historical nature
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Р. А. Султангареева

В настоящий период активации современных реформаций, социополитических перемен изучение историзма и исторического, патриотического мотивов в эпических полотнах особо актуально, ибо именно эпическое творчество содержит критические и глубоко философские обобщения событий не только древности, но и обозримого прошлого. Сложение событий 14 - 15 в в. в эпическое произведение «Идукай и Мурадым» завершилось мудрыми сэсэнами к 15 - 16 в в., отображая события периода активных волнений, связанных с расхищением башкирских земель, защитой родного народа. Эпос совершенствуется на этом фоне, являясь не столько историко - эпическим переложением трагических событий эпохи Золотой Орды, сколько произведением народной словесности, в котором глубоко и ярко обобщены чаяния и идеалы народа об отважных батырах - защитниках, об истинной свободе Духа и независимости, великой силе любви к родине - Иль и родной земле. В эпосе исторического характера особо ярко отмечена трансформация архетипа богини земли, потустороннего мира - Хель на выразительный, пронизывающий весь текст священный образ Иль (страны). In the present period of the activation of modern reforms, sociopolitical changes, the study of historicism and historical and patriotic motifs in epic paintings is especially important, for it is epic creativity that contains critical and deeply philosophical generalizations of events not only of antiquity but also of the foreseeable past. Addition of events 14th - 15th centuries. in the epic work "Idukai and Muradym" was completed by wise sesans to the 16th-17th centuries, reflecting the events of the period of active unrest connected with the plundering of Bashkir lands, the protection of the native people. The epic is improved on this background, being not so much the historical and epic interpretation of the tragic events of the Golden Horde as a product of folk literature, in which the people's aspirations and ideals about courageous defenders, the true freedom of the Spirit and independence, the great power of love to the homeland - ll and his native land. In the epic of a historical nature, the transformation of the archetype of the goddess of the earth, the other world - Khel to the expressive, sacred image of the ll (country), which permeates the entire text, is especially marked.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 187-200
Ewa Wójtowicz

The article concerns the issue of compulsory insurance known in the period of the Polish People’s Republic, which was created by the law itself — the so-called statutory insurance. The basic methods used are the legal-dogmatic method and the descriptive method, the study of legal literature, and the analysis of legal acts and jurisprudence, mostly of a historical nature. Statutory insurance functioned from the 1950s until the end of the 1980s in a centrally planned economy, being specific to the so-called socialist insurance. The insurance relationship concluded by the operation of law could exist in a monopoly situation — in the different categories of insurance there was only one state insurer. In the literature and jurisprudence of the time, the statutory insurance relationship was usually classified as a civil law relationship. Such an assessment, however, raises doubts due to the number of public-law elements occurring in this type of insurance. Statutory insurance was an artificial insurance element, serving fiscal purposes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Andrzej Kokowski

Abstract Gothic migrations have been repeatedly discussed by historians, archaeologists, anthropologists, and linguists, with the literature on the subject comprising over 1,400 articles and monographs. The interpretation of the notion of Goths has evolved from seeing them as a nation to a multi-ethnic formation. Archaeology therefore distinguishes four Gothic cultures: the Wielbark culture, the Masłomęcz group, the Tschernjachov culture and the Sântana de Mureş culture. DNA tests may support the thesis about multiple multiplicity. The pretext for writing this text is a publication of 2019. In part, it was based on untrue materials. Interpretation of the obtained results is in contradiction with the current state of knowledge about the chronology of the analysed materials. The conclusions of a historical nature are contrary to the entire scientific output of historians and archaeologists.

2021 ◽  
pp. 130-139

В статье анализируются методологические взгляды на миф выдающегося русского ученого А.Н. Веселовского (1838–1906). Мифологическая проблематика стала для Веселовского одной из центральных еще в молодые годы, когда он работал над дипломной работой, и оставалась таковой навсегда, о чем свидетельствуют его исследования как теоретического, так и сравнительно-исторического характера о международном фольклоре, средневековой словесности и литературе поздних веков. Отказавшись следовать канонам «мифологической школы», ученый поставил перед собой задачу разработать новый метод научного анализа, который позволит изучать эволюцию и генезис художественных форм как с формальной, так и с идейно-содержательной точек зрения. В этой статье мы ставим перед собой задачу собрать в единое целое суждения Веселовского о мифе, оценить их теоретический потенциал и доказать, что диалектика мифа и есть тот самый метод, благодаря которому он создал уникальную верификационную систему объяснения исторических изменений такого феномена как поэзия. Для раскрытия этой темы наиболее важными для нас являются: дипломная работа ученого (1857), статьи-рецензии «Заметки и сомнения о сравнительном изучении средневекового эпоса» (1868), «Сравнительная мифология и ее метод» (1873), теоретические статьи «Из введения в историческую поэтику. Вопросы и ответы» (1894), «Из истории эпитета» (1895), «Психологический параллелизм и его формы в отражении поэтического стиля» (1898), «Синкретизм древнейшей поэзии и начала дифференциации поэтических родов» (1899), в том числе неопубликованные при жизни Веселовского труды: «Поэтика сюжетов» (1913), «Определение поэзии» (1959) и другие. The article analyzes the methodological views on the myth of the outstanding Russian scientist A.N. Veselovsky (1838-1906). Mythological issues became for Veselovsky one of the central in his young years, when he worked on the graduation work, and turned into his lifelong priority. This is evidenced by his research of both theoretical and comparative historical nature about the international folklore, medieval literature and literature of late centuries. By refusing to follow the canons of the "mythological school", the scientist set himself the task of developing a new method of scientific analysis, which allowed to study the evolution and genesis of artistic forms with formal and ideological as well as meaningful points of view. In this article, we set ourselves the task of collecting judgments of Veselovsky about myth, to evaluate their theoretical potential and prove that the dialectic of myth is that very method, thanks to which he created a unique verification system for explaining historical changes to such a phenomenon as poetry. The most important for our topic is the scholar's diploma work (1857), critical reviews «Notes and doubts about the comparative study of the medieval epic» (1868), «Comparative mythology and its method» (1873), theoretical articles «From the introduction to historical poetics. Questions and Answers» (1894), «From the history of the epithet» (1895), «Psychological parallelism and its form in the reflection of the poetic style» (1898), «Syncretism of ancient poetry and the beginning of differentiation of poetic labor» (1899), including works of Veselovsky unpublished during his lifetime: «Excursions in the Fiction» (1913), «Definition of Poetry» (1959) and others.

