high school level
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Writing is one of the four language skills that the learners should master. The 2013 curriculum also says that one of the English language competencies specified in high school level is that students must be able to compose short written texts using coherent text structures and linguistic elements fluently and accurately. In line with that this study aims to find out whether the marking system feedback can improve students' writing skill. This is a two-cycle classroom action research at SMA Negeri 1 Sewon. The subjects were 26 tenth grade students of class X MIPA 1. The data were collected from observation, written documents, writing scores, and questionnaire. The study results showed that by applying the marking system feedback, students' writing skills improved. The mean scores of the students' writing ability in the pre-cycle was 63.65 at the poor category, the first cycle was 73.65 at the fair category, and the second cycle was 81.35 at the good category. In addition, students tend to give positive responses to the implementation of the marking system feedback. As many as 88.46% think that the feedback is useful in writing activities and can help them in correcting their mistakes, 73.08% think that the technique makes them understand the grammar better, and 80.77% say this technique leads them to be more careful in their writing and also motivates them to improve their composition.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-91
Karunia Setyowati Suroto ◽  
Muhammad Rifai ◽  
Retno Ayu Dewi Novita

This Community Service raises the business of Enting Ginger and Enting Kacang, Dusun Kungkuk, Punten Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City. The village is famous for its apple farming, one of which is Punten Village. With cold weather conditions, making apples thrive in the area and as one of the livelihoods of the residents of Kungkuk hamlet. For five years (2005-2010), there was a decline in the production of apple commodities which brought social impacts such as the children of apple farmers who went to school unable to continue their education and were forced to stop their education at the junior high or high school level, because there was no more money to continue their education. This kind of phenomenon spurred Mrs. Yayuk Murniwati to establish a non-apple product processing business in the form of enting, namely ginger and peanut enting. However, this business is still not developed due to limited capital and machines owned. The method to be applied is the method of community empowerment for homemakers to increase the productivity and independence of partners economically and socially through counseling and mentoring efforts. Assistance or introduction of tools in ginger and peanut grinding machines for making entings and packaging machines helped them advance and develop their business.ABSTRAKPengabdian Masyarakat ini mengangkat Usaha Enting Jahe dan Enting Kacang Dusun Kungkuk Desa Punten Kecamatan Bumiaji Kota Batu. Desa yang terkenal dengan pertanian apel, salah satunya Desa Punten. Dengan kondisi cuaca yang dingin, membuat apel tumbuh subur di daerah tersebut dan sebagai salah satu mata pencaharian warga dusun Kungkuk. Selama 5 tahun (2005-2010) terjadi penurunan produksi komoditas apel yang membawa dampak sosial seperti para anak petani apel yang sekolah tidak dapat melanjutkan pendidikan dan terpaksa menghentikan jenjang pendidikannya pada tingkat SMP ataupun SMA, karena sudah tidak ada lagi biaya untuk melanjutkan pendidikan. Fenomena semacam ini memacu ibu Yayuk Murniwati untuk mendirikan usaha olahan produk non-apel berupa enting yaitu enting jahe dan enting kacang. Namun, usaha ini masih belum berkembang dikarenakan keterbatasan modal dan mesin yang dimiliki. Metode yang akan diterapkan yaitu metode pemberdayaan masyarakat kelompok ibu rumah tangga dalam upaya peningkatan produktivitas dan kemandirian mitra secara ekonomi, sosial melalui usaha penyuluhan dan pendampingan. Bantuan ataupun perkenalan alat berupa mesin penggiling jahe dan kacang untuk proses pembuatan enting serta mesin pengemasan sangat membantu mereka dalam memajukan  dan mengembangkan usaha.

Nelly H Parreno ◽  

This study examined the difference in the satisfaction level of 4Ps beneficiaries in Barangay VI, Victorias City, Negros Occidental, Philippines between the year 2015 and year 2020. The design of the study used a descriptive comparative method of research. The participants were 216 from 2015, 250 from 2020, and were official 4Ps beneficiaries of Barangay VI, Victorias City, Negros Occidental in the specified years. Results were analyzed with frequency, percentage, mean, and T-test. The findings revealed that the majority of them were above 30 years old with 349 (74.89%), female with 425 (91.20%), married with 359 (77.04%), laborers with 268 (57.51%), with 1-3 number of children with 261 (56%), and high school level of educational attainment with 284 (60.95%). Further, it indicated that there was an increasing trend in the 4Ps parent-beneficiaries in 2020 with the following: above 30 years old (41.2%) widow (7.1%), single parent (9.9%), no work (17.4%), laborers (8.8%), college level (4.8%) and college graduates (0.1%). It revealed the decreasing trend in the year 2020 with the following 4Ps parent beneficiaries: 30 years old and above (46.8%) and married (13.5%). The satisfaction level of 4Ps beneficiaries to CCT has significantly increased to a high level of satisfaction by 2020. There was a significant difference in the satisfaction level of 4Ps parent- beneficiaries to the CCT program which revealed that the satisfaction level survey was higher in 2020 than in 2015 especially in terms of health grants and education grants. Lastly, it was recommended to provide sustainable programs that would enhance the living conditions and nutrition grants of locals.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 339-352
Lukanda Kalobo

