scholarly journals Sistem Keamanan Sepeda Motor Berbasis Internet of Things

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 162-167
Ikhsan Ikhsan ◽  
Elfizon Elfizon

Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman pada saat ini, maka kebutuhan masyarakat pada alat transportasi sangat meningkat, salah satunya adalah kendaraan sepeda motor. Semakin meningkat nya alat transportaasi pada saat ini juga  sangat mempengaruhi kasus pencurian kendaraan sepeda motor yang akan ikut meningkat. Kasus kejahatan pencurian kendaraan seperti ini masih sering terjadi dikarenakan kurangnya alat sistem keamanan pada kendaraan sepeda motor. Tugas Akhir ini membahas Sistem Keamanan Sepeda Motor Berbasis Internet of Things untuk mengirimkan koordinat sepeda motor tersebut dan dapat menampilkan google maps untuk melihat dimana keberadaan sepeda motor tesebut. Pemanfaatan teknologi Internet of Things pada keamanan kendaraan sepeda motor merupakan  solusi yang sangat bagus, dikarenakan sistem seperti ini dapat menjadi solusi sebenarnya dari masalah keamanan pada kendaraan. Dengan memanfaatkan Internet of Things, pemilik kendaraan bisa melacak lokasi kendaraan sepeda motornya dimanapun berada. Manfaat nyata adanya teknologi Internet of Things adalah semakin efektif dan efisien tata kelola di berbagai bidang. Selain itu diharapkan di masa mendatang harga teknologi ini semakin terjanngkau oleh masyarakat.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Dedi Satria ◽  
Syaifuddin Yana ◽  
Rizal Munadi ◽  
Saumi Syahreza

a b s t r a c tThe development of flood early warning technology has grown rapidly. The technology has led to an increase in technology in terms of communication and information. Internet of Things technology (IoTs) has provided a major influence on the development of early warning information system. In this article a protipe-based flood monitoring information system of Google Maps have been designed by integrating Ultrasonic sensors as the height of the detector, the Arduino Uno as a processor, U-Blox GPS modules Neo 6 m GSM module and as the sender of data is the height of the water and the coordinates to the station of the system informais flood. The design of the prototype produces information flood elevations along with location based Google Maps interface.Keywords:Flood, Arduino, Internet of Things Technology (IoTs), Ethernet a b s t r a kPengembangan teknologi peringatan dini banjir telah tumbuh dengan cepat. Teknologi tersebut telah mengarah kepada peningkatan di segi teknologi komunikasi dan informasi. Teknologi Internet of Things (IoTs) telah memberikan pengaruh besar terhadap perkembangan sistem informasi peringatan dini. Didalam artikel ini sebuah protipe sistem informasi monitoring banjir berbasis Google Maps telah dirancang dengan mengintegrasikan sensor ultrasonik sebagai pendeteksi ketinggian, Arduino Uno sebagai pemroses, modul GPS U-Blox Neo 6m dan modul GSM sebagai pengirim data ketinggian air dan koordinat ke stasion sistem informais banjir. Perancangan prototipe menghasilkan informasi ketinggian banjir beserta lokasinya berbasis antarmuka Google Maps.Kata Kunci: Banjir, Arduino, Internet of Things Technology (IoTs), Ethernet

Journal ICTEE ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Fika Trisnawati

AbstrakBerkendara motor merupakan transportasi alternatif yang murah dan lebih cepat sampai tujuan. Alternatif ini sering dipilih oleh pemudik. Keselamatan perjalanan adalah hal yang diutamakan, salah satunya pengendara wajib menggunakan helm. Pada kesempatan ini penulis mengambil tema transportasi: “Selamat mudik menggunakan helm berbasis Internet of Things (IoT)”. Helm ini mempunyai fitur diantaranya adalah mampu berinteraksi antar pengendara satu dengan lainnya dalam cakupan lokasi yang dipresentasikan dengan google maps. Bila helm tidak digunakan dengan benar, maka mesin motor tidak bisa dihidupkan. Fitur lainnya adalah jika pengendara mengantuk helm ini memberikan peringatan untuk istirahat terlebih dahulu dan bila pengendara jatuh helm ini bisa berkomunikasi dengan Posko Mudik terdekat untuk mendapatkan pertolongan segera, serta menunjukkan lokasi kejadian. Sistem IoT dengan objek helm yang saling terkoneksi dengan helm pengendara lainnya melalui media internet dengan interface pada device smartphone Android ini kami beri nama SEMMUDIK, tujuan sistem ini semoga para pemudik dapat selamat sampai tujuan.Kata kunci: Mudik, Pemudik, Posko Mudik, Helm, IoT, Andorid

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Rifqi Prima Anggara ◽  
Arif Johar Taufiq

  Tunanetra adalah seseorang yang mengalami gangguan pada indra penglihatannya. Penyandang tunanetra mempunyai keterbatasan dalam penglihatan sehingga mobilitasnya terbatas. Hambatan yang sering dialami tunanetra diantaranya adalah menentukan keberadaan penghalang, genangan air, dan lokasi. Hambatan tunanetra dalam menentukan lokasi menimbulkan kekhawatiran bagi keluarga tunanetra dalam mengetahui keberadaannya. Alat ini dibuat untuk membantu tunanetra (pengguna tongkat) agar dapat mengetahui keberadaan penghalang, air, lokasi tunanetra, dan tombol emergency saat terjadi keadaan darurat. Tongkat ini terdapat tiga sensor ultrasonik HC-SR04 depan, kanan, dan kiri sebagai pendeteksi halangan, sensor soil moisture sebagai pendeteksi air, DF player mini yang terhubung ke speaker sebagai indikator suara dan modul GPS sebagai pendeteksi lokasi. Hasil pengujian tongkat ini dapat mendeteksi halangan yang ada di depan sensor ultrasonik HC-SR04 dengan jarak < 70 cm dan dapat mendeteksi air dengan kedalaman genangan > 2 cm melalui sensor soil moisture. Sebagai indikator bunyi ketika sensor aktif digunakan DF Player Mini yang terhubung ke speaker. Tongkat ini mampu memberikan informasi keberadaan pengguna melalui sebuah Smartphone pada aplikasi kodular berupa tampilan lokasi Google Maps. Tongkat ini juga dilengkapi dengan tombol emergency untuk mengirimkan pesan ke g-mail saat dalam keadaan darurat. Kata Kunci :DF Player Mini, Modul GPS, Sensor Ultrasonik HC-SR04, Tunanetra

