scholarly journals Mod en europæisk velfærds- og arbejdsmarkedsmodel

2006 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-55
Carsten Strøby Jensen

Towards a European welfare and labour market model: an analysis of the genesis of an institutional order During the past decade, cooperation in the European Union has intensified in the field of social- and labour mar-ket policy and has led to a supranational system of wel-fare and labour market regulation. This article analyses the establishment of a European industrial relations system as an ‘institutional order’ and discusses how and why the system has developed. Three crucial situations are ana-lysed as to their contribution to the development of this institutional order. The first is the EU Commission’s three proposals for directives on atypical work in the beginning of 1990. The second is from October 199l when negotiators from three labour market organisations: UNICE, ETUC, and CEEP signed an agreement concerning possibilities of negotiating collective agreements at the European level. The third crucial situation is from Novem-ber 1995 and concerns the first agreement these organi-sations signed concerning maternity leave. The article argues that these events make up crucial situations on the road to the establishment of a European labour market model.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 333-350
Artur Adamczyk ◽  
Mladen Karadzoski

The main purpose of the article is to present how the Greek- -Macedonian naming dispute influenced the problem of implementation the international identity of Macedonia. Despite the initial problems of the government in Skopje related to determining their international identity, Macedonians managed to define the principles regarding the identification of a new state on the international stage. As a small country with limited attributes to shape its international position, Macedonia has basically been determined to seek guarantees for its existence and security in stable and predictable European international structures such as NATO and the European Union. The main obstacle for Macedonians on the road to Euro-Atlantic structures was the veto of Greece, a member of these organizations, resulting from Athens’ refusal to accept the name the Republic of Macedonia. The Prespa Agreement of 2018 gave a new impetus to the realization of the international identity of North Macedonia.

Simon Bulmer ◽  
Owen Parker ◽  
Ian Bache ◽  
Stephen George ◽  
Charlotte Burns

This chapter examines two important developments in the history of the European Union (EU): the signing of the Maastricht and Amsterdam Treaties. In June 1989, the European Council agreed to European Commission President Jacques Delors’s three-stage plan for monetary union by 1999, despite British opposition. In 1991, intergovernmental conferences (IGCs) were held on both monetary union and political union. The proposals of these IGCs were incorporated into the Treaty on European Union (TEU), agreed at Maastricht in December 1991. The TEU marked a major step on the road to European integration. It committed most of the member states to adopting a single currency and introduced the concept of European citizenship, among others. This chapter considers the events leading up to the signing of the TEU, from the Maastricht negotiations to the issue of enlargement, the 1996 IGC, and the Treaty of Amsterdam.

2019 ◽  
Vol 55 (4) ◽  
pp. 689-707
Björn Högberg ◽  
Mattias Strandh ◽  
Anna Baranowska-Rataj

Temporary work is common across Europe, especially among young people. Whether temporary employment is a transitory stage on the road to standard employment, and whether this varies depending on institutional contexts, is controversial. This article investigates variability in transition rates from temporary to permanent employment across Europe, and how this is related to employment protection legislation (EPL) and the vocational specificity of education systems. We utilize harmonized panel data from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions, covering 18 European countries and including 34,088 temporary workers aged 18–30. The results show that stricter EPL is associated with lower rates of transitions to permanent employment, while partial deregulation, with strict EPL for permanent contracts but weaker EPL for temporary contracts, is associated with higher transition rates. Vocationally specific education systems have higher transition rates, on average. Moreover, the role of EPL is conditional on the degree of vocational specificity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 248-266 ◽  
Ceri Hughes

The 2016 vote to leave the European Union was one of the biggest developments in recent United Kingdom political history. Only one political party was wholly united for Brexit – the United Kingdom Independence Party. This research finds that in the years leading up to Brexit, the United Kingdom Independence Party presented itself as a rigid core-issue complete-populist party. Content analysis shows how pervasive the European Union was in much of the party output and in the contemporaneous newspaper coverage of the party. The party also utilizes complete-populist rhetoric, with ‘othering’ populism as the most prevalent form. The consistent concentration on the European Union collocated with populist messaging, in both news releases and select newspaper coverage, may have helped afford the United Kingdom Independence Party issue-eliteness in the referendum campaign. But this same work may have also ultimately contributed to make them irrelevant by 2017, and possibly moribund by 2018.

2014 ◽  
Vol 15 (7) ◽  
pp. 1223-1255 ◽  
Miroslava Scholten ◽  
Marloes van Rijsbergen

Although not explicitly regulated by the EU treaties, EU agencies not only exist but also have increased in number and power. In addition, while EU agencies may exercise very similar functions to those of the Commission, Articles 290 and 291 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) do not list agencies among the possible authors of non-legislative acts. The existing situation raises the questions of the extent to which the ongoing agencification in the EU is legitimate and what its limits are. This article addresses these questions in the light of the old and new Treaties and case law, including the just releasedESMA-shortsellingcase. It shows that while the Lisbon Treaty made a few steps forward on the road of legitimizing EU agencies and delegating important powers to them, the scope of powers that EU agencies can have remains unclear. In this respect, the European Court of Justice's lenient approach in theESMA-shortsellingcase is unfortunate because it neither clarifies the issue nor pushes the Union Legislator and the Member States to address it. Consequently, in the absence of clear limits, further agencification is likely to persist at the risk of increasing the democratic legitimacy deficit and remaining accountability gaps.

