
В статье исследуется вклад известного осетинского ученого, доктора филологических наук Тамерлана Александровича Гуриева в развитие науки о переводе, анализируются его труды по общим и частным вопросам художественного перевода. На примере переводных лирических произведений А. Пушкина, Г. Малиева, К. Хетагурова, У. Шекспира рассматривается подход Т. А. Гуриева к решению лингвистических проблем художественного перевода, в частности к передаче в переводном тексте устаревших слов, фразеологизмов, имен собственных, междометий. Отдельное внимание в статье уделяется сравнительно-сопоставительному анализу «Сказки о рыбаке и рыбке» А. С. Пушкина в оригинале и в переводе на осетинский язык. В осетиноязычном варианте сказки Пушкина Гуриеву удалось воcпроизвести жанровые особенности переводимого текста, сохранить элементы структуры подлинника, его пунктуационные особенности, детали повествования. Тщательный подход к воспроизведению языка и формы стиха оригинала позволил переводчику достичь в переводном тексте структурно-семантического соответствия. Большого творческого таланта требовал от переводчика Гуриева перевод устаревших слов, слов-реалий, идиом, оценочной лексики. Для их передачи он использовал гипонимический перевод, уподобляющий перевод, экспликацию, функциональную замену, калькирование, механический перенос, метод компенсации. В переводе отражен национально-исторический колорит, стилистические особенности оригинального текста. При переводе архаизмов ученый прибегал к использованию в переводе лексического эквивалента, а единицу перевода компенсировал в другом месте для достижения баланса. Используемые переводческие трансформации позволили сохранить коммуникативную эквивалентность исходного текста как одну из доминирующих составляющих литературного художественного перевода. In the present article for the first time the contribution of Tamerlan Alexandrovich Guriev to the science of translation is evaluated, points of view of the famous Ossetian scientist on general and special issues of literary translation in his research works are provided. On the example of translations of lyrical works by A. Pushkin, G. Maliev, W. Shakespeare T. A. Guriev’s approach to solving the linguistic problems of literary translation is considered, particularly, transferring of archaic words, phraseological units, proper names, interjections in the translated text. Special attention is paid to the comparative analysis of «The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish» by A. S. Pushkin in the original and its translation into the Ossetian language. In the Ossetian-language version of A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tale T. A. Guriev managed to reproduce the genre features of the text, to preserve the elements of the original structure, its punctuation, and the details of the narration. Careful approach to the reproduction of the language and form of the original verse allowed the translator to achieve structural and semantic correspondence in the translated text. Creative translator’s talent of T. A. Guriev is evident in the way he deals with archaic words, words-realities, idioms, evaluative lexemes. To transfer them the translator uses hyponymic translation, assimilated translation, explication, functional substitution, calques, mechanical transference and compensation method. The translation reflects the national-historical character, stylistic features of the original text. When translating archaisms translator Guriev resorted to the use of lexical equivalents in the translation, and compensated the unit of translation elsewhere to achieve balance. The translation transformations made it possible to preserve in the translation the communicative equivalence of the original text, one of the dominant components of literary translation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 383-388
Aigul Yessentemirova ◽  
Kuralay Urazaeva

The paper is focused on the study of literary translation as a type of rhetorical communication. The subject being analysed is that national conceptual sphere can be a reliable criterion for the authenticity of translation. The topic of the research is that national conceptual sphere regarded as a means of illocutionary influence and a source of differences in rhetorical conscience of the author of the original text as well as the translator and the addressee. A comparative analysis of Russian and Kazakh translations of Robert Burns’ ballad “John Barleycorn” is carried out. The comparison is based on the structure of rhetorical communication, national conceptual sphere, prosody parameters and genre features. The similarities and differences of the translations are specified. The similarities are shown in referential, strophic and genre proximity of the original and translations.

