scholarly journals Durasi dan kualitas tidur hubungannya dengan obesitas pada anak sekolah dasar di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul

Dewi Marfuah ◽  
Hamam Hadi ◽  
Emy Huriyati

ABSTRACT<br /><br />Background: The prevalence of obesity in Indonesia is expected to continue to increase each year. Many factors contribute to obesity, one of which is the duration and quality of sleep. Short sleep duration and poor sleep quality lead to increase energy intake and increase sedentary lifestyle that will have an impact on obesity in children.<br /><br />Objective: To examine the difference in duration and quality of sleep between obese and non-obese children, and to examine whether short sleep duration and poor sleep quality were risk factors of obesity in elementary school children in City of Yogyakarta and Bantul Regency.<br /><br />Methods: This was a case control study. A random sample of 244 obese and 244 grade-matched non-obese elementary school students were selected form a cross-sectional survey previously done in the City of Yogyakarta and Bantul Regency. Information of sleep quality was collected using sleep self report questionnaires, sleep duration using recall of physical activity during the last week, nutrient intakes using a food frequency questionnaires and socio-economic<br />using structured questionnaires. <br /><br />Results: There was a signifi cant relationship between sleep duration and obesity. The odds of being obese was 1.7 (OR=1,74, 95%CI: 1.06-2.84) times higher in children who slept &lt;10 hours/day and those children who slept ≥10 hours/ day. Children with low quality of sleep was 1.9 (OR=1.88, 95% CI:0.95-3.71) times more likely to be obese than children with good quality of sleep. However, the association was not statistically signifi cant.<br /><br />Conclusion: Short sleep duration was associatied with increased odds of being obese in elementary school children. <br /><br />KEYWORDS: sleep duration, sleep quality, obesity, elementary school children.<br /><br />ABSTRAK<br /><br />Latar Belakang: Prevalensi obesitas di Indonesia diperkirakan akan terus meningkat setiap tahunnya. Banyak faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap obesitas, salah satunya adalah durasi dan kualitas tidur. Durasi tidur yang pendek dan kualitas tidur yang buruk menyebabkan peningkatan asupan energi dan peningkatan gaya hidup yang akan berdampak pada obesitas pada anak-anak.<br /><br />Tujuan: Menguji perbedaan durasi dan kualitas tidur antara anak obesitas dan non obesitas, dan apakah durasi tidur yang pendek dan kualitas tidur yang buruk merupakan faktor risiko obesitas pada anak sekolah dasar di Yogyakarta.<br /><br />Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kasus kontrol. Sampel diambil secara acak sebanyak 244 anak SD obes dan 244 anak SD non-obes yang sebelumnya telah dipilih menggunakan metode cross-sectional yang dilakukan di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul. Data kualitas tidur diperoleh menggunakan kuesioner catatan tidur, sedangkan durasi tidur dengan recall aktivitas fi sik selama satu minggu, asupan gizi dengan food frequency questionnaire, dan  sosial ekonomi dengan kuesioner terstruktur.<br /><br />Hasil: Terdapat hubungan yang signifi kan antara durasi tidur dengan obesitas. Anak yang tidur &lt;10 jam/hari kemungkinan mengalami obesitas 1.7 (OR=1,74, 95% CI: 1.06-2.84) kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan yang tidur &gt;10 jam/hari. Anak dengan kualitas tidur yang buruk kemungkinan mengalami obesitas 1.9 (OR=1.88, 95% CI: 0.95-3.71) kali dibandingkan dengan yang kualitas tidurnya baik, namun secara statistik tidak signifi kan.<br /><br />Kesimpulan: Durasi tidur yang pendek berhubungan dengan peningkatan kemungkinan untuk mengalami obesitas pada anak sekolah dasar.<br /><br />KATA KUNCI: durasi tidur, kualitas tidur, obesitas, anak SD

Circulation ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 137 (suppl_1) ◽  
Loretta Cain ◽  
LáShauntá Glover ◽  
Dayna Johnson ◽  
Mario Sims

