scholarly journals Pembelajaran Matematika Menggunakan Model Learning Cycle 5E Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Penalaran Matematis Siswa SMP 30 Padang

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 235-244
Pitriati Pitriati

Abstract: This research is motivated by the low activity and competitiveness of students in working on mathematical questions and the lack of reasoning abilities of students in carrying out the tasks given. The purpose of this study is to examine the improvement of reasoning abilities of students who have learned the Learning Cycle 5e model. Learning Cycle is a conceptual framework that is used as a guide in conducting student-centered learning processes. This type of research is classroom action research conducted collaborating between researchers and mathematics teachers. The subjects in this study were class IX.1 SMPN 30 Padang in the 2017/2017 academic year, totaling 32 people. The data method used in this study is observation, field notes and documentation. Data analysis techniques were carried out in qualitative and quantitative descriptive. The results of this class action research showed an increase in student activity so that there was an increase in mathematical reasoning abilities of students far increased compared to students in learning that were not given Learning Cycle 5e.Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya aktivitas dan daya saing siswa dalam mengerjakan soal-soal matematika serta kurangnya kemampuan penalaran siswa dalam mengerjakan tugas-tugas yang diberikan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menelaah peningkatan kemampuan penalaran siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran model Learning Cycle 5e. Learning Cycle adalah suatu kerangka konseptual yang digunakan sebagai pedoman dalam melakukan proses pembelajaran yang terpusat pada siswa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tidakan kelas yang dilakukan kolaburasi antara peneliti dengan guru matematika. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IX.1 SMPN 30 Padang tahun pelajaran 2017/2017 yang berjumlah 32 orang. Metode data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah observasi, catatan lapangan dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian tindakan kelas ini menunjukan peningkatan keaktifan siswa sehingga terjadi peningkatan kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa jauh meningkat dibandingkan dengan siswa pada pembelajaran yang tidak diberikan Learning Cycle 5e.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 134
Asnitawati Asnitawati

Biology learning results of students in class XI have not shown optimal on material that discusses the physiological functions of human organs. From the observations obtained data that the teacher learning process using Student Worksheets prepared by the Subject Teachers' Consultation (MGMP), has not used the scientific approach. This has triggered the writer to conduct classroom action research aimed to improve students biology learning results in class XI by using worksheets based on Student Centered Learning are arranged in such a way as to meet the learning approach of science using step 5 M. This class action research procedure used two cycles, at the end of each cycle the students' daily tests are performed to see the increase in learning results that occur. After the cycle I action, the average student learning results were 71.47, and it increased in cycle II to 76.31, so it can be concluded that the use of Student Worksheets Based on Student Centered Learning can improve the biology learning results of the second year students of SMA Negeri 8 Pekanbaru.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-38
Esti Munafiah ◽  
Agus Basir Ali Akbar S

The objective of this study is to see learning process using LCC model for chemistry course.  The study used classroom action research with three cycles each of which implements planning, acting, observing and reflection.  Subject of the study was 40 students of grade 8E of MTsN Blitar in the academic year 2009/2010. The findings of the study are as follows:  (1) Cycle I:  students participation 62.5%, mean score of worksheet 60, mean score of quiz 41,7, and mastery learning 3 students; (2) Cycle II: students participation 86.6%, mean score of worksheet 81, mean score of quiz 72.38, and mastery learning 26 students; (3) Cycle III:  students participation 100%, mean score of worksheet 89, mean score of quiz 72.44, and mastery learning 39 students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Mastufah Mastufah

In the process of learning Economics (Accounting) required a certain strategy and strong motivation. Teachers play a very important role, especially in terms of designing learning scenarios. Teachers should be able to choose a learning model that can increase the motivation of learners, in accordance with the characteristics of subjects, and characteristics of learners so that learning can take place optimally. The aim of this classroom action research is to improve the learning of learners using the student centered learning model. This research was conducted in class XI IPS1, MAN 1 Cilegon semester 1, material Posting from Juku Kebuku Besar Journals, post to a subsidiary "using cycles, in this study the author tries to 2 cycles. The results show that in each cycle of understanding the accounting, cycle of a merchandising company on post material from a special journal to the ledger, posting to the auxiliary book, gained increased motivation and learning outcomes. In general it can be concluded that the use of student centered learning model can improve the motivation and learning outcomes of learners. Key words: Student Centered Learning Model, Learn Economics Accounting

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Nurul Izzah ◽  
Venny Mulyana

Education is essentially an activity carried out by students which results in changes in themselves. This principle implies that what must be prioritized is the learning activities of students instead of something that is given to students. STEM-based learning (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) can train students to apply their knowledge to create designs as a form of solving environmental problems by utilizing technology. The learning model recommended for use in the 2013 curriculum is a student-centered learning model, one of which is the Project Based Learning model. This study will analyze how much influence STEM education with the PjBL model has on student learning outcomes. This study uses a meta-analysis method. determined via the Effect Size (ES). Research data were obtained from 25 national and international journals. The meta-analysis study is based on three categories, namely education level, subjects and student learning outcomes. The results showed that; first, the influence of the PjBL model of STEM education based on the level of education is most effective in SMP. ES value = 1.89 and categorized as high. Second, based on the type of subject, the most effective influence of the PjBL model of STEM education is Mathematics. ES value = 3,7 and categorized as high. Third, based on student learning outcomes, the influence of the PjBL model of STEM education is the most effective in the aspect of skills. ES value = 1.68 and categorized as high.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Ninta Sri Ulina

