scholarly journals Modelagem Matemática e Programação de Computadores: uma Possibilidade para a Construção de Conhecimento na Educação BásicaMathematical Modeling and Computer Programming: a Possibility for the Construction of Knowledge in Basic Education

Felipe José Rezende de Carvalho ◽  
Tiago Emanuel Klüber

ResumoA modelagem matemática é uma das tendências em educação matemática que valoriza, entre outras coisas, o percurso do aluno na resolução de atividades de cunho investigativo. Essas investigações, por vezes, são permeadas e mediadas pelas tecnologias digitais que tanto estão imbricadas em nosso cotidiano, ressignificando a dinâmica ocorrida durante as aulas, a relação aluno-professor e a interação com os colegas. Neste artigo, apresentamos os resultados de uma pesquisa de mestrado ocorrida em uma escola pública do interior de Minas Gerais, na qual propusemos a um grupo de estudantes do ensino médio uma atividade de modelagem matemática que deveria ser explorada e resolvida em um ambiente de programação de computadores. Essa atividade de modelagem foi proposta no intuito de auxiliar-nos a compreender a interrogação: O que se revela de uma tarefa de modelagem matemática, no ambiente de programação de computadores, desenvolvida por estudantes da educação básica? A partir de uma análise qualitativa dos vídeos das aulas, auxiliados pelo software Atlas.ti e assumindo uma postura fenomenológica, pudemos observar, dentre outras coisas, que a tarefa de modelagem matemática norteou o desenvolvimento do pensamento computacional em um ambiente dialógico, no qual o aprender-com-outro foi valorizado a partir da sinergia entre modelagem matemática e programação de computadores.Palavras-chave: Modelagem matemática, Programação de computadores, Pensamento computacional.AbstractMathematical modelling is one of the trends in mathematical education that values, among other things, the student's path in solving investigative activities. These investigations are sometimes permeated and mediated by digital technologies that are so interwoven in our daily lives, giving new meaning to the dynamics that occurred during classes, the student-teacher relationship, and the interaction with colleagues. In this article, we present the results of a master's research that took place in a public school in the interior of Minas Gerais, in which we proposed to a group of high school students a mathematical modelling activity that should be explored and solved in a computer programming environment. This modelling activity was proposed to help us understand the question: What is revealed by a mathematical modelling task, in the computer programming environment, developed by students of basic education? From a qualitative analysis of the videos of the classes, aided by the Atlas.ti software and assuming a phenomenological stance, we could observe, among other things, that the task of mathematical modelling guided the development of computational thinking in a dialogical environment, in which the learning-from-others was valued based on the synergy between mathematical modelling and computer programming.Keywords: Mathematical modelling, Computer programming, Computational thinking.ResumenLa modelación matemática es una de las tendencias en la educación matemática que valora, entre otras cosas, el camino del estudiante en la resolución de actividades de investigación. En ocasiones, estas investigaciones están permeadas y mediadas por tecnologías digitales que están tan entretejidas en nuestra vida cotidiana, dando un nuevo significado a las dinámicas que se dieron durante las clases, la relación alumno-profesor y la interacción con los compañeros. En este artículo presentamos los resultados de una investigación de maestría que se llevó a cabo en una escuela pública del interior de Minas Gerais, en la que propusimos a un grupo de estudiantes de secundaria una actividad de modelación matemática a ser explorada y resuelta en un ambiente de programación de computadoras. Esta actividad de modelación se propuso para ayudarnos a comprender la pregunta: ¿Qué revela una tarea de modelación matemática, en el entorno de programación de computadoras, desarrollada por estudiantes de educación básica? A partir de un análisis cualitativo de los videos de las clases, ayudado por el software Atlas.ti y asumiendo una postura fenomenológica, pudimos observar, entre otras cosas, que la tarea de modelación matemática guió el desarrollo del pensamiento computacional en un ambiente dialógico, en en el que se valoró el aprender-con-otros con base en la sinergia entre la modelación matemática y la programación informática.Palabras clave: Modelación matemática, Programación de computadoras, Pensamiento computacional.