Introduction: Research shows that compared to non-Hispanic whites, African Americans (AAs) have poorer sleep quality, lower mean sleep duration, and a higher prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing. AAs also report more frequent exposures to certain stressors over the life course, which may impact physiological processes that may impair sleep. Goal-striving-stress (GSS), the discrepancy between aspiration and achievement, weighted by the subjective probability of success, and the level of disappointment experienced if goals are not reached, may be an important stressor among AA’s that may influence sleep; however this has yet to be explored. The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between GSS and sleep duration and sleep quality in AAs. Hypothesis: We assessed the hypothesis that high (versus low) GSS would be associated with short or long sleep duration and poor sleep quality. Methods: We utilized data from the baseline exam of the Jackson Heart Study (JHS; n=5306), an AA sample of women and men, 35-84 years old. There were a total of 5082 participants in the sample; 63.34% female with a mean age of 55.30 (± 12.75) and mean sleep duration of 6.43 hours (±1.51). The sample was categorized into GSS tertiles: low (n=2121), moderate (n=1716), high (n=1296). Participants self-reported sleep duration (hours) and rated their sleep quality. Sleep duration was categorized as short ( < 6 hours), normal (7 or 8 hours) and long ( > 9 hours). Sleep quality was categorized as high (good/very good/excellent) and low (fair/poor). Logistic regression models were used to obtain odds ratios (OR, 95% confidence interval-CI) to assess the associations of GSS levels with sleep duration and sleep quality categories. Models were adjusted for sex, age, socioeconomic status, health behaviors, discrimination, and health outcomes. Results: Significant results showed that participants who reported high (versus low) GSS had a 29% increased odds [1.29 (1.10, 1.52)] of short (versus normal) sleep after full adjustment. Participants who reported high (versus low) GSS had a 42% increased odds [1.42 (1.20, 1.67)] of low (versus high) sleep quality after full adjustment. Conclusion In conclusion, the deficit between goal aspiration and achievement is associated with short sleep duration and poor sleep quality. Potential interventions should consider the extent to which GSS may contribute to the development of short sleep duration and poor sleep quality.

V. Ye. Кondratiuk ◽  
A. S. Petrova

The researcheddemonstrated the relationship between functional state of the pineal gland and sleepdeterioration. However, impaired melatonin-producing function of the pineal gland (MFE) in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), treated with hemodialysis (HD), and its association with sleep disturbance in this cohort of patients required further investigations.Aim — to assess the quality of sleepin patients with stage 5 CKD treated with HD and investigate itsrelationship with the pineal dysfunction.Materials and methods. Examinations involved 130 patients (50 % of men) with stage 5 CKD, treated with hemodialysis, with the mean age 58.5 [43; 66]. The day and night melatoninlevels (MT) in saliva were determined and based on the results the patients were divided into two groups: group I — 110 patients with impaired MFE, group II — 20 patients with normal MFE. Sleep quality was assessed using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire. All patients underwent clinical and laboratory tests: general and biochemical blood tests, office blood pressure (BP) measurements, Holter blood pressure monitoring.Results. Analysis of the insomniastructure in patients with stage 5 CKD, treated with HD, according to the PSQI questionnaire, demonstrated the problems with falling asleep in 96.2 % of patients, feeling of heat in 56.8 %, frequent awakenings in 52.9 %, daytime dysfunction in 40.8 %, breathing problems in 40.5 %, sleep problems due to coughing or snoring in 37.8 %, having bad dreams in 18.9 %, the use of sleeping meds in 8 % of patients. The total PSQI score in patients with impaired MFE was higher by 71.4 % (p < 0.001) compared to the value obtained in the group with preserved pineal gland function, demonstrating the effects of MFE on sleep quality.The component of «sleep delay» and «sleep duration» in patients with pineal gland dysfunction was 66.7 % higher than in the group with preserved MFE (p < 0.001). Comparative analysis of the number of minutes required for patients to fall asleep in the study groups demonstrateda greater sleep delay in HD-treated patients with impaired MFE. From them, the majority of subjects (71.8 %) needed more than 60 minutes to fall asleep, while in the group with preserved MFE such patients were not identified (p < 0.05). The number of patients with the period of falling asleep of 31 to 60 minutes in the group with pineal gland dysfunction was 30 % less than in patients with preserved MFE (p < 0.05). The number of patients in whom it took 16—30 minutes to fall asleep in the group with preserved MFE was 92.5 % (p < 0.05) more than in patients with pineal gland dysfunction, and patientswith the period of falling asleep of less than 15 minutes was by 62 % higher than patients with impaired MFE (p < 0.05). The decreased sleep duration was established in all patients treated with HD, however the most worsening of the sleep quality was revealed in the groupof MFE disorders. Thus, thenumber of patients with sleep duration < 5 hourswas by 90.8 % (р < 0.05) higher in the groupof impairedMFEvs group with the preserved MFE, with sleep duration of 5—6 hours by 81.7 % (р < 0.05), the number of subjects with duration of 6—7 hours by 76.4 % lower (р < 0.05), and those who slept > 7 hours by 84.0 % (р < 0.05).Conclusions. Patients with stage 5 CKD, treated with HD, were characterized with combination of MFE impairment (84.6 %) with poor sleep quality (86.2 %), including problems withfalling asleep, felling hot, frequent waking up, and daytime dysfunction. The low quality of sleep was determined bylow melatonin levels in saliva, the presence of hypoalbuminemia and arterial hypertension, hypertension duration and HDtreatment

