scholarly journals Participatory institutions and the housing issue: an exploratory study into the types of debate surrounding participation, resolution and funding

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 111
Walkiria Zambrzycki Dutra ◽  
Leonardo Barros Soares

The aim of this paper is to examine the extent to which the organization of the actors involved in public policies may influence decisions within the participatory institutions of which they make part. Two specific contexts were compared from an exploratory perspective – 2009/2010 and 2013/2014 – by analysing the minutes and resolutions issued by the three participatory institutions involved in the Brazilian National Social Housing Plan, namely: the FGTS Trustee Council, the Management Council for the National Social Housing Fund; and the Council of Cities. We have proposed a category called “politically relevant discourses on housing funding” as being able to provide us with a specific overview of the discussion regarding participation and funding. We conclude that the three councils perform distinct roles. The CGFNHIS has become drained politically, the ConCidades sets a broader scope for urban policy, and the CCFGTS seems to be the main institution related to the topic of housing funding.

2011 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 55
Alessandra D’Ávila Vieira ◽  
Liliane Janine Nizzola ◽  
Luana Miranda Esper Kallas ◽  
Manuelita Falcão Brito ◽  
Benny Schvasberg ◽  

A classificação da rede urbana brasileira é importante ferramenta de gestão governamental, econômica e social, pois possibilita um direcionamento mais acertado de investimentos urbanos. Partindo-se da análise de três estudos recentes que elaboraram classificações para a Rede Urbana – o primeiro, Configuração Atual e Tendências da Rede Urbana, desenvolvido pelo Instituto de Pesquisas Aplicadas juntamente com o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística; o segundo, Política Nacional de Desenvolvimento Regional, do Ministério da Integração Nacional, e o terceiro, Tipologia das Cidades Brasileiras, elaborado pelo Observatório das Metrópoles, – percebe-se a permeabilidade e complementaridade entre eles, as grandes contribuições trazidas e o desafio que é produzir uma classificação condizente com a diversidade das cidades brasileiras. Destaca-se ainda como as diferentes leituras da rede urbana incorporam-se às políticas públicas, sendo os estudos realizados parte do processo de construção da política urbana nacional. Assim, acredita-se que grandes desafios foram vencidos. Palavras-chave: cidades; desenvolvimento urbano; gestão governamental; políticas públicas; rede urbana brasileira. Abstract: The Brazilian urban network classification is an important tool of political, economic and social management, since it allows a more accurate direction for urban investments. Analyzing three recent studies that have developed ratings for Urban Network – Configuração Atual e Tendências da Rede Urbana, developed by Instituto de Pesquisas Aplicadas and Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística; Política Nacional de Desenvolvimento Regional, by Ministério da Integração Nacional, and, Tipologia das Cidades Brasileiras, by Observatório das Metrópoles – we can detect the permeability and complementarity between them, their contributions of them and the challenge to produce a consistent classification with the diversity of Brazilian cities. We highlight how the different interpretations of the urban network are incorporated into public policies, showing that the studies are part of the construction of a national urban policy. In this way, we believe that major challenges have been overcome. Keywords: cities; urban development; public management; public policies; brazilian urban network.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 332-354
Gilberto Maurício Frade da Mata ◽  
Thiago Duarte Pimentel ◽  
Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer ◽  

2019 ◽  
pp. 06
María Fernanda Uribe Tami

Resumen Garantizar el acceso efectivo a una vivienda digna o adecuada para la población de menores ingresos debería representar una de las obligaciones primordiales del Estado colombiano. Sin embargo, dicha obligación queda, en muchos casos, plasmada tan solo en forma sesgada en la normativa sin tener en cuenta la calidad de la vivienda que se produce. Este documento presenta un marco analítico para explorar, desde un conjunto de indicadores basados en los instrumentos legales y jurídicos, los diferentes procesos de configuración del entorno habitacional. Se evalúan dos proyectos de vivienda nueva gestionados por el Estado, Ciudadela El Porvenir en Bogotá y Ciudadela Nuevo Occidente en Medellín, desde su desarrollo en 2002 hasta lo ejecutado en el año 2010. Los resultados muestran cómo la vivienda social es una necesidad aún desatendida en donde se privilegia un producto sometido a intereses particulares, de realización progresiva y sujeta a voluntades políticas.Abstract To guarantee effective access to a decent or adequate housing for the population with lower incomes should represent one of the primary obligations of the Colombian State. However, this obligation is, in many cases, reflected only in a biased manner in the regulations without taking into account the quality of the housing. This document presents an analytical framework to explore, from a set of indicators based on normative and legal instruments, the different processes of configuration of the housing environment. Two new housing projects managed by the State, Ciudadela El Porvenir in Bogotá and Ciudadela Nuevo Occidente in Medellín, are evaluated from its development in 2002 until the execution in 2010. Research findings shows how social housing is an unattended need where a product subject to particular interests, of progressive realization and subject to political wills, is privileged.

