The Reporting of Income and Expense and the Choice of Measurement Bases

2016 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 499-510 ◽  
Roger Marshall ◽  
Andrew Lennard

SYNOPSIS:This paper contributes to the development of a “Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting” as currently being undertaken by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Building on the ideas of “asymmetric prudence” and the business model, it contrasts “value added” and “price change” businesses and argues that an entry price is appropriate for the operating assets of the former kind of business while a current market value is appropriate for the latter. It notes that both historical cost and current cost are entry values. While accepting that historical cost is likely to continue to be widely used, it questions whether the Conceptual Framework should preclude the use of current cost, and argues that if current cost is to be used, then the cost of consumption should be reported separately from holding gains and losses. The paper advocates the reporting of operating income, and discusses what items of income and expense should be reported in other comprehensive income rather than in profit or loss. It questions whether all such items should be “recycled” to the statement of profit or loss in a later accounting period.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 63
Ката Шкарић Јовановић

Резиме: Финансијско извештавање већ више векова с правом се означава као конзервативно. Начело опрезности чија премена генерише конзервативизам, а које се одликује временском асиметријом у признавању губитака и добитака, не само да је једно од најстаријих, већ и једно од најутицајнијих правила у финансијском извештавању. Означавање инвеститора, поверилаца и осталих зајмодаваца као примарних корисника финансијских извештаја довело је до тога да се у Концептуалном оквиру финансијског извешавања неутралној презентацији финансијских извештаја даје апсолутни примат у односу на опрезност, која је означена као непожељна. Бројна емпиријска истраживања, у великој мери изазвана и оваквом радикалном променом, показала су да су користи од примене конзервативизма у финансијском извештању и у данашњим околностима такве да се увелико надилазе његове слабости. С дуге стране, неутралност се може постићи у презентацији појединих позиција финансијских извшетаја али не при постојећим околностима и финансијских извештаја у целини. Заменом опрезности са неутралношћу нарушена је конзистентност која је нужна између Концептуалног оквира за финансијско извештавање и МРС/МСФИ. У многим од МРС/МСФИ садржани су захтеви за признавање и вредновање који су засновани на опрезности. Испуњавање ових захтева неминовно води конзервативизму у презентацији финансијских извештаја. Како су МРС/МСФИ изграђени на мешовитој основи коју чине: концепт историјског трошка, с којим је чврсто повезана опрезност, и концепт фер вредности, за који се везује неутралност. Стога се сасвим основано у презентацији финансијских извештаја могу очекивати и неутрално и конзервативно презентиране информације. Враћањем опрезности у Концептуални оквир финансијског извештавања осим што би била отклоњена неконзистност која постоји између њега као основе на којој се ревидирају постојећи и доносе нови стандарди, био би потврђен допринос конзервативизма заштити интереса поверилаца и инвеститора.Summary: For many centuries financial reporting has been rightfully labeled as conservative. The principle of prudence whose application generates conservatism, which is characterized by time asymmetry in the recognition of gains and losses, is not only one of the oldest but also one of the most influential rules in financial reporting. Determining the investors, creditors and other lenders as primary users of financial statements has led to the fact that in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting the neutral presentation of financial statements has the absolute precedence over prudence, which is marked as undesirable. Numerous empirical studies largely caused by such a radical change have shown that the benefits of application of conservatism in financial reporting and in the present circumstances are such that they greatly surpass its weaknesses. On the other hand, neutrality can be achieved in the presentation of certain positions in financial statements but not under the existing circumstances and financial statements in general. Substituting prudence with neutrality violates consistency, which is necessary between the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting and IAS/IFRS. Many of IAS/IFRS contain requests for recognition and validation that are based on the prudence. Meeting these requests will inevitably lead to conservatism in the presentation of financial statements. Since IAS/IFRS are built on a mixed basis consisting of the historical cost concept, which is tightly linked with prudence, and fair value concept, which is linked with neutrality, then it is quite reasonable to expect both neutrally and conservatively presented information in the presentation of financial statements. By restoring prudence in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, besides eliminating inconsistence that exists between it as a basis for revising existing and adopting new standards, contribution of conservatism to protecting the interests of creditors and investors would be confirmed.

