scholarly journals Productive Manipulation as an Element of University Advertising Discourse: Pragma-Axiological Analysis

2021 ◽  
pp. 30-49
A. Yu. Bagiyan ◽  
A. G. Monogarova

The article is devoted to the pragma-axiological and partial psycholinguistic analysis of advertising videos of US universities in order to identify the productive manipulative potential of modern advertising university discourse. The relevance of the study is due to both extralinguistically — the great demand for quality education in the modern world, and linguistically — by the study of the processes of productive speech manipulation as one of the fundamental components of quality communication. The novelty of the research is seen in a qualitatively new pragma-axiological approach to the study of discourse and the value component of the suggestive influence exerted by this discourse. The author’s method of conducting pragma-axiological and partial psycholinguistic analysis, used to identify the pragma-axiological charge of the discursive space and its manipulative potential is presented in the article. Particular attention is paid to the interdependence of the addressee’s value-evaluative attitudes, the lexical units-verbalizers of these attitudes, their pragma-axiological charge and the suggestive (productive manipulative) impact provided. The results of the frequency analysis of part-of-speech indicators and the coefficients of discourse emotivity that depend on them are presented. The results, gained in the framework of the pragma-axiological analysis, are confirmed by the coefficients of the emotiveness of the discourse under study, obtained in the course of a partial psycholinguistic analysis. The key axiological components of productive speech manipulation in the modern advertising university discourse of US universities are presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (390) ◽  
pp. 44-49
R. Aetdinova ◽  
I. Maslova ◽  
Sh. Niyazbekova ◽  
O. Balabanova ◽  
Zh. Zhakiyanova ◽  

The article justifies for the need to identify and to keep track, in practice, of different groups of risks inherent in educational institutions under current conditions of pandemic and post-pandemic transformation of education under the influence of modern world uncertainty. Transformation of education functions in the epoch of digital economy changes the content and types of risks concomitant to the activities carried out by schools. Schools belong to the most conservative types of organizations. However, the environment in which schools operate is constantly changing. An educational institution, as any enterprise, has to engage in the activity aimed at risk management. Manifestation of the risk is, on the one hand, fraught with threats and damage, on the other hand, with opportunities. Assessment of possible threats and risks allows timely projection of undesirable results, creation of a system for situational response to unforeseen circumstances and, in the final analysis, formulation of a strategy for development of the university which would allow achievement of modern high quality education, its fundamentality and conformity to important topical requirements of the personality, society and state. Causes of developing risks characteristic of educational institutions are disclosed. External and internal risks characteristic of educational institutions, sources generating them and the importance of managing them are analyzed. The analysis of risks made reveals multi-varied threats and opportunities in the external and internal envi-ronment of the institution and their ability to have a significant effect on educational, organizational and financial activities of the schools.

2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-42 ◽  
I-Fang Lee

Unpacking neoliberal policies: Interrupting the global and local production of the normsEarly Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) has been constructed as a new site for educational, sociocultural, political, and economic investment. Coupled with such a growing and popular recognition of ECEC as a significant period of children's learning and development are critical issues concerning accountability, affordability, and accessibility to quality education and care for all. Highlighting the preschool education systems in Taiwan and Hong Kong as two examples from Asia, this paper aims to open up a discursive space for reconceptualizing the effects of neoliberal discourse and how such a system of reasoning reconstructed notions of inclusion/exclusion to limit the making of quality education and the provision of care for all.

Tsupikova O.A.