З.С. Сахлабад ◽  
Е.Б. Дзапарова

Межлитературные контакты играют продуктивную роль в мировом культурном пространстве. Важнейшим средством интернационализации литературы является художественный перевод. Через перевод происходит не только знакомство с литературой других народов, но и интеграция и взаимообогащение духовной культуры. Настоящее исследование посвящено проблеме межлитературного синтеза, реализуемого через художественный перевод. В статье поднимаются вопросы русско-персидских литературных связей, прослежена история переводов поэтических и прозаических произведений М. Ю. Лермонтова на язык фарси. Устанавливается влияние произведений русских писателей, в частности М. Лермонтова, на творчество и мировоззрение иранских авторов. Отдельное внимание в работе уделено анализу восточной поэзии Лермонтова. В поле зрения авторов находится и традиция переводов его поэтических, прозаических, драматических произведений на осетинский язык. Осетинских переводчиков в творчестве Лермонтова особо привлекали кавказские мотивы. Заинтересованность кавказской тематикой проявлялась в обращении к произведениям Лермонтова с экзотическим, восточным колоритом. Так, были переведены поэмы Беглец , Мцыри , Каллы , Хаджи Абрек , сказка Ашик-Кериб , роман Герой нашего времени и мн. др. К интерпретации на осетинском языке некоторых произведений русского поэта разные переводчики прибегали не единожды. В исследовании анализируются варианты сказки Лермонтова Ашик-Кериб на осетинском языке. В переводах Ц. Амбалова, А. Маккаева, М. Дзасохова прослежена передача национально-культурных элементов, выявляются основные переводческие трансформации, применяемые при воспроизведении восточного колорита оригинального текста. Inter-literary contacts play a productive role in the global cultural space. The most important means of the internationalization of literature is literary translation. Translation promotes not only acquaintance with the literature of other nations, but also integration and mutual enrichment of spiritual culture. The present research is devoted to the problem of inter-literary synthesis realized through literary translation. The article raises questions of Russian-Persian literary connections, traces the history of translations of M. Lermontovs poetry and prose into Farsi. The study establishes the influence of the works of Russian writers, namely M. Lermontov, on the creativity and worldview of Iranian authors. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the oriental poetry of M. Lermontov. The authors of the present article are interested in the tradition of translations of poetic, prosaic, dramatic works of the Russian writer into the Ossetian language. In the works of Lermontov, Ossetian translators were particularly attracted by the Caucasian motifs. This attraction was manifested in the translators interest in the works of Lermontov with exotic, oriental flavor. Thus, the poems The Fugitive , Mtsyri , Calla , Haji Abrek , the tale Ashik-Kerib , the novel The Hero of Our Time and many others were translated, etc. Different translators have resorted to translate some works of the Russian poet into the Ossetian language more than once. The study analyzes the versions of the Lermontovs fairy tale Ashik-Kerib in the Ossetian language. In the translations by Ts. Ambalov, A. Makkaev, M. Dzasokhov the transmission of national-cultural elements was traced, the basic translational transformations used in reproducing the oriental flavor of the original text are discussed.

Б. В. Эльбикова

Исследование посвящено сравнительному анализу оригинального и переводных текстов калмыцкой народной сказки «Аю Чикт Авха Цецен хойр» («Аю Чикте и Авха Цецен») из репертуара сказителя М. Буринова. В процессе сличения исходного текста сказки на калмыцком языке (1960) и русскоязычного перевода М. Г. Ватагина (1964) отмечается характер разночтений и неточностей, обнаруженных в иноязычном нарративе в передаче смысла отдельных эпизодов сюжета, формульных выражений, словосочетаний, играющих важную роль в сказочном повествовании. Изучение фольклорного текста в его разноязычных воплощениях представляется актуальным в свете проблем, возникающих при взаимодействии текстов дистантных культур. Для передачи национальной специфики сказочной традиции требуется максимальная точность при переводе, имеющим важное значение для понимания исконного смысла оригинального текста. The study is devoted to a comparative analysis of the original and translated texts of the Kalmyk folk tale "Ayu Chikt Avkha Tsetsn khoir" ("Ayu Chikte and Avkha Tsetsen") from the repertoire of the narrator M. Burinov. In the process of comparing the original text of the fairy tale in the Kalmyk language (1960) and the Russian translation by M. G. Vatagina (1964) notes the nature of the discrepancies and inaccuracies found in the foreign language narrative in the transfer of the meaning of individual episodes of the plot, formula expressions, word combinations), which play an important role in the fairy tale narration. The study of a folklore text in its multilingual embodiments is relevant in the light of the problems that arise within the interaction of texts of distant cultures. To convey the national specifics of the fairy - tale tradition, maximum accuracy is required when translating episodes, formulas and some words that are important for understanding the original meaning of an original text.