2021 ◽  
pp. 43-55
Claudia Costin ◽  
João Lins ◽  
José Henrique Paim ◽  
Marieta de Moraes Ferreira ◽  
Raquel de Oliveira ◽  

AbstractThis chapter details FGV’s contributions to basic education during the pandemic. FGV created in 2003 an accessible tool that addresses the managerial gaps that schools and education departments face to evaluate and assess its students, called FGV High School. Since March 2020, when school closures took place, the rapid demand for digital education tools placed FGV High School in an advantageous position to establish partnerships with education departments across Brazil, benefiting millions of high school students. In the state of São Paulo alone, the FGV High School platform gives access to approximately 3.5 million students. In 2008, FGV became a member of Open Education Global (OEG), a consortium of educational institutions from different countries that provide online content and teaching materials free of charge. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the demand for FGV’s online courses has substantially increased. In March 2020 alone, the program’s website registered more than 1.6 million hits, and the number has since then consistently increased. Additionally, FGV has recently created two policy centers that focus on basic education: The Center for Excellence and Innovation in Education Policy (CEIPE), created in 2016, and the Center for the Development of Public Management and Educational Policy (DGPE), in 2018. Since the beginning of the pandemic, both centers have organized a series of webinars and publications to support policymakers in the education sector to make better decisions regarding reopening of schools, online and digital education options, curriculum, etc. The high number of views and engagement that the FGV webinars attract reflects the desire for reliable information that education professionals have been seeking, despite the overwhelming number of online events that have surfaced with the pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1077-1085
Emerson D. Peteros, Et. al.

Although the government provides free education, poverty is one of Filipino students' most common challenges in their pursuit of basic education. To overcome financial constraints and to be self-sufficient while studying, high school students choose to find errands. In Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines, thirty-one public high school students working part-time were studied to find answers if there was a link between time management, self-efficacy, and academic performance, specifically, assessing the respondents' math performance, using the adopted survey questionnaire. The results revealed that they performed satisfactorily in math while practicing moderate time management and having moderate self-efficacy in the subject. There was no significant relationship between time management and math performance; however, self-efficacy and math performance had a significant weak positive correlation. As a result, teachers are encouraged to create programs that boost students' self-efficacy and time management abilities. It is strongly suggested that time management skills are integrated into the subjects to form and promote students' positive reactions. From the theoretical point of view, once the competencies have been learned and practiced, students are expected to manage, strive for, and fulfill their life objectives more effectively.         

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 75 ◽  
Paulo Prates Junior ◽  
Marliane de Cássia Soares da Silva ◽  
Rita de Cássia Cerqueira Melo ◽  
Lorena Azevedo de Lima ◽  
Kaliane Sírio Araújo ◽  

