the decline in sensitivity of RISK11. We calculated the effect at different RISK11 thresholds (60% and 26%) and for different assumptions about the risk of MTB infection.RESULTS: Modelled sensitivity over 15 months, excluding new infection, was 28.7% (95% CI 12.3–74.1) compared to 25.0% (95% CI 12.7–45.9) observed in the trial. Modelled sensitivity exceeded the minimum criteria (>75%) over a 9-month horizon at the 60% threshold and over 12 months at the 26% threshold.CONCLUSIONS: The effect of new infection on prognostic signature performance is likely to be small. Signatures such as RISK11 may be most useful in individuals, such as household contacts, where probable time of infection is known.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Anne M. Doherty ◽  
Rosie Plunkett ◽  
Katherine McEvoy ◽  
Eric Kelleher ◽  
Maurice Clancy ◽  

Objective: This study aimed to describe the provision of consultation-liaison psychiatry (CLP, also known as liaison psychiatry) services in acute hospitals in Ireland, and to measure it against recommended resourcing levels.Methods: This is a survey of all acute hospitals in Ireland with Emergency Departments, via an electronic survey sent by email and followed up by telephone calls for missing data. Data were collected on service configuration, activity, and resourcing. Data were collected from CLP or proxy services at all acute hospitals with an Emergency Department in Ireland (n = 29). This study measured staffing and activity levels where available.Results: None of the services met the minimum criteria set out by either national or international guidance per 500 bed general hospital.Conclusions: CLP is a relatively new specialty in Ireland, but there are clear international guidelines about the staffing levels required to run these services safely and effectively. In Ireland, despite clear national guidance on staffing levels, no services are staffed to the levels suggested as the minimum. It is likely that patients in Ireland's acute hospitals have worse outcomes, and hospitals have unnecessary costs, due to this lack. This is the first study of CLP provision in Ireland and demonstrates the resource constraints under which most services work and the heterogeneity of services nationally.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Tania Ascencio-Carbajal ◽  
Garbiñe Saruwatari-Zavala ◽  
Fernando Navarro-Garcia ◽  
Eugenio Frixione

Abstract Background Genetic/genomic testing (GGT) are useful tools for improving health and preventing diseases. Still, since GGT deals with sensitive personal information that could significantly impact a patient’s life or that of their family, it becomes imperative to consider Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI). Thus, ELSI studies aim to identify and address concerns raised by genomic research that could affect individuals, their family, and society. However, there are quantitative and qualitative discrepancies in the literature to describe the elements that provide content to the ELSI studies and such problems may result in patient misinformation and harmful choices. Methods We analyzed the major international documents published by international organizations to specify the parameters that define ELSI and the recognized criteria for GGT, which may prove useful for researchers, health professionals and policymakers. First, we defined the parameters of the ethical, legal and social fields in GGT to avoid ambiguities when using the acronym ELSI. Then, we selected nine documents from 44 relevant publications by international organizations related to genomic medicine. Results We identified 29 ELSI sub-criteria concerning to GGT, which were organized and grouped within 10 minimum criteria: two from the ethical field, four from the legal field and four from the social field. An additional analysis of the number of appearances of these 29 sub-criteria in the analyzed documents allowed us to order them and to determine 7 priority criteria for starting to evaluate and propose national regulations for GGT. Conclusions We propose that the ELSI criteria identified herein could serve as a starting point to formulate national regulation on personalized genomic medicine, ensuring consistency with international bioethical requirements.

Lise Hestbaek ◽  
Werner Vach ◽  
Sarah Thurøe Andersen ◽  
Henrik Hein Lauridsen

The preschool age seems to be decisive for the development of motor skills and probably the most promising time-window in relation to improvement of motor skills. This trial investigates the effect of an intensive structured intervention to improve motor skills in 3–6-year-old preschool children. A total of 471 Danish preschool children participated in a cluster randomized controlled trial. The intervention was to enhance motor skills, including predefined minimum criteria. Motor skills were measured using the Motor Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2) (total and three domains) at baseline and 6-, 18-, and 30-months post-intervention. The effect was estimated by multilevel linear regression with preschool and child included as random effects and adjusted for baseline values. Effect estimates were mainly positive at 6 months, but negative at 30 months with very few statistically significant estimates. In preschools with baseline motor skills scores below average, there was a tendency towards a larger improvement in the intervention group. Future interventions and research should focus on clusters with poor motor skills, as there is larger room for improvement. It remains to be seen whether the intervention can influence general well-being, physical activity, and self-perceived competence, both short- and long-term.

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