2012 ◽  
Vol 53 (1-3) ◽  
pp. 241-274
Judit Frigyesi

The story of Bartók’s pantomime is usually understood as the clash between the cold-blooded brutality of the city — represented by the tramps — and the force of primeval passion — represented by the mandarin. Within these opposing forces stands the girl — whose character, however, is not obvious. In the first complete manuscript version (piano four-hand), immediately before the ending of the piece, there existed a scene depicting a confrontation between the girl and the tramps. This scene, whose main actor is the girl, is crucial for the drama and reveals Bartók’s view with regard to the girl’s character. Yet when Bartók began orchestrating the work in 1924, he deleted this scene. The present article provides, for the first time, an in-depth analysis as well as dramatic interpretation of this scene. Considering also the original text by Menyhért (Melchior) Lengyel (which contains this scene) and the totality of the final version of Bartók’s pantomime, the article proposes a characterization for the girl and offers a hypothesis for the reason for the omission of this scene from the final version.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-61
Faris O. Nofal

The present article reviews the theonyms mentioned in the corpus of Safaite epigraphic inscriptions. For the first time in the history of Russian Oriental Studies, the author conducts a comparative analysis of Safaite, Hismaite and Samudi texts and acquaints the Russian reader with the major deities of the North-Arabian pantheon. On the basis of this analysis, the work marks the two levels of Safaite Olympus: the cosmic one, represented by common Arab deities (al-Lat, Belshmin and Radw), and the tribal one, which includes the mythical characters of Salam, Yath, Dath and gadd-deities. In addition, the author observes the use of the reviewed theonyms by the denizens of pre-Islamic Arabia for the purposes of nomination.

2008 ◽  
Vol 68 (9) ◽  
pp. 1381-1386 ◽  
U Kiltz ◽  
D van der Heijde ◽  
H Mielants ◽  
E Feldtkeller ◽  
J Braun ◽  

Background:The ASAS/EULAR (Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society/European League Against Rheumatism) recommendations for the management of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) have been developed by rheumatologists for a target population of health professionals.Objective:To extend the cooperation between ASAS and EULAR by translating the recommendations into a language that can be easily understood by patients in order to further disseminate and evaluate the recommendations.Methods:In cooperation with patient organisations 18 patients with AS (17 European, one Canadian) were invited to attend a meeting in February 2008. As a starting point the original publication and a version created by Canadian patients with AS were used. To improve the understanding of potential problems, data on the evaluation of a recent German translation were presented. After intensive discussions the wording was adjusted and a vote was held on the new wording of the recommendations aiming for >80% agreement on each sentence. Finally, patients were asked to indicate their level of agreement with the content of the recommendations.Results:Ten recommendations were successfully translated into a patient-understandable version. The original text was changed in most cases. In all but one case (recommendation No 4) there was broad agreement with the proposed translation. The overall agreement with the content of the recommendations was high: 8.7 (0.6).Conclusion:For the first time, EULAR recommendations were successfully converted into a patient-understandable language version by a large international group of patients in collaboration with rheumatologists. The evaluation showed broad agreement. Translations into different languages and further dissemination in individual countries will be performed.

1983 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-94 ◽  
Robert J. Smith

The present article takes the widely publicized Guidelines for Nonsexist Use of Language, and, staying scrupulously (or even unscrupulously) close to the wording of the original, indicates its relevance for the pervasive but largely unmentioned cultural bias in American psychology. Basically, the only changes required to the original text were the words “ethnic/cultural” in place of “sex”, and the omission of a couple of “untranslatable” examples of sex bias. The purpose of this “fairy tale” is to raise the consciousness - primarily of American psychologists - regarding the constricted nature of their enterprise for a science of humankind.