The purpose of this study is to explore the relation between the teaching of Mathematics and the teaching of Statistics at high school level in the South African Context. The study also examines and analyses examples of statistical teaching situations from both a mathematical and a statistical perspective with view to reveal the links between the teaching of Mathematics and teaching of Statistics. A non-empirical method or conceptual method was followed to achieve the purposes of the study. The study reveals the cardinal links between the teaching of Mathematics and teaching of Statistics. Hence the call to educators to acknowledge the symbiosis to enhance the teaching and promote an awareness of the ways in which Statistics is presented and aligned in the South African Mathematics high school Curriculum. Keywords: teaching mathematics, teaching statistics, high school, South Africa context

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-81
Alfin Nurul Azmi ◽  
Denden Setiaji ◽  
Arni Apriani

In SMAN 1 Ciamis there is learning Art and Culture in which learning the art of traditional music. Where every student must learn to play a typical musical instrument of West Java, Kacapi. SMAN 1 Ciamis is the only high school in ciamis area that learns traditional musical instruments in learning Art and Culture in the classroom, especially in the practice of playing harp instruments using kacapi kawih. Related to Kacapi's learning in Art and Culture subjects at SMAN 1 Ciamis, researchers are interested in researching how materials and teaching materials are arranged by Art and Culture teachers in order to achieve learning objectives. Because Kacapi learning is rarely taught in other public schools. With the hope that the results of this research can motivate other schools to continue to develop learning in arts and culture subjects and can increase knowledge for the field of art education, especially music arts. This research uses descriptor method with qualitative approach. This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Ciamis located at Jalan Gunung Galuh No. 37, Ciamis District, Ciamis Regency, West Java. The data source used is by conducting observations, interviews, documentation studies and literature studies. Then the data will be analyzed using research deepening analysis techniques with steps to reduce data, present data and draw conclusions. Based on the data analysis conducted, it was concluded that the teaching materials in kacapi kawih learning at SMAN 1 Ciamis are in accordance with the curriculum of high school level. And the teaching material of kacapi kawih learning is a learning module with etude kacapi teaching materials made by art and culture teachers with an adaptation of the simplified Etude kacapi Mang Koko.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 295-302
Pitna Simanjuntak ◽  

This study aims to improve the ability of teachers to develop HOTS-based assessment instruments through the assistance of supervisors at the Medan Catholic High School MGMP. T.P 2020/2021. This study uses the PTS method (school action research) with two cycles. The data collection tools were questionnaires and checklists with five alternative answers according to the Likert scale. The collected data were analyzed descriptively by percentage. The results of data analysis showed that the teacher's ability to develop HOTS-based assessment instruments before the action got an average score of 75 in the sufficient category, after action I increased to an average value of 87 in the good category, and after action II increased again with an average value of 92 in the very good category. . The implementation of research assistance as a Catholic religious teacher has increased, in the first cycle the average score was 73 in the sufficient category, and after the action in the second cycle, the average value was 87 in the good category. So, it can be concluded that Catholic religion teachers at the high school level in the city of Medan have the ability to develop HOTS-based assessment instruments very well. Through the assistance of researchers as supervisors of Catholic religious teachers in the city of Medan. Keywords: HOTS-based instrument, PTS

2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 025010
Joel A Walsh ◽  
Mic Fenech ◽  
Derrick L Tucker ◽  
Catherine Riegle-Crumb ◽  
Brian R La Cour

Abstract Quantum computing was once regarded as a mere theoretical possibility, but recent advances in engineering and materials science have brought practical quantum computers closer to reality. Currently, representatives from industry, academia, and governments across the world are working to build the educational structures needed to produce the quantum workforce of the future. Less attention has been paid to growing quantum computing capacity at the high school level. This article details work at The University of Texas at Austin to develop and pilot the first full-year high school quantum computing class. Over the course of two years, researchers and practitioners involved with the project learned several pedagogical and practical lessons that can be helpful for quantum computing course design and implementation at the secondary level. In particular, we find that the use of classical optics provides a clear and accessible avenue for representing quantum states and gate operators and facilitates both learning and the transfer of knowledge to other Science, Technology, and Engineering (STEM) skills. Furthermore, students found that exploring quantum optical phenomena prior to the introduction of mathematical models helped in the understanding and mastery of the material.

