2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 15 ◽  
Syamsul Bahri

Curriculum development is important to be investigated from various perspectives. This study will discuss twofold fundamental aspect of curriculum development; the basic and the purposes of curriculum. The literarure discussion reveals that the curriculum provided by a school not only limited to unit of courses and teaching learning process but also on all process which influence the development and student character building as it is required by national education goals. There are some elements such as Philosophy, Psycology, socio-culture and technology in which they support the foundation of curriculum. The objective of curriculum can be clasified into two group; micro and macro. The earlier is more consent on the institutional and intructional objectives. Whilts the latter is intended to reconstruct and to innovate any shortcoming of previous curriculum. The curriculum development aims at addaptating between education and social change and also exploring untouch knowledge.

Evi Sopandi

AbstractThe purpose of this research is to acquire an objective and comprehensive information about the implementation of Islamic religion teaching and learning process for special school for special care children. Result of the research finds that special schools have done Islam religion teaching learning process so far besides, it has found that most of the teachers of Islamic religion at special school (SLB) are not teacher with the qualification of Islam religion background (PGA and Tarbiyah) teacher training. But with the background of special school teacher training background (SGPLB and LPTK PLB). The teaching learning process PAI at special school generally runs normativelly. The efforts to supervise and develop the competence and profession of Islam religion teacher at special school are still considered insufficient, got in its supervision and its control. Those who are supposed to be involved supervising the teacher od Islam religion at special schools are department of religion, department of National Education (provincial office) and controllers on the executors in the field, herve not played optimal role yet. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-107
Susi Gustina

Topik dalam artikel ini akan memfokuskan pada penerapan pendekatan Orff-schulwerk bagi mahasiswa sebagai calon-calon guru di sekolah, termasuk TK. Orff-schulwerk dapat dipandang sebagai suatu pendekatan dalam pendidikan musik. Dalam hubungannya dengan pendidikan dasar, pendekatan ini memfokuskan pada kebutuhan anak dan menumbuhkembangkan musikalitas setiap anak melalui aktivitas-aktivitas dasar (elemental) dalam musik dan gerakan. Pertanyaan yang dikemukakan dalam artikel ini adalah: 1) pendekatan Orff-schulwerk seperti apa yang digunakan calon guru untuk pembelajaran di TK?, 2) manfaat apa saja yang dapat diperoleh calon guru melalui penerapan pendekatan Orff-schulwerk dalam proses pembelajaran?, dan 3) bagaimana calon guru memahami peranan guru dalam pembelajaran di tingkat TK dengan pendekatan Orff-schulwerk?. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan. Penemuan dalam penelitian ini adalah para calon guru memahami bahwa: 1) pendekatan Orff-schulwerk yang dapat digunakan berhubungan dengan eksplorasi – imajinasi – kreasi yang melibatkan musik dan gerakan, 2) pendekatan ini bermanfaat untuk menumbuhkembangkan musikalitas siswa dalam proses pembelajaran di TK, dan 3) calon guru yang menerapkan pendekatan ini berperan sebagai fasilitator yang dapat menciptakan suasana pembelajaran yang menstimuli imajinasi dan kreasi siswa. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pendekatan Orff-schulwerk sebaiknya dikuasai oleh para calon guru yang mengajar di sekolah, termasuk TK. Dengan dimilikinya pemahaman atas pendekatan ini, baik secara teoretis maupun praktis, para calon guru tidak hanya meningkatkan pengetahuan mereka untuk menstimuli imajinasi dan kreativitas siswa TK dengan musik dan gerakan, tetapi juga mendukung tercapainya tujuan pendidikan nasional, yaitu pembentukan karakter siswa di sekolah.The Approach of Orff-Schulwerk for Prospective Music Teachers in Kindergarten Schools. The topic in this article focuses on the application of Orff-schulwerk for university students as prospective teachers in school, including kindergarten. Orff-schulwerk can be seen as an approach to music education. In related to primary education, this approach focuses on the children needs and develops children musicality through necessary activities (elemental) in music and movement. Some questions in this article are: 1) what kind of Orff-schulwerk that can be used by prospective teachers in the learning process at kindergarten? 2) what benefits can be obtained by teacher candidates through the application of the Orff-schulwerk approach? And 3) how do prospective teachers who use this approach can understand their role in learning? The method used in this study is action research. The findings in this research are prospective teachers understand that: 1) Orff-schulwerk can be used in related to exploration – imagination – creation that involving music and movement; 2) this approach is useful for developing student musicality in the learning process in kindergarten; and 3) in this approach, prospective teachers are acted as facilitators who can create an atmosphere of learning that stimulate students’ imagination and creation. This study concludes that the Orff-schulwerk approach should be mastered by prospective teachers who teach in schools, including kindergarten. By having an understanding of this approach, both theoretically and practically, prospective teachers not only enhance their knowledge but also support the national education goals, namely the students’ character building in schools.Keywords:  Orff-Schulwerk; music education; kindergarten teachers

