scholarly journals Fruits of Gregory Bateson’s Epistemological Crisis: Embodied Mind-Making and Interactive Experience in Research and Professional Praxis

2017 ◽  
Vol 42 (3) ◽  
David Russell ◽  
Ray Ison

Background:  The espoused rationale for this special issue, situated “at the margins of cybernetics,” was to revisit and extend the common genealogy of cybernetics and communication studies. Two possible topics garnered our attention: 1) the history of intellectual adventurers whose work has appropriated cybernetic concepts; and 2) the remediation of cybernetic metaphors.Analysis:  A heuristic for engaging in first- and second-order R&D praxis, the design of which was informed by co-research with pastoralists (1989–1993) and the authors’ engagements with the scholarship of Bateson and Maturana, was employed and adapted as a reflexive inquiry framework.Conclusion and implications:  This inquiry challenges the mainstream desire for change and the belief in getting the communication right in order to achieve change. The authors argue this view is based on an epistemological error that continues to produce the very problems it intends to diminish, and thus we live a fundamental error in epistemology, false ontology, and misplaced practice. The authors offer instead conceptual and praxis possibilities for triggering new co-evolutionary trajectories.Keywords:  Reflexive praxis; Experience; Distinctions; Critical incidents; MaturanaRÉSUMÉContexte  La raison d’être de ce numéro spécial « aux marges de la cybernétique » était de revisiter et d’étoffer la généalogie partagée de la cybernétique et des études en communication. Deux sujets possibles ont retenu notre attention : 1) l’histoire d’explorateurs intellectuels qui ont emprunté certains concepts à la cybernétique; et 2) la rectification de métaphores cybernétiques.Analyse  Comme cadre d’enquête réflexive, les auteurs ont adopté et adapté une heuristique fondée sur des praxis de recherche de premier et de second ordre. La conception de cette démarche a été nourrie par une recherche entreprise avec des éleveurs en milieu pastoral (1989-1893) ainsi que par leur propre investissement dans les travaux de Bateson et de MaturanaConclusion et implications  Cette enquête remet en question le désir conventionnel du changement et la croyance qu’il suffit de bien communiquer pour produire ce changement. Les auteurs soutiennent que ce point de vue se fonde sur une erreur épistémologique qui engendre les problèmes mêmes qu’elle cherche à résoudre, perpétuant ainsi une erreur fondamentale en épistémologie, une fausse ontologie et une pratique déplacée. A la place, les auteurs suggèrent des voies conceptuelles et pratiques permettant de promouvoir de nouvelles trajectoires de coévolution.

2012 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-20
Donald Finan ◽  
Stephen M. Tasko

The history of speech-language pathology as a profession encompasses a tradition of knowledge generation. In recent years, the quantity of speech science research and the presence of speech scientists within the domain of the American Speech-Hearing-Language Association (ASHA) has diminished, even as ASHA membership and the size of the ASHA Convention have grown dramatically. The professional discipline of speech science has become increasingly fragmented, yet speech science coursework is an integral part of the mandated curriculum. Establishing an active, vibrant community structure will serve to aid researchers, educators, and clinicians as they work in the common area of speech science.

2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 58-66
Giuliano Pancaldi

Here I survey a sample of the essays and reviews on the sciences of the long eighteenth century published in this journal since it was founded in 1969. The connecting thread is some historiographic reflections on the role that disciplines—in both the sciences we study and the fields we practice—have played in the development of the history of science over the past half century. I argue that, as far as disciplines are concerned, we now find ourselves a bit closer to a situation described in our studies of the long eighteenth century than we were fifty years ago. This should both favor our understanding of that period and, hopefully, make the historical studies that explore it more relevant to present-day developments and science policy. This essay is part of a special issue entitled “Looking Backward, Looking Forward: HSNS at 50,” edited by Erika Lorraine Milam.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (10-3) ◽  
pp. 70-81
David Ramiro Troitino ◽  
Tanel Kerikmae ◽  
Olga Shumilo

This article highlights the role of Charles de Gaulle in the history of united post-war Europe, his approaches to the internal and foreign French policies, also vetoing the membership of the United Kingdom in the European Community. The authors describe the emergence of De Gaulle as a politician, his uneasy relationship with Roosevelt and Churchill during World War II, also the roots of developing a “nationalistic” approach to regional policy after the end of the war. The article also considers the emergence of the Common Agricultural Policy (hereinafter - CAP), one of Charles de Gaulle’s biggest achievements in foreign policy, and the reasons for the Fouchet Plan defeat.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (152) ◽  
pp. 92-99
S. M. Geiko ◽  
O. D. Lauta

The article provides a philosophical analysis of the tropological theory of the history of H. White. The researcher claims that history is a specific kind of literature, and the historical works is the connection of a certain set of research and narrative operations. The first type of operation answers the question of why the event happened this way and not the other. The second operation is the social description, the narrative of events, the intellectual act of organizing the actual material. According to H. White, this is where the set of ideas and preferences of the researcher begin to work, mainly of a literary and historical nature. Explanations are the main mechanism that becomes the common thread of the narrative. The are implemented through using plot (romantic, satire, comic and tragic) and trope systems – the main stylistic forms of text organization (metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, irony). The latter decisively influenced for result of the work historians. Historiographical style follows the tropological model, the selection of which is determined by the historian’s individual language practice. When the choice is made, the imagination is ready to create a narrative. Therefore, the historical understanding, according to H. White, can only be tropological. H. White proposes a new methodology for historical research. During the discourse, adequate speech is created to analyze historical phenomena, which the philosopher defines as prefigurative tropological movement. This is how history is revealed through the art of anthropology. Thus, H. White’s tropical history theory offers modern science f meaningful and metatheoretically significant. The structure of concepts on which the classification of historiographical styles can be based and the predictive function of philosophy regarding historical knowledge can be refined.

The present work, The Struggle of My Life: An Autobiography of Swami Sahajanand Saraswati, is an English translation of Sahajanand’s autobiography, written in Hindi, Mera Jeevan Sangarsh. It carries an introduction by the translator which briefly deals with the Swami’s life and legacy. It needs to be emphasized that this is not an autobiography in the common run. Its primary focus is not on Swami’s persona; its central theme is the cause of the freedom movement in general and in particular, of the peasant movement under his leadership. It tells of the life and legacy of one of the most uncompromising and fearless freedom fighters and peasant leaders. It covers the social and political history of one of the most crucial periods of our national life, 1920–47. Today, when the Indian peasantry is faced with a number of intractable problems, it reminds them of the struggles of the peasants of yesteryears and the kind of trials and tribulations they went through. It is also remarkable that despite his vast learning and command over Sanskrit, Swami chose to write in simple, colloquial Hindi. That only speaks for his total identification with the masses. Both the teaching and student community as well as general readers would find this book useful, interesting and intellectually stimulating.

Steve J. Kulich ◽  
Liping Weng ◽  
Rongtian Tong ◽  
Greg DuBois

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