2016 ◽  
Vol 90 (1/2) ◽  
pp. 41-49
Arjan Brouwer ◽  
Alidus Dannenberg ◽  
Peter Epe

In de Exposure Draft Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting blijft de International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) uitgaan van een balansbenadering waarbij baten en lasten worden afgeleid van de mutaties in balansposten. Financiële prestatie wordt niet afzonderlijk gede"nieerd en de IASB reduceert dit tot een presentatievraagstuk gericht op Other Comprehensive Income (OCI) en recycling. Relevante informatieverschaf"ng over prestaties vraagt echter om een prominentere plaats in het nieuwe Conceptual Framework en een meer genuanceerde aanpak voor de ontwikkeling van concepten die de basis kunnen vormen voor standaarden leidend tot relevante informatie over de prestaties van een entiteit. Inzicht in prestaties vraagt in ieder geval om afzonderlijke informatieverschaf "ng over alle relevante attributen van het resultaat en dat is niet mogelijk via slechts een tweedeling tussen resultaten die worden gepresenteerd binnen winst of verlies en resultaten die worden gepresenteerd binnen OCI.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Christopher W. Hoffman

This article analyzes the current financial reporting issue regarding the updates proposed by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) to the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting. Since accounting standard-setters have embraced the notion of concepts as a guide and foundation to developing accounting standards, the IASB has concluded that there should be more importance place on developing a solid framework. Based on current literature and the fact that the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in the U.S. has a solid framework in place, the IASB has designed proposed updates to their framework and requested comments from the general public regarding those updates. This article evaluates the comments made by 72 respondents and tabulates the responses based on agree, disagree, or no comment. These results concluded that 66% of the responses were positive toward the updates, but 29% were negative. The disagreement was focused around four main topics: (1) prudence; (2) statement of profit or loss; (3) statement of other comprehensive income; and (4) rebuttable presumption for recycling. The IASB hopes to assimilate, deliberate, and disseminate the suggestions, comments, and the updates in 2016.

2021 ◽  
pp. 61-87
Thomas Ryttersgaard

Although other comprehensive income did not exist in the conceptual framework until 2018, it has been a part of IFRS for many years, and it has not been defined based on accounting theory. This paper considers arguments for the current use of other comprehensive income under IFRS and finds that matching and prudence are at the core of other comprehensive income in IFRS despite not being elements of the conceptual framework. This suggests that the concept of other comprehensive income exists because the IFRS standards are founded on a mix of balance sheet-based and income statement-based accounting principles. Based on the characteristics of other comprehensive income and the IASB's arguments for the recognition of gains and losses in other comprehensive income, this paper proposes a definition of other comprehensive income that can be used to ensure a uniform application of the concept across accounting standards and to reduce risks of inconsistency.

2013 ◽  
Vol 87 (9) ◽  
pp. 355-364
Dick Van Offeren ◽  
Joop Witjes ◽  
Tim Verdoes

De International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) heeft recent het conceptual framework-project als kernproject aangemerkt. Het oorspronkelijke Framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements (framework 1989) was aan een fundamentele herziening toe. Samen met de Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) heeft de IASB de eerste fase van het Conceptual framework for financial reporting (framework 2010) voltooid. In deze eerste fase worden twee onderwerpen besproken. Dit zijn het doel van financiële verslaggeving en de kwalitatieve kenmerken van financiële verslaggeving. Wij bespreken deze twee onderwerpen en gaan in op de verschillen tussen het framework 2010 en het framework 1989. Wij benadrukken het verschil in toepassingsgebied van de twee frameworks. Het framework 2010 is gericht op het ruimere begrip financial reporting, financiële verslaggeving en het framework 1989 was beperkt tot financial statements, jaarrekeningen.

