Some Recent Finds at Alahan (Koja Kalessi)

1955 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 115-123 ◽  
Michael Gough

Of the many Byzantine churches in Cilicia which have survived, in a greater or lesser state of ruin, to the present day, there can be no doubt that the best known and most remarkable is the monastery church at Alahan in Isauria. During July, 1890, Professor W. M. Ramsay, D. G. Hogarth and A. C. Headlam visited the site, and in 1892 published their results under the title “Ecclesiastical Sites in Isauria (Cilicia Trachea)” in Supplementary Papers No. II of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. This publication completely superseded that of Laborde who had been at Alahan in 1826, and to-day it is still the only authoritative work on the subject of the architecture and relief sculpture of the monastery.Headlam's description of the site is brief and accurate. “The ruins of Koja Kalessi (i.e. Alahan) are situated about 3,000 feet above the Calycadnus valley and 4,000 feet above the sea, facing south and southwest and looking over the junction of the two great river valleys through which the branches of the ancient Calycadnus run. They consist of a large monastery with buildings of various characters too much destroyed to be easily identified, and a church in very good preservation. They are built on a terrace running due east and west, partly cut out of the side of the hill, with the ground falling away very steeply below and rising almost precipitously above.” (Pl. IX, b).

2015 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-277 ◽  
Steven Harvey

AbstractIn an article published in Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 22 (2012), pp. 217–87, by Gad Freudenthal and Mauro Zonta, “Avicenna among Medieval Jews: the reception of Avicenna's philosophical, scientific and medical writings in Jewish cultures, East and West,” the authors promise to present “a preliminary but comprehensive picture of Avicenna's reception by medieval Jewish cultures.” As such, it seemed to offer the “comprehensive study” referred to as a desideratum by Zonta at the conclusion of his groundbreaking and very important survey, “Avicenna in medieval Jewish philosophy” (2002). Zonta explained that such a future “comprehensive study of the many and different interpretations given to his doctrines by Jewish thinkers would allow us to evaluate the real role played by [Avicenna] in medieval thought.” Surprisingly, the recent article adds little that is new to the previous studies of Zonta and others on the subject, and omits useful information found in them. The main point of the present notes is to try to correct several oversimplifications, questionable assumptions, and misleading statements in the article under consideration. Its purpose is to help readers of the article to attain a fuller and more accurate – although certainly not comprehensive – picture of the reception of Avicenna among medieval Jews.

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (01) ◽  
pp. 35-42
M. Hermans

SummaryThe author presents his personal opinion inviting to discussion on the possible future role of psychiatrists. His view is based upon the many contacts with psychiatrists all over Europe, academicians and everyday professionals, as well as the familiarity with the literature. The list of papers referred to is based upon (1) the general interest concerning the subject when representing ideas also worded elsewhere, (2) the accessibility to psychiatrists and mental health professionals in Germany, (3) being costless downloadable for non-subscribers and (4) for some geographic aspects (e.g. Belgium, Spain, Sweden) and the latest scientific issues, addressing some authors directly.

Pierre Iselin

Pierre Iselin broaches the subject of early modern music and aims at contextualising Twelfth Night, one of Shakespeare’s most musical comedies, within the polyphony of discourses—medical, political, poetic, religious and otherwise—on appetite, music and melancholy, which circulated in early modern England. Iselin examines how these discourses interact with what the play says on music in the many commentaries contained in the dramatic text, and what music itself says in terms of the play’s poetics. Its abundant music is considered not only as ‘incidental,’ but as a sort of meta-commentary on the drama and the limits of comedy. Pinned against contemporary contexts, Twelfth Night is therefore regarded as experimenting with an aural perspective and as a play in which the genre and mode of the song, the identity and status of the addressee, and the more or less ironical distance that separates them, constantly interfere. Eventually, the author sees in this dark comedy framed by an initial and a final musical event a dramatic piece punctuated, orchestrated and eroticized by music, whose complex effects work both on the onstage and the offstage audiences. This reflection on listening and reception seems to herald an acoustic aesthetics close to that of The Tempest.

2021 ◽  
Andi Asrifan ◽  
Abd Ghofur

Anyone who wants to get ahead in academic or professional life today knows that it’s a question of publish or perish. This applies to colleges, universities, and even hospital Trusts. Yet writing for publication is one of the many skills which isn’t formally taught. Once beyond undergraduate level, it’s normally assumed that you will pick up the necessary skills as you go along.Writing for Academic Journalsseeks to rectify this omission. Rowena Murray is an experienced writer on the subject (author of How to Write a Thesis and How to Survive Your Viva) and she is well aware of the time pressures people are under in their professional lives. What she has to say should be encouraging for those people in ‘new’ universities, people working in disciplines which have only recently been considered academic, and those in professions such as the health service which are under pressure to become more academic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 384 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-232
P. V. Menshikov ◽  
G. K. Kassymova ◽  
R. R. Gasanova ◽  
Y. V. Zaichikov ◽  
V. A. Berezovskaya ◽  