2020 ◽  
Vol 43 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. A70-A70
C E Kline ◽  
M J Lambiase ◽  
M B Conroy ◽  
M M Brooks ◽  
A M Kriska ◽  

Abstract Introduction Short sleep duration and poor sleep quality have each been associated with obesity and weight gain. However, less is known regarding how sleep may impact attempted weight loss. The purpose of this study was to investigate the associations between sleep duration and sleep quality, both independently and in combination, with weight loss in a 12-month behavioral weight loss intervention. Methods Young to middle-aged adults who were overweight or obese (N=296) completed a 12-month behavioral weight loss intervention, with weight assessed at baseline, 6 and 12 months. Sleep duration and quality were derived from the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Analyses examined the change in sleep over time and the association between baseline sleep and changes in sleep with 6- and 12-month weight loss following adjustment for relevant covariates including age, gender, race, education, baseline body mass index, and baseline risk for sleep apnea. Results Participants (with an average baseline weight of 97.0±1.0 kg) lost 6.6±1.1 kg (6.8%) and 6.7±1.2 kg (6.9%) at 6 and 12 months relative to baseline, respectively. Global sleep quality significantly improved over the 12-month intervention (P=.03), but average sleep duration and the prevalence of short sleep duration (&lt;6 h) or poor sleep quality did not change significantly (each P≥.45). Adults with short sleep duration at baseline lost 3.3±0.9% less weight than those with ≥6 h sleep duration (P&lt;.001). Adults with poor sleep quality at baseline lost 1.6±0.8% less weight than those with good sleep quality (P=.04). When considered together, adults with both short sleep duration and poor sleep quality lost at least 5.0% less weight compared with all other sleep duration/quality group combinations (P&lt;.001). Conclusion Our findings highlight the importance of both sleep duration and sleep quality as predictors of behavioral weight loss and suggest that screening for sleep disturbance may be useful to determine who may benefit from additional counseling and resources. Support R01HL077525, K23HL118318

Hypertension ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 60 (suppl_1) ◽  
Rosa Maria Bruno ◽  
Laura Palagini ◽  
Alessia Di Giulio ◽  
Angelo Gemignani ◽  
Stefano Taddei ◽  

