language skills
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2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-138
Suswanto Iswandi Megah ◽  
Eka Wilany ◽  
Desi Surlitasari Dewi

English is very important for communication between countries so that BP batam is a government agency that cannot be separated from developing its English language skills. LPPM Unrika's collaboration with BP Batam Finance Bureau staff in implementing online English language training during the pandemic to improve English language skills. Overall service activities are carried out in a span of 6 months (July-August 2021). The post-test results obtained a conclusion that the basic English skills of the inmates were very good with an average score of 81.8, while the lowest score was 80 and the highest score was 85. When compared to the pre-test where the lowest score was 71.6 and the highest was 80, with an average of 77.1. So the average result of the pre-test and post-test scores is 79.4, so the achievement value of BP Batam's financial bureau staff increases significantly.

2022 ◽  
Peyman Abbasi

Abstract Reading comprehension ability is potency of students to comprehend meaning of written texts, text details and main ideas. Furthermore, ability of reading comprehension activated learners to communicate with writers. To understand main ideas of written texts, help learners to be aware and to get particular messages from texts. Cognitive and metacognitive knowledges help readers to analyze, to summarize, to judge, and to distinguish main idea of reading texts and also more details about writer viewpoints to predicate and decision making to monitor text contents too. Monolingual students are those groups which must be aware about impacts of metacognitive strategy upon reading development and comprehension through to prepare and emanate bio feedbacks with teachers. Hence, monolingual groups have to be taught more than bilingual ones due to their low – proficiency levels and also their weak knowledge capacities about reading development strategies. Indeed, today understanding the effective strategies which help to learn language skills for all of scholars in TESOL domains is very significant, so every teacher that is aware about efficacy of those psychological strategies like cognitive and metacognitive or both; he or she is able to teach language skills particularly reading comprehension very conveniently and more productive language learning results. Without understanding reading strategy text comprehension to learn language skills is impossible.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Joshua Glauser ◽  
Carol L. Wilkinson ◽  
Laurel J. Gabard-Durnam ◽  
Boin Choi ◽  
Helen Tager-Flusberg ◽  

Abstract Background Differences in face processing in individuals with ASD is hypothesized to impact the development of social communication skills. This study aimed to characterize the neural correlates of face processing in 12-month-old infants at familial risk of developing ASD by (1) comparing face-sensitive event-related potentials (ERP) (Nc, N290, P400) between high-familial-risk infants who develop ASD (HR-ASD), high-familial-risk infants without ASD (HR-NoASD), and low-familial-risk infants (LR), and (2) evaluating how face-sensitive ERP components are associated with development of social communication skills. Methods 12-month-old infants participated in a study in which they were presented with alternating images of their mother’s face and the face of a stranger (LR = 45, HR-NoASD = 41, HR-ASD = 24) as EEG data were collected. Parent-reported and laboratory-observed social communication measures were obtained at 12 and 18 months. Group differences in ERP responses were evaluated using ANOVA, and multiple linear regressions were conducted with maternal education and outcome groups as covariates to assess relationships between ERP and behavioral measures. Results For each of the ERP components (Nc [negative-central], N290, and P400), the amplitude difference between mother and stranger (Mother-Stranger) trials was not statistically different between the three outcome groups (Nc p = 0.72, N290 p = 0.88, P400 p = 0.91). Marginal effects analyses found that within the LR group, a greater Nc Mother-Stranger response was associated with better expressive language skills on the Mullen Scales of Early Learning, controlling for maternal education and outcome group effects (marginal effects dy/dx = 1.15; p < 0.01). No significant associations were observed between the Nc and language or social measures in HR-NoASD or HR-ASD groups. In contrast, specific to the HR-ASD group, amplitude difference between the Mother versus Stranger P400 response was positively associated with expressive (dy/dx = 2.1, p < 0.001) and receptive language skills at 12 months (dy/dx = 1.68, p < 0.005), and negatively associated with social affect scores on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (dy/dx = − 1.22, p < 0.001) at 18 months. Conclusions In 12-month-old infant siblings with subsequent ASD, increased P400 response to Mother over Stranger faces is positively associated with concurrent language and future social skills.

2022 ◽  

The desire to build common awareness in order to improve Arabic language skills and make Arabic a popular language in the world. This article presents an overview of the online language festival, Gebyar Appreciation Khazanah Araby (GAZA) organized by the student association of Arabic Language Education Department of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang online (on the network), as well as the perceptions of the participants in participating in this event. This research is useful to provide an overview of the online language festival held by students majoring in Arabic Language Education at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang which can be used as a reference in the implementation of language festivals in a similar environment or situation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 18
Abdulrahman Alzamil

Second language (L2) learners are very keen to master speaking in their L2, and this is among the most important of all language skills. However, speaking anxiety is a major obstacle to successful L2 learning. This study was designed to investigate university-level students&rsquo; attitudes towards speaking in English and their experience of anxiety. 81 participants who majored in English with an average age of 21.8 years were recruited. The researcher conducted semi-structured interviews and administered a four-point Likert-scale questionnaire with 18 items, designed to address three constructs: a) fear of speaking in English; b) fear of making mistakes in English; and c) fear of being judged by others. The findings showed that although the participants were generally unconcerned about speaking English, their attitudes were different when they were asked about specific situations. When asked about their fear of making mistakes in front of their classmates, or of being judged by them, they agreed that in those circumstances they would experience anxiety.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Mudy Endahwati ◽  
Bachtiar S Bachri ◽  
Umi Anugerah Izzati