Purpose. The article is devoted to the analysis of verbal means of creating a communicative effect of influence on the addressee in the medical advertising discourse. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the functioning of linguistic units at the morphological level in the discourse of medical advertising.Methods. Descriptive, functional, structural and semantic, quantitative and statistical research methods are used for the survey.Results. The results of the study allowed to conclude that each part of speech and each grammatical form has a certain functional yield in the implementation of a pragmatic task. It is noted that the specifics of the language of medical advertising messages are substantiality, detailing, concretization, involvement of the addressee in an implicit dialogue, imitation of trustful communication between advertiser and consumer, dynamism, appeal to feelings, emotions, and etc. It is established that these means give the advertising text accuracy, objectivity, persuasiveness, emphasize the benefits and healing properties of medications, creating a comprehensive picture of a medication.The frequency of use of parts of speech in the texts of medical advertising under the motivational and manipulative purpose of advertising communication has been clarified.The analyzed morphological and grammatical units are effective means of influencing the associative thinking of the target group, becoming one of the means for manipulating its consciousness. The optimal choice of nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc. in the advertising text creates a dynamic message that both informs and influences the consumer.Conclusions. According to the results of the study, the functioning of parts of speech in the discourse of medical advertising as a means of speech influence on the addressee at the morphological level is analyzed.A thorough selection of linguistic units and their grammatical categories creates conditions for the implementation of the manipulative potential of the advertising message. The comprehensive use of morphological units provides a positive perception of a medication, contributes to a more profound influence on the choice of a potential client, and encourages him to purchase the advertised item. The obtained results of the survey testify to the importance of the study of verbal means of speech influence on the addressee at the morphological linguistic level and indicate the prospects for further study of the outlined topic.Key words: noun, adjective, adverb, pronoun, numeral, verb. Мета. Статтю присвячено аналізу вербальних засобів створення комунікативного ефекту впливу на адресата в рекламному медичному дискурсі. Метою статті є дослідження особливостей функціювання мовних одиниць на морфологічному рівні в дискурсі медичної реклами.Методи. Для розвідки залучено описовий метод, який передбачає прийоми спостереження, систематизації, інтерпретації, класифікації, для збору й аналізу мовного матеріалу. Із метою виявлення вербальних засобів упливу та їхнього комунікативно-прагматичного призначення використано функціональний метод. Для визначення змісту мовних одиниць застосовано структурно-семантичний метод. Кількісно-статистичний метод дав змогу зафіксувати активність використання мовних засобів впливу в рекламних текстах.Результати. Pезультати проведеного дослідження уможливили дійти висновку, що кожна частина мови й кожна граматична форма мають певне функційне навантаження в реалізації прагматичного завдання. Зазначено, що специфікою мови рекламних повідомлень медичного спрямування є субстантивність, деталізація, конкретизація, залучення адресата до прихованого діалогу, імітація довірливого спілкування рекламодавця і споживача, динамізм, апеляція до почуттів, емоцій тощо. Установлено, що означені засоби надають рекламному тексту точності, об’єктивності, переконливості, підкреслюють переваги та цілющі властивості ліків, створюючи всебічне уявлення про медикамент.З’ясовано частотність уживання частин мови в текстах медичної реклами відповідно до спонукально-маніпулятивної мети рекламної комунікації.Проаналізовані морфологічні та граматичні одиниці є ефективними засобами впливуна асоціативне мислення цільової аудиторії, постаючи одним з інструментів маніпулювання її свідомістю. Оптимальний добір іменників, прикметників, дієслів тощо у рекламному тексті створює дієве повідомлення, яке одночасно інформує споживача та здійснює на нього вплив.Висновки. За підсумками проведеного дослідженняпроаналізовано функціювання частин мови у дискурсі медичної реклами як засобів мовленнєвого впливу на адресата на морфологічному рівні. Ретельний добір частиномовних одиниць та їхніх граматичних категорій створює умови для реалізації маніпулятивного потенціалу рекламного повідомлення. Комплексне вживання морфологічних одиниць забезпечує позитивне сприйняття медичного препарату, сприяє глибшому впливу на вибір потенційного клієнта і спонукає його до придбання рекламованого засобу. Отримані результати розвідки свідчать про важливість дослідження вербальних засобів мовленнєвого впливу на адресата на морфологічному мовному рівні і вказують на перспективи подальшого вивчення окресленої теми.Ключові слова: іменник, прикметник, прислівник, займенник, числівник, дієслово.