2015 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-53
Romana Xerez

How does social capital matter to the creation of neighbourhood networks in cities? Social housing in Portugal is some times viewed as a single architectural and building environment development failure. This article discusses a relevant Portuguese urban planning landscape and aims to contribute to the discussion of one of its main purpose – the social housing experiment. The author discusses the case of this landscape as urban policy-making and evaluates its implementation and relevance. She hypothesizes that “neighbourhood units” have become a relevant case in the context of neighbourhood planning and housing social-mix in Lisbon. Firstly, she uses theoretical arguments and findings to discuss an urban experiment - Alvalade Landscape. Secondly, the paper analyses relevant data that demonstrates its links to the housing policies thus enriching the urban design. The article offers evidence from the Alvalade Landscape case study in Lisbon of theoretical and empirical community ties in the 1940s. Thirdly, the paper identifies some elements such as community units, social mix, sidewalks, and that have an impact on neighbourhood design as well as people’s lives. The findings show that supportive neighbour ties provide important network resources (social capital) concerning daily life, illness, support or financial aid. Finally, the paper suggests the relevance that social neighbourhood community has in housing programs and policies.

Social Forces ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 98 (4) ◽  
pp. 1719-1743
Michalis Moutselos

Abstract Why does anti-state, violent rioting take place in advanced democracies? The paper investigates the role of the urban environment in shaping grievances expressed and mobilization/counter-mobilization processes observed during a riotous episode. In particular, I look at large social-housing estates as a propitious urban setting for the eruption and sustenance of anti-state violence. I identify three mechanisms (stigma amplification and inversion, failure of state intervention in the form of everyday administration and emergency policing, and advantages for network activation and resource mobilization among potential rioters) that complement standard explanations of rioting based on socioeconomic and ethno-cultural grievances. I test the theoretical model using a controlled case study of two neighboring suburbs in the North of Paris, with similar socioeconomic, demographic, and political characteristics but different violent outcomes in the 2005 nation-wide wave of French riots. The paper traces the source of local variation to the exogenous presence of large, concentrated social-housing estates in one, but not the other. The analysis here treats anti-state rioting as a form of urban protest and looks at state-society divisions rooted in urban geography and policy that have been overlooked in conventional scholarship on minority mobilization in Europe.

2018 ◽  
pp. 254-279
Bruno Abdala ◽  
Juliana Nunes

ResumoEste texto busca problematizar os canais participativos que se difundiram no Brasil ao longo dos últimos trinta anos e que resultam da valorização da participação social nos processos de elaboração de políticas públicas. Para tanto, recorremos aos conceitos de espaço político e de governança territorial como conceitos operacionais para uma análise do colegiado territorial do Vale do Paranã, Goiás, nosso objeto de estudo empírico. Procuramos sistematizar o debate conceitual e destacar sua relevância para a análise dos desafios e das contradições desses canais participativos no contexto político-institucional brasileiro.  AbstractThis article aims to problematize the participatory institutions that have spread in Brazil during the last thirty years as the result of social participation’s valorization in the processes of elaboration of public policies. For that, we used the concepts of political space and territorial governance as operational concepts for the analysis of the territorial collegiate of the Paranã Valley, Goiás, our empirical study object. We aim to systematize the conceptual debate and highlight its relevance for the analysis of the challenges and contradictions of these participatory institutions in the Brazilian political-institutional context.Keywords: Political space. Territorial governance.Publicpolicy.

2017 ◽  
pp. 47
Alejandra Sofía Rivas Espinosa

El presente artículo expone una reflexión sobre las especificidades delproceso de mercantilización de la vivienda social en Chile, analizandoparticularmente la concepción mecánica del hábitat y la consecuentedescomposición de la vivienda en dimensiones técnicas constructivas,por un lado, y sociales, por el otro, junto con el desconocimiento de otrosantecedentes, diferentes a los propuestos desde el conocimiento en el quese ampara la política pública. Teniendo en consideración esta dicotomíaque marca la ejecución de la política de vivienda chilena, se tematiza el roldel discurso experto en la naturalización de las soluciones habitacionalespropuestas, en la justificación de sus formas de producción y en la opacidad de su estrecha relación con las lógicas económicas dominantes, logrando con ello separar a las personas del diseño del hábitat residencial.Palabras clave: política habitacional, vivienda social, vivienda-mercancía,conocimiento técnico, habitar.Reflections on housing public policy in Chile: between the process and the goods, between the technical and the socialAbstractThis article presents a reflection on the specificities of the process of commodification of social housing in Chile, analyzing, particularly, the mechanical conception of habitat and the consequent decomposition of the houses in technical constructive dimensions, on one hand, and social, on the other; along with the ignorance of other knowledges, different from those proposed in the knowledge that protects the public policies. Considering this the role of the expert discourse in the naturalization of the proposed housing solutions, in the justification of its forms of production and in the opacity of its close relation with the dominant economic logics, thereby separating people from the design of the residential habitat. dichotomy that marks the execution of the Chilean housing policy, it presents. keywords: housing policy, social housing, housing-commodity, technical knowledge, live. Reflexões sobre a política pública de habitação no Chile: entre o processo e a mercadoria entre o técnico e o social Resumo O presente artigo expõe uma reflexão sobre as especificidades do processo de mercantilização da habitação social no Chile, analisando, em particular a conceição mecânica do habitat e da consequente decomposição da morada em quanto a dimensões técnicas de construção, por uma parte, e sociais, pelo outro, juntamente com a falta de outras noções, diferentes as propostas desde o conhecimento onde a política pública se baseia. Considerando esta dicotomia que marca a execução da política habitacional chilena, tematiza-se o papel do discurso experto na naturalização das soluções habitacionais propostas, na justificação de suas formas de produção e na opacidade de seu estreito relacionamento com as lógicas económicas dominantes, logrando assim separar as pessoas do desenho do habitat residencial. Palavras-chave: política de habitação, habitação social, habitação – mercancia, conhecimento técnico, habitar.

