Conflict in the Preceptorship or Field Experience: A Rippling Tide of Silence

Florence Myrick ◽  
Anne Phelan ◽  
Connie Barlow ◽  
Russ Sawa ◽  
Gayla Rogers ◽  

A major component of the educative process in the professional disciplines is the field education/preceptorship experience in which students are afforded opportunities to develop professional competence under the tutelage of a practising professional and/or a university instructor. During this time students are exposed to competing discourses about what it means to think and act as nurses, teachers, doctors and social workers. Frequently, field teaching is characterized by conflictual situations involving students, field instructors and university faculty. Such conflict is poorly understood as indicated by the lack of literature available in the professional disciplines. The purpose of this study was to explore the phenomenon of conflict within the context of field teaching in professional education. Pivotal to this study was the issue of making sense of the conflict that prospective nurses, teachers, social workers and doctors experience in professional education within the practice realm and how such discourses shape their professional identities, practices and ultimate social values. At issue is the social construction of meaning that takes place within professional education. This study was conducted from the perspective of four professional programs including education, medicine, nursing and social work. The researchers focused on the final year of each program at a time when students were engaged in a major field / preceptorship experience in hospitals, schools, communities and social agencies. The experiences derived from the nursing data are presented in this paper.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 232-241
Марина Лапіна

Статтю присвячено проблемам професійного навчання соціальних працівників, зокрема розглянуто психолого-педагогічні аспекти процесу підготовки висококваліфікованих фахівців. Зазначено що в професійній психології та педагогіці набуває поширення компетентнісний підхід до сучасної освіти. Акцентовано увагу на особистісно-орієнтованому та психолого-акмеологічному напрямках професійної освіти та навчання. Особистісні якості фахівця розглядаються як метапрофесійні компетенції, що забезпечують якість праці майбутнього соціального працівника. На основі аналізу специфіки підготовки фахівців соціономічних професій окреслено загальні напрями формування професійних компетенцій соціальних працівників: пріоритет професійно-особистісного розвитку для досягнення високого рівня професіоналізму фахівця; формування психологічної, особистісної та рефлексивної компетентності; практична зорієнтованість процесу навчання. Розглянуто методи та технології активного формування психологічної та особистісної компетентності фахівця в процесі професійного навчання, а саме методика контекстного (знаково-контекстного) навчання та психолого-акмеологічні методи та процедури професійного розвитку. Стверджується, що включення до навчального процесу інноваційних, заснованих на взаємодії педагога та учня, психолого-педагогічних технологій активного навчання має формувати особистісні зони розвитку майбутніх фахівців, удосконалювати способи та засоби професійного становлення, що значно підвищує якість професійного навчання соціальних працівників. The article deals with the problems of vocational training of social workers. They are particularly considered with psychological and pedagogical aspects of training highly qualified specialists. It specifies that competence-based approach to modern education gets spreading in the professional psychology and pedagogy. The article is accented on personality-oriented and psycho-akmeological directions existing in the psychology of professional education and training. Personal qualities of the professional are considered as metaprofessional competences which ensure the future social worker’s quality of work. The general directions of formation professional competence of social workers are identified on the base of the analyses of the specific professional training socionomic professions: priority of vocational and personality development for achievement a high level of professionalism; formation of the psychological, personal and reflective competence; practical orientation of the learning process. The methods and technologies of active formation of psychological and personality’s competence of the specialist during the vocational training are reviewed in the article, specifically the method and technique of signed-contextual learning and psycho-akmeological methods and procedures of professional development. It is alleged that the inclusion in the educational process of preparation innovational, psychological and pedagogical techniques of active learning, based on the interaction between the teacher and the student, should generated personal’s development zones of the future professionals, refine the methods and means of the professional development that significantly improves the quality of social worker’s professional training.

Maryna Lekholetova

The article presents an analysis of different approaches of domestic scientists to the interpretation of the concept of «social work management». The author surveys the features of management as an object of governance in the activities of a social worker. Features include the social nature of management information; the need for motivation methods that effectively influences and motivates professionals to better results in social work; availability of social workers' professional competence; the presence of problems with forecasting the results of management in the social sphere; the importance of current and final management results. The author proves the necessity of social workers' self-management skills (time management, motivation, stress resistance and recuperation, development of emotional intelligence) for the effective performance of management tasks in professional activities.  The article highlights the principles that should be followed in solving organizational and managerial tasks in social work management (purposefulness, ability of realization, adaptability, efficiency). The researcher presents the structure of social work management methods in the study (economic, administrative, social counselling, psychological and pedagogical influence, social influence). Research characterizes the methods of social work management while working with recipients of social services (methods of individual social work, methods of group social work, methods of community work, methods of social service design).