Б. В. Эльбикова

Исследование посвящено сравнительному анализу оригинального и переводных текстов калмыцкой народной сказки «Аю Чикт Авха Цецен хойр» («Аю Чикте и Авха Цецен») из репертуара сказителя М. Буринова. В процессе сличения исходного текста сказки на калмыцком языке (1960) и русскоязычного перевода М. Г. Ватагина (1964) отмечается характер разночтений и неточностей, обнаруженных в иноязычном нарративе в передаче смысла отдельных эпизодов сюжета, формульных выражений, словосочетаний, играющих важную роль в сказочном повествовании. Изучение фольклорного текста в его разноязычных воплощениях представляется актуальным в свете проблем, возникающих при взаимодействии текстов дистантных культур. Для передачи национальной специфики сказочной традиции требуется максимальная точность при переводе, имеющим важное значение для понимания исконного смысла оригинального текста. The study is devoted to a comparative analysis of the original and translated texts of the Kalmyk folk tale "Ayu Chikt Avkha Tsetsn khoir" ("Ayu Chikte and Avkha Tsetsen") from the repertoire of the narrator M. Burinov. In the process of comparing the original text of the fairy tale in the Kalmyk language (1960) and the Russian translation by M. G. Vatagina (1964) notes the nature of the discrepancies and inaccuracies found in the foreign language narrative in the transfer of the meaning of individual episodes of the plot, formula expressions, word combinations), which play an important role in the fairy tale narration. The study of a folklore text in its multilingual embodiments is relevant in the light of the problems that arise within the interaction of texts of distant cultures. To convey the national specifics of the fairy - tale tradition, maximum accuracy is required when translating episodes, formulas and some words that are important for understanding the original meaning of an original text.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (16) ◽  
pp. 111-118
M.Yu. Volkova

The role of Ernest Seton-Thompson as a writer who started the genre of animal short-story and his contribution into the national Canadian literature are discussed in the article. Peculiar features of animal-personages from his short-stories which are close to people were singled out. The peculiarities of the literary translation which aim is to reflect ideas, feelings transforming the author’s images with the help of another language material, the main features that make it different from a classical one were stated. Contemporary scholars who scrutinize this aspect in modern translation studies were found out. The notion of adequacy in the process of a literary text translation, the necessity and strive of the translator to reflect the sense, embodied in artistic images, to preserve genre and style and structural-compositional peculiarities of the original text in the context of comparative analysis of the literary text were noted. The differences between the original text of E.Seton-Thompson’s short-story “The Biography of a Grizzly” and its translation by М.Chukovsky were analyzed in the given article. The translation can be called adequate as some change of content and form of the original text by means of the target language did not impact into general perception of the short-story in its translation. The translator conveys the author’s ideas provoking reader‘s reaction to the story. М.Chukovsky  preserved its content, the system of images and the author’s style and plot identity of the original text. Peculiarities of his translation, main structural-grammar and lexical transformations used in the translation were marked. Among the most frequently used transformation techniques actual division of the sentence, grammar changes, change of the sentence parts, concretization, generalization, addition, omission and antonymic translation are noted.

2020 ◽  
Vol - (4) ◽  
pp. 50-59
Mykyta Samsonenko

An appealing to original texts, a comparing linguistic variations in the forms of their offsprings (translations), a research of processes of branching of meanings, a reconstruction of the first-sense of texts, and especially those that were created centuries ago in ancient languages, that is enabling to improve translation or understanding of the history of the mentality of native and modern na- tive speakers — will always be relevant for any philological, linguistic and philosophical studies. This article is an attempt to analyze and show how different the form and meaning of the same text can be in different languages and what can be common between different translations. For the first time, the comparison of the original fragments of Plato’s “The Republic” in Ancient Greek with their translations into Japanese and Korean translations has been done. Also, some fragments of Lithuanian, Latin, Latin and English translations are included. For the analysis, I propose the following two fragments of the text of the seventh book, namely the replica numbered 514a-514b of the dialogue of Socrates with Glaucon and the replica numbered 517b-517c. After all, in my opinion, there is the greatest concentration of philosophical terms associated with the myth of the cave, which interests me.

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