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 24-37
Giusy Guzzo ◽  
Massimo Costa

In response to the ‘2011 Agenda Consultation’, the IASB launched in July 2013 a call for a new Discussion Paper on the ‘Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting’. This article aims to offer a contribution to the debate on the effectiveness of the theme of ‘Measurement’, by investigating the use of the current evaluation models in the literature and practice of Financial Reporting. The article proposes at first a historical survey both of the international debate on Fair Value Accounting vs. Historical Cost Accounting and of the Italian theories on the valuation. Later the paper proposes some considerations about the key questions related to Measurement and the possible policy implications of the main research finding, by conceptualising a ‘mixed’ system combining fair value Accounting and historical cost Accounting to try giving a more rational base to the financial reports.

2014 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 199-216 ◽  
Carien van Mourik ◽  
Yuko Katsuo

SYNOPSISThis paper illustrates that, despite their general agreement on the decision-usefulness objective of general purpose financial reporting, the Accounting Standard Board of Japan (ASBJ) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)'s conceptual frameworks are based on two different concepts of financial performance. By identifying and contrasting the two financial performance concepts and their impact on the rest of the frameworks and by explaining the thinking that underpins the ASBJ's chosen financial performance concept, it contributes to a debate about the role of financial performance concepts in fulfilling the decision-usefulness objective. Such a debate is pertinent to the revision of the IASB's Conceptual Framework, which is scheduled for completion in 2015.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-181
Muanas Muanas ◽  
Zahra Argadia Garini

As a member of G-20 Forum, Indonesia starts to adopts the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) as a requirement to fulfill the demands and needs of financial statements users. The adoption of international accounting standards into national accounting standards aim to create financial statements that have high level of credibility and accountability. IFRS requests the requirement of high level of disclosure items so the value of companies will increase, management will have high level of accountability to run the company, that allows changes on the financial statements, for example that can change the length of financial statements. The purpose of this study is to know the effect of IFRS adoption on the length of financial statements, and to know the content of financial statements before and after IFRS adoption. This study was conducted by dividing financial statements into two sections, which are major statements and notes to the financial statements.  The financial statements used in this study are 2008 and 2013. The sample was selected by purposive sampling method and analyzed using parametric and non-parametric tests. Results of this study show that major statements and notes to the financial statements experienced an increase in length after adopting IFRS. Notes to financial statements experiencing the most significant increase in length after adopting IFRS. On the major statements, the increase is caused by other comprehensive income account. While on the notes to the financial statements, increase is caused by implementation of  PSAK 1 which requires the high level of disclosures. The increase mainly occured in accounting policy on the financial statements.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-85
Svitlana Zubilevych ◽  
Nataly Poznyakovska

The article discusses the role of the "Conceptual framework for general purpose financial reporting of public sector entities" in connection with the reform of the accounting and reporting system in the public sector of Ukraine on the basis of harmonization with International Accounting Standards. The chronology of the development of the Conceptual Framework and its brief content are generalized. An analysis of the purpose of the Conceptual Framework for General Purpose Financial Statements was conducted. Conclusions on the need to develop a national conceptual framework are made.

2016 ◽  
Vol 90 (1/2) ◽  
pp. 7-8
Ralph ter Hoeven

Het Conceptual Framework van de International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is een onderdeel van het niet-verplichte deel van de International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Dat betekent dat bedrijven die op basis van IFRS rapporteren niet als zodanig aan de bepalingen van het CF hoeven te voldoen. In die zin heeft het Conceptual Framework dezelfde status als de implementation guidance en de basis for conclusions die de publicatie van een IFRS begeleiden. Het CF is ook geen onderdeel van het Europese goedkeuringsproces van IFRS. Desalniettemin wijden wij een themanummer aan het Conceptual Framework en in het bijzonder aan de wijzigingsvoorstellen (ED/2015/4) die op 28 mei 2015 door de IASB zijn gepubliceerd.

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