2020 ◽  
Fatika Wulandari ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

These article describe about processes in curriculum administration. Curriculum is a tool that serves as a guide in the implementation of the learning process for achieving national goals. The method used in compiling this article is Sistematic Literatur Review (SLR) method. In this method, the writer gathers all sources of literature related to the subject to be studied and then read, analyzed, and summed up the writer’s understanding of the sources that have been read. By studying curriculum administration, education institutions, both educators or educational forces are expected to be able to understand and implement their knowledge in order to achieve the purposes of national education. Curriculum development must be done to adapt to the balancing of the times. Therefore, both educators and candidates of educators must be thoroughly knowledgeable about the curriculum administration.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-146
Mualimin Mualimin

National education aims to shape people of faith and piety and noble character, not only to develop the potential of cognitive intelligence. One effort that can be done to realize these goals is to develop Islamic values of students through the integration of the Qur'an and Hadith in learning biology. Through the integration of the Qur'an and Hadith in biology learning, students can gain knowledge about the concept of biology while at the same time developing Islamic values. Integration of the Qur'an and Hadith in learning biology can be done by: 1) Recording and analyzing verses of the Qur'an and Hadith that are in accordance with the subject or biological material both implicitly or explicitly, 2) Implementing the integration of verses of the Qur'an and Hadith found in the process of learning biology by selecting certain appropriate learning models; 3) Evaluating the integration process that has been done in the biology learning process. The integration of Al-Qur'an and Hadith in learning biology needs to be done to foster Islamic values in students to achieve national education goals. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
Kurnia Fitri Arifah ◽  
Riyadi Santosa ◽  
Ngadiso Ngadiso

Teaching speaking gives opportunity to provide fluency practice for language learners. The students can practice to speak by role playing as one of techniques in teaching speaking. However, students with the high speaking ability are worthless without good morals. For this reason, today the teacher has responsibility towards the student’s character. Unfortunately, the character building for students cannot be taught in isolation because it is not included in language skills. Therefore, the character building should be infused to the teaching learning process. This paper addresses the issue of role play as a technique in teaching speaking and developing students’ character.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-120
Hery Supiarza ◽  
Deni Setiawan ◽  
Cece Sobarna

Penelitian ini mendiskusikan pola permainan alat musik keroncong dan tenor serta penerapannya  pada lagu “Cente Manis” dan “Sambel Cobek”. Kedua alat musik ini merupakan identitas keroncong gaya Jakarta. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dan data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa asal mula istilah alat musik keroncong berasal dari bunyi alat musik itu sendiri. Istilah tenor merujuk pada istilah suara laki-laki tertinggi. Ditemukan juga teknik permainan alat musik keroncong dan tenor yaitu teknik rasguaedo (prung), strumming, arpeggio dan dengan cara dipetik satu-satu pada setiap senar. Teknik memainkan alat musik keroncong dan tenor tersebut  meliputi pola permainan dobel engkel, dobel balik, format dan gaya lama. Permainan keempat pola tersebut bergantung pada lagu yang akan dibawakan dan kesepakatan para personilnya. The Approach of Orff-Schulwerk for Prospective Music Teachers in Kindergarten Schools. The topic in this article focuses on the application of Orff-schulwerk for university students as prospective teachers in school, including kindergarten. Orff-schulwerk can be seen as an approach to music education. In related to primary education, this approach focuses on the children needs and develops children musicality through necessary activities (elemental) in music and movement. Some questions in this article are: 1) what kind of Orff-schulwerk that can be used by prospective teachers in the learning process at kindergarten? 2) what benefits can be obtained by teacher candidates through the application of the Orff-schulwerk approach? And 3) how do prospective teachers who use this approach can understand their role in learning? The method used in this study is action research. The findings in this research are prospective teachers understand that: 1) Orff-schulwerk can be used in related to exploration – imagination – creation that involving music and movement; 2) this approach is useful for developing student musicality in the learning process in kindergarten; and 3) in this approach, prospective teachers are acted as facilitators who can create an atmosphere of learning that stimulate students’ imagination and creation. This study concludes that the Orff-schulwerk approach should be mastered by prospective teachers who teach in schools, including kindergarten. By having an understanding of this approach, both theoretically and practically, prospective teachers not only enhance their knowledge but also support the national education goals, namely the students’ character building in schools.Keywords:  Orff-Schulwerk; music education; kindergarten teachers