Damian Beben

The paper characterizes the problem of preservation of wildlife animals in connection with extension of transportation road systems. The constantly evolving transportation infrastructure in Europe, especially in its Midwestern part, on one hand connects, making it easier for people to travel and ship goods, but on the other hand it irreversibly divides and leaves a painful impress on virgin natural areas (fragmentation of the environment). The paper briefly presents the European Ecological Network Nature 2000 as the European Union program concerning the environmental protection. It enumerates possible types of animal crossings together with their characteristics. Some examples of underpasses, overpasses and crossings on the road surface are also presented. It also presents specificity and phases of designing engineering structures of this type, as well as the most common design errors and their influence over the use of such structures by animals. Finally the soil-steel bridge structures made from corrugated plates are characterized in their function as crossings for animals. The conclusion mentions complexity of the problem of animal crossing construction, which can be of use to designers and constructors of this type of engineering structures. Santrauka Straipsnyje apžvelgtos laukinės gyvūnijos išsaugojimo problemos, susijusios su besiplečiančiu transporto tinklu. Nuolat besivystanti transporto infrastruktūra Europoje, ypač Vidurio vakaruose, viena vertus, jungia ir palengvina žmonių mobilumą,sukuria jungtį su uostais, tačiau, kita vertus, daro didelę žalą natūraliai aplinkai (aplinkos fragmentacija). Straipsnyje trumpai pristatoma Europos ekologinio tinklo ,,Natura 2000“ ES programa, skirta aplinkos apsaugai. Išvardyti galimi gyvūnų perėjų tipai su jiems būdingomis charakteristikomis. Pateikiami požeminių, virš kelio ir perėjų per patį kelią pavyzdžiai. Straipsnyje taip pat apžvelgiama inžinerinių struktūrų projektavimo specifika ir fazės, aptariamos dažniausiai pasitaikančios projektavimo klaidos ir jų įtaka gyvūnams. Galiausiai apibūdinamas dirvos ir plieninių tiltų struktūros, pagamintos iš gofruotų plokštelių, naudojimas gyvūnų perėjoms. Išvadose aptariamas gyvūnų perėjų konstrukcijų problemų kompleksiškumas, į kurį turėtų atkreipti dėmesį gyvūnų perėjas konstruojantys inžinieriai ir dizaineriai. Резюме Анализируются проблемы охраны диких животных в связи с расширяющейся транспортной сетью. Постоянно развивающаяся транспортная инфраструктура в Европе, особенно на западе центральной части Европы, с одной стороны, объединяет людей, облегчает их мобильность, открывает доступ к портам, с другой – наносит непоправимый вред натуральной природе. В статье вкратце представлена программа Европейской экологической сети – Natura 2000, касающаяся охраны окружающей среды. Перечислены возможные типы переходов для животных с их типичными характеристиками. Представлены примеры подземных переходов, переходов над дорогой и по самой дороге. Проанализирована специфика и фазы проектирования инженерных структур, а также часто совершаемых ошибок при проектировании и их влияние на животных. Охарактеризовано применение для переходов животных почвенностальных структур мостов из гофрированных пластин. Проанализирована комплексность проблем, касающихся конструкций для переходов животных, на которые следует обратить внимание инженерам и дизайнерам при констру ировании переходов для животных.

1998 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-54 ◽  
John Burgess ◽  
Iain Campbell

About one in every four Australian employees is a casual. The casual share has doubled over the past decade and continues to expand. This paper catalogues the growth of casual employment and discusses the characteristics of casual jobs and of those in casual jobs. The key analytical issue discussed is whether casual employment is a transitional employment arrangement on the road towards permanent employment conditions. Alternatively, is it a trap which is associated with job insecurity, low earnings and spells outside of employment? Although the evidence is partial and circumstantial, casual employment is a bridge for some and a trap for others. In particular, for those who wish to beak out of unemployment, casual employment is unlikely to be a transitional point on the road to a permanent job. This finding has important implications for the design of labour market programs.

Miroslav Jovanovic

The European Union (EU) and Serbia?s accession to this international organization in a relatively distant future are linked, in the eyes of the Serbian public, with numerous expectations, dilemmas, misunderstanding fears, joys and periodical manipulations. The topic is important, broad and complex, so there is a need for the basic and understandable explanations. While in Serbia this topic is one of the most important and high on the government?s agenda. In the EU and its member countries, it attracts almost no attention and is not a priority issue. Simply, the EU is concerned with much more important issues, such as its future constitutional system security, energy, globalization, unemployment, immigration, demographic problem (population ageing), monetary union, preservation of the single market and adjustment to the EU eastern enlargement of 2004 and 2007. After introduction to the advantages and problems relating to Serbia?s potential accession to the EU, the attention is turned to the issues that include geopolitical conditions for accession to the EU, legislation and functioning of the EU, as well as its budget. Effects of integration, the EU?s interest in Serbia and Serbia?s interest in the EU are presented before conclusions.

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