This study aims to conduct empirical research to determine the difference in effectiveness between the read-aloud learning method and serial image media with other methods usually used by teachers to improve receptive language skills in early childhood. This type of research uses a nonequivalent control group experimental design with a quantitative approach. The variables in this study consisted independent variable in this study is the read-aloud learning method with picture story media (X),  the dependent variable in this study is expressive language ability (Y1) and expressive language ability (Y2). The results showed that (1) the read-aloud learning method with picture series media was more effective than the learning methods commonly used by teachers to improve receptive language skills in early childhood, statistically, the F = 5.766 with a significant level of p = 0.022 smaller than 5%; (2) The read-aloud learning method with serial picture story media is more effective than the learning methods commonly used by teachers to improve expressive language skills in early childhood; statistically, the value of F = 1,028 significant level p = 0.012 less than 5%. The results of this study can provide new insights and innovations in the effectiveness of learning the read-aloud method in storytelling activities that are useful for developing children's receptive and expressive language skills

Thomas Payne ◽  
Gentle Wong

Hearing loss has a significant impact on quality of life, and may even compromise an individual’s ability to work and their safety – we use our hearing to constantly detect and react to environmental hazards around us. Hearing loss can have a profound impact on a person’s life. This is especially true for certain patient groups. For instance, the elderly, and those with co-existing problems that affect their ability to communicate (such as dementia, cerebrovascular disease or psychiatric disorders). Even those without co-morbidities suffer the burden of disease where communication is impaired: the young who are developing their speech and language skills and adults with language barriers or other impediments to their speech. The hearing apparatus is made up of conductive and sensorineural pathways, which may be affected by pathology, leading to deafness. This article describes the aetiology of conductive and sensorineural deafness, details the relevant clinical assessment and outlines management strategies in community practice.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Yihan Weng

Based on Halliday&rsquo;s theory of ideational function, this paper selects the commentary of city promotional films of Xi&rsquo;an and San Francisco and analyzes them from the perspective of the transitivity system. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the language skills of the two commentaries and to provide ideas and methods for the audience to understand such explanatory texts. This paper focuses on the following two questions: 1) How do the six processes of the transitivity system distribute in the two commentaries? 2) What are the specific functions of the six processes in the two commentaries? The results show that 1) there are two kinds of processes frequently used in explanatory texts, namely material process and relational process; 2) the frequency of mental, verbal and existential processes is relatively low; 3) behavioral process has no occurrence. The reason may be that although the textual structure and description focus of the two commentaries are different, they both belong to the applied style of oral explanation, so that they share the same social functions of shaping the city image, highlighting the city connotation and managing the city brand.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 176-190
Nur Amalia Solikhah ◽  
Ratna Arum Sari

The objectives of the research are to know and describe the average score of students’ narrative writing ability, and to know and describe whether there is an influence of Summarizing Short Stories towards students’ narrative writing ability at SMP Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung in 2020/2021. Most of the students get difficulties in improving their language skills, especially in writing. Writing is a problem in expressing and developing ideas or thoughts into written form. Narrative text is one of kinds of text that should be learned by the students. To solve the problem above, the writer used the technique in teaching narrative writing that is Summarizing Short Stories. In this research, the writer chooses the title: “The Influence of Summarizing Short Stories towards Students’ Narrative Writing Ability at the Second Semester of the Eighth Class at SMP Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung in 2020/2021”. In this reseach, the writer analyzed the result by using t-test formula. The research was conducted at the eighth class of SMP Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung in 2020/2021. The students of VIIIa were as a sample that were taught by using Summarizing Short Stories. The result of the research showed that there was significant influence of using Summarizing Short Stories towards students’ narrative writing ability. It is shown by the distribution list with df = (n1 + n2 – 2) = (23 + 22 – 2) = 43 obtained ttable t0.95 or significance level of 5% and ttable t0.99 or significance level of 1% was equal to 1.68 and 2.42. there were lower than tcount = 3.84 and the average score of students’ narrative writing ability in experimental class ( =66.58) was higher than the students’ score in control class (: 56.14) at the second semester of the eighth class of SMP Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung in 2020/2021.

Aletta G. Dorst ◽  
Susana Valdez ◽  
Heather Bouman

Abstract Machine Translation (MT), the process by which a computer engine such as Google Translate or Bing automatically translates a text from one language into another without any human involvement, is increasingly used in professional, institutional and everyday contexts for a wide range of purposes. While a growing number of studies has looked at professional translators and translation students, there is currently a lack of research on non-translator users and uses in multilingual contexts. This paper presents a survey examining how, when and why students at Leiden University’s Faculty of Humanities use MT. A questionnaire was used to determine which MT engines students use and for what purposes, and gauge their awareness of issues concerning privacy, academic integrity and plagiarism. The findings reveal a widespread adoption of Google Translate and indicate that students use MT predominantly to look up single words, as an alternative to a dictionary. Many seemed sceptical about the value of MT for educational purposes, and many assumed that the use of MT is not permitted by lecturers for graded assignments, especially in courses focusing on language skills. The results demonstrate a clear need for more MT literacy. Students may not need practical training in how to use MT, but there is much room for improvement in terms of when and why they use it.

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