scholarly journals Feasibility Study on a Micro Hydro Power Plant at Coban Jahe Waterfall, Jabung, Malang Regency

Sudarman Sudarman ◽  
Wahyu Guszolil ◽  
Daryono Daryono ◽  
Muhammad Lukman

Micro Hydro Power (MHP) Plant is a small-scale power plant under 100 kW. Generally, MHP is built in a place that the electricity network has not touched. Many waterfalls in Taji Village are only used as tourist attractions. One of them is Coban Jahe waterfall which has a water discharge of 0.60567 m3/s in the dry season. Waterfall in Coban Jahe was used and planned as Micro Hydro Power Plant, it was called as MHP. Potential electric power generated from the MHP Coban Jahe Waterfall is 14.0368 kW with an effective head of 3.4742 m. The results show from the financial analysis, the construction of MHP is quite feasible with NPV of Rp. 45,676,769, BCR of 1.0852, which means it is feasible to be continued, the Payback Period is 9 years which does not exceed the project life, and the IRR obtained is 10,0087% which the projects are feasible and profitable to build.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-137
Nurul Dyah Pratiwi ◽  
Isdiyato Isdiyato

Microhydro power plant (MPP) is a small-scale power plant that uses water energy. The process of energy change occurs in a device called a synchronous generator. when the synchronous generator is given an arbitrary load, then the voltage will change. These results cause voltage and frequency instability. This research was conducted to analyze the voltage and frequency instability in MPP. The research method used in this research is descriptive quantitative approach in the village of Soko Kembang, Petungkriyono District, Pekalongan Regency, Central Java. This study provides an overview and explanation of the problems regarding the voltage and frequency instability of Micro Hydro Power Plants. The results of this study are the highest and lowest voltage / frequency instability values, namely 235 volts / 51 Hz and 160 volts / 44 Hz, due to the influence of changes in load current, which can affect the rotational speed of the generator changes, resulting in unstable voltage and frequency generated by the generator, the rotational speed of the generator changes, resulting in unstable voltage and frequency generated by the generator. The solution is  add water power to rotate the shaft of the turbine and generator to be tighter, so that it can reduce the value of the decrease in electric power by losses to the turbine and generator. Large electric power can increase voltage and frequency without having to adjust the load, and the need for improvement of the ELC system in order to get a more effective value of voltage and frequency stability.  

2019 ◽  
Rosnita Rauf

FEASIBILITY STUDY OF MINI HIDRO POWER PLANT IN THE RIVER MANULA PUGUNG COUNTRYDISTRICT OF WEST COASTAL LAMPUNGRosnita Rauf*), Helny Lalan, and BudimanDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Planning, Ekasakti UniversityJl. Veterans Dalam No. 26 B, PadangAbstractThe increase in demand for adequate supply of electricity increases with the increase in population. The energy source used today is from PT. PLN Persero. To generate electricity to this day is still dominated by fossil fuels, which is a source of energy that can not be renewed and not environmentally friendly. The Mini Hydro Power Plant is a renewable and environmentally friendly energy source that has the potential to replace fossil fuels. In this research, a feasibility study of mini hydro power plant which is located in West Coast Pesisir Regency of Lampung. This feasibility study, which we need to measure is the number of reliable water debit contained in one of the rivers of Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (TNBBS). The results showed that Manula river water discharge was Q = 20,32 m3 / s and Beda height or Head = 98 meter able to generate minimum power equal to 17,97 MW. From the results of power that can be generated, mini hydro power plant is feasible to be realized, but the need for further financial review.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Heru Hermawan ◽  
Sunardi Sunardi

Micro Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH) is an alternative source of electrical energy for the community. PLTMH provides many benefits, especially for rural communities throughout Indonesia. When other energy sources start to run low and have a negative impact, water becomes a very important source of energy because it can be used as an energy source. PLTMH is a small-scale power plant that uses hydropower as its driving force such as irrigation channels, rivers, or natural waterfalls by utilizing the waterfall height (head) and the amount of water discharge. In rivers, there is the potential for sufficient water availability throughout the year, reliable discharge, suitable contours, and has been used for MHP. However, this river has decreased the electrical power it produces. Therefore, in this PLTMH river, it is necessary to analyze and recalculate the electric power generated by optimizing the water drop point, using an 8-inch pipe to produce a tangential force of 814.28 N, then using a 3-inch pipe to produce a tangential force of 100, 62 N and using a 2-inch pipe produces a tangential force of 25.37 N.