Ирина Дмитриевна Борченко ◽  
Ольга Борисовна Дударева

Введение. Представлены результаты ежегодного мониторинга входной и итоговой диагностики освоения слушателями дополнительных профессиональных программ. Цель – определение степени сформированности профессиональных компетентностей слушателей при освоении дополнительных профессиональных программ, а также определение динамики изменения субъектной позиции слушателей относительно их профессиональной компетентности. Материал и методы. Материалом исследования послужили полученные данные итоговой диагностики, разработанной институтом дополнительного профессионального образования. Представлены выявленные затруднения при прохождении обучения слушателями, а также интересная динамика по четырем разделам анкеты: позиция слушателей курсов относительно их правовой компетентности, психолого-педагогической компетентности, профессиональных умений, актуальности использования информационно-методических ресурсов института. Результаты и обсуждение. Анализ данных проводимой входной и итоговой диагностики уровня подготовки слушателей при освоении дополнительных профессиональных программ за 2019 г. позволил выявить типичные и оставшиеся затруднения, с которыми сталкиваются слушатели. В анкетировании приняли участие две категории: «Педагогические работники» и «Руководящие работники». Данные диагностики показали, что большинство слушателей испытывают потребность в развитии своей профессиональной компетентности. Актуальным в работе как педагогических, так и руководящих работников остается потребность в развитии умений, которые позволяют выстраивать собственную профессиональную деятельность в соответствии с законодательством в сфере образования. Важным является вопрос применения слушателями психолого-педагогических знаний и умений в профессиональной деятельности. Данные входной диагностики показывают достаточно небольшой процент слушателей, применяющих психолого-педагогические знания и умения, а также использование систематически и на естественной основе. Еще одной проблемой остается осознание недостаточного уровня владения информационно-коммуникационными технологиями. Несмотря на достаточную открытость информационных ресурсов института, представленность их на официальном сайте, довольно большой процент слушателей не в полной мере знаком с проектными и информационно-методическими ресурсами, так как, по мнению самих же слушателей, это не входит в круг их обязанностей. Заключение. Выявленные оставшиеся затруднения позволят отрегулировать работу проведения оперативной корректировки содержания и форм работы профессорско-преподавательского состава со слушателями в ходе освоения дополнительных профессиональных программ, а также определить подходы к принятию эффективных управленческих решений, направленных на обеспечение положительной динамики результатов освоения слушателями дополнительных профессиональных программ. Introduction. The results of the annual monitoring of the input and final diagnostics of the development of additional professional programs by students are presented. Aim and objectives. The goal is to determine the degree of formation of students’ professional competencies when mastering additional professional programs, as well as to determine the dynamics of changes in the subject position of students regarding their professional competence. Material and methods. The research material was the data obtained from the final diagnosis developed by the Institute of Continuing Professional Education. Identified difficulties in the training of students, as well as interesting dynamics in four sections of the questionnaire are presented: the position of students of the courses regarding their legal competence, psychological and pedagogical competence, professional skills, and the relevance of using the Institute’s information and methodological resources. Results and discussion. An analysis of the data of the conducted input and final diagnostics of the level of training of students in the development of additional professional programs for 2019 revealed the typical and remaining difficulties that students experience. Two categories took part in the survey: “Pedagogical workers” and “Leading workers”. Diagnostic data showed that most students feel the need to develop their professional competence. The need for the development of skills that allow you to build your own professional activities in accordance with the legislation in the field of education remains relevant in the work of both teachers and managers. An important issue is the use by students of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills in professional activities. Input diagnostic data show a fairly small percentage of students who use psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills, as well as the use of a systematic and natural basis. Another problem remains the awareness of an insufficient level of knowledge of information and communication technologies. Despite the sufficient openness of the institute’s information resources and its presence on the official website, a fairly large percentage of students are not sufficiently familiar with project and information-methodological resources, including those presented on portals and sites located on the official website, since this is not in their circle duties, according to listeners. Conclusion. The remaining difficulties identified will allow us to adjust the work of carrying out operational adjustments to the content and forms of work of the teaching staff with students during the development of additional professional programs, as well as to determine approaches to making effective management decisions aimed at ensuring positive dynamics in the results of the development of additional professional programs by students.

2021 ◽  
pp. 104973152110112
Ramesh K. Chhetri ◽  
S Dorji ◽  
Tshering Dorji ◽  
Sangay Wangchuk

Purpose: With the transition of political, economic, and social scenario in Bhutan, the civil society organizations (CSOs) have been expanding over the years. However, a paucity of trained social workers in Bhutan has compelled the CSOs to recruit employees with varying degrees. Considering such situation, this study was designed to understand the efficacy of Bhutan’s first-ever certificate course in social work offered by Samtse College of Education from the vantage point of the participants. Method: It adopted a convergent parallel mixed-method design, primarily employing questionnaires and semistructured individual interviews. Results: The study found the certificate course to be highly effective in enhancing the professional competence of the social workers in Bhutan. Discussion: The study supports the need to provide similar courses to hundreds of untrained social workers in Bhutan who are aspiring to upgrade their professional competence.