<br /><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont15">ABSTRAK </span></span><span class="s11"><span class="bumpedFont15">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir siswa dengan model Learning Cycle  dalam pembelajaran Fisika. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Februari sampai dengan Maret </span></span><span class="s11"><span class="bumpedFont15">2011</span></span><span class="s11"><span class="bumpedFont15"> di SMAN 21 Jakarta. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X-3 yang berjumlah 36 orang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (Classroom Action Research) dimana hasil analisis dari suatu pembelajaran direfleksikan pada pembelajaran berikutnya. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga siklus, yaitu siklus I, siklus II, dan siklus III, yang pada setiap siklusnya terdiri dari 4 sampai 6 pertemuan. Siklus pertama membahas suhu dan pemuaian, siklus kedua membahas Kalor dan perubahan wujud, dan siklus ketiga membahas perpindahan kalor. Aspek yang diukur pada penelitian ini adalah keterampilan berpikir siswa dengan indikator metakognitif, inferensi, dekontekstualisasi, dan kombinasi dan sintesis. Pada siklus I rata-rata pencapaian jumlah siswa yang melakukan aktivitas pembelajaran dengan baik sebesar 45,88%. Hasil rata-rata keterampilan berpikir siswa sebesar 57,9%. Pada siklus II hasil rata-rata pencapaian jumlah siswa yang melakukan aktivitas pembelajaran mengalami peningkatan yaitu sebesar 67,18%, begitu pula dengan rata-rata keterampilan berpikir siswa sebesar 77,2%. Pada siklus III rata-rata siswa yang melakukan aktivitas pembelajaran dengan baik sebesar 88,86% dan hasil rata-rata keterampilan berpikir siswa mencapai 93,2%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa model learning cycle dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir siswa dan aktivitas belajar siswa.</span></span>

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 425-432
Puji Lestari ◽  
Rina Rosdiana

AbstrakKemampuan pemecahan masalah merupakan bagian dari kurikulum pendidikan matematika saat ini. Fakta di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa masih belum optimal, salah satu penyebabnya adalah masih banyak siswa yang menemui kesulitan dalam hal pemahaman konsep dasar. Mengoptimalkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah diantaranya dapat ditempuh melalui pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa. Model pembelajaran Learning Cycle 7E dan Problem Based Learning merupakan dua dari beragam model pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan pencapaian kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis antara siswa yang mendapatkan model pembelajaran Learning Cycle 7E dan Problem Based Learning. Hasil dari penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis antara siswa yang mendapatkan model pembelajaran Learning Cycle 7E dan Problem Based Learning. Sementara itu, untuk kualitas peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa yang mendapatkan model pembelajaran Learning Cycle 7E dan Problem Based Learning masing-masing berinterpretasi sedang namun skor perolehan nya berbeda. Secara umum, sikap siswa terhadap pembelajaran matematika menggunakan model pembelajaran Learning Cycle 7E dan Problem Based Learning masing-masing berinterpretasi baik. Abstract (Students’ Problem Solving Ability through Learning Cycle 7E and Problem Based Learning)Currently mathematical problem solving ability was a part of mathematics curriculum. In fact, the mathematical problem solving ability of students was not optimized, one of the reasons is there are still many students who have problems in terms of understanding the basic concepts. To optimizing the mathematical problem solving ability of students, it, can be reached by implementing student-centered learning. Learning Cycle 7E and Problem Based Learning are two of a lot of student-centered learning models. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference of achievement mathematical problem solving ability between students who get Learning Cycle 7E and Problem Based Learning models.  The results of this study are there is not a difference enhancement of mathematical problem solving ability between students who get Learning Cycle 7E and Problem Based Learning models. Meanwhile, the quality of enhancement mathematical problem solving ability students who get Learning Cycle 7E and Problem Based Learning models are in the middle interpretation. In general, students' attitudes toward learning mathematics using Learning Cycle 7E and Problem Based Learning models each in good interpretation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. es12 ◽  
Michelle Withers

Finding the time for developing or locating new class materials is one of the biggest barriers for instructors reforming their teaching approaches. Even instructors who have taken part in training workshops may feel overwhelmed by the task of transforming passive lecture content to engaging learning activities. Learning cycles have been instrumental in helping K–12 science teachers design effective instruction for decades. This paper introduces the College Science Learning Cycle adapted from the popular Biological Sciences Curriculum Study 5E to help science, technology, engineering, and mathematics faculty develop course materials to support active, student-centered teaching approaches in their classrooms. The learning cycle is embedded in backward design, a learning outcomes–oriented instructional design approach, and is accompanied by resources and examples to help faculty transform their teaching in a time-efficient manner.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Devi Nur Utami