Ivanovic Milan ◽  
Popovic Dragan ◽  
Arnautovic Dusan ◽  
Bogdanovic Slobodan ◽  
Dzepceski Dane ◽  

2015 ◽  
Vol 74 ◽  
pp. 404-413 ◽  
Zeina Bitar ◽  
Imad Khamis ◽  
Ziad Alsaka ◽  
Samih Al Jabi

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-38
Susanto Ointu ◽  
Frengki Eka Putra Surusa ◽  
Muammar Zainuddin

Listrik merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat berperan penting bagi kehidupan manusia. Sehingga itu rencananya diwilayah terpencil tersebut akan diadakan pembangkit listrik yang ramah lingkungan, dan juga termasuk energi terbarukan. Kecamatan Pinogu terdapat bendungan untuk bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro (PLTMH). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar potensi air untuk menghasilkan energi listrik pada bendungan yang dapat menunjang elektrifikasi di Desa Pinogu Kecamatan Pinogu Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Metode yang digunakan dalam menghitung debit air pada bendungan tersebut dengan metode apung dan pengukuran menggunakan stopwatch. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran pada lokasi bendungan di Desa Pinogu Kecamatan Kabupaten Bone Bolango, menghasilkan potensi air dengan debit air maksimal sebesar 1,67 m3/detik, dengan tinggi terjun 3,57 meter, maka total daya maksimal yang diperoleh adalah 29,83 KW dan dapat melayani 99 rumah dengan daya masing-masing rumah sebesar 300 Watt.Kata Kunci — studi kelayakan, PLTM, Desa Pinogu.Electricity is a necessity that plays an important role in human life. So that the plan is in the remote region will be held power plants that are environmentally friendly, and also include renewable energy. Pinogu Subdistrict has a dam to be used as a source of Micro Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH). The purpose of this study is to find out how much the potential of water to produce electrical energy in dams that can support electrification in Pinogu Village, Pinogu District, Bone Bolango Regency. The method used in calculating the flow of water in the dam with the floating method and measurement using a stopwatch. Based on the results of measurements at the location of the dam in Pinogu Village, District of Bone Bolango District, it produces water potential with a maximum water discharge of 1.67 m3 / sec, with a waterfall height of 3.57 meters, then the total maximum power obtained is 29.83 KW and can serves 99 homes with a power of 300 Watt each.Keywords - feasibility study, PLTM, Pinogu Village.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 201
Muhammad Ikhsan ◽  
Nuzuli Fitriadi

This paper provides survey results of an electricity system that has been carried out from isolated village of Alue Keujrun, South Aceh, Indonesia. The village has a central photovoltaic power plant and a micro hydro power plant. Various problems in the field such as operation errors, lack of maintenance of the electric power system, low voltage and frequency have been found. Power plant operators have also never received any formal training from any institution. The village is located next to the Kluet river which has a very large potential to become a hydrokinetic power plant energy source. Therefore the Kluet river flow velocity was also measured during the survey and described within this paper. Based on the interviews results with local operators, the village power plant does not have an operating permit. Thus, we consider that it is important to review the types of permits required to establish a power plant in Indonesia, including small-scale power plants.

Syarifuddin Nojeng ◽  
Syamsir Syamsir ◽  
Reny Murniati

Transient stability analysis is conducted to determine the ability of the electric power system in maintaining the operating stability after a major disturbance. The disturbance can be trigger an impact on the stability of the rotor angle, voltage, and system frequency which can cause loss of synchronization. In this paper, the impact of the interconnection of the Tombolo-Pao mini hydro power plant (MHPP) on the stability of the system was analyzed by several scenarios to determine the behavior of system parameters in a 20 kV system interconnection network. This research is an implementation of regulatory provisions relating to the study of the connection to the PLN distribution network through by regulator. Based on the result of simulation study, transient stability of generators at TomboloPao power plant about 0.1 second, will not occur with network configuration according to modeling activation of anti-islanding protection of Tombolo Pao Power Plant which is set by 2 second. The simulation results show that the location of the disturbance in the electric power system has been influenced by the behavior of the power plant (synchronous generator) which can lead to the instability of the micro-hydro connected to the micro-grid system 20 kV.

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