2021 ◽  
Rita Birzina ◽  
Tamara Pigozne ◽  
Dagnija Cedere

STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education nowadays becomes more and more topical; however, students’ performance in these subjects is rather low and only a small part of them decide to study these sciences therefore it is important to rouse students’ interest in these subjects already at school. It is important to acquire not only the knowledge of the subject but also the transversal skills, thus, the organization of the teaching/learning process becomes more significant. Schools of Latvia start implementing the teaching/learning content and approach that correspond to the new standards of basic and general secondary education, which incorporates four innovative aspects in the science domain: the promotion of the content acquisition through teachers’ reciprocal collaboration; the use of ICT (Information Communication Technologies) as a platform for engineering technological solutions; learning through doing and engagement in discussions and other activities for making socially responsible decisions. The aim of the study is to find out students’ readiness to learn STEM in the context of innovative approaches of the national education reform. To reach the aim, the research question was set – to what extent and in which way are students ready to learn STEM? Using the QuestionPro e-platform, 257 students of Latvian general comprehensive schools were surveyed and the meta-analysis of factors of thematically respective selected questions was performed. The obtained empirical results were compared with the four aspects of the innovative approach pertaining to the education reform in the science domain. The study resulted in isolating main four factors: the course of the teaching/learning process, the feedback, the use of ICT and technologies little used in the acquisition STEM. The found factors comprised all the innovations of the science domain put forward by the national education reform, which means that students already at the pre-reform stage are ready to acquire STEM subjects in an innovative way.

Nadwa ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Subaidi Subaidi

Education is a rehumanisme, that was oriented to form individuals who able to understand the reality itself and the surrounding communities. The aim of education is to create significant social change in the life of mankind. One of the contents of the national education goals is to appreciate the reality of humanity and the potential that owned learners (human). Islam in its victorius was a center of the study of various discipline. It was proved by the emergence of Muslim scientists. But over time, the Islamic intellectualism began to decline along with cultural understanding and taqlid, whereas al-Qur`an have many signaled to examines all disciplines, not limited to the religious sciences. It can be seen from the verses of al-Qur`an that ordered to examine the verses kauniyah. Thus Islamic comprehensive assessment is a paradigm of Humanist Islamic Education or in other words, humanize human accordance with the primary task of man as a khalifah on earth.<br /><br /><strong>Abstrak:</strong><br />Pendidikan merupakan pemanusiaan kembali manusia (humanisasi) yang berorientasi pada bentuknya individu yang mampu memahami realitas dirinya dan masyarakat sekitarnya serta bertujuan untuk menciptakan perubahan sosial secara signifikan dalam kehidupan umat manusia. Salah satu isi dari tujuan pendidikan nasional adalah menghargai realitas kemanusiaan dan berbagai potensi yang dimilki peserta didik (manusia). Islam pada masa kejayaannya menjadi pusat kajian berbagai disiplin ilmu, hal ini terbukti dengan bermunculannya para ilmuwan muslim. Tetapi seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, intelektualisme Islam itu mulai redup seiring dengan pemahaman dan budaya taqlid, padahal al-Qur`an banyak memberikan isyarat agar mengkaji semua disiplin ilmu, tidak terbatas ilmu-ilmu agama saja. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari ayat-ayat al-Qur`an yang memerintahkan untuk mengkaji ayat-ayat kauniyah. Dengan demikian Pengkajian Islam secara komprehenshif baik ilmu agama maupun umum adalah sebagai Paradigma Pendidikan Islam Humanis atau dengan kata lain memanusiakan manusia sesuai dengan tugas utama manusia sebagai khalifah di muka bumi.

Anwar Efendi

Abstract: Prophetic Literature learning as a Medium to Develop Student Character. Recently, the character education mainstreaming has been boosted in the national education development. Substantially, the concept of character education is included in the formulation of the national education goals. Therefore, one important aspect in the context of character education is the collective consciousness of all parties involved in the activity. One attempt to develop character is through literature learning, including prophetic literature. Prophetic literature learning can provide joy of life and balance between thoughts and feelings. In such a way, students’ dignity is respected and they become whole human beings who possess knowledge, skills, good heart, and sensitivity.Keywords: education goals, literature learning, character building

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