Daria Kurenova ◽  
Andrey Olyanich

The paper focuses on the clusters of signs that support semiosis of belligerency and contribute to actualization of the concept-sphere "Militancy" in creolized advertising texts. The objectives of this study were to summarize the global research experience on the semiolinguistic and lingua-cultural phenomenon of advertising in connection with relevant discursive practices in the form of a creolized (poly-coded) text, to describe the Militancy's use as the psychological phenomenon in the semiosis of advertising through the cognitive conglomerate "Militarity", which is represented as the concept-sphere in the totality of such concepts as "War", "Weapon", "Ammunition", "Hostilities" "Aggression", " Demolition", "Homicide " ("Termination of Life").The substantial, figurative and valuable characteristics of the entire concept-sphere were considered in their connection with the constituent concepts. The authors pointed that militarity is a typical characteristic of modern ludic culture and it is actively exploited by advertising creative actors in formation of a semiotically saturated multi-code advertising text by means of an extensive cluster of militaronyms that denotes warfare and incorporates relevant aggressive images into the advertising discourse, thereby reinforcing and broadcasting ideas of achieving victory "in the fronts" of the advertising wars, in the "battles" of brands, or manufacturing companies. It is proved that militancy is reflected in the nominations and names of computer games and is supported in the semiosis of cyber space through using militaronyms (demolitonyms; instrumentatives; impetocaptives; locatives). Militancy in the semiolinguistic and discursive space of cinema advertising is discovered through semiosis of armabellitonyms and demolitonyms.

Лариса Ивановна Ермоленкина

Введение. Современные медийные дискурсы, формируемые на пересечении разных (конкурирующих и взаимодействующих) практик интернета, рекламы, PR-коммуникации и источников СМИ, реализуют семиотическую среду, которая с точки зрения выполняемых функций может быть охарактеризована как монологическая, ориентированная на развлечение аудитории. Эксплозия способов привлечения внимания явно диссонирует с имплозией содержательных доминант дискурса, подвергающихся существенному воздействию развлекательной функции, которую можно охарактеризовать как ценностно-ориентирующую идеологию современных СМИ. Цель статьи – описать специфику развлекательной функции СМИ в дискурсивном пространстве конвергентного радио. Объект исследования – дискурсивная практика конвергентного радио. Материал и методы. Рассматриваются новые формы медийной коммуникации, значимые в аспекте тех технологических и социокультурных изменений, которые обусловили появление конвергентного радио. На материале веб-страниц и социально-сетевых версий радиоканалов анализируются дискурсивные механизмы реализации развлекательной функции. На основе теоретических положений дискурс-анализа и социальной семиотики делается предположение о гедонистическом характере развлекательной функции конвергентного радио. Результаты и обсуждение. Прежде всего гедонистические характеристики распространяются на коммуникационную среду радио, адресаты которого стали полноправными субъектами дискурса и его акторами. Информационный контент конвергентного радио формируется в среде активной коммуникации, в жанрах, которые унаследовали прототипические черты интернет-общения (чат-коммуникации). Если коммуникативный гедонизм как базовый компонент развлекательной функции и основная стратегия взаимодействия с адресатом достаточно хорошо представлен в научной литературе, то акциональный гедонизм рассматривается в этом качестве впервые. Заключение. Проанализированы те способы междискурсивного взаимодействия, которые являются основополагающими для формирования развлекательно-гедонистической функции, моделирующей особый тип отношений субъектов дискурса на основе потребительской идеологии. Сделаны выводы о значимости этого функционального компонента для дискурсивной среды конвергентного радио, в которой границы между развлекательным, информационным и аналитическим становятся очевидно нечеткими. Introduction. This work explores the recreational function of Media also recognized as the recreational function, hedonistic function, function of mental regulation, function of emotional release, etc. by various sources. We suppose that modern media mostly pursue hedonistic aspects of broadcasting as the changed structure and new conditions of functioning increased consumer’s component of address activity. Aim and objectives. The aim of this article is to describe the specifics of the entertainment function of the media in the discursive space of convergent radio. The object of research is the discursive practice of convergent radio. Material and methods. The article considers new forms of media communication that are significant in the aspect of those technological and socio-cultural changes that led to the emergence of convergent radio. Based on the material of web pages and social network versions of radio channels, the discursive mechanisms for the implementation of the entertainment function are analyzed. On the basis of the theoretical provisions of discourse analysis and social semiotics, an assumption is made about the hedonistic nature of the entertainment function of convergent radio. Results and discussion. The work investigates the specialty of the hedonistic function of modern radio discourse. Texts from radio websites and social network versions of entertaining radio channels served as material. From the position of modern semiotics and discourse analysis, the main communicative models between the subjects of discourse, which are formed on the borders of hedonistic strategy of radio, are allotted. A big role was played by advertising discourse and PR both integrated into communication practice by strategies of radio which pursue consumer’s ideology of modern media. Conclusion. Thus the interaction of radio discourse, advertising discourse, and PR provides hedonistic effects of (targeted attention) and participation: based on action and semiotic codes the addressee forms a convenient psychoemotional area of their identity – the consumer of high-quality media products, the user of various services that replace social institutions such as libraries, cinemas, hobby clubs, etc.. In this case the interactive user shows the necessary activeness (for discourse practice) in choosing recreational products and engagement in consumption of such.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (390) ◽  
pp. 44-49
R. Aetdinova ◽  
I. Maslova ◽  
Sh. Niyazbekova ◽  
O. Balabanova ◽  
Zh. Zhakiyanova ◽  