2017 ◽  
pp. 47
Alejandra Sofía Rivas Espinosa

El presente artículo expone una reflexión sobre las especificidades delproceso de mercantilización de la vivienda social en Chile, analizandoparticularmente la concepción mecánica del hábitat y la consecuentedescomposición de la vivienda en dimensiones técnicas constructivas,por un lado, y sociales, por el otro, junto con el desconocimiento de otrosantecedentes, diferentes a los propuestos desde el conocimiento en el quese ampara la política pública. Teniendo en consideración esta dicotomíaque marca la ejecución de la política de vivienda chilena, se tematiza el roldel discurso experto en la naturalización de las soluciones habitacionalespropuestas, en la justificación de sus formas de producción y en la opacidad de su estrecha relación con las lógicas económicas dominantes, logrando con ello separar a las personas del diseño del hábitat residencial.Palabras clave: política habitacional, vivienda social, vivienda-mercancía,conocimiento técnico, habitar.Reflections on housing public policy in Chile: between the process and the goods, between the technical and the socialAbstractThis article presents a reflection on the specificities of the process of commodification of social housing in Chile, analyzing, particularly, the mechanical conception of habitat and the consequent decomposition of the houses in technical constructive dimensions, on one hand, and social, on the other; along with the ignorance of other knowledges, different from those proposed in the knowledge that protects the public policies. Considering this the role of the expert discourse in the naturalization of the proposed housing solutions, in the justification of its forms of production and in the opacity of its close relation with the dominant economic logics, thereby separating people from the design of the residential habitat. dichotomy that marks the execution of the Chilean housing policy, it presents. keywords: housing policy, social housing, housing-commodity, technical knowledge, live. Reflexões sobre a política pública de habitação no Chile: entre o processo e a mercadoria entre o técnico e o social Resumo O presente artigo expõe uma reflexão sobre as especificidades do processo de mercantilização da habitação social no Chile, analisando, em particular a conceição mecânica do habitat e da consequente decomposição da morada em quanto a dimensões técnicas de construção, por uma parte, e sociais, pelo outro, juntamente com a falta de outras noções, diferentes as propostas desde o conhecimento onde a política pública se baseia. Considerando esta dicotomia que marca a execução da política habitacional chilena, tematiza-se o papel do discurso experto na naturalização das soluções habitacionais propostas, na justificação de suas formas de produção e na opacidade de seu estreito relacionamento com as lógicas económicas dominantes, logrando assim separar as pessoas do desenho do habitat residencial. Palavras-chave: política de habitação, habitação social, habitação – mercancia, conhecimento técnico, habitar.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Andrés López ◽  
Andrés Niembro ◽  
Daniela Ramos

<p> </p><p><strong>RESUMEN</strong></p><p>Desde hace tiempo los servicios son un sector dominante en la economía global, puesto que dan cuenta de la mayor parte del producto interno bruto y el empleo, tanto en las economías desarrolladas como en buena parte del mundo en desarrollo. En los últimos años, a su vez, los servicios han incrementado su peso tanto en el comercio internacional como en los flujos de inversiones externas. Si bien las empresas latinoamericanas han comenzado a participar activamente de esta nueva dinámica global y varios de los países de la región muestran un dinamismo apreciable en sus exportaciones de servicios, todavía hay importantes espacios de mejora para profundizar estas tendencias y escalar posiciones.</p><p>El presente trabajo se basa en una encuesta a empresas de servicios de América Latina en la que se indagó acerca de la visión de las propias firmas respecto a los obstáculos para el comercio de servicios, así como sobre la cobertura e impacto de las políticas públicas existentes en los países de la región que influyen sobre dicho comercio. De aquí pueden derivarse algunos lineamientos de política útiles para promover el desarrollo de las exportaciones de servicios en Latinoamérica.</p><p> </p><p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p>Services have long been a dominant sector in the global economy, since they account for the bulk of gross domestic product and employment, both in developed economies and in much of the developing world. In recent years, in turn, services have increased their weight in both international trade and external investment flows. Although Latin American companies have begun to actively participate in this new global dynamic and several countries of the region show a significant dynamism in their services exports, there are still important spaces to deepen these trends and scale positions. The present work is based on a survey of service companies in Latin America in which they were inquired about their own views about obstacles to trade in services, as well as on the coverage and impact of public policies in force that influence this trade. From this, some useful policy guidelines can be derived to promote the development of services exports in Latin America.</p>

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