Purpose: Insomnia and short sleep duration have been associated with increased incidence of hypertension. However, the relationship between sleep loss and resistant hypertension (RH), has not been ascertained yet. Methods: 270 patients at first access to our Hypertension Outpatient Unit were enrolled. RH was defined according as office BP values >140/90 mmHg with 3 or more antihypertensive drugs, or controlled BP with 4 or more drugs, including a diuretic. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were assessed. Poor sleep quality was defined as PSQI>5, mild-to-severe depressive symptoms as BDI score >10. Patients with self-reported sleep apneas or snoring were excluded (n=21). Results: Complete data were available for 234 patients (males 51%, mean age 58±13 years, BMI 26±5 kg/mq, antihypertensive treatment 84%, previous CV events 12%, diabetes 8%, smoking 15%, hypercholesterolemia 60%). Mean sleep duration was 6.4±1.6 hours, with a 49% prevalence of short sleep duration (<6 hours) and similar in both sexes. Conversely, women had higher PSQI scores (5.2 vs 3.6, p=0.03) and prevalence of poor sleep quality (46% vs 30% in men, p=0.01). Women showed also higher BDI scores (4.5 vs 1.8, p=0.006) and prevalence of depressive symptoms than men (20% vs 7%, p=0.003). RH patients (15%) had higher PSQI (5.8 vs 4.1, p=0.03), a difference shown in women (6.8 vs 4.8, p=0.04) but not in men (4.7 vs 3.5, p=0.37). The association between BDI score and RH showed a similar behavior (overall 3.6 vs 2.8, p=0.02; women 5.1 vs 3.7, p=0.03; men: 2.0 vs 1.9, p=0.53). In a multiple logistic regression analysis (including age, sex, obesity, diabetes, previous CV events, sleep duration, use of hypnotic drugs) poor sleep quality was independently associated with RH (OR 2.2, CI95% 1.1-5.3). However this relationship lost significance when also depressive symptoms were included in the model (p=0.12). Conclusions: Short sleep duration is highly prevalent in hypertensive patients. This condition is accompanied by poor sleep quality and depressive symptoms in women. Poor sleep quality is associated with a 2-fold higher probability of having RH. This association could be mediated by the presence of depressive symptoms.

Circulation ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 135 (suppl_1) ◽  
Brooke Aggarwal ◽  
Ming Liao

Background: Depression has been linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) through biological mechanisms and altered lifestyle behaviors, possibly including short and/or long sleep duration. However the relation between specific sleep components and depressive symptoms, and interaction by race/ethnicity has not been fully defined. The purpose of this study was to determine if sleep patterns including short sleep duration, poor sleep quality, and insomnia were associated with depressive symptoms in a free-living ethnically diverse population of adult women, and if they varied by racial/ethnic status. Methods: English or Spanish speaking females between the ages of 20-79 y, participating in an observational cohort study as part of the American Heart Association Go Red for Women SFRN, were included (n=50, 56% (28 of 50) non-white, mean age = 41 ±18y). Sleep patterns were assessed using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), a validated instrument used to measure the quality and duration of sleep in adults. Presence of insomnia was measured using the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI). Depressive symptoms were assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II). Linear and logistic regression models were used to evaluate cross-sectional associations between sleep patterns and depression overall, and by race/ethnicity. Results: Overall, nearly one-fifth of participants had depressive symptoms (BDI II score ≤13), 18% (9 of 50) had short sleep duration (<6 hours per night), 38% (19 of 50) had poor quality sleep (PSQI score ≥5), and 40% (20 of 50) had some level of insomnia (ISI score ≥8). Mean BDI-II scores among women who slept <6 versus ≥6 hours were significantly greater (16 versus 5, p=.0003). Higher depression scores were associated with shorter sleep duration (p=.001), poorer sleep quality (p=.03), and higher insomnia severity (p<.0001) overall. There was no association between depression and long sleep (≥8 hours). When stratified by race/ethnicity, depression was significantly associated with poor sleep quality among minority women in multivariable models adjusted for demographic confounders (OR=1.42, 95% CI=1.03-1.95), but not among non-Hispanic white women. Depression was also significantly associated with insomnia severity (p<.001), and sleep duration (p=.03) among minority women only, in multivariable adjusted models stratified by race/ethnicity. Conclusions: In this diverse sample of women, sleep problems were highly prevalent. Poor sleep quality, insomnia, and short sleep duration (but not long sleep) were associated with greater depressive symptoms among minority women but not whites. These preliminary data suggest that minority women with short sleep duration may be at heightened CVD risk from depression. Future research should determine if interventions designed to improve sleep result in decreased depressive symptoms and reduced CVD risk.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-6 ◽  
Tetsuji Azuma ◽  
Koichiro Irie ◽  
Kazutoshi Watanabe ◽  
Fumiko Deguchi ◽  
Takao Kojima ◽  