Sergey S. Tretyak ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of thematic frames within the Russian scholarly publications on Turkey’s participation in the Syrian conflict. The author highlights the following thematic blocks: the historical nature of Syrian-Turkish relations, the “Kurdish factor” of Turkish policy in the Syrian conflict, Russian-Turkish relations, relations between Turkey and the United States.

2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-170
Benno Van Den Toren

This article orchestrates an intercultural theological conversation between Karl Barth’s theology of religions and selected Asian Christian theologians. The latter rightly stress that Barth’s criticism of religions is mainly concerned with Christian religion, although it does allow for the recognition of “other true lights.” Yet, insufficient attention is paid to the fact that Barth considers Christianity in particular “the true religion.” In critical conversation with these Asian reflections, it becomes clear that we need to move beyond Barth because (1) his Christocentrism neglects God’s presence as Creator and Spirit in other religious traditions, (2) Barth’s actualism does not allow him to properly distinguish between the word of God in the Christian Scriptures and in the “other lights,” and (3) this actualism stands in the way of a full recognition of the historical nature of revelation and salvation in Christ.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S2) ◽  
pp. 1245-1258
Abdugani Kholbekov ◽  
Babur Berdiev

The stratification processes taking place in the newly independent states of the post-Soviet space have both common starting principles and special tendencies. Under the conditions of market reforms, stratification processes are deepening. Based on a comparative analysis of various approaches, the author identified nine types of stratification systems and their general historical nature. A summary description of the specifics of each of them is provided. As a special feature, the article shows the division of Uzbek society into various social strata and strata according to their status indicators.

2021 ◽  
pp. 256-283
G.B. Shamilli ◽  

The issue of music and Islamic law is considered in the aspect of the methodology due to the proper Arabic language picture of the world and mechanisms of theoretical thinking classical Arab-Muslim culture. The author clarifies that the procedure of inference in Islamic law did not concern music or musicians, but the actions of a person playing/listening music. On the grounds that legal power was epistemic, concentrated in the hands of private lawyers, there was no single center in Arab-Muslim culture from which the legislative decision regarding musicking/listening would extend to the entire Islamic world. The situation is different in the Russian Empire and the post-Soviet states, where, despite the external similarity with classical Islam, the attitude of a lawyer and a person who plays/listens music, for reasons of a cultural and historical nature, is built according to a hierarchical system of values and requires separate study without mechanically equating one historical phenomenon with another. It is shown that the contrarian dichotomy ‘permitted — forbidden — neutral’ appeared in modern science as a result of the universalist approach, did not take place in the legal field of the Arab-Muslim culture, which developed its own system of evaluating actions. The lawyer made a judgment, or ‘branch’, based on the basis-‘root’, which served as the textually fixed Koran and Sunnah, as well as the procedures of unanimous judgment and co-measurement, while the judgments themselves on the same fact could be contrastingly opposite, depending on the characteristics of the legal schools.

2021 ◽  
pp. 297-316
Варвара Викторовна Каширина

В статье проанализированы обнаруженные в рукописном архиве два письма святителя Игнатия (Брянчанинова) к монаху Оптиной пустыни Ювеналию (Половцову) от 9 июля и 7 августа 1856 г. Архимандрит Троице-Сергиевой пустыни Игнатий (Брянчанинов) посетил Оптину пустынь в мае-июне 1856 г., имея желание поселиться в скиту Оптиной пустыни на покое. В письмах архимандрита Игнатия приводятся сведения о его переписке с епископом Калужским и Боровским Григорием (Миткевичем) относительно возможного перехода в Оптину пустынь, а также рассматриваются другие вопросы церковно-исторического характера. В конце статьи публикуются сами письма. The article analyzes two handwritten letters of St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) to the monk of the Optina Desert, Yuvenali (Polovtsov), dated July 9 and August 7, 1856. Archimandrite Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) of the Trinity-Sergius Desert visited the Optina Desert in May-June 1856, wishing to settle in the hermitage in peace. The letters of Archimandrite Ignatius contain information about his correspondence with Bishop Grigory (Mitkevich) of Kaluga and Borovsk regarding the possible transfer to Optina of the Deserts. In addition, other issues of a church-historical nature are considered. At the end of the article is the publication of the letters.

Synthese ◽  
2021 ◽  
Victor J. Luque ◽  
Lorenzo Baravalle

AbstractDue to its high degree of complexity and its historical nature, evolutionary biology has been traditionally portrayed as a messy science. According to the supporters of such a view, evolutionary biology would be unable to formulate laws and robust theories, instead just delivering coherent narratives and local models. In this article, our aim is to challenge this view by showing how the Price equation can work as the core of a general theoretical framework for evolutionary phenomena. To support this claim, we outline some unnoticed structural similarities between physical theories (in particular, classical mechanics) and evolutionary biology. More specifically, we shall argue that the Price equation, in the same way as fundamental formalisms in physics, can serve as a heuristic principle to formulate and systematise different theories and models in evolutionary biology.

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