A special role in the development of a pianist as a musician, composer and performer, as shown by the examples of the well-known, included in the history of art, and the most ordinary pianists, their listeners and admirers, lovers of piano music and music in general, are played by moments associated with psychotherapeutic abilities and music features. The purpose of the study is to comprehend the psychotherapeutic aspects of performing activities (using pianists as an example). The research method is a theoretical analysis of the psychotherapeutic aspects of performing activities: the study of the possibilities and functions of musical psychotherapy in the life of a musician as a “(self) psychotherapist” and “patient”. For almost any person, music acts as a way of self-understanding and understanding of the world, a way of self-realization, rethinking and overcoming life's difficulties - internal and external "blockages" of development, a way of saturating life with universal meanings, including a person in the richness of his native culture and universal culture as a whole. Art and, above all, its metaphorical nature help to bring out and realize internal experiences, provide an opportunity to look at one’s own experiences, problems and injuries from another perspective, to see a different meaning in them. In essence, we are talking about art therapy, including the art of writing and performing music - musical psychotherapy. However, for a musician, music has a special meaning, special significance. Musician - produces music, and, therefore, is not only an “object”, but also the subject of musical psychotherapy. The musician’s training includes preparing him as an individual and as a professional to perform functions that can be called psychotherapeutic: in the works of the most famous performers, as well as in the work of ordinary teachers, psychotherapeutic moments sometimes become key. Piano music and performance practice sets a certain “viewing angle” of life, and, in the case of traumatic experiences, a new way of understanding a difficult, traumatic and continuing to excite a person event, changing his attitude towards him. It helps to see something that was hidden in the hustle and bustle of everyday life or in the patterns of relationships familiar to a given culture. At the same time, while playing music or learning to play music, a person teaches to see the hidden and understand the many secrets of the human soul, the relationships of people.

1897 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 319-320 ◽  
Frank Calvert

I derive the materials of the present paper from some memoranda which I find amongst my archaeological notes and which relate to certain explorations to which I was not a party, made so long ago as 1887. I have thought that the particulars then obtained may be deemed sufficiently interesting to deserve a record in the history of Trojan archaeological discovery.The subject is one of the four small tumuli dotted about and near the hill of Balli-Dagh, the crest of which according to the now exploded theory of Le Chevalier (1785) was supposed to represent the Pergamos of Troy. In a memoir contributed to the Journal of the Archaeological Institute of 1864, I proved that the site in question was no other than that of the ancient city of Gergis. In the same paper I gave an account of the results of the excavation of one of the group of three tumuli on Balli-Dagh, the so-named Tomb of Priam. The other two, namely Le Chevalier's Tomb of Hector, and an unnamed hillock, were excavated respectively by Sir John Lubbock (about 1878) and Dr. Schliemann (1882) without result. The present relates to the fourth mound on the road between the villages of Bournarbashi and Arablar (as shown in the published maps), which goes by the name of Choban Tepeh (Shepherd's hillock) and the Tomb of Paris, according to Rancklin (1799).

1948 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 237-237
The Many ◽  

This book adds another volume to the many already published on the subject of child care. Its preface and foreword are written by Donovan J. McCune, M.D., and Norvelle C. LaMar, M.D., respectively, who endorse the author's statements. There is little in the way of advice to which I would not subscribe. In fact it is remarkable that So many pages can be filled with so much advice which is highly acceptable. Miss Turner has done a masterful job of summarizing the liberal ideas of our times. However, one begins to doubt the efficacy of any book so full of instructions without an adequate discussion of the "whys" of liberal ideas.

1952 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 378-378

This interesting book, written in French, consists of 535 pages of which 46 are devoted to the description of the many tests now in use in psychologic work, and 33 deal with an extensive "international" bibliography on the subject of child social-psychiatry. The most important part of the book is devoted to the broad subject of child psychiatry itself which is approached through many different angles and by authors of various countries including France, Great Britain, Sweden, Belgium, Spain and Switzerland.

1963 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 737-741
D. B. Dill

THE STUDY of work performance as related to age began in this country when Sid Robinson joined the group at the Fatigue Laboratory of the Harvard School of Business Administration. In the winter of 1936-7, he persuaded five champion milers who were in Boston for indoor meets to run on the Laboratory's treadmill on week-ends. Simultaneously, he was chiefly engaged in studying treadmill performance as related to age. This was the subject of his doctorate thesis published later under the title: "Experimental Studies of Physical Fitness as Related to Age". The 91 subjects ranged in age from boys 6 years of age to one man of 91. There were eight 6-year-olds, 10 between 8 and 13 and 20 between 48 and 76. Robinson's background as an Olympic middle-distance runner and as an assistant track coach at Indiana University gave him skill in dealing with the many diverse problems that confronted him. Often he was faced with sociological-psychological problems more difficult to solve than the physiological problems. Indicative of his success is the fact that the subjects were volunteers—no money was offered as an inducement to come to the laboratory. Also worthy of note is that there was no untoward incident throughout the study. Robinson's plan included respiratory, circulatory and metabolic observations in the basal state and in two grades of exercise. He describes the work experiments as follows: (pp. 251-3, reference 2) "After the above observations were completed, the subject performed two grades of work on a motor-driven treadmill, set at an angle of 8.6% in all experiments. Each subject below 73 years of age first walked at 5.6 km per hour for 15 minutes; this raises the oxygen consumption 7 or 8 times the basal level. After resting 10 minutes, he ran or in some cases, walked, at a rate which exhausted him in 2 to 5 minutes.

1961 ◽  
Vol 65 (609) ◽  
pp. 613-632 ◽  
J. C. Floyd

While the subject of this paper is concerned with problems somewhat outside the scope of those which existed in the days of the late Roy Chadwick, nothing absorbed Chadwick's interest more than a seemingly intangible aircraft problem, and I am sure that had he been alive today he would have been deeply involved in the search for solutions to them.He was without doubt a man of great talent, with an intuitive flair for design, and I join the many members of his staff who deem it a great privilege to have been associated with him for many years; and am honoured to have been asked to present this Memorial Lecture.

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