2021 ◽  
pp. 074193252110634
Jennifer L. Bumble ◽  
Erik W. Carter ◽  
Emily M. Kuntz

Successful outcomes for youth with disabilities require collaboration within and beyond the school system. Collaboration ideally includes a range of professionals across school systems, service systems, and communities coming together as part of a “transition network” to support the transition process. Using a quantitative survey of 509 secondary special educators and 25 semi-structured interviews, this explanatory sequential mixed methods study (a) examined the characteristics of transition networks (i.e., the social networks of secondary special educators), (b) identified variables associated with larger networks, and (c) explored educators’ interpretations of these associations. Quantitative analyses indicated that larger networks were associated with working at the high school level, supporting students with moderate/severe disabilities, increased years of experience, and greater knowledge about establishing collaborative partnerships. Interview analyses provided context for the quantitative results. These findings provide a deeper portrait of prevailing transition collaborations and have implications for educators charged with delivering high-quality transition programming.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-97
Dewi Izzatus Tsamroh ◽  
Widyarini Susilo Putri ◽  
Evi Rinata

“Kampus Mengajar” aimed to assist the process of teaching and learning at the elementary-junior high school level through technology adaptation, teaching numeracy and literacy, and administrative procedures. The deployment of students during the COVID-19 pandemic, which required learning to be conducted online, will significantly help the school, especially related to technology adaptation. However, this program was less attractive to students and lecturers at the University of Merdeka Malang; this was evident from the relatively small participation of students and lecturers at batch 1. In the initial observation, the “Kampus Mengajar” was less attractive because it did not follow the existing scientific competencies at the University of Merdeka Malang; thus, it was difficult to conduct a credit conversion process. This low participation affects the IKU ranking, where the University of Malang is in cluster 3 with 75.21. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of the “Kampus Mengajar” as an effort to increase the participation of the University of Merdeka Malang academic community. This research was conducted using an exploratory survey research method. Data were obtained through questionnaires and FGDs. The results showed that the implementation of the Kampus Mengajar at the University of Merdeka Malang had been running through socialization at the central level to the study programs. There was an increase in participation in each batch, both lecturers and students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 13

This paper presents partial results of a one-year project funded by a grant from Mexico’s National Science and Technology Council and the National Institute for the Evaluation of Education that was designed to characterize the teaching of statistics in Mexican high school education. Work was organized in two 6-month phases. The first stage involved documentary research that consisted of analyzing the study programs of statistics courses used at 12 high school-level educational systems. The second used the field research technique to design and administer a survey called “Teaching Statistical Literacy, Reasoning and Thinking” (TSLRT), that was answered by 754 high school statistics teachers at those 12 educational systems. Both phases were based on the theoretical ideas of statistical literacy, reasoning and thinking, and were conducted with the aim of constructing a reference framework to analyze the study programs (phase one) and design the items included in the TSLRT survey (phase two). Here, we report results from the survey applied, which was comprised of 18 items on sociodemographic variables and 65 Likert scale items that measured the degree to which teachers’ classroom practice focused on elements of statistical literacy, reasoning and thinking, or shared elements. Confirmatory factor analysis was applied to the responses to the 65 Likert scale items. Results indicate that the responses fit a one-dimensional model. Finally, we discuss the pedagogical and theoretical implications of the TSLRT survey results.  Abstract: Spanish En este artículo, reportamos parte de los resultados de un Proyecto de investigación de un año, el cual fue financiado por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología y el Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación Educativa. El Proyecto fue diseñado para caracterizar la enseñanza de la estadística en la Educación Media Superior mexicana, y se organizó en dos fases de 6 meses cada una. La primera etapa involucró un estudio documental que consistió en analizar los programas de estudio de la materia de estadística utilizados en 12 diferentes sistemas educativos de educación media superior. La segunda usó la técnica de investigación de campo para diseñar y administrar un cuestionario llamado “Enseñanza de una Cultura, Razonamiento y Pensamiento Estadístico” (TSLRT, por sus siglas en inglés). El cuestionario fue respondido por 754 profesores de educación media superior que imparten la materia de estadística y laboran en escuelas de los 12 sistemas educativos mencionados. Ambas fases estuvieron basadas en las ideas teóricas de cultura, razonamiento y pensamiento estadístico con el objetivo de construir un marco de referencia para analizar los programas de estudio (fase uno) y diseñar los ítems incluidos en el cuestionario TSLRT (fase dos). Aquí, reportamos los resultados del cuestionario aplicado, el cual consistió en 18 ítems sobre variables sociodemográficas y 65 ítems de escala Likert que midieron el grado en que la enseñanza del profesor se centra en elementos de una cultura, razonamiento y pensamiento estadístico, o en elementos comunes. Se aplicó un análisis factorial de confirmación a las respuestas de los 65 ítems. Los resultados indican que las respuestas se ajustan a un modelo unidimensional. Finalmente, discutimos las implicaciones pedagógicas y teóricas de los resultados del cuestionario.

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