2015 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Rika Susanti

AbstrakPada survei yang dilakukan WHO dibeberapa kota besar di Asia pada tahun 1996 di Indonesia ditemukan bahwa pada wanita yang berumur diatas 16 tahun dikota Jakarta dan Surabaya pada 1400 sampel didapatkan 2,7% pernah mengalami perkosaan. Beberapa korban hamil, dan ingin mengakhiri kehamilan. Hukum di Indonesia (KUHP), menjelaskan bahwa semua usaha dalam rangka menghentikan kehamilan adalah suatu tindak pidana dan tidak dipersoalkan apakah indikasi dari pengguguran kandungan tersebut. Setelah adanya UU Kesehatan RI No 23 tahun 1992, barulah abortus provokatus atas indikasi medis mendapatkan payung hukum. Disini dijelaskan bahwa jika abortus dalam rangka menyelamatkan nyawa ibu atau anak diperbolehkan (indikasi medis). Legitimasi abortus provokatus atas indikasi medis saat ini dianggap tidak mencukupi lagi, sehingga diperlukan pula legalisasi indikasi non medis, seperti pada korban pemerkosaan dan child abuse. Dengan keluarnya UU Kesehatan No.36 tahun 2009, maka sudah melegalkan tindakan aborsi pada kehamilan akibat perkosaan.Kata kunci: perkosaan, kehamilan, abortus provokatus, payung hukum, KUHP, UU Kesehatan.AbstractIn the survey conducted by WHO in several major cities in Asia in 1996 in Indonesia found that in women aged over 16 years in the city of Jakarta and Surabaya in 1400 samples were obtained 2.7% had experienced rape. Some victims become pregnant due to rape action and there is a desire to terminate the pregnancy. The law in Indonesia is regulated in the Penal Code (KUHP), explain determined that all efforts in order to stop the pregnancy is a crime and not questioned whether the indications of such abortions. After the Health Law (Undang-Undang Kesehatan RI) No. 23 of 1992, then provoked abortion on medical indication obtain legal protection. Here was explained that if the abortion in order to save the life of the mother or child is allowed (a medical indication). The legitimacy of provoked abortion on medical indication currently considered no longer sufficient, so that will be required to legalize non-medical indications, such as the victims of rape and child abuse. With the release of the Health Law No.36 of 2009, it had legalized abortion in pregnancies due to rape. Key words : rape, pregnancy, abortus, legal protection, article of the Penal Code, the Law on Health.

2019 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
Albertus Soge

Legislation on Health Law is a Lex Specialist law that contains exceptional norms for legal protection for providers and receivers of health services. Law Number 36 of 2009 on Health and Law Number 29 of 2004 on Medical Practice are not used consistently in resolving medical malpractice cases in the Criminal Court, thus causing injustice and legal uncertainty. Incorrect application of the law and a long period of cases resolution in court requires reform in handling medical malpractice cases.

SASI ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 160
Theresia Louize Pesulima ◽  
Jenny Kristiana Matuankotta ◽  
Sarah Selfina Kuahaty

This study swapped to know and analyze the protection of the law against consumen over the illicit circulation of health products in the covid-19 pandemic in the city of Ambon and the takes of the territory of the illegal health products in the covid -19 pandemic in the city of Ambon. The study was a sociolegal research. Which is the combination of research methods of doctrinal law research and empirical law research methods. The study was conducted in the municipal administration of Ambon, in the city of Ambon health services, in the industry and commerce of the province of Maluku and in the large hall of the Maluku drug and food centers. This type of data is primer data and seconder data through literature studies and interviews shown by the study shows that quality monitoring in done by both preventive and repressive governments in the pandemic covid-19 of Ambon, it is a legal protection for consumers against illegal health products that are unqualified and consumer helath standards and health that are circulated on the market according to prevailing legislation regulations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (44) ◽  
pp. 2227-2242
Hüseyin ERİŞ ◽  

