Indu Bala ◽  
Franky Rani

Higher education is the source or feeder system in all works of life and therefore supplies the much-needed human resources in management, planning, designing, teaching and research. Scientific and technological advancements and economic growth of a country are as dependent on higher education system. This paper presents an investigation carried out to determine the perception of students regarding effective teaching in higher education. The research was conducted using data, collected from 100 participants of Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. A mixed analysis approach was used that includes both the qualitative as well as quantitative methods for data analysis. The findings of the study qualitatively showed that the gender wise overall 69% female students and 55% male students,Qualification wise 82% undergraduate students and 83% post-graduate students and the stream wise 59% arts, 59% science and 58% commerce students agree with the effective teaching in higher education. Further the results were strengthened by using quantitative data analysis. Quantitatively t-test was conducted on the data to verify the perception of participants and the results reveal that there is significant difference between the perceptions of the male and female student towards effective teaching in Higher education. Moreover, there is no significant difference of student’s perception on the basis of their academic qualification and streams towards effective teaching in higher education.

Lena Aprilliana ◽  
Neneng Sutjiati ◽  
Sugihartono Sugihartono

Pembelajaran bahasa asing dalam sebuah materi ajar sangat mengutamakan pengenalan pembendaharaan kosakata. Dalam pembelajaran bahasa Jepang di tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas, budaya Jepang turut  dipelajari dengan tujuan sebagai pengenalan dan peningkatan wawasan budaya. Beberapa kosakata benda perlu dipahami agar mempermudah dalam mempelajari budaya khas Jepang. Media pembelajaran memiliki peranan penting dalam menyampaikan materi ajar, media realia menjadi pilahan yang dianggap dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata bahasa Jepang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif eksperimen, dengan populasi siswa SMA Negeri 1 Lembang tahun ajaran 2015/2016. Sampel dipilih secara acak dengan jumlah 84 orang yaitu X MIA 2 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan X MIA 3 sebagai kelas kontrol. Analisis data menggunakan instrumen tes awal (pretest), tes akhir (posttest) dan angket. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan, nilai rata-rata siswa sebelum menggunakan media realia pada kelas eksperimen 30,48, pada kelas kontrol 27,69. Setelah menggunakan media realia nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen menjadi 78,02, pada kelas kontrol 59,90. Perhitungan statistik komparasional, sebelum menggunakan media realia t hitung lebih kecil dari t tabel yaitu 1,22<2,64. Setelah menggunakan realia nilai t hitung lebih besar dari t tabel yaitu 7,52>2,64. Hal tersebut menyatakan ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol setelah menggunakan media realia. Hasil angket menunjukkan persentase sebesar 76%-95% (sebagian besar) responden memberikan tanggapan positif mengenai pembelajaran dengan media realia. Penggunaan media realia sangat efektif dalam meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata benda yang berkaiatan dengan budaya khas Jepang.   The learning of foreign language in a learning material is prioritizing the introduction of vocabularies. In the Japanese language learning at the high school level, Japanese cultures are taught with the purpose of introducing and enhancing students’ cultural insight. Some objects vocabularies are needed to be understood in order to make ease students to learn Japanese typical cultures. The first observation conducted in this research shows that the Japanese vocabularies learning is difficult to be learnt by using book as the media of learning. Learning media has an important role in delivering learning material. Realia becomes the alternative media to enhance students in mastering Japanese vocabularies. This research employed the true experimental quantitative methods with the population of students in SMA NEGERI 1 LEMBANG in the academic year 2015/2016. The sample of this research were selected randomly with 84 students employed both as the experimental class in X MIA 2 and X MIA 3 as the control class. The instruments used in the data analysis were prettest, posttest and questionaires.The data analysis shows that the average score of students before using Realia as the learning media in the experimental class was 30.48 and 27.69 in the control class. After realia was used as the learning media, the average score of the experimental class increases until 78.20 and 59.90 in the control class. Meanwhile, the t calculation of comparational statistic calculation before using realia was smaller than the t table which is 1.22<2.64. After using realia as the learning media the t score became greater than t table which is 7.52> 2.64. It shows that there is a significant difference between experimental class and control class after using realia as the learning media. The questionnaire results shows that 76% -95% (most) of the respondents give positive feedback towards the learning with using realia as the media of learning. The use of realia as the media of learning is very effective in improving the mastery of objects vocabularies relating to the typical culture of Japan.

