emotional interaction
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Франц Малгожата

Interpersonal relationships depend on: linguistic competence (biologically determined), communicative competence (socioculturally determined), knowledge of the principles of effective interpersonal communication and personal skills of interpersonal communication. As it turns out, the potential of linguistic knowledge, knowledge of the rules of communication and the effectiveness of their application are necessary, but insufficient. Interpersonal skills become the element that ensures the achievement of a better level of cooperation.Interpersonal relationships in the group/team are also due to: intellectual and emotional interaction of team members, group norms, a common goal, social structure of the team (social roles), a sense of originality of the team in relation to other groups. The effectiveness of the activities carried out by the team depends largely on the interpersonal relationships in the work team. Establishing these relationships and improving them is possible through the author's training «Interpersonal relationships in the team».The article presents the theoretical purpose of the author's training, which allows establishing interpersonal relationships in the work team; cognitive purpose in terms of describing the author's training and analysis of its components; practical purpose in terms of establishing interpersonal relationships that have developed in the work team, analysis of difficulties in establishing and maintaining proper interpersonal relationships, measures aimed at eliminating or minimizing incorrect interpersonal relationships, when it is necessary for the benefit of the team and its effectiveness; recommendations to the head of the working team on the application of author's workshop.Key words: interpersonal communication; interpersonal relations; working team; communication styles in the organization; workshop.

2021 ◽  
pp. 28-33
Fomina I.S.

The article reveals the main psychological and pedagogical features of effective learning. The memorization techniques from Joshua Foyer are considered, where the author introduces the concept of the idea of a palace of images, or a palace of memory, which contains images, associations created in the last lesson, related to the past theme. If there is a purpose and meaning of memorization, then the process of reproduction will be more efficient and simpler.The significance and role of the image in the theory of the modern scientist V.V. Klimenko. The image is considered as a reflection of the subject and a standard-regulator of cognitive, moral actions and aesthetic actions.Emphasis is placed on the prominent role of restorative exercises and interval repetitions in the study of the concept of effective learning. The article states that effective learning requires the skill to praise students correctly and carefully. Praise as a means of motivation becomes productive if it is skillfully used in pedagogical communication, establishing more emotional interaction between teacher and students.It is emphasized that effective learning will give results when teachers pay attention to the importance of perception of the student’s point of view, his thoughts, impressions, judgments, motives. The main, in this aspect, is psychological reasoning – non-cognitive factors that affect learning. The more often students begin to think about the learning process, the results of their actions, successes in the study of certain topics, categories, concepts – the more effective, and most importantly, conscious will be the learning process. Emphasis is placed on the category of “growth thinking”, which is interpreted as the belief that abilities and intelligence are variable, and we can increase their level. The concepts of associations, the process of image creation, on the basis of which thought is built, are studied. Emphasis is placed on the important role of the teacher’s emotional response, which should meet the learning objectives and encourage students to further success and learning outcomes.The category of metacognition as a process of thinking about one’s own thoughts, effective reception of learning is considered. The theory of the American scientist Carl Rogers on the important questions that true professional and wise teachers should ask themselves is highlighted.Key words: learning, teacher, growth thinking, motivation, emotional response, metacognition. Стаття розкриває основні психолого-педагогічні особливості ефективного навчання. Розглянутотехні-ки запам’ятовування від Джошуа Фойера, де автор вводить поняття ідеї палацу образів, або палац пам’яті, в якому містяться образи, асоціації, створені минулого уроку, пов’язані з минулою темою. Якщо є мета і значення замап’ятовування, тоді і процес відтворення буде відбуватися ефективніше і простіше. Висвітлено значення і роль образу в теорії сучасного науковця В.В. Клименко. Образ розглядається як відображення предмета і еталон-регулятор пізнавальних, моральних вчинків та естетичних дій. Наголошено на визначній ролі відновлювальних вправ та інтервальних повторень у рамках вивчення поняття ефективного навчання. У статті визначено, що ефективне навчання потребує майстерності правильно і обережно хвалити учнів. Похвала як засіб мотивації стає продуктивною, якщо вміло її використовувати в педагогічному спілкуванні, встановленні більш емоційної взаємодії між вчителем і учнями.Наголошено, що ефективне навчання буде давати свої результати, коли педагоги будуть звертати увагу на важливість сприйняття точки зору учня, його думок, вражень, суджень, мотивів. Головним у цьому аспекті виступає психологічне міркування – некогнітивні фактори, які впливають на навчання. Чим частіше учні почнуть замислюватися над навчальним процесом, результатами своїй дій, успіхами у вивченні тих чи інших тем, категорій, понять – тим ефективнішим, а головне усвідомленим стане процес навчання.Акцентовано увагу на категорії «мислення зростання», яке тлумачиться як переконання, що здібно-сті та інтелект є змінними, і ми можемо підвищити їхній рівень. Досліджені поняття асоціацій, процесу створення образу, на основі яких будується думка. Наголошено на визначній ролі емоційного відгуку вчителя, що має відповідати навчальним цілям і заохочувати учнів на подальші успіхи та результати навчальної діяльності.Розглянуто категорію метапізнання як процесу думання про власні думки, ефективного прийому навчання. Висвітлено теорію американського науковця Карла Роджерса щодо важливих питань, які мають задати собі справжні професійні та мудрі педагоги.Ключові слова:навчання, педагог, мислення зростання, мотивація, емоційний відгук, метапізнання