The aim of this study is to determine the criminal responsibilities of health workers in the relevant laws on medical malpractice in the health sector and to reveal the factors in the formation of medical malpractice. This study is a descriptive study. With the information obtained as a result of the Turkish Penal Code No. 5237, the Law No. 1219 on the Practice of the Style of Medicine and Medical Arts, the Law No. 1593 on Public Health, the Law on the Turkish Medical Association No. 6023, the Turkish Code of Obligations, the Patient Rights Regulation and literature reviews, the medical malpractice of health workers criminal liability has been compiled. In recent years, serious educational studies have been carried out on the subject of medical malpractice and information activities have been carried out on this subject both to health workers and patients. Especially when the awareness about medical malpractice started to increase in patients and their relatives, serious lawsuits were filed against health personnel due to simple mistakes made. Health workers have to defend themselves in the face of these lawsuits. Because serious steps have not been taken yet on Medical Malpractice in the Turkish Penal Code. For this reason, both the court committee, the patient, the health institution and its employees face some difficulties in this process. In particular, healthcare professionals are faced with a serious lack of knowledge about the criminal liability of medical malpractice. Since the laws regarding the health law in our country are not fully regulated, these cases can only be heard in a lawsuit to be opened due to the fault of the health personnel, according to the provisions of the Turkish Penal Code and the Code of Obligations. These lawsuits are carried out in the form of criminal cases, material and moral compensation cases. Therefore, the litigation process may take longer. For this reason, special arrangements to be made regarding medical malpractice in the field of health law will be important in concluding such cases as soon as possible by ensuring that such cases are handled more objectively in terms of the defendant and the plaintiff. It is necessary to determine the rights and duties of both patients and healthcare professionals by carrying out a study with broad participation by health sector representatives, especially lawyers, in order to overcome this deficiency.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Anny Retnowati

<p align="center">Abstract</p><p><em>The purpose of this article is to discuss about legal provision of medical record based on  legal policy of Indonesia as stated in the preamble of the 1945 constitution, that is “to protect all Indonesian people and to give public welfare based on Five principles</em>.”  <em>Such legal policy is harmonized with new paradigm in handling health problems stated at Icpd in cairo 1994 and then arranged in lower legal statutes such as Medical practice Law, Health Law, Hospital Law and Health Minister’s regulation No</em>. <em>269/MENKES/pEr/ III/2008 on Medical record which can be used as means to give legal protection to hospital, doctor and patient whenever these three parties are involved in a legal conflict dealing with health care and services</em>.</p><ul><li><strong>Key words: </strong><em>legal policy</em>, <em>medical  record,  legal  protection, legal conflict , health care and services.</em></li></ul><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membahas tentang pengaturan hukum terhadap rekam medis berdasarkan politik hukum Indonesia sebagaimana tercantum dalam Pembukaan UUD 1945, yaitu “melindungi segenap bangsa Indonesia dan untuk memajukan kesejahteraan umum berdasarkan Pancasila.” Politik hukum tersebut diharmonisasikan dengan paradigma baru dalam penanganan masalah kesehatan yang dicanangkan pada <em>Icpd </em>Kairo 1994, lalu kemudian dijabarkan dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih rendah seperti UUPK, UUK, UURS dan Permenkes No. 269/MENKES/PER/III/2008 tentang Rekam Medis yang dapat digunakan untuk memberikan perlindungan hukum  terhadap rumah sakit, dokter dan pasien manakala terjadi konflik hukum dalam sistem pemeliharaan dan pelayanan kesehatan yang melibatkan ketiga pihak tersebut.</p><ul><li><strong>Kat</strong><strong>a kunci: </strong>politik hukum, rekam medis, perlindungan hukum, konflik hukum, pemeliharaan dan pelayanan kesehatan.</li></ul>

2018 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Sulaiman Alsinani ◽  
Mohammad Amin AlKarisheh ◽  

Particular attention has been given to the marine environment in the UAE. Hence, the legislator has devoted Part II of the Federal Law No. 24 of 1999 which is concerned with the protection and development of the environment. The Law initially identified the scope and goals of the protection, mainly tackling protecting the nation’s coasts, beaches and ports from the dangers of all forms of pollution. In addition to protecting the marine environment and its natural resources through criminalizing any action harming them. The research aims to identify the role of enforced legal protection of the marine environment in the UAE legislations in terms of application, effectiveness and identifying implementation constraints. In order to achieve this, the research reviews the definition of marine environment pollution, identifies elements of marine environment pollution crime and its sanctions. Finally, the researchers aspire that the UAE legislator would add the crime of trespassing the marine environment to the principle of universality, stipulated by the article 21 of the penal code, and specialized courts and investigative bodies to speed the process of looking into marine environment crimes and apply proper sanctions