The article justifies for the need to identify and to keep track, in practice, of different groups of risks inherent in educational institutions under current conditions of pandemic and post-pandemic transformation of education under the influence of modern world uncertainty. Transformation of education functions in the epoch of digital economy changes the content and types of risks concomitant to the activities carried out by schools. Schools belong to the most conservative types of organizations. However, the environment in which schools operate is constantly changing. An educational institution, as any enterprise, has to engage in the activity aimed at risk management. Manifestation of the risk is, on the one hand, fraught with threats and damage, on the other hand, with opportunities. Assessment of possible threats and risks allows timely projection of undesirable results, creation of a system for situational response to unforeseen circumstances and, in the final analysis, formulation of a strategy for development of the university which would allow achievement of modern high quality education, its fundamentality and conformity to important topical requirements of the personality, society and state. Causes of developing risks characteristic of educational institutions are disclosed. External and internal risks characteristic of educational institutions, sources generating them and the importance of managing them are analyzed. The analysis of risks made reveals multi-varied threats and opportunities in the external and internal envi-ronment of the institution and their ability to have a significant effect on educational, organizational and financial activities of the schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 353-359
Abubakar J. Radjuni

Due to the increasingly complex and rapidly changing world, teachers’ role has continuously been changing and they have to open their eyes to the reality of the world. Particularly in Sulu, pedagogical and technological development in education are remained outdated and traditional. Yet, changes in the past 20 years for the environment, employment, relationships, health and wealth, in society, safety, culture, communication, and even the values demonstrated by society’s leaders. We could argue that virtually everything has changed and that students today think, act and understand things differently from how their parents did. The same with the changes happens in educational context today which the teachers need to “think globally and act locally”. This papers anchored on the view that glocalization in education is the effective approach for the nation to catch up with the trends at par with other developed nations. It is presumed the education today  has changed so much, it is appropriate that we look at what teachers need to do in order to prepare young people for the modern world, with its increasingly complex and rapidly changing future. This is the effective approach to make our educational environment in Sulu more relevant to the society. Therefore, the teachers must be updated and research-oriented which help our government toward promoting quality education in Sulu and the country as a whole. This paper is solely based on the secondary data. The different sources of data are journal articles, websites, books, reports of various organizations, articles published in international and national papers, etc. This paper gives a brief description of the glocalization in education as an approach to education. Hence, the main objective of this paper is to highlight the glocalization in education as an approach toward achieving quality education which covers changing nature of education, glocal teacher and glocal teachers’ edge.

2020 ◽  
Norbert Götz ◽  
Georgina Brewis ◽  
Steffen Werther

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