Resumo: A extensão universitária tem por objetivo instituir práticas cidadãs de pesquisa e ensino. Nesse contexto, o Núcleo de Estudos em Microbiologia Agrícola (NEMA), da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), tem desenvolvido atividades de extensão junto à comunidade de Viçosa e região, para o intercâmbio de experiências em pesquisa, ensino e extensão relacionadas à Microbiologia Agrícola. O presente artigo apresenta os primeiros resultados do projeto de extensão universitária desenvolvido pelo NEMA junto à Escola Família Agrícola (EFA) Puris, que adota a Pedagogia da Alternância e tem a Agroecologia como eixo norteador, visando à articulação de atividades práticas e teóricas, em tempos e espaços que se alternam entre a escola e a comunidade na qual os educandos estão inseridos. As três intervenções realizadas até o presente momento abordaram os seguintes temas: demonstração dos micro-organismos no ambiente e o papel das micorrizas; produção, comercialização e consumo de cogumelos; compostagem e produção de alimentos fermentados. No total, as atividades envolveram cerca de 65 educandos do Ensino Médio, 5 monitores da EFA e 24 acadêmicos, dentre os quais professores, técnicos, graduandos e pós-graduandos da UFV. Essas intervenções têm proporcionado um estímulo à curiosidade, antes pouco ofertada, sobre o mundo microbiano e suas aplicações, além de instigar o interesse pelo conhecimento científico e proporcionar novos desafios de ensino e extensão para os acadêmicos envolvidos. Palavras-chave: Agricultura familiar, Microbiologia agrícola, Universidade Federal de Viçosa   The microbiology in the context of the agroecology: extension activity in the Puris Agricultural Family School Abstract: The university extension aims to establish citizen practices in research and teaching. In this context, the “Núcleo de Estudos em Microbiologia Agrícola (NEMA)”, from Universidade Federal de Viçosa – UFV(Viçosa, Minas Gerais State, Brazil), has developed extension activities in Viçosa and region for the exchange of experiences in research, teaching and extension related to Agricultural Microbiology. This paper presents the first results of the university extension project developed by NEMA at the Puris Agricultural Family School (EFA), which adopts the Pedagogy of Alternation for articulating practical and theoretical activities, in times and spaces concatenated between the school and the community in which students are inserted. The three interventions carried out until here were related to the demonstration of microorganisms in the environment and the role of mycorrhizae, the production, marketing and consumption of mushrooms, and the composting and production of fermented foods. In total, about 65 high school students, 5 EFA’s monitors and 24 academics and staffs from UFV were involved in the activities. These interventions have provided a stimulus to the curiosity, barely offered before, about the microbial world and their applications. Also, it has instigated the interest for the scientific knowledge and enabled new teaching and extension challenges for the academics involved. Keywords: Family Farming, Agricultural Microbiology, Viçosa Federal University   La microbiología en el contexto de la agroecología: extensión universitaria en la Escuela de la Familia Agrícola Puris   Resumen: La extensión universitaria se caracteriza como un proceso de construcción de relaciones entre la sociedad y la Universidad, con el objetivo de establecer prácticas ciudadanas de investigación y enseñanza. En este contexto, el “Núcleo de Estudos em Microbiologia Agrícola (NEMA)”, de la Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV (Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil), ha desarrollado actividades de extensión junto a la comunidad de Viçosa y región para el intercambio de experiencias de investigación, enseñanza y extensión relacionadas al área de Microbiología Agrícola. El presente artículo presenta los primeros resultados del proyecto de extensión universitaria desarrollado por el NEMA junto a la Escuela de la Familia Agrícola (EFA) Puris, que adopta la Pedagogía de la Alternancia, buscando la articulación de actividades prácticas y teóricas, en tiempos y espacios que se alternan entre la escuela y la comunidad en la cual los estudiantes están insertados. Las tres intervenciones realizadas hasta el momento abordaron los siguientes temas: demostración de los microorganismos en el medio ambiente y el papel de las micorrizas; producción, comercialización y consumo de champiñones; compostaje y producción de alimentos fermentados. En total, las actividades involucraran alrededor de 65 estudiantes, 5 monitores de la EFA y 24 alumnos de la UFV. Estas intervenciones han proporcionado un estímulo a la curiosidad, antes poco ofrecida, sobre el mundo microbiano y sus aplicaciones, además de instigar el interés por el conocimiento científico. Palabras-clave: Escola familia Agrícola, Microbiología agrícola, Universidad Federal de Viçosa

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-131
Priscila Dias Corrêa ◽  

This study aims to investigate the mathematical proficiency promoted by mathematical modelling tasks that require students to get involved in the processes of developing mathematical models, instead of just using known or given models. The research methodology is grounded on design-based research, and the classroom design framework is supported by complexity science underpinnings. The research intervention consists of high-school students, from a grade 11 mathematics course, aiming to solve four different modelling tasks in four distinct moments. Data was collected during the intervention from students’ written mathematical work and audio and video recordings, and from recall interviews after the intervention. Data analysis was conducted based on a model of mathematical proficiency and assisted by interpretive diagrams created for this research purpose. This research study offers insight into mathematics teaching by portraying how mathematical modelling tasks can be integrated into mathematics classes to promote students’ mathematical proficiency. The study discusses observed expressions and behaviours in students’ development of mathematical proficiency and suggests a relationship between mathematical modelling processes and the promotion of mathematical proficiency. The study also reveals that students develop mathematical proficiency, even when they do not come to full resolutions of modelling tasks, which emphasizes the relevance of learning processes, and not only of the products of these processes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 262-289 ◽  

AbstractRecent progress in logic programming (e.g. the development of the answer set programming (ASP) paradigm) has made it possible to teach it to general undergraduate and even middle/high school students. Given the limited exposure of these students to computer science, the complexity of downloading, installing, and using tools for writing logic programs could be a major barrier for logic programming to reach a much wider audience. We developed onlineSPARC, an online ASP environment with a self-contained file system and a simple interface. It allows users to type/edit logic programs and perform several tasks over programs, including asking a query to a program, getting the answer sets of a program, and producing a drawing/animation based on the answer sets of a program.

2009 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 104-108 ◽  
Mohammed Al-Bow ◽  
Debra Austin ◽  
Jeffrey Edgington ◽  
Rafael Fajardo ◽  
Joshua Fishburn ◽  

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