2021 ◽  
Vol 2078 (1) ◽  
pp. 012028
Huiping Shi ◽  
Hong Xie ◽  
Mengran Wu

Abstract Emotion recognition is a key technology of human-computer emotional interaction, which plays an important role in various fields and has attracted the attention of many researchers. However, the issue of interactivity and correlation between multi-channel EEG signals has not attracted much attention. For this reason, an EEG signal emotion recognition method based on 2DCNN-BiGRU and attention mechanism is tentatively proposed. This method firstly forms a two-dimensional matrix according to the electrode position, and then takes the pre-processed two-dimensional feature matrix as input, in the two-dimensional convolutional neural network (2DCNN) and the bidirectional gated recurrent unit (BiGRU) with the attention mechanism layer Extract spatial features and time domain features in, and finally classify by softmax function. The experimental results show that the average classification accuracy of this model are 93.66% and 94.32% in the valence and arousal, respectively.

Bahbibi Rahmatullah ◽  
Norshakila Muhamad Rawai ◽  
Suzani Mohamad Samuri ◽  
Sopia Md Yassin

Abstract Early childhood care and education (ECCE) is commonly understood in Malaysia as providing care and education for young children from the age of newborn until about six years old, before they enter formal elementary education. Various curriculum and teaching approaches were developed to enhance children's learning experiences based on their needs, age, and ability to support all three main developmental aspects: cognitive (language development and problem-solving skills), physical (development of gross and fine motor skills), and social-emotional (interaction with others). This paper will provide an overview of Malaysia's ECCE from its early implementation until today based on literature review of related research conducted in Malaysia. The definition of ECCE in Malaysia, its history and development, ECCE providers and type of institutions, current ECCE curriculum, and ECCE related acts in Malaysia are presented. In addition, the challenges faced, its consequences, and future course of ECCE in Malaysia are also discussed. It is envisaged that this article would be a platform for the relevant stakeholders worldwide to gain an insight on the Malaysian ECCE, serve as a benchmark and act as a reference for their respective ECCE settings.

2021 ◽  
pp. 221-230
Sijia Gu ◽  
Yue Lu ◽  
Yuwei Kong ◽  
Jiale Huang ◽  
Weishun Xu

AbstractThis paper aims to improve users’ experience in affective interactive installations through the diversification of interfaces. With logically organized hierarchical experience, diverse interfaces with emotion data as inputs enhance users’ emotional interaction to be more natural and immersive. By using facial affect detection technology, an installation with diverse input interfaces was tested with an organic formal setting. Mechanical flowers and support structure based on the organic form were deployed as its physical output for a multitude of sensorial dimensions. With actions of the mechanical flowers, such as blooming, closing, rotating, glowing and blinking, a layered experiential sequence was created and the atmosphere of the installation was evaluated to be more engaging. In this way, the layered complexity of information was transferred to users’ immersive emotional experience. We believe that the practices in this work can contribute to deeper emotional engagement with users and add new layers of emotional interactivity.

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