10.18060/346 ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 235-247 ◽  
Sabrina Williamson ◽  
Carol Hostetter ◽  
Katharine Byers ◽  
Pamela Huggins

The field experience is understood to be pivotal in social work education. In this qualitative study, BSW students reflected on their learning outcomes and processes in their field experiences. They highlighted how their work in agencies helped them to operationalize social work values and ethics, develop an awareness of themselves as social workers, and enhanced their confidence. Implications for strengthening the practicum experience though more reflective experiences and enhancing the preparation of field instructors is discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-30
Ramesh Kumar Chhetri ◽  
Sangay Wangchuk

With the transition of political, economic and social scenario in Bhutan, the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have been expanding over the years. Bhutan has more than forty registered CSOs and the numbers are still growing. However, paucity of trained social workers in Bhutan has compelled the CSOs to recruit employees with varying degrees. To mitigate this, Samtse College of Education (SCE) of the Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) launched Bhutan’s first ever certificate course in social work. So far, two cohorts of participants have been trained. This study was designed to understand the efficacy of Bhutan’s first ever certificate course in social work from the vantage point of the participants. It adopted a convergent parallel mixed method design, primarily employing questionnaires and semi-structured individual interviews. The study found the certificate course to be highly effective in enhancing the professional competence of the social workers in Bhutan. It is believed to have been an “eye-opening experience” for most social workers who ventured into this profession, without relevant training. The study recommends SCE and RUB to provide similar certificate courses to the thousands to untrained social workers in Bhutan. 

2012 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-18
Barbara Muskat ◽  
Marion Bogo ◽  
Illana Perlman

This paper describes the development and successful pilot of rotational placements by the social work faculty of a large Canadian university. Modifications required for the pilot are discussed, particularly related to recruiting settings, enlisting field instructors and students, developing new field materials, training field instructors in the model and developing an evaluation tool used by field instructors and students. The strengths, limitations and lessons learned from the experience are discussed as well as the potential usefulness of rotational placements as an approach to addressing resource challenges in field education.

Yа. Spivak

The article considers social and communicative culture as a fundamental component of the professionalism of future social workers. The main function of social and communicative culture, which is to establish emotional interaction and communication with clients, is distinguished. Attention is drawn to the fact that the formation of social and communicative culture is an important task of future social workers' training. The theoretical and methodological basis of social and communicative culture of the personality, in particular, of future social workers, is investigated. The approaches of scientists to understanding the essence of the concept of 'culture', 'culture of communication', 'social-communicative culture', 'social-communicative culture of a social worker' are analyzed. The relationship between the features of social work and the quality of mastering the communication skills are the basis for the professional competence of the social worker has been clarified. The essence of the content of the social- communicative culture of the future social worker is revealed through the focus on ethics and humanization of professional relations, realization of the formed moral convictions, ideals and cultural values, and the structure of the social-communicative culture of future social workers is characterized. The fundamental importance of social and communicative culture has been identified as future professionals need to be trained to establish linguistic contact with clients, perceive professionally, understand and use information, clarify real problems of clients, and influence them effectively.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
Thaisa Teixeira Closs ◽  
Giovane Antônio Scherer

Resumo: O presente artigo objetiva discutir a visita domiciliar, compreendida como um instrumento interventivo no trabalho dos assistentes sociais. O material, ancorado no referencial dialético-crítico, apresenta reflexões de cunho técnico-operativo, problematizando os desafios presentes na articulação desse instrumental no exercício profissional. Aponta-se para a necessária articulação das dimensões da competência profissional na direção da materialização do projeto ético-político do Serviço Social, problematizando a conjuntura atual de agudização da ideologia neoliberal de cunho neoconservador e seus impactos para o trabalho profissional do assistente social. Home visit in the work of the social worker: reflections on the operative techniques and the ethical-political challenges in the present time Abstract: This article aims to discuss the home visit, understood as an intervention tool in the work of social workers. The material, anchored in the dialectical-critical referential, presents reflections of technical-operative nature, problematizing the present challenges in the articulation of this instrumental in the professional exercise. This article points out the necessary articulation of the dimensions of professional competence in the direction of the materialization of the social-political project of Social Work, problematizing the current conjuncture of neoliberal ideology exacerbation of neoconservative nature and its impacts on the professional work of the social worker. 

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