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (02) ◽  
pp. 23540-23551 ◽  
D. Umakirthika ◽  
P. Pushparani ◽  
M.Valan Rajkumar

Recent development of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Things provides an opportunity for the informationization for the automotive industry. This article describes Obstacle Detection and Alert System (ODAS) both incorporated as a single system for the obstacles such as speed breakers, barricades on the road using Internet of Things. Obstacle detection system uses in-built algorithm to detect an obstacle on the road using minimal vehicle parameters such as vehicle speed, steering angle. Obstacles locations thus marked by the detection system are stored locally and uploaded to cloud from time-to-time. Cloud server processes data from different vehicles and finalizes that there is a real obstacle at the particular location based on its own algorithm. Obstacles locations thus confirmed by the cloud server are downloaded to obstacle alert system from time-to-time, which alerts the driver about the obstacle on the road when the driver is nearing the location of the obstacle. This system also provides option to see obstacles location super-imposed on google maps so that user can plan his efficient route in advance. Existing systems only have road sign indications for obstacles such as speed breakers, barricades which the driver might not notice during driving, especially at night times. Existing google maps data do not have option to find road obstacles such as speed breakers, barricades information on it. The system aims to overcome these short-comings by a dedicated system which provides audible and visual alert about road obstacles.

Sanjay Sareen ◽  
Sandeep K. Sood ◽  
Sunil Kumar Gupta

Objectives: Zika virus (ZikaV) is currently one of the most important emerging viruses in the world which has caused outbreaks and epidemics and has also been associated with severe clinical manifestations and congenital malformations. Traditional approaches to combat the ZikaV outbreak are not effective for detection and control. The aim of this study is to propose a cloud-based system to prevent and control the spread of Zika virus disease using integration of mobile phones and Internet of Things (IoT).Methods: A Naive Bayesian Network (NBN) is used to diagnose the possibly infected users, and Google Maps Web service is used to provide the geographic positioning system (GPS)-based risk assessment to prevent the outbreak. It is used to represent each ZikaV infected user, mosquito-dense sites, and breeding sites on the Google map that helps the government healthcare authorities to control such risk-prone areas effectively and efficiently.Results: The performance and accuracy of the proposed system are evaluated using dataset for 2 million users. Our system provides high accuracy for initial diagnosis of different users according to their symptoms and appropriate GPS-based risk assessment.Conclusions: The cloud-based proposed system contributed to the accurate NBN-based classification of infected users and accurate identification of risk-prone areas using Google Maps.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Zhang Caiqian ◽  
Zhang Xincheng

The existing stand-alone multimedia machines and online multimedia machines in the market have certain deficiencies, so they cannot meet the actual needs. Based on this, this research combines the actual needs to design and implement a multi-media system based on the Internet of Things and cloud service platform. Moreover, through in-depth research on the MQTT protocol, this study proposes a message encryption verification scheme for the MQTT protocol, which can solve the problem of low message security in the Internet of Things communication to a certain extent. In addition, through research on the fusion technology of the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, this research designs scheme to provide a LightGBM intelligent prediction module interface, MQTT message middleware, device management system, intelligent prediction and push interface for the cloud platform. Finally, this research completes the design and implementation of the cloud platform and tests the function and performance of the built multimedia system database. The research results show that the multimedia database constructed in this paper has good performance.

Uppuluri Sirisha ◽  
G. Lakshme Eswari

This paper briefly introduces Internet of Things(IOT) as a intellectual connectivity among the physical objects or devices which are gaining massive increase in the fields like efficiency, quality of life and business growth. IOT is a global network which is interconnecting around 46 million smart meters in U.S. alone with 1.1 billion data points per day[1]. The total installation base of IOT connecting devices would increase to 75.44 billion globally by 2025 with a increase in growth in business, productivity, government efficiency, lifestyle, etc., This paper familiarizes the serious concern such as effective security and privacy to ensure exact and accurate confidentiality, integrity, authentication access control among the devices.

Shreya Joshi ◽  
Ms Bhavyaa ◽  
Suhani Gupta ◽  
Lalita Luthra

Blockchain is considered to be a disruptive core technology. Although many researchers have realized the importance of blockchain, but the research of it is still emerging. It is the record-keeping technology behind bitcoin and is one of the hottest and fastest growing skills in the IT sector today. It serves as an immutable ledger which allows transactions to take place in a decentralized man Blockchain-based applications are rising up, covering numerous fields including finance, healthcare, product management, Internet of Things (IoT), and many more. However, there are still some challenges of blockchain technology such as scalability and security problems which need to be overcome. This paper comprises of a comprehensive study of Blockchain technology. We have included here a deep dive into how blockchains work, its architecture, consensus and various applications. Furthermore, technical challenges are briefly listed.

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