The objectives of this classroom action research is to describe and explain the process of learning to begin with through picture stories in BA ‘Aisyiyah Sidoharjo. This type of research is collaborative classroom action research. The research model used is Kemmis and Mc. Taggart. The subjects of this class action research were group B students in BA ‘Aisyiyah sidoharjo, amounting to 17 children consisting of 10 boys and 7 girls. The object of this research is the skill of beginning reading in children through pictorial story media The data analysis technique was carried out with qualitative and quantitative descriptive. The results of research on the beginning of reading activities showed an increase, it can be seen from the results of the initial activity before the action showed 5.89%, an increase of 17.63% in Cycle I to 23.52%, and an increase of 65% so that it reached 88 , 23% in Cycle II. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the activity of learning to begin reading with picture stories can improve the skills of beginning reading in children.  Keywords: Early Ready, Picture story, Early Childhood

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Andriyani Andriyani ◽  
Abuddin Nata ◽  
Didin Saefuddin

<p class="Body">The course of AIK on Medical Education Department (MED) from the Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, has the great vision to prepare the students to become Muslim community that implement the pure Islamic teaching in all aspects of life. At the same time, the implementation of AIK in MED is designed with curriculum blocks with <em>Student Centered Learning (SCL) </em>learning model, and this has not become university policy yet. This study will evaluate whether the curriculum blocks with <em>Student Centered Learning (SCL)</em><em> </em>for AIK can achieve <em>Muhammadiyah</em> mission or not. Issues to be addressed in this study were 1 ) whether the curriculum developed with the block system capable of promoting the students to be scholars in accordance with the aspired <em>Muhammadiyah,</em> 2 ) whether the <em>Student Centered Learning (SCL) </em>model learning can enhance the understanding of Islam, developing behaviour to be a true Muslim and implementing social interaction in inclusive ways, pluralist and respect for diversity, and 3) whether the management of the campus contributes to the effectiveness of learning and controls the culture of the campus. The research methods were mixture of qualitative and quantitative. The main design is qualitative, so, the conclusions are formulated based on the facts and results of the study. A qualitative approach was also used to obtain information on the implementation of curriculum AIK block 2 by learning on <em>Student Centered Learning (SCL) </em>ways, and the technique was interview. While quantitative was used to take measurements of the response of the student and their learning experience of AIK learning programs. The sample of this research were the students MED academic year 2011/2012 and following AIK block 2, which have been completed AIK 1, all the informations were got by the questionnaire. The research results that implementation of SCL model in learning al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan by block system amongst Medical Education Program Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, based on the data and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data can be concluded there is a strong synergy between the content of curriculum with Islamic personality development blueprint aspired by Muhammadiyah, in five spirits of reforms purification of belief and worship on God, management system of the organisation , preparing cadres, ethics reform and renewal of leadership. Then, AIK with <em>Student Centered Learning (SCL) </em>models have also been able to deliver the student into the community Muhammadiyah who have a better understanding of the Muhammadiyah teachings, religion, have the idealism to be a smart Muslim society, competitive, innovative and able to build unity, pluralism and inclusiveness. This success is not only the result of learning with the block curriculum, and learning models of <em>Student Centered Learning (SCL) </em>but also by intervene from the faculty management in controlling the campus environment to be supporting for the needs of the achievement of objectives and the implementation of learning process. Recommendation, Learning AIK on the model of block curriculum and learning by SCL model need to be expanded implementation across faculties in UMJ, because the implementation of such model has been producing better understanding of Muhammadiyah doctrine, changes in behaviour, attitude and a very positive outlook towards attaining Muhammadiyah society. Then, for the success of learning AIK with block systems and <em>Student Centered Learning (SCL</em>) models, UMJ must prepare a good learning resources, library, internet and teaching materials and module of the lecturers. Then, UMJ also must provide policies campus culture that supports successful of AIK.</p><p><strong>Keyword</strong><strong>s</strong>: <em>Curriculum Block</em>, <em>Student Centred Learning</em>, al-Islam and Muhammadiyah</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-64 ◽  
Malcolm J. D’Souza ◽  
Kathleen L. Curran ◽  
Paul E. Olsen ◽  
Agashi P. Nwogbaga ◽  
Stephanie Stotts

In 2014 Wesley College adopted a unified undergraduate program of evidence-based high-impact teaching practices. Through foundation and federal and state grant support, the college completely revised its academic core curriculum and strengthened its academic support structures by including a comprehensive early alert system for at-risk students. In this core, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) faculty developed fresh manifestations of integrated concept-based introductory courses and revised upper-division STEM courses around student-centered learning. STEM majors can participate in specifically designed paid undergraduate research experiences in directed research elective courses. Such a college-wide multi-tiered approach results in institutional cultural change.

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