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
I Dewa Made Suartha

<p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>Legalit</em><em>y principle is a fundamental basis in the criminal law. The principle of legality which is in accordance with Penal Code Article 1 (1), the law stateskhat there are not any actions that are made into a punisment without first all, have any basis of the rule which passed the actions completely. There are so many actions based on customery law as deviant behaviours and should be made into a criminal case (custom delict), but law enforcement can not follow it up because they are contrary to formal legality. And if there are customery law (custom delict) which will be made into criminal case by the court is in accordance with statutes No. 1/Drtl1951, the finding of a court seems unfair fro conventional norms. In Penal Code renewal, the legislative assembly have taken notes of conventional norms. In Penal Code Concept formal legality principle which has been practiced in Wet Boek van Straf Recht (WvS) system has been softened or widened into legality principle of material.</em></p><p><strong>Key words: </strong><em>legality principle, criminal law renewal.</em></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Asas legalitas merupakan asas yang sangat fundamental dalam hukum pidana. Asas legalitas yang tercantum dalam pasal 1 ayat (1) KUHP mutlak tunduk pada perinsip bahwa tidak ada suatu perbuaan yang dapat dipidana tanpa suatu dasar ketentuan undang-undang yang diadakan terlebih dahulu yang menetapkan dalam rumusan yang jelas dari perbuatan tersebut. Cukup banyak perbuatan yang menurut pandangan masyarakat sebagai perbuatan tercela dan patut dipidana (delik adat), akan tetapi penegak hukum tidak dapat menindak lanjutinya karena terbentur pada asas legalitas formal. Kalaupun ada di beberapa daerah delik adat diputus oleh pengadilan berdasarkan UU No. 1/Drt/1951, akan tetapi putusan pengadilan dirasakan tidak mencerminkan rasa keadilan masyarakat hukum adat. Dalam pembaharuan KUHP pembentuk undang-undang telah memperhatikan nilai-nilai hukum yang hidup dalam masyarakat. Dalam Konsep KUHP asas legalitas,(ormal yang selama ini dianut dalam sistem WvS (KUHP) telah diperlunak atau diperluas ke dalam asas legalitas materiel. Dengan perluasan asas legalitas maka pengadilan mempunyai landasan hukum untuk mengadili delik adat yang tidak ada bandingnya dalarrr KUHP.</p><p><strong>Kata kunci : </strong>Asas legalitas, pembaharuan hukum pidana.</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 215
Muhaimin Muhaimin

Criminal Procedure Code in the document asserted that the defendant-formation-convict defendant as a “Seeker of Justice”, then the suspect-defendant-convict get the attention and protection of the law by setting the portion of his or her rights are quite large. Criminal Procedure Code can be considered as an oriented arrangement of substance abusers. Over ± 30 years KUHAP rights owned by the perpetrator, especially during the last 10 years, little by little reduced by the law governing criminal procedure in the legislation spread outside the Penal Code. The arrangement does not mean deprivation of the rights of the suspect-defendant-convict who had been there before, but the reduction of quality in the implementation or fulfillment of their legal rights in such a way that essentially contrary to the philosophy underlying the establishment of legal norms in the Code of Criminal Procedure or the laws in the context of political conflict granting legal protection to suspects, accused-convict. Therefore, there should be firmness in the draft Law on Criminal Procedure that the formation of the new Code of Criminal Procedure did not reduce or remove the least the rights of suspects, defendants, and convicts who have been published in the Code of Criminal Procedure, on the contrary the Draft Law on the Law of Criminal Procedure in fact strengthen it with more concrete legal instruments and easy to apply.Keywords: Judge Commisioner, Supervision, InspectionABSTRAKDokumen KUHAP menegaskan bahwa terdakwa-narapidana sebagai “Pencari Keadilan”, maka tersangka-terdakwa-narapidana mendapatkan porsi perhatian dan perlindungan hukum dengan menetapkan bagian hak yang cukup besar. KUHAP dapat dianggap sebagai suatu pengaturan untuk pelaku substansi. Selama ± 30 tahun hak KUHAP yang dimiliki oleh pelaku, terutama selama 10 tahun terakhir, sedikit demi sedikit dikurangi dengan hukum yang mengatur acara pidana dalam perundang-undangan yang tersebar di luar KUHP. Pengaturan ini tidaklah berarti perampasan hak-hak tersangka-terdakwa-narapidana yang sudah ada sebelumnya, tapi pengurangan kualitas dalam penerapan atau pemenuhan hak-hak hukum mereka sedemikian rupa yang pada dasarnya bertentangan dengan filosofi yang mendasari pembentukan norma hukum dalam KUHAP atau hukum dalam konteks konflik politik pemberian perlindungan hukum untuk tersangka-terdakwa-narapidana. Oleh karena itu, harus ada ketegasan dalam draft UU Acara Pidana bahwa pembentukan Kode baru Acara Pidana tidak mengurangi atau menghapus setidaknya hak-hak tersangka, terdakwa, dan narapidana yang telah diterbitkan dalam KUHAP, Sebaliknya, RUU tentang Hukum Acara Pidana, pada kenyataannya, memperkuatnya dengan instrumen hukum yang lebih konkret dan mudah diterapkan.Kata Kunci: Hakim Komisaris; Pengawasan; Pemeriksaan

