Pablo Manuel Chauca Malásquez

Este artículo reflexiona sobre el papel de la universidad pública mexicana en la animación y promoción del desarrollo local, entendiendo éste como un proceso integral basado en el aprovechamiento de los recursos y potencialidades endógenos con la participación de diversos actores sociales. Se sostiene que la universidad pública es un actor clave del desarrollo local, sobre todo por su trascendencia en el avance de las capacidades humanas de la población y en la formación y cualificación de los recursos humanos locales.A lo largo del texto se discute cómo trasformar las actividades de docencia, investigación y vinculación de la universidad pública mexicana, para que se desarrolle su capacidad de aprender e interactuar con el entorno inmediato. Se argumenta que las actividades de investigación basadas en un conocimiento trasdisciplinar y contextualizado son la piedra angular para las trasformaciones en las otras actividades sustantivas de la universidad pública mexicana. Palabras clave: desarrollo local, desarrollo humano, trasdisciplina, conocimiento contextualizado.   ABSTRACT The article tries about the paper of the Mexican public university, in the animation and promotion of the local development. Understanding the local development how integral process based on the advantage of the resources and endogenous potentialities with the participation of diverse social actors, it is maintained that the public university is a key actor of the local development, mainly by its importance in the advance of the human capacities of the population and in the formation and qualification of the local human resources.Throughout the text it is discussed about how transforming the teaching activities, investigation and entailment of the Mexican public university, way so that its capacity is developed to learn and to interact with its immediate surroundings. It is argued that the activities of investigation based on transdisciplinar and surrounded knowledge are the angular stone for the transformations in the other core activities of the Mexican public university.

Gabriel Giorgi

Resumen: Distintas intervenciones desde prácticas activistas y culturales en torno al VIH escenifican poéticas y políticas del resto corporal en las que se juegan, por un lado, una reorganización de los modos en que se dramatiza en umbral entre lo vivo y lo muerto en lo público –redefiniendo así el tejido mismo de lo que llamamos “comunidad”—; y por otro, indican los modos en que estos activismos impulsan una disputa sobre los “marcos de temporalización” desde los cuales lo viviente se vuelve reconocible políticamente y donde la noción de supervivencia adquiere una centralidad decisiva. Combinando materiales heterogéneos el artículo busca iluminar los modos en que los activismos y las culturas en torno al VIH configuran un terreno decisivo para pensar políticas de la supervivencia del presente. Palabras clave: VIH, ACT-UP, Supervivencia, Temporalidades, Biopolítica. Abstract: Different interventions from activist and cultural practices around HIV staged poetics and politics of the body remmant. They implie, on the one hand, a reorganitzation of the dramatization of the threshold between the living and the dead in the public space; and on the other, they indicate the ways in which these activisms mobilize a dispute over the “frames of temporalization” from which the living becomes politically recognizable and where the notion of survival acquires a decisive centrality. Combining heterogeneous materials, the article seeks to illuminate the ways in which activism and cultures on HIV constitute a decisive ground for thinking about the present policies of survival. Keywords: IHV, ACT-UP, Survival, Biopolitics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-198 ◽  
Joanna Podgórska-Rykała

The aim of this article is to look at strategic management of a large city from the two different perspectives: theoretical and empirical. In the first part the author focused on theoretical fundaments of management, particularly of the public strategic management. The second part presented the characteristics of the process of strategic management based on empirical data: two strategic documents adopted in Katowice over the last number of years were analysed. One of these documents is a currently binding one and the other is of an archival character. Referring to both the systematics and the means of preparation of these documents, as well as to their content, the author showed their common elements and the transformation which have occurred over the last number of years concerning the manner and approach to strategic management in the city. Based on documents analysis, the author answered the question asked in the introduction, which is whether in relation to the long-term policy of Katowice can one talk about change or continuation.