An association between physical illness and sleep has been suggested. Disordered chewing might be a physical factor that is associated with sleep issues. This cross-sectional study aimed to determine whether chewing problems are associated with sleep in Japanese adults. Sleep and chewing issues were evaluated in 6,025 community residents using a self-reported questionnaire. The prevalence of poor sleep quality and sleeping for <6 h/day (short duration) were 15.6% and 29.4%, respectively. Multivariate logistic regression analyses showed that prevalence of poor sleep quality was significantly associated with self-reported medical history (odds ratio (OR), 1.30; p<0.001), self-reported symptoms (OR, 4.59; p<0.001), chewing problems (OR, 1.65; p<0.001), and poor glycemic control (OR, 1.43; p=0.035). The prevalence of short sleep duration was also significantly associated with female sex (OR, 1.23; p=0.001), self-reported symptoms (OR, 1.60; p<0.001), chewing problems (OR, 1.30; p=0.001), and being overweight (OR, 1.41; p<0.001). In conclusion, chewing problems were associated with poor sleep quality and short sleep duration among Japanese adults.

BMJ Open ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. e041995
Yazan A Al-Ajlouni ◽  
Su Hyun Park ◽  
Jude Alawa ◽  
Ghaith Shamaileh ◽  
Aziz Bawab ◽  

Background Jordan, a Middle Eastern country, declared a state of national emergency due to COVID-19 and a strict nationwide lockdown on 17 March 2020, banning all travel and movement around the country, potentially impacting mental health. This study sought to investigate the association between mental health (eg, anxiety and depressive symptoms) and sleep health among a sample of Jordanians living through a state of COVID-19-induced nationwide lockdown. Methods Using Facebook, participants (n=1240) in Jordan in March 2020 were recruited and direct to a web-based survey measuring anxiety (items from General Anxiety Disorder 7-item (GAD-7) scale instrument), depressive symptoms (items from Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale), sleep health (items from the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) and sociodemographic. A modified Poisson regression model with robust error variance. Adjusted prevalence ratios (aPRs) and 95% CIs were estimated to examine how anxiety and depressive symptoms may affect different dimensions of sleep health: (1) poor sleep quality, (2) short sleep duration, (3) encountering sleep problems. Results The majority of participants reported having experienced mild (33.8%), moderate (12.9%) or severe (6.3%) levels of anxiety during lockdown, and nearly half of respondents reported depressive symptoms during lockdown. Similarly, over 60% of participants reported having experienced at least one sleep problem in the last week, and nearly half reported having had short sleep duration. Importantly, anxiety was associated with poor sleep health outcomes. For example, corresponding to the dose–response relationship between anxiety and sleep health outcomes, those reporting severe anxiety were the most likely to experience poor sleep quality (aPR =8.95; 95% CI=6.12 to 13.08), short sleep duration (aPR =2.23; 95% CI=1.91 to 2.61) and at least one problem sleep problem (aPR=1.73; 95% CI=1.54 to 1.95). Moreover, depressive symptoms were also associated with poor sleep health outcomes. As compared with scoring in the first quartile, scoring fourth quartile was associated with poor sleep quality (aPR=11.82; 95% CI=6.64 to 21.04), short sleep duration (aPR=1.87; 95% CI=1.58 to 2.22), and experiencing at least one sleep problem (aPR=1.90; 95% CI=1.66 to 2.18). Conclusions Increased levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms can negatively influence sleep health among a sample of Jordanian adults living in a state of COVID-19-induced nationwide lockdown.

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