Sulaiman Alsinani ◽  
Mohammad Amin AlKarisheh ◽  

Particular attention has been given to the marine environment in the UAE. Hence, the legislator has devoted Part II of the Federal Law No. 24 of 1999 which is concerned with the protection and development of the environment. The Law initially identified the scope and goals of the protection, mainly tackling protecting the nation’s coasts, beaches and ports from the dangers of all forms of pollution. In addition to protecting the marine environment and its natural resources through criminalizing any action harming them. The research aims to identify the role of enforced legal protection of the marine environment in the UAE legislations in terms of application, effectiveness and identifying implementation constraints. In order to achieve this, the research reviews the definition of marine environment pollution, identifies elements of marine environment pollution crime and its sanctions. Finally, the researchers aspire that the UAE legislator would add the crime of trespassing the marine environment to the principle of universality, stipulated by the article 21 of the penal code, and specialized courts and investigative bodies to speed the process of looking into marine environment crimes and apply proper sanctions

2015 ◽  
Vol 91 ◽  
I Dewa Made Suartha ,

<h4>Abstract</h4> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p> <p><em>Legality principle is a fundamental basis in the criminal law. The principle of legality which is in accordance with Penal Code Article 1 (1), the law stateskhat there are not any actions that are made into a punisment without first all, have any basis of the rule which passed the actions completely. There are so many actions based on customery law as deviant behaviours and should be made into a criminal case (custom delict), but law enforcement can not follow it up because they are contrary to formal legality. And if there are customery law (custom delict) which will be made into criminal case by the court is in accordance with statutes No. 1/Drtl1951, the finding of a court seems unfair fro conventional norms. In Penal Code renewal, the legislative assembly have taken notes of conventional norms. In Penal Code Concept formal legality principle which has been practiced in Wet Boek van Straf Recht (WvS) system has been softened or widened into legality principle of material.</em><em> </em></p> <p><strong>Key words: </strong><em>legality principle, criminal law renewal.</em><em> </em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <h3>Abstrak</h3> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p>Asas legalitas merupakan asas yang sangat fundamental dalam hukum pidana. Asas legalitas yang tercantum dalam pasal 1 ayat (1) KUHP mutlak tunduk pada perinsip bahwa tidak ada suatu perbuaan yang dapat dipidana tanpa suatu dasar ketentuan undang-undang yang diadakan terlebih dahulu yang menetapkan dalam rumusan yang jelas dari perbuatan tersebut. Cukup banyak perbuatan yang menurut pandangan masyarakat sebagai perbuatan tercela dan patut dipidana (delik adat), akan tetapi penegak hukum tidak dapat menindak lanjutinya karena terbentur pada asas legalitas formal. Kalaupun ada di beberapa daerah delik adat diputus oleh pengadilan berdasarkan UU No. 1/Drt/1951, akan tetapi putusan pengadilan dirasakan tidak mencerminkan rasa keadilan masyarakat hukum adat. Dalam pembaharuan KUHP pembentuk undang-undang telah memperhatikan nilai-nilai hukum yang hidup dalam masyarakat. Dalam Konsep KUHP asas legalitas,(ormal yang selama ini dianut dalam sistem WvS (KUHP) telah diperlunak atau diperluas ke dalam asas legalitas materiel. Dengan perluasan asas legalitas maka pengadilan mempunyai landasan hukum untuk mengadili delik adat yang tidak ada bandingnya dalarrr KUHP.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci : </strong>Asas legalitas, pembaharuan hukum pidana.</p>

Hanna Yudina

Key words: scope of legal protection, informed user, overall impression, degree of author's freedom, registered industrial design, unregistered industrial design This article analyzes the norms of the Law of Ukraine «On the Protection of Rights to Industrial Designs» as amended on October 14, 2020, in the part that regulates relations as to the establishment of the scope of legal protection for an industrial design. A comparative analysis as to the norms of wording the Law of Ukraine «On the Protection of Rights to Industrial Designs» dated on October 14, 2020, and the norms of the said Law as of 05.12.2012, has been carried out, and as a result of which it was found that the norms of wording the Law as of 05.12.2012 concerning legal relations pertaining to the establishment of the scope of legal protection and the fact of the use of an industrial design in a product or later registered industrial design, as well as the requirements for means by which the scope of legal protection was found, differ significantly from the norms wording the Law as of 05.12.2012. In particular, it was established that prior to the adoption of the Law as amended on 14.10.2020, the scope of legal protection for the industrial design, instead of being based on the impression produced on an informed user, was determined by the set of essential features presented on the images of the product andgiven in the description of the industrial design. There are also differences in means used to establish the scope of legal protection for the industrial design. If in the wording of the Law as of 14.10.2020 only pictorial means are used, then in the wording of the said Law as of 05.12.2012 — together with pictorial means descriptive verbal means are also taken into account (the list of essential features of the industrial design is given in the description). Also distinctive is that the wording of the Law as of 14.10.2020 did not provide legal protection for the appearance of the product solely due to its technical functions, the appearance of the product, the size and the shape of which must be accurately reproduced in order that one product can be mechanically connected to another one or located inside, around or in front of another product in such a way that each one can perform its function and the features embodied or used in the product as part of the assembled make and are being invisible during normal use of the product.

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