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (19) ◽  

Este artigo esquadrinha as relações de poder, em Angola, emergentes em Predadores, romance escrito por Pepetela, um dos mais instigantes intelectuais angolanos da atualidade. Ao delinear como o autor narra o ”outro”, em especial, a apropriação do público pelo privado, assim como o oportunismo polá­tico, detectamos os contornos de seu posicionamento polá­tico. As principais temáticas sobre as relações de poder, recortadas nessa obra, comprovam que a sua literatura estrutura uma crá­tica sócio-polá­tica, extremamente perspicaz, da sociedade e dos Estados angolanos contemporá¢neos. Palavras-chave: Angola. Pepetela. Relações de Poder.  PREDADORES: when literature recounts the relations of power in Angola Abstract: This article discusses the power relations in emergent Angola inPredadores, a novel written by Pepetela, one of the most intriguing Angolan scholars nowadays. By analyzing how the author narrates the ”other”, in particular, the appropriation of the public by the private sector, we can identify the contours of his political stance. The main themes on the power relations focused on the novel evidence that his literature structures extremely clever socio-political criticism of both Angolan contemporary society and State. Keywords: Angola. Pepetela. Power relations.  PREDADORES: cuando la literatura narra las relaciones de poder en AngolaResumen: Este artá­culo explora las relaciones de poder en Angola emergentes en Predadores, novela escrita por Pepetela, uno de los más importantes intelectuales angoleños hoy. Para esbozarcómo el autor dice el "otro", en particular la apropiación de público para el oportunismo privado, asá­ como polá­tica, detectamos su posicionamiento polá­tico. Las principales temáticas sobre lasrelaciones de poder recortadas en este trabajo vienen comprobar que la literatura estructura una crá­tica sociopolá­tica bastante perspicaz de la sociedad y de los Estados angoleños contemporáneos. Palabras clave: Angola. Pepetela. Relaciones de poder.  

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 160
Zairo Carlos da Silva Pinheiro ◽  
Cicilian Luiza Löwen Sahr

Resumo Esse artigo busca discutir o imaginário na espacialidade vivida levando em conta a oralidade de sujeitos quilombolas. Para tanto, estuda-se o caso concreto de Pimenteiras do Oeste em Rondônia (RO) à luz das narrativas de seus quilombolas e também de teóricos da fenomenologia. Acredita-se que a reivindicação de um espaço quilombola, a Fazenda Santa Cruz, esteja sustentada tanto pelo imaginário social e pela espacialidade construída e reconstruída ao longo da história do grupo, como também - e principalmente - pelo imaginário social recente, tornado visível a partir da Constituição Federal de 1988. A pesquisa demonstra que a vontade de “ser quilombola” perpassa pelo imaginário de diferentes discursos, e que este imaginário se mescla com as espacialidades do grupo, tornando-os um dependente do outro.Palavras-chave: imaginário; espacialidades; narrativas; quilombolas; Rondônia. Abstract This article is discussing the function of imaginaries in lived spatialities, based on an investigation on the orality of quilombolas. As such, it is directed towards a case study in Pimenteiras do Oeste in Rondonia (Brazil), a place which is understood through the narratives of its quilombola population as well as through phenomenological methods.  Its premises are that the claim for a quilombola space, in our case the Fazenda Santa Cruz, is based on a connection between social imaginary and its produced spatiality, on one hand grounded on a long-term lived experience of the group, and on the other referring to a more recent imaginary that is linked to the Federal Constitution of Brazil from 1988. Throughout the research it appears that the will to “be quilombola” is passing through the imaginary of several discourses, and that these imaginaries do mix within the lived spatialities of the group, turning each element dependent on the other.Keywords: imaginary; spatiality; narratives; quilombolas; Rondonia.  ResumenEl presente artículo discute lo imaginario en la espacialidad vivida a la luz de la oralidad de sujetos quilombolas (cimarrones). El caso de Pimenteiras do Oeste, Rondônia, es estudiado a partir de las narrativas de los quilombolas a través del análisis de la fenomenología. La demanda de un espacio quilombola, la Hacienda Santa Cruz, es apoyada tanto por el imaginario social y la espacialidad construida y reconstruida a lo largo de la historia del grupo, pero también -  sobre todo - por el imaginario social reciente, que se hizo visible desde la Constitución Federal de 1988. La investigación muestra que el deseo de "ser quilombola" está presente en los diferentes discursos, y éste imaginario está mezclado además, con la espacialidad del grupo estudiado, haciéndolos interdependientes. Palabras Clave: imaginario; espacialidad; narraciones; quilombolas (cimarrones); Rondônia. 