1989 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 86
Alan Betjemann ◽  
George Brown ◽  
Madeleine Atkins

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (95) ◽  
pp. 308-329 ◽  
Vera Lucia Felicetti ◽  
Alberto F. Cabrera

Abstract Trajectories in higher education and the University for All Program (ProUni) are the central theme of this paper. The research question was: To what extent were some factors experienced during university difficulties in the academic trajectory of ProUni and non-ProUni graduates? The approach was quantitative with an explanatory goal. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used in the data analysis. The research subjects were 197 higher education graduates from a Southern Brazil nonprofit institution who entered in 2005. 57 were ProUni scholarship holders and 140 were non-ProUni. Results indicate that the highest percentage of graduates who worked during college were not scholarship holders. A T-test was performed after creating the scales for external (p = 0.19) and internal (p = 0.66) factors, indicating that in both factors there was no statistically significant difference between being a ProUni scholarship holder or not and the difficulties presented during their academic trajectory. Results indicate the need for studies involving the set of higher education graduates in order to better understand the difficulties faced by both groups of students in their academic trajectories.

1990 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 234
Wilbert J. McKeachie ◽  
George Brown ◽  
Madeleine Atkins

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-148
Yeni Fajrin ◽  
Adhi Setyo Santoso

This study aims to identify and obtain information about the effectiveness of the implementation of online lectures during the COVID-19 pandemic at Higher Education Institutions, especially President University. Data was collected by looking at the results of student satisfaction assessments of lecturers during the teaching and learning process, namely in the PUIS (President University Information System) system in the "Lecturing Evaluation" menu. The research used quantitative methods and data analysis used SPSS version 21 software. After the data were analyzed, the researchers conducted online interviews with 12 (twelve) lecturers. The results of this study are that there is a significant difference in satisfaction between offline and online lectures, namely, when offline class students can get knowledge directly without any technical constraints and face-to-face teaching and learning process there are values ​​that can be taken such as the process of social, cultural, ethical maturity. and morals that can only be found in the area of ​​education. In contrast to online lectures, apart from technical problems such as the unsupported internet, online classes also make students lose motivation to study because no chemistry can be built. There are different characteristics in each faculty, this is a challenge for lecturers to explore their abilities and provide new knowledge, and of course, it can be well accepted by students. Online classes will run more effectively if both lecturers and students live it with a sense of responsibility.

Djonde Frega Antiado ◽  
Maher Ibrahim Mikhael Tawadrous ◽  
Rommel Pilapil Sergio

The need of skilled workforce to meet the challenges of the 21st century puts teaching effectiveness to the forefront of higher education policies. Therefore, the current study explores the Characteristics of Effective Teaching (CET) as observed by the students from a higher education institution in the United Arab Emirates. The study employed a descriptive survey method wherein qualitative analysis of data was used. The respondents (N=199; 121 were females and 78 were males) are registered in General Education courses using a pre-constructed interview schedule. The 69 CETs had been ascertained by qualitative method through axial coding of general themes in order to come-up with recommendations pointing to Effective Teaching Program (ETP). The dominant characteristics of effective teaching as perceived by the student respondents were 21 items with “helpful” topping the list, followed by “knowledgeable,” “friendly,” “organized,” and “flexible.” Six classifications were derived from clustering the CET, namely: buddy type, accommodating type, cool type, academician type, techie type, and non-biased type. The major findings reveal that the three important elements of effective teaching as perceived by students are academic qualification, attitudes, and skills. Specific recommendations to ETP are also introduced in the paper to strengthen the quality of teaching effectiveness.

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