Daniela Ortiz dos Santos

Abstract: The paper draws attention to Le Corbusier's first trip to the American continent, with a particular focus on his visions and expectations built before the corporeal dislocation to the New World in September 1929. This approach suggests not only an investigation of one single voyage, but of multiple ones, and above all intellectual ones. Voyages that cross biographies, discourses and practices – in a public and intimate scale – which are attentive to a history embodied in its social actors allowing a confrontation of materials that transcends the so called architectural field. It examines one critical moment of ruptures in Le Corbusier's production (1925-1930), and works across the architectural discussions at that time, placing Le Corbusier in a wider web of reciprocal influences and circulation of ideas in order to help to construct a sense of the fragmented, or even silenced, discourses within the artistic and architectural debates in the late twenties. Such an approach not only allows new interpretations but also the establishment of a new periodization on Le Corbusier's knowledge of- and interests in- the Americas, as well as the narratives produced. Resumen: El artículo llama la atención sobre el primer viaje de Le Corbusier al continente americano, con un foco particular en las visiones del arquitecto y sus expectativas construidas antes del ‘desplazamiento corpóreo’ al nuevo mundo en septiembre de 1929. Desde esta perspectiva, proponemos investigar no sólo un viaje, sino múltiples viajes, y sobre todo los ‘viajes mentales’. En otras palabras, examinamos viajes que cruzan biografías, discursos y prácticas, en una escala privada y también pública. Atentos a una historia encarnada en los actores sociales, nos permitimos una confrontación de documentos que extienden el campo de la arquitectura. Analizamos así un momento crítico y de rupturas en la producción de Le Corbusier (1925-1930), situándolo en una amplia red de sociabilidad y debates en los últimos años de la década de 1920, cuyas influencias, afinidades y circulación de ideas se entrelazan. Al trabajar con este abordaje, posibilitamos nuevas interpretaciones y también el establecimiento de una nueva periodización de Le Corbusier y su relación con las Américas.  Keywords: Le Corbusier; Travel; The Americas; Brazil; Blaise Cendrars; Lucien Romier. Palabras clave: Le Corbusier; Viaje; Las Américas; Brasil; Blaise Cendrars; Lucien Romier. DOI:

Antonio Santiago Río Vázquez

Resumen: El interés de Le Corbusier por los aprovechamientos hidroeléctricos es una constante a lo largo de su vida, sobre todo como inspiración y referencia para proyectar su arquitectura, dando forma a una lección del embalse que veremos enfocada de diferentes maneras y en distintos momentos, desde su descubrimiento durante el trabajo en Vienne (Francia) para la Société d’applications du bétón armé hasta el intento de materialización con la obra de Bhakra en la India, pasando por etapas sucesivas en las que se va exponiendo, publicando o compartiendo, mediante conferencias, textos teóricos o encuentros en viajes, como el realizado a los Estados Unidos en 1946, cuando visita el macroproyecto de la Tennessee Valley Authority y deja constancia en la primera edición americana de Quand les catedrales étaient blanches: voyage au pays des timides. A través de sus palabras, de sus dibujos y de sus proyectos vamos revelando las dos caras de la lección del embalse: la que se desprende de manera inmediata desde las realidades encontradas, que tendrá su impulso final paralelo a la construcción de Chandigarh con la implicación en la presa sobre el Sutlej; y la cara oculta, desvelada como aportaciones e influencias progresivas en su arquitectura. Ambas caras permanecerán como el testimonio de la fértil relación entre Le Corbusier y los aprovechamientos hidroeléctricos. Abstract: The interest of Le Corbusier on hydroelectric industry is a constant throughout his life, especially as inspiration and reference to project its architecture, shaping a lesson of the dam that we will see focused in different ways and at different times, from their discovery while working in Vienne (France) for the Société d’applications du bétón armé to the attempt to materialize the work of Bhakra in India, through successive stages in wich he will be in exposing, publishing or sharing through conferences, theoretical texts and encounters on trips, like the one made to the United States in 1946, when he visits the macro project of Tennessee Valley Authority and describes it in the first American edition of Quand les cathedrals étaient blanches: voyage au pays des timides. Through his words, his drawings and his projects we will reveal the two faces of the lesson of the dam: the one which follows immediately from the facts found, which will find the final attempt parallel to the construction of Chandigarh with the involvement at the dam on Sutlej; and the other side, unveiled as inputs and progressive influences in its architecture. Both sides remain as the testimony of the fertile relationship between Le Corbusier and hydroelectric industry.  Palabras clave: Arquitectura; Siglo XX; Le Corbusier; agua; industria; embalse. Keywords: Architecture; 20th Century; Le Corbusier; water; industry; dam. DOI:

César Aguado Renedo

El estudio tiene por objeto el comentario de la STC 185/2012, de 17 de octubre, que declara inconstitucional el término «favorable» como condición imprescindible del informe del Ministerio Fiscal que el legislador establecía para que el juez pudiese decretar la custodia compartida de los hijos menores por sus progenitores separados cuando estos discrepaban entre ellos sobre la misma. La inconstitucionalidad declarada es doble: porque tal regulación vulneraba el principio de reserva jurisdiccional en favor de los jueces y tribunales que dispone el art. 117.3 CE y porque lesionaba el derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva garantizado en el art. 24.1 CE. La Sentencia tiene un Voto Particular disidente suscrito por varios Magistrados, que niega tales tachas: de un lado, poniendo como ejemplos algunas determinaciones legales sobre cuya constitucionalidad no hay duda y que en consecuencia avalarían la regulación cuestionada; y, de otro y sobre todo, fundando esa juicio de conformidad constitucional del precepto cuestionado en la doctrina del propio Tribunal acerca de la noción de «densidad normativa», que ampara al legislador para regular pormenorizadamente las materias objeto de su atención. El comentario pretende demostrar que los ejemplos con los que se compara en el Voto Particular la regulación declarada inconstitucional no son equiparables a ésta y que tal doctrina constitucional sobre la «densidad normativa» no resultaba aplicable tampoco a la misma. De modo que la imposibilidad de que el juez decretase la custodia compartida de menores en caso de desacuerdo de sus progenitores sobre ella si el informe del Fiscal era contrario (o simplemente neutro o inexistente) era, en efecto, disconforme con la exclusividad jurisdiccional de los jueces y no se compadecía con la tutela judicial efectiva en juego en tales supuestos.The study is about the STC 185/2012, which asserted the unconstitutionality the «favorable» term as a prerequisite of the report of the Public Prosecutor which the legislator established so the judge could impose the joint custody of the children by their parents separated when they disagreed among themselves for that type of custody. The unconstitutionality declared is twofold: because such regulation violated the principle of jurisdictional reservation in favor of the judges and courts proclaimed in the art. 117.3 CE, and because it quite the right to effective judicial protection guaranteed in the art. 24.1 CE. The decision has a dissenting opinion signed by four judges, which denies such studs: on the one side, taking as examples some legal determinations envelope whose constitutionality is no doubt and, that consequently warrantee the questioned regulation; on the other side, and above all, founding that his trial constitutional conformity in the Court’s doctrine about the notion of «normative density», which covers the legislator to regulate detail matters. The comment aims to demonstrate that the examples that are compared in the dissenting opinion declared unconstitutional regulation are not comparable to this, and that such a constitutional doctrine about the «normative density» was not applicable either to the same. So the impossibility that the judge imposed the shared custody of children in case of disagreement of the parents about it if the report of the Prosecutor was opposite (or simply neutral or non-existent) was, indeed, non-conforming with the jurisdictional exclusivity of the judges and violated the right to effective judicial protection at stake in such cases

Stephan De Beer

This essay is informed by five different but interrelated conversations all focusing on the relationship between the city and the university. Suggesting the clown as metaphor, I explore the particular role of the activist scholar, and in particular the liberation theologian that is based at the public university, in his or her engagement with the city. Considering the shackles of the city of capital and its twin, the neoliberal university, on the one hand, and the city of vulnerability on the other, I then propose three clown-like postures of solidarity, mutuality and prophecy to resist the shackles of culture and to imagine and embody daring alternatives.

Background: The literature local venture out; 1) l to migration of talent from universities and emergent, stay in universities and developed talents return to his alma mater; 2) acculturation, multiculturalism and interculturality as management systems for the expulsion and reception of migrants; 3) the adaptation of migrant workers and the assimilation and selection of talents, as well as the identity in both; 4) the inexorability between community worker entrepreneurship and academic talent entrepreneurship. Objective: Specify a model of local entrepreneurship based on a review and discussion of theoretical, conceptual and empirical frameworks related to the migration of workers and talents. Method: A documentary study was conducted with a selection of indexed sources during the period from 2010 to 2019 in repositories in Latin America. Results: The model specified included after hypothesis of correlational trajectories between the assimilation, selectivity and identity variables reviewed in the state of knowledge. Discussion: From the approaches of acculturation, multiculturalism and interculturality, the inclusion of explanatory variables of equitable relations between economic, political and social actors is noted. Conclusion: The specification of the model can only be checked if it is possible to observe inter- culturalism in the public policies of micro-financing of entrepreneurial projects for local development.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 597-635
Thatiellen Menezes Ferreira ◽  
Liliam Deisy Ghizoni

Objetiva-se discutir as narrativas dos policiais militares do Tocantins sobre as dificuldades encontradas no trabalho e o que fazem para lidar com elas. Utiliza-se o aporte teórico da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho. Participaram do estudo 686 policiais, que responderam duas questões: uma sobre as principais dificuldades que encontram em seu trabalho e outra sobre o que fazem para lidar com estas dificuldades. Fez-se análise de conteúdo que gerou duas categorias: a) “Falta de equipamentos, falta de pessoal, carga horária excessiva” e b) “Sempre penso que o amanhã será melhor”. Conclui-se que as maiores dificuldades estão relacionadas à falta de recursos humanos, a falta de valorização e de autonomia para a realização das tarefas. Para lidar com o sofrimento no trabalho, focam no convívio familiar e na religião, com uma certa inércia e paralisação diante dessa vivência.   PALAVRAS CHAVE: Trabalho; Policiais Militares; sofrimento.     ABSTRACT We aim to discuss narratives of State Police Officers of Tocantins about the difficulties they face in their work and what they do to cope with them. For such we have used the theoretical contribution of Psychodynamics of Work. Six hundred and eighty-six (686) police officers participated in the study, answering two questions: one about the main difficulties they face in their work and the other about what they do to cope with those difficulties. Our content analysis generated two categories: a) “Lack of equipment, lack of personnel, excessive workload” and b) “I always think that thing will be better tomorrow.” We have concluded the greatest difficulties are related to the lack of human resources, appreciation and autonomy for the accomplishment of the work. In order to cope with the suffering at work they focus on family life and religion, with a certain inertia and paralysis in the face of the suffering experienced.   KEYWORDS: Work; State Police; Suffering.     RESUMEN Se objetiva discutir las narrativas de los policias militares de Tocantins sobre las dificultades encontradas en el trabajo y lo que hacen para lidiar con ellas. Se utiliza el aporte teórico de la Psicodinámica del Trabajo. Participaron del estudio 686 policias, que respondieron dos cuestiones: una sobre las principales dificultades que encuentran en su trabajo y otra sobre lo que hacen para lidiar con estas dificultades. Se hizo análisis de contenido que generó dos categorias: a) “Falta de equipamientos, falta de personal, carga horaria excesiva” y b) “Siempre pienso que el mañana será mejor”. Se concluye que las mayores dificultades están relacionadas en la falta de recursos humanos, la falta de valorización y de autonomía para la realización de las tareas. Para lidiar con este sufrimiento se focan en el convívio familiar y en la religión, con una cierta inercia y paralización delante del sufrimiento vivenciado.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Trabajo